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Configuring Company Settings

The following table describes how to set up the Company Settings section in the Company Profile page in Oracle CRM On Demand.

NOTE: Some additional fields might be displayed if your company has certain features turned on.



Default Language

The language used as the default for your users. You can activate additional languages so that users can change the setting for their own use. For information on how to add languages, see Activating Languages.

To update this field, contact Customer Care.

Default Locale

The regional settings used as a default for your users. Users can change the setting for their own use at any time from the User Profile page. These settings determine the formatting for dates, time, currency, numbers, and phone numbers.

Default Currency

The currency used as a default for your users. You can activate additional currencies so that users can change the setting for their own use (see Managing Currencies). However, the currency set here determines the default currency used for forecasts, which are company-wide.

To update this field, contact Customer Care.

Default Time Zone

Default time zone for your company.

Some functions, such as forecast generation, use the time zone of the hosting facility instead of this default time zone. Contact Customer Care to find out this time zone. Users in other regions can choose to use their local time zone, which is set on the User Profile page.

To update this field, contact Customer Care.

Record Preview Mode

The record preview mode for your company. You can enable the record preview functionality, and specify how the preview window opens. Depending on the setting that you select in this field, a preview window opens when users rest their pointer on a link to a record, or when they click a preview icon that appears when they rest their pointer on a link to a record.

The preview window shows the first section of the Detail page of the record. You also have the option of disabling the record preview functionality by selecting Off in this field. By default, this field is set to Click on Preview Icon when Oracle CRM On Demand is first set up for a new company.

Users can override the company setting by specifying a different record preview mode in their Personal Detail page.

Inline Edit Enabled

Enables or disables the inline editing feature.

When inline editing is enabled, users can edit fields directly on List pages and on Detail pages (that is, without opening the Edit page for the record).

Inline editing is supported in record List pages, record Detail pages, and in many linked records on main record Detail pages.

Note that the following types of fields in linked records cannot be edited from the Detail page of the main record:

  • Fields that are not shown in the Detail page of the linked record itself
  • Calculated fields, for example, Full Name
  • Fields that are read-only on the Edit page of the linked record

    Also, in cases where the same linked record can show up under multiple main records, the fields that are part of the relationship can be edited. However, the fields that belong to the linked record itself cannot be edited. For example in the Account Team related list on an account record, the Team Role field can be edited, because the field is part of the relationship between the account and the team member. However, the Last Name and First Name fields cannot be edited, because they belong to the user record (of the team member).

Message Center Enabled

Controls whether:

  • The Message Center appears in the Action bar.
  • The Notes icon and list of notes is available in Record detail pages.
  • Users can use the Message Center widget.

Record Type Auditable Fields

This field specifies the maximum number of fields that can be audited for each record type. The default number is 35, but you can change this value.

NOTE: With each additional field audited, another record must be created in the database when that field is changed. When you audit too many fields at once, it can impact performance when saving the audited record.

The maximum number of fields that can be audited for a record type is shown in the Audit Field Setup page for each record type, but the value cannot be changed in that page.

Audit Expiry (Days)

This field determines the length of time that the audit trail records for record types are retained in Oracle CRM On Demand before they are automatically purged. The retention period is specified in days, and the default value is 90. If your user role has the Administer Field Audit privilege, then you can change this value. The lowest number that you can enter is 1, and the highest is 366.

A value of 0 (zero) specifies that the audit trail records are never purged. However, you cannot set the value to zero. If you want the audit trail records to be retained indefinitely, then you must contact Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care and ask them to set this field to zero.

NOTE: The audit trail for a record type can track the creation, deletion, and restoration of records, as well as updates to specified fields on existing records. For information about setting up the audit trail for record types, see Customizing the Audit Trail.

Related Information Format

Select the format for related information sections on the record Detail pages.

