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Submitting Special Pricing Requests for Approval

The partner, or the brand owner on behalf of the partner, creates a special pricing request for a price adjustment on a product and provides details, such as the reason for the lower price. The partner submits the special pricing request to the brand owner for approval. The request might or might not be granted by the brand owner. Most companies have well-defined processes to handle such requests for approval from partners. Typically, one or more employees of the brand owner evaluate the special pricing request on a variety of criteria and ultimately decide whether or not to approve the request.

Before you begin. The special pricing request must first be created. For more information on creating records, see Creating Records. A workflow rule must be created that assigns an appropriate user as the approver for special pricing requests. For more information on creating workflow rules, see Creating Workflow Rules.

To submit special pricing requests for approval

  1. Select the special pricing request (listed in the All Special Pricing Requests section on the Special Pricing Request homepage) that you want to submit for approval.

    For information on selecting special pricing requests, see Finding Records.

  2. On the Special Pricing Request Detail page, click the Edit button.
  3. On the Special Pricing Request Edit page, select Submitted from the Submission Status field.
  4. Click Save.

    After the Submission Status field has been changed to Submitted and the record has been saved, the following occurs:

    • The approval status is set to Pending Approval.
    • The submitted date is automatically set to the current timestamp.
    • The routing of the special pricing request begins. A workflow rule sets the special pricing request's Approver field to the appropriate user.
    • The approver is added (if not already present) to the team of the special pricing request.
    • A workflow rule sends the required email notifications.

The special pricing request appears on the list of records that is waiting for the approver’s action and becomes read-only for the partner (owner). Further updates to the special pricing request (for example, adding or removing products, updating the requested prices, and so on) are not permitted. The partner can make changes to a submitted special pricing request only after recalling it successfully.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.