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Creating Scheduled Events

This topic describes how to create scheduled events, that is, workflow rules with the Scheduled Event trigger event. For information about creating workflow rules with any other trigger event, see Creating Workflow Rules.

The following considerations apply when scheduling an event:

  • You cannot specify a condition on a scheduled event. The scheduled instances of the event and the workflow actions on the event are always executed unless an error occurs.

    NOTE: After you select the Scheduled Event trigger event in the Workflow Rule New page, the page refreshes. The Workflow Error Condition section of the page is removed and the Schedule Details section, where you specify the schedule for the event, becomes available.

  • For performance reasons, it is recommended that you avoid configuring multiple scheduled events that are scheduled to execute at the same time.
  • You must specify a start date and time for the scheduled event and you must specify either an end date and time, or the number of times the event is to be executed.

    NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand does not generate any instances for dates and times in the past even if you specify a start date and time that is in the past. For example, if you specify a start date of January 15, 2018 for a scheduled event that is to repeat 10 times at intervals of one month, and if the current date is May 30, 2018, then the first instance of the event is scheduled for June 15, 2018. Only the instances for the five occurrences in the future will be executed.

  • If you specify that the scheduled event is to be executed on a certain date in the month, and if that date does not occur in a given month, then the event will not be executed in that month. For example, if you select day 29 in the month, then the event will not be executed in February, unless the year is a leap year.

The following considerations apply when selecting a list for a scheduled event:

  • You cannot make the scheduled event active if you do not have access to the filtered list that is selected on the scheduled event.
  • If the user who makes the scheduled event active does not have access to the list that is selected on the scheduled event at the time when an instance of the event is executed, then the instance fails.
  • When an instance of the scheduled event is executed, the list that is returned includes only those records that meet the list filter criteria and are visible to the user who made the scheduled event active.
  • The maximum number of records that can be processed by an instance of a scheduled event is 1000. If the list that you select on the scheduled event returns more than the maximum number allowed when an instance of the event is executed, then the instance fails. To avoid this issue, make sure that the filter on the list that you select for the scheduled event is set up in such a way that it is not likely to return a very large list of records.
  • When specifying the filter for a list that you want to use for scheduled events, you can use one or more of the following functions in Date and Date/Time fields:
    • Duration()
    • Timestamp()
    • Today()

      You can use these functions with the following conditions:

    • Between
    • Equal to
    • On
    • On or after
    • On or before
    • Not Between
    • Not equal to

      You can type the expression containing the functions directly into the filter value field in the list criteria. For example, to return opportunity records where the Close Date is two days later than the current date (that is, the date when the scheduled event is executed), select the Equal to condition and enter the following expression:

      Today() + 2

      As another example, to return lead records where the Estimated Close Date is within the next 36 hours, select the Between condition and enter the following expression:

      Timestamp(), Timestamp() + Duration('P0YT36H')

      For more information about these functions, see the following topics: Duration, Timestamp, and Today.

Before you begin:

  • Workflow functionality in Oracle CRM On Demand must be set up for your company, as described in About Setting Up Workflow Rules Functionality.
  • To perform the procedures described in this topic, you must have the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules privilege in your user role.
  • To create scheduled events for the User record type, you must also have the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules for Users privilege in your user role. Your administrator can enable this privilege for the Administrator role and for any other role as necessary. For more information about considerations when creating scheduled events for the User record type, see Considerations When Creating Workflow Rules for the User Record Type. For information about adding privileges to roles, see Adding Roles.
  • Review the information in About Scheduled Events.

To create a scheduled event

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Business Process Management section, click Workflow Configuration.
  3. On the Workflow Rules List page, do one of the following:
    • To create a new scheduled event by copying an existing one, click Copy on the scheduled event that you want to copy.
    • To create a new scheduled event that is not based on an existing one, click New on the title bar.
  4. In the Workflow Rule Detail page, in the Key Workflow Rule Details section, fill in the scheduled event information.

    The following table describes the fields.



    Workflow Name

    Enter a unique name, up to 50 characters.


    Use the Active check box to activate or deactivate the scheduled event.

    Up to the time that a scheduled event is made active, the Initiated By field on the scheduled event record shows the name of the user who created the scheduled event. The Initiated By field is shown in the Detail page for the scheduled event after the record is saved.

    After the Active check box is selected on the scheduled event and the record is saved, the Initiated By field on the record is updated to show the name of the user who selected the Active check box. That user must have access to the list that is selected on the scheduled event at the time that an instance of the event is executed. Otherwise, the instance fails.

    The Initiated By field in all pending instances and all error instances for the scheduled event also shows the name of the user who selected the Active check box on the scheduled event.

    For more information about what happens when you activate or deactivate a scheduled event, see About Scheduled Events.

    NOTE: When you make the scheduled event active, an instance is immediately generated for the first scheduled occurrence of the event. As a best practice, set up all of the workflow actions on the scheduled event before you make the event active. Otherwise, if the start time for the scheduled event is near, the first instance might be executed before you have finished setting up the workflow actions.


    (Optional) Enter additional information about the scheduled event, such as the purpose of the event.

    Record Type

    Select the record type for the scheduled event.

    A scheduled event relates to one record type only. After the event is created, you cannot change the record type on the event.

    Trigger Event

    Select Scheduled Event.

    Enable Notification

    Select this check box if you want Oracle CRM On Demand to send an email each time an instance of the scheduled event completes successfully, each time an instance of the event fails, and each time a pending instance of the event is deleted. The email is sent to the user who made the scheduled event active.

  5. In the Schedule Details section, click the Lookup icon (magnifying glass) and then select the filtered list that returns the records on which you want the workflow actions to act.
  6. In the Start Date Time field, select the date and time at which you want the first instance of the scheduled event to be executed.
  7. In the Recurring field, select the interval at which you want the scheduled event to repeat, for example, Weekly.
  8. In the Every field, set up the interval period for the recurring instances. For example, if you selected Weekly in the Recurring field, and if you want the instances to recur at intervals of two weeks, then enter 2 in the Every field. The minimum value that you can enter is 1.
  9. If you selected Monthly in the Recurring field, then you can optionally schedule the scheduled event to execute on the last day of each month in which the event is executed, by selecting the Last day of month check box.

    As an example, if you set up a scheduled event to start on April 23 and to repeat at two-monthly intervals, then the first instance of the event will be executed on April 23. The second instance will be executed on June 23, the third instance will be executed on August 23, and so on. However, if you select the Last day of the month check box, then the first instance of the event will be executed on April 30, the second instance will be executed on June 30, the third instance will be executed on August 31, and so on.

  10. Specify the number of times that you want the scheduled event to be executed, or specify the end date and time, by doing one of the following:
    • Select the After option and then specify the number of times that the scheduled event is to be executed. The value you enter must be greater than 0 (zero).
    • Select the By Date Time option, and then select the end date and time for the scheduled event. The end date and time must be later than the start date and time.
  11. Save your changes.

About Updating Scheduled Events

After a scheduled event is made active, you cannot change the schedule or select a different list on the scheduled event. However, you can terminate the scheduled event by deactivating it. After you deselect the Active check box on the scheduled event and save the record, you can edit the scheduled event to change the schedule or select a different list. When you make the scheduled event active again, it is treated as a new scheduled event.

CAUTION: When you deactivate a scheduled event, any pending instance of the event is deleted. In addition, if an instance of the scheduled event is currently being executed, then some of the actions might fail for some of the records in the list. For more information about what happens when you deactivate a scheduled event, see About Scheduled Events.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.