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Sorting and Reordering Columns

You can select the sort order for the data in a column as well as make sure the columns appear in the order you want. You can specify the sort order for one or more columns that appear in an analysis.

To sort an analysis based on columns

  1. In the Criteria tab, click the menu icon for the desired column and choose Sort.
  2. From the Sort submenu, choose one of the following:
    • Sort Ascending. Sorts the column with lowest values at the top, largest values at the bottom.
    • Sort Descending. Sorts the column with largest values at the top, lowest values at the bottom.
    • Add Ascending Sort. Same as Sort Ascending but adds up and down arrow buttons to the column header.
    • Add Descending Sort. Same as Sort Descending but adds up and down arrow buttons to the column header.
    • Clear Sort. Removes the sort setting from this column.
    • Clear All Sorts in All Columns. Removes all sort settings from all columns.

      When you click the Results tab, the column is sorted based on your selection.

Note that in the Results tab you can temporarily override the sort on any column by hovering on the column and using the up and down arrows to sort the results. These temporary sorts are not saved for the future.

To reorder columns

  • In the Criteria tab, drag columns from their current location to a new location.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.