The related information sections can appear as lists or as tabs that users can click to view the lists. You can also specify a setting for the Related Information Format option for each role. Users whose role has the Personalize Related Information Display Format privilege can also set the Related Information Format option in their personal profile. If the Related Information Format field in a user's personal profile is blank, then the setting for the user's role is used; and if the Related Information Format field on the user's role is blank, then the setting for the company is used.

Global Search Method

Select which search method you want to make available to your users in the Search section in the Action bar and in the Lookup windows:

  • Targeted Search. A targeted search searches specified fields to find matches. In a targeted search, users can enter values in several fields. The search returns only those records where a match is found for each of the values the user entered. The search layouts that are assigned to user roles for the record types determine which fields users can search. Targeted search is enabled by default in Oracle CRM On Demand. For more information about targeted search, see About Targeted Search.
  • Keyword Search. A keyword search searches default fields that are specific to each record type. In a keyword search, users enter a text string in a single text box. The search returns all records where the text string the user entered is found in any of the searched fields. For more information about keyword search, see About Keyword Search.

Fiscal Year Start Month

This field displays the month in which your fiscal calendar begins.

This field is initially set when your company is created and cannot be changed by the company administrator.

This setting affects reports that measure revenue against your fiscal year.

To update this field, contact Customer Care.

Fiscal Year Start Date

This field displays the date within the specified month in which your fiscal year begins.

This field is initially set when your company is created and cannot be changed by the company administrator.

This setting affects reports that measure revenue against your fiscal year.

To update this field, contact Customer Care.

Fiscal Calendar Type

This field displays the type of fiscal year calendar you use. You can select from the following values: Calendar Quarters, 4-4-5, 5-4-4, Custom Fiscal Calendar. This setting affects time-based analyses, business plans, and forecasts. The company administrator cannot change this field.

To update this field, contact Customer Care.

Product Probability Averaging Enabled

Determines how the opportunity probability is updated when the user clicks the Update Opportunity Totals button:

  • If selected, the opportunity probability is calculated based on the weighted average of probability for each of the linked products:

    Opportunity Probability = SUM(Product Expected Revenue)/SUM(Product Revenue)

  • If deselected, the probability is not updated as part of the action.

    NOTE: The Update Opportunity Totals button is located on the Opportunity Detail page, in the title bar in the Products related information section.

Enable Save & Add Product

If this setting is selected and a user creates a new Opportunity record, the Save & Add Product button is displayed in the Opportunity page header instead of the Save button. If this setting is deselected and a user creates a new Opportunity record, the Save & Add Product button is not displayed in the Opportunity page header, only the Save button is available.

Enable Opportunity Revenue Split

Select this option to enable the splitting of opportunity revenue among team members.

When this check box is selected, the Refresh Totals and Spread Split buttons are displayed on the Opportunity Team Edit Users page, allowing revenue to be split among team members. The Opportunity Revenue Forecast and My Opportunities page display opportunities where the user is a Team Member with a greater than 0 split revenue.

When this check box is deselected, the Refresh Totals and Spread Split buttons are not displayed on the Opportunity Team Edit Users page. The Opportunity Revenue Forecast and My Opportunities page display opportunities where the user is an Opportunity Owner.

Head-up Display

If the head-up display functionality is turned on, and if the Support Head-up Display Settings check box is selected on your user's theme, then links to the related information sections of the page (such as linked records sections) are available in the head-up display at the bottom of your browser window. Users can also remove the head-up display completely from Detail pages, by turning off the functionality in their personal profiles. For more information on the Head-up Display, see Oracle CRM On Demand Page-by-Page Overview.

NOTE: If a user's theme supports the head-up functionality, then the head-up display can be turned on or off at company level, and by each individual user. Also, a user's personal setting overrides the company setting. However, you can remove the head-up display completely by deselecting the Support Head-up Display Settings check box on a user's theme.The colors in the head-up display are determined by the theme you are using. For more information about choosing a theme, see Setting Your Theme.

Enable Shared Addresses

Select this option to turn on sharing of the top-level address records in account, contact, dealer, and partner records. If this option is deselected, then only unshared address functionality is available in account, contact, dealer, and partner records. For more information on shared addresses, see Addresses.

