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Workflow Pending Instance Fields

The following table describes the fields that you can view for pending instances of Wait actions and scheduled events.


Description for Instances of Workflow Wait Actions

Description for Instances of Scheduled Events

Instance ID

The ID that Oracle CRM On Demand generates for this workflow instance.

The ID that Oracle CRM On Demand generates for this scheduled event instance.

Workflow Name

The name of the workflow rule on which the workflow action is configured. Clicking the name of the workflow rule opens the Workflow Rule Detail page, where you can view details of the workflow rule configuration.

The name of the scheduled event of which this is an instance.

Workflow Action

The name of the workflow action. The instance is an instance of this workflow action.

Not applicable

Trigger Event

The event that triggers the workflow rule.

This field always shows Scheduled Event.

Initiated By

The name of the user whose action triggered the instance of the workflow rule.

The name of the user who made the scheduled event active.

Initiated On

The date and time when the instance of the workflow rule was triggered.

The date and time when the pending instance was generated.

Resumes On

The date and time when the wait period for this instance of the workflow action will end.

The date and time after which the pending instance will be executed.

Occurrence #

Not applicable

The number of instances of the scheduled event that have been triggered. The count includes the current pending instance.

NOTE: If a scheduled event is deactivated and later made active again, then the number of occurrences is reset to 1 on the first instance that is generated after the rule is made active.

Record Type

The record type of the record on which the instance of the workflow rule was triggered.

The record type for which the scheduled event is configured.

Record Row Id

The row ID of the record on which the instance of the workflow rule was triggered.

Not applicable

Parent Record Type

If the record that triggered the instance of the workflow rule is the child of a parent record in the context of the action that triggered the workflow rule, then this field shows the record type of the parent record.

Not applicable

Parent Record Row Id

If the record that triggered the instance of the workflow rule is the child of a parent record in the context of the action that triggered the workflow rule, then this field shows the row ID of the parent record.

Not applicable

For more information about using the Workflow Wait Monitor, see the following topics:

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information about workflow rules:

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.