13. Reports

13.1 Introduction

Reports allow you to retrieve information on the several operations that were performed during the day.This chapter discusses the various reports which can be generated using the Oracle Global Liquidity Management application.

13.2 Generating Report

You can generate the various reports using the reports screen. To invoke the report screen, click on Reports tab on the application..

Specify the following general details:

Report Name

Select the name of the report to be generated from the drop down list. The list displays the following options:


The system displays the template of the report based on the report to be generated.


Select the format in which the report is to be generated from the drop down list. The list displays the following options:

Click Generate button to generate the report in the selected format.

This section contains the following topics:

13.2.1 Sweep Structure Report

This report provides details on all the Sweep structures maintained with details of the sweep agreements between the participant accounts. You can view it as Daily report and Range report. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as Sweep Structure Report.

Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Structure ID

Specify the structure ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the structure ID from the option list. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.

Version No.

Specify the version number for which the report is to be generated.

Click Generate. The report will be generated as below:

The table below describes the various columns in the report:



Structure ID

Displays the Structure ID of the sweep structure

Structure Description

Displays the description for the structure ID

Customer ID

Displays the customer ID

Customer Description

Displays the description of the customer

Header Account ID

Displays the ID of the header account

Header Account Description

Displays the description for the header account

Structure Valid From Date

Displays the date from which the structure is valid

Structure Valid To Date

Displays the date till which the structure is valid

Structure Version No

Displays the version number of the structure

Cross Border

Displays if the cross border sweep is allowed for the structure


Displays if the Multi Bank Cash Concentration is allowed for the structure

Cross Cur­rency

Displays if cross currency sweep is allowed for the structure

Child Account Details



Account Number

Displays the child account number

Account Description

Displays the description for child account

Branch Code

Displays the branch code of the child account

Branch Ext Ref

Displays the Branch External Reference

Branch Name

Displays the branch name of the child account

Account Cur­rency

Displays the currency set for the account

Sweep Con­centration Method

Displays the sweep concentration method assigned to the pair

Account Pri­ority

Displays the Account Priority

Parent Account Details

Account Number

Displays the parent account number

Account Description

Displays the description for parent account

Branch Code

Displays the branch code of the parent account

Branch Ext Ref

Displays the Branch External Reference

Branch Name

Displays the branch name of the parent account

Account Cur­rency

Displays the currency set for the parent account

Other Parameters

Sweep Fre­quency

Displays the sweep frequency set for the account pair

Two Way

Displays if two way sweep is set for the pair

Reverse Sweep Fre- quency

Displays the reverse sweep frequency set for the account pair

Interest Method

Displays the Interest Method

Reallocation Method

Displays the Reallocation Method

Customer Ext Ref

Displays the Customer Ext Ref


13.2.2 Sweep Reject Report

This report provides details of Sweeps rejected along with reason for rejection as a Daily report. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as Sweep Reject Report.

Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Structure ID

Specify the structure ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the structure ID from the option list. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report.

Click Generate. The report will be generated as below:


The table below describes the various columns in the report:



Sweep Log ID

Displays the sweep log ID of the rejected sweep

Structure ID

Displays the structure ID to which the rejected sweep belong to

Structure Description

Displays the description of the structure

Sweep Origin Account

Account Number

Displays the account number from which the sweep was to occur

Account Description

Displays the description for account

Branch Code

Displays the branch code of the sweep origin account

Branch Name

Displays the branch name of the sweep origin account

Account Cur­rency

Displays the currency set for the sweep origin

Sweep Con­centration Method

Displays the sweep concentration method assigned to the pair

Sweep Destination Account

Account Number

Displays the account number to which the sweep was occur

Account Description

Displays the description for sweep destination account

Branch Code

Displays the branch code of the sweep destination account

Branch Name

Displays the branch name of the sweep destination account

Account Cur­rency

Displays the currency set for the sweep destination account

Other Parameters

Sweep Reject Rea­son

Displays the reason for the sweep reject

Date and Time of Reject

Displays if the date and time at which the sweep reject occurred


13.2.3 Sweep Summary Report

This report provides the summary of sweeps done on a specified date\ specific period for a customer or a structure. It states the sweep reference number, sweep amount, the accounts involved, reference number and the value date. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as Sweep Summary Report.

Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Structure ID

Specify the structure ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the structure ID from the option list. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report.