NOTE: If shared addresses are turned on, then review the information in Considerations When Turning Off Shared Addresses and complete the procedure in Updating User Access and the Manage Addresses Privilege Before Turning Off Shared Addresses before you turn off shared addresses. Shared addresses are not compatible with prepackaged Oracle product integrations such as an Oracle Process Integration Pack (PIP). If you are using a PIP, such as Oracle Lead to Order Integration Pack for Oracle CRM On Demand and Oracle E-Business Suite PIP, do not select the Enable Shared Addresses setting.

Validate Shared Addresses

Select this option to validate shared addresses in a company. If this option is selected, then users can select shared addresses to add to the account, contact, dealer, or partner records. Nonvalidated addresses are filtered from account, contact, dealer and partner records, and the New address button is disabled in these records.

If Validate Shared Addresses is deselected, then all addresses are available on account, contact, dealer or partner records (that is, no filtering takes place and the New address button is enabled in these records for users with the necessary privileges).

For more information on validating addresses, see Marking Shared Addresses as Validated.

Enable Enhanced View for Tabs

Select this check box to enable enhanced functionality, for example, sorting and filtering in the related information sections on record Detail pages where the related information sections appear as tabs. For more information about the actions that users can perform when this check box is selected, see About the Enhanced View for Related Information Tabs.

The Enable Enhanced View for Tabs check box is deselected by default.

Enable Classic Theme Paging for Tabs

Select this check box to allow users to scroll through the related information tabs on record Detail pages one set of tabs at a time rather than scrolling through the tabs one at a time, which is the default behavior. This setting applies only for classic themes.

The Enable Classic Theme Paging for Tabs check box is deselected by default.

Order Usage

Select how users work with orders and order items in Oracle CRM On Demand.

If you select the CRM On Demand Order Management value, then users can use order management in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

If you select the Ebiz PIP Integration value, then users can use the Oracle Lead to Order Integration Pack for Oracle CRM On Demand and Oracle E-Business Suite integration solution.

Ebiz PIP Integration is the Oracle Lead to Order Integration Pack for Oracle CRM On Demand and Oracle E-Business Suite integration solution, and therefore this field is not available to Oracle CRM On Demand Order Management. For more information on Oracle Lead to Order Integration Pack for Oracle CRM On Demand and Oracle E-Business Suite, contact Customer Care.

Users require the Enable Order Access privilege in their role to use the order functionality for either of these purposes.

For more information on choosing the order management type, see About EBIZ PIP Integration and Oracle CRM On Demand Order Management.

Record-Type Lists in Lookup Windows

Select how you can search for records in Lookup windows:

  • Enabled. For this setting, the following happens:
    • A set of predefined lists that users can use to restrict their searches is available in the record type List field in Lookup windows for top-level record types, where record type is the name of the type of record that the user is searching for.
    • The Show Context-Sensitive List as Lookup Window Default check box is available in the Search Layout Wizard. The check box enables you to specify that any available context-sensitive lists appear before the other lists in the record type List field in Lookup windows. The first list in the set of lists in the record type List field is active when the Lookup window opens.
  • Mixed: For this setting, the following happens:
    • The record type List field is available in the Lookup windows that display record type List fields, and the initial search for a record of a given record type is performed on all records of that record type that the user can access.
  • Disabled: For this setting, the following happens:
    • The record type List field is not available in any Lookup windows, and the initial search for a record of a given record type is performed on all records of that record type that the user can access.

      NOTE: If you select Disabled in the Record-Type Lists in Lookup Windows menu on the company profile after you set up the search layouts, then the Show Context-Sensitive List as Lookup Window Default check box is no longer available in the Search Layout Wizard. Also, the context-sensitive lists are not available in Lookup windows, and the initial search for a record of a given record type in a Lookup window is performed on all records of that record type that the user can access, regardless of whether the Show Context-Sensitive Lists as Lookup Window Default option was previously selected. However, Oracle CRM On Demand stores the setting for the Show Context-Sensitive List as Lookup Window Default check box for each search layout. If you later select Enabled or Mixed in the Record-Type Lists in Lookup Windows menu on the company profile again, then the setting for the Show Context-Sensitive List as Lookup Window Default check box for each search layout is restored and becomes effective again.

