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About Smart Associations and the Auto-Resolve Functionality

Smart associations in Oracle CRM On Demand are automatic searches that make it easier for you to associate records of different record types, such as account, contact, opportunity, activity, and so on with each other. The smart associations functionality is controlled by the Auto-Resolve Enabled check box on search layouts, for more information, see Managing Search Layouts.

When smart associations are enabled, you can type part or all of the name of the record that you want to associate with the main record in the appropriate field, and then allow Oracle CRM On Demand to automatically resolve the association. When you try to save your changes, Oracle CRM On Demand searches for a match for the name you entered. If Oracle CRM On Demand finds a unique match, then the matching record is used, and your changes are saved. If Oracle CRM On Demand finds no match or finds multiple potential matches, then you are presented with a Lookup window where you can perform additional searches, and then select the appropriate record.

For example, when you want to associate an account with a task, you can type the name of an account in the Account name field on the Task Detail page. When you try to save your changes, Oracle CRM On Demand searches for matching accounts. If Oracle CRM On Demand finds a unique matching account, then that account is used. If Oracle CRM On Demand finds no matching account or finds multiple potentially matching accounts, then a Lookup window opens. In the Lookup window, you can perform additional searches, and select the appropriate account. For more information about using Lookup windows, see Searching for Records in Lookup Windows.

If smart associations are not enabled, or you do not know the name of the record that you want to associate with the record you are working with, then you must click the Lookup icon next to a field to open the Lookup window. In the Lookup window, you can search for the record that you want to associate with the record that you are working with.

NOTE: Smart associations are applicable where single-association Lookup windows are available. Where multiassociation Lookup windows are available, smart associations are not applicable.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.