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Designing a Condition

Conditions are objects that return a single Boolean value (true or false) based on the evaluation of an analysis. If the analysis returns any rows, then the condition is true. If the analysis returns no rows, then the condition is false.

For example, a condition might evaluate whether the results of an analysis return a number of rows greater than 0:

  • If the analysis returns at least one row, then the condition evaluates to true.
  • If the analysis does not return any rows, then the condition evaluates to false.

You use conditions to determine whether:

  • Actions links (which when clicked run actions) are displayed in dashboard pages
  • Sections and their content are displayed in dashboard pages

You can also use a different kind of condition to determine whether action links are enabled in analyses.

About Named Conditions

A named condition is a condition that you define and then save by name in the presentation catalog so that you can reuse it in dashboard pages. You create a named condition when you create a condition from the New menu by selecting Condition under Analysis and Interactive Reporting.

About Inline Conditions

An inline condition is a condition that you define at the point of use and do not save by name in the catalog. Instead it is saved as part of the dashboard page. An inline condition is automatically deleted when the dashboard page that contains it is deleted. This simplifies catalog management for conditions that make sense.

You can create an inline condition when you:

  • Add an action link to a dashboard page and specify that the action link is to be displayed conditionally.
  • Add a section to a dashboard page and specify that the section is to be displayed conditionally.

Creating Named Conditions

You can create named conditions that you can reuse in dashboard pages.

To create a named condition

  1. In the Analytics tab pull down the New menu and choose Condition.
  2. In the New Condition dialog, complete the following fields:
    1. In the Create condition based on box, select the condition is to be based on an analysis.
    2. Edit any prompted filters, as desired.

      Note: If you specify values for any prompted filters, then these values cannot be overridden at the point of use.

    3. Specify the evaluation criteria as follows:
      • In the Condition true if number or rows area:
      • In the Operator box, select the operator to apply to the row count.
      • In the Row Count box or boxes, specify the row count to be evaluated.
    4. (optional) Click Test to test the condition.

      Note: If a condition is based on an analysis that is private, you cannot save it in the /Shared Folders folder.

  3. Click Save
  4. In the Save As dialog, navigate to a folder to save the condition in, fill in the Name (maximum 512 characters) and (optional) Description fields, then click OK

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.