Enable Province Picklist for Canadian Addresses

Select this option to display a list of values in Province field when using the Canada address template. By default, this option is deselected.

Enable Personalization of Individual Dynamic Page Layouts

This check box is deselected by default and determines how users can personalize the layout of related information sections on Detail pages where dynamic layouts are used, as follows:

  • When the check box is deselected, a user can create only one personalized layout of the related information sections for a record type. After a user personalizes the layout of the related information sections on the Detail page for a record type, the user sees the same set of related information sections on the Detail page of all records of that type regardless of the value that is selected in the picklist field that determines the dynamic rendering of the page layout.
  • When the check box is selected, a user can create a personalized layout of the related information sections for each value in the picklist field that determines the dynamic rendering of the page layout.

    NOTE: To personalize related information layouts, users must have the Personalize Detail Page - Related Information privilege in their role.

    For information about what happens if you change the setting in this check box, see How Personalized Related Information Layouts Interact with Page Layouts for Roles.

    NOTE: The Enable Personalization of Individual Dynamic Page Layouts setting applies only to the personalization of related information layouts. It does not apply to the personalization of field layouts for record pages. Users who have the Personalize Detail Page - Fields privilege can personalize their field layouts for individual dynamic page layouts even if the Enable Personalization of Individual Dynamic Page Layouts check box is not selected. For more information about personalizing field layouts, see Personalizing Field Layouts.

Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets

Select this check box if you want to enable the functionality that allows you to enter translated names for custom Web applets and for the applets that display custom reports on record-type homepages and on My Homepage. For more information, see Translating Web Applet and Custom Report Names.

The Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is deselected by default.

NOTE: The Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box applies only to custom Web applets and the applets that display custom reports on record-type homepages and on My Homepage. It does not enable or disable the functionality that allows you to enter translated names for other elements in Oracle CRM On Demand, such as field names, role names, access profile names, and so on.

Enable Language Translation Support for Workflow Cancel Save Message

Select this check box to enable the functionality that allows you to enter translated versions of the custom error messages that are returned to users or Web services if the condition on a workflow rule is not met and the Cancel Save check box is selected for the rule. For information about entering translated versions of the custom error messages, see Canceling Workflow Save Operations.

The Enable Language Translation Support for Workflow Cancel Save Message check box is deselected by default.

NOTE: If workflow rules with custom error messages already exist when you select this check box, then the custom messages for those rules continue to appear in the default company language and in the default font for all users, regardless of the user’s language, until you enter translated versions of the message for the existing rules.

Exclude Vehicle/Asset Records from Portfolio Accounts

If this setting is selected, then vehicle and asset records are excluded from all Portfolio Account listings. Before Release 29, vehicle and asset records were included in Portfolio Account listings. From Release 29, if the check box is selected, only records with a value of Portfolio in the Asset Type field are included in listings.

If the check box is deselected, vehicle and asset records are included in all Portfolio Account listings.This check box is deselected by default.

From Release 33, if the check box is selected, then only records with a value of Portfolio in the Asset Type field are included in reports that use the Portfolio-related subject areas.

Enable Automatic Update of Opportunity Totals

The Enable Automatic Update of Opportunity Totals check box is deselected by default. The behavior of this setting is as follows:

If this check box is selected, then the revenue and expected revenue on an opportunity are updated automatically when any of the following events occur:

  • A product is added to the opportunity through any channel.
  • A product is removed from the opportunity through any channel.
  • The details of a product that is linked to the opportunity are updated through any channel.

