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Special Pricing Product Fields

Use the Special Pricing Product Edit page to create a new special pricing product. The Special Pricing Product Edit page shows the complete set of available fields for a special pricing product.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. Therefore, the information you see on the screen might differ from the information in this table.

The following table provides additional information regarding the fields on the Special Pricing Product Edit pages.



Key Product Information


The name of the product for the special price request. If the special pricing request is related to an opportunity, then only the products that exist for that opportunity can be selected. If not, then all products are listed.

Product: Product Category

The category of the product carried over with the product definition. Read-only.


The expected quantity of products that will be sold under this special pricing request.


The currency for the special pricing product.

Product: Part #

The part number carried over with the product definition. This field is read-only.

Product: Type

The type of product carried over with the product definition. This field is read-only.

Product: Status

The status carried over with the product definition. This field is read-only.


The manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) in the currency used. This field is read-only for the partner.

If an end customer has been defined for the special pricing request and a price list has been associated with that end customer, then Oracle CRM On Demand populates the MSRP field upon Special Pricing Product record save, based on this price list. The price list of the special pricing request is automatically populated with the price list value added to the account or end customer record that is associated with the Special Pricing Request record. The following conditions should also be met:

  • The Price List associated with the End Customer is of type 'MSRP'
  • The status of this Price List is ‘Published’
  • The Product exists on this Price List
  • The Start Date of the Special Pricing Request falls between the Effective From/To dates of the Price List (and the Price List Line Item)

    If a price list has not been associated with the end customer, then the price list on the Special Pricing Request header will remain empty.

Special Pricing Request Detail Information

Purchase Cost

The price that the partner originally paid for the product. Oracle CRM On Demand populates this field upon the Special Pricing Product record save from the price list associated with the owner partner account. For purchase cost to be populated in the Special Pricing Product record, the owner of the Special Pricing Request should be a Partner User. The following conditions should also be met:

  • The Price List associated with the Owner Partner Account is of type 'DIST COST'
  • The status of this Price List is ‘Published’
  • The Product exists on this Price List
  • The Start Date of the Special Pricing Request falls between the Effective From/To dates of the Price List (and the Price List Line Item)

    You can edit the Purchase Cost field and change the default value.

Requested Cost

The reduced price that the partner requested for the special pricing request.

Requested Resale Cost

The resale price at which the partner wants to sell the product.

Authorized Cost

The partner's price that was negotiated for the special pricing request. This field is read-only for the partner.

Suggested Resale Price

The resale price suggested by the brand owner. This field is read-only for the partner.

Requested Amount

Calculates the discount requested. Oracle CRM On Demand calculates the amount.

Requested Discount Percent

Calculates the discount percentage requested. Oracle CRM On Demand calculates the discount percentage.

Authorized Amount

Calculates the discount authorized. Oracle CRM On Demand calculates the discount authorized.

Authorized Discount Percent

Calculates the discount percentage authorized. Oracle CRM On Demand calculates the discount percentage authorized.

Special Pricing Justification

Competitor Name

The name of the competitor for the special pricing request.

Competitor Product

The name of the competitor's product.

Competitor Product Price

The price of the competitor's product.

Competitor Partner

The name of the competing partner.

Other Competitive Information

Any other information regarding competitive product offerings, special price justification, and so on.

Additional Information


Additional information about this list item. This field has a limit of 16,350 characters.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.