    If this check box is not selected, then the revenue and expected revenue on an opportunity are not updated automatically when a product is added to or removed from the opportunity, or the details of a product that is linked to the opportunity are updated. To update the revenue on the opportunity after any such change, a user must click the Update Opportunity Totals button in the title bar of the Opportunity Product Revenues section in the Opportunity Detail page.

    NOTE: If the Enable Automatic Update of Opportunity Totals check box is selected on the company profile, then the Update Opportunity Totals button does not appear in the title bar of the Opportunity Product Revenues section in the Opportunity Detail page.

Allow Unicode Characters in Email Fields

If this check box is selected, then you can use most Unicode (UTF-8) characters in the address in the Email field on the Contact and Lead record types only, in both the local part of the address and the domain name.

You can update the Email field in the user interface by using any of the following utilities:

  • Import Assistant
  • Oracle Data Loader On Demand
  • Web services
  • Update Values action on a workflow

    NOTE: For information about the characters that are supported for use in email addresses, see About Special Characters in Email Addresses.

Freeze List Column Header

This picklist determines how users view column headers for lists and search results in Oracle CRM On Demand. You can select the following values:

  • On. When users scroll down a list of records, and the column header row reaches the top of the browser window, the column labels are always visible.
  • Off. When users scroll down a list of records and the column header row reaches the top of the browser window, the column labels are no longer visible.

    This functionality can be turned on or off at company level and at user level. The setting at user level overrides the setting for the company.

    The default value for this setting is Off.

Export Request Expiry Days

This field determines the length of time that export request records are retained in Oracle CRM On Demand before they are automatically purged. The retention period is specified in days. The default value is 60, but you can change this value. The minimum retention period that you can specify is one day. If you want the export request records to be retained indefinitely, then set the value to 0 (zero).

NOTE: Export request records are not included in the calculation of your company's record allotment usage.

The retention period applies to export requests that are submitted through List pages, as well as export requests that are submitted through the Data Export Assistant.

Export Request Attachment Expiry Days

This field specifies the number of days that the attachments containing the output from export requests are retained in Oracle CRM On Demand before they are automatically purged. The default value is 7, but you can change this value. The valid values are 1 through 366.

The retention period applies to attachments for export requests that are submitted through List pages, as well as attachments for export requests that are submitted through the Data Export Assistant.

NOTE: Users who have the Delete Export Request Attachments privilege in their role can manually delete an export request attachment before it is purged, regardless of the value that is set in this field. After a user deletes an export request attachment, the attachment cannot be retrieved.

If you enter a value that is greater than 7 in this field, then the export request attachments that are retained are included in the calculation of the amount of storage used by your company, and after the file allotment limit is reached, export requests will fail. If the value in this field is less than or equal to 7, then the export request attachments are not included in the calculation of the amount of storage used by your company, and export requests will not fail as a result of the file allotment being reached.

NOTE: After an export request is deleted, it is not possible to access the attachment for the request. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not enter a value in this field that is greater than the value in the Export Request Expiry Days field, unless that field is set to 0 (zero).

Store Email in Lower Case

The Store Email in Lower Case check box is selected by default. The behavior of this setting is as follows:

  • If this check box is selected, then any uppercase characters in email addresses are stored in lowercase.
  • If this check box is deselected, then any uppercase characters in email addresses are stored in uppercase.

    NOTE: Lowercase characters in email addresses are always stored in lowercase.

This setting applies to all email addresses that are added to Oracle CRM On Demand, regardless of the channel through which the addresses are added.

NOTE: If your company saved email addresses in mixed case in the past, and if the Store Email in Lower Case check box is selected, then errors can occur when you attempt to use Web services requests or REST API requests on records such as user and contact records where the email addresses are in mixed case. If such issues arise, and if your company wants to store all email addresses in lowercase, then you must update the email addresses that are currently stored in mixed case and change them to lowercase. To edit the email addresses, you must first deselect the Store Email in Lower Case check box. After you finish editing the email addresses, select the Store Email in Lower Case check box again.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.