Click Generate. The report will be generated as below:

The table below describes the various columns in the report:



Sweep Log ID

Displays the sweep log ID

Structure ID

Displays the structure ID

Structure Description

Displays the description of the structure

Sweep Con- centration Method

Displays the sweep concentration method assigned to the pair



Displays the Customer ID


Ext Ref

Displays the Customer External Reference

Sweep Origin Account

Account Number

Displays the account number from which the sweep should happen

Account Description

Displays the description for account

Ext Account­Number

Displays the External Account Number

Branch Code

Displays the branch code of the sweep origin account

Branch Name

Displays the branch name of the sweep origin account

BranchExt Ref

Displays the Branch External Reference

Sweep Amount

Displays the Sweep Amount

Account Cur­rency

Displays the currency set for the sweep origin

Sweep Destination Account

Account Number

Displays the account number to which the sweep should happen

Account Description

Displays the description for sweep destination account

Ext Account Number

Displays the External Account Number

Branch Code

Displays the branch code of the sweep destination account

Branch Name

Displays the branch name of the sweep destination account

Branch Ext Ref

Displays the Branch External Reference

Account Cur­rency

Displays the currency set for the sweep destination account

Other Parameters

Sweep Direc­tion

Displays the Sweep Direction

Reverse Sweep

Displays the Reverse Sweep

Sweep Mode

Displays the Sweep Mode of Execution

Value Date of Sweep

Displays the date of the sweep

Date and Time of Sweep

Displays if the date and time at which the sweep occurred

Balance Time Stamp

Displays the Balance as of Time Stamp

FX Rate

Displays the FX Rate

13.2.4 Interest Accrual Report

This report provides the interest accrued on the account till date. You can view the Daily/Range report. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as Interest Accrual Report.

Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Structure ID

Specify the structure ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the structure ID from the option list. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.

Account Number

Specify the Account Number related to Structure ID and Customer ID.

Account Type

Specify the Account Type from the drop-down list.

Date From

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

Date To

Specify the end date till which to generate the report.

Click Generate. The report will be generated as below:

The table below describes the various columns in the report:



Customer ID

Display the Customer ID

Structure ID

Display the Structure ID

Account Number

Display the Account Number

From Date

Display the From Date

To Date

Display To Date

Report Details


Structure ID

Display the Structure ID

Account Number

Display the Account Number

Account CCY

Display the Account CCY


Display the Interest


Display the DRCR

Entry Date

Display the Entry Date

Cash Concentration Method

Display the Cash Concentration Method


13.2.5 Interest Re-allocation Report

This report provides details for interest reallocation for specific to Customer and Structure ID. You can view it as Daily report and Range report. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as ‘Interest Re-allocation Report’.


Specify the following details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Structure ID

Specify the structure ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the structure ID from the option list. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.

Structure Type

Specify the Structure Type for selected Structure ID. Structure Type drop-down list will display ‘All / Sweep / Pool / Hybrid’.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report

Click Generate. The report will be generated as below




Customer ID

Display the Customer ID

Structure ID

Display the Structure ID

Structure Type

Display the Structure Type

From Date

Display the From Date

To Date

Display the To Date

Header details


Header Account Number

Display the Header Account Number

Header Account Branch

Display the Header Account Branch

Header Account Currency

Display the Header Account Currency

Total Interest Amount Paid

Display the Total Interest Amount Paid

Interest Amount Currency

Display the Interest Amount Currency

Interest Payment Date

Display the Interest Payment Date

Report details


Re-allocation Parent

Display the Re-allocation Parent

Account Number

Display the Account Number

Parent Account

Display the Parent Account


Display the Branch

Parent Account

Display the Parent Account


Display the Currency

Child Account

Display the Child Account


Display the Number

Child Account

Display the Child Account


Display the Branch


Display the Reallocated

Amount CCY

Display the Amount CCY


Display the Exchange


Display the Rate

Interest Amount

Display the Interest Amount


Display the Reallocated

Execution Date Reallocation Type

Display the Execution Date Reallocation Type


13.2.6 Interest Paid Report

This report provides details for interest paid for specific to Customer and Structure ID. You can view it as Daily report and Range report. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as ‘Interest paid Report’.


Specify the following details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Structure ID

Specify the structure ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the structure ID from the option list. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.

Structure Type

Specify the Structure Type for selected Structure ID. Structure Type drop-down list will display ‘All / Sweep / Pool / Hybrid’.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report




Customer ID

Display the Customer ID

Structure ID

Display the Structure ID

From Date

Display the From Date

To Date

Display the To Date

Report details


Account Number

Display the Account Number

Account Currency

Display the Account Currency

Account Branch

Display the Account Branch

Structure ID

Display the Structure ID


Display the Product

Re-Allocation Type

Display the Re-Allocation Type

Residual Balance Interest Type

Display the Residual Balance Interest Type

Interest Amount for Residual Bal­ances

Display the Interest Amount for Residual Bal­ances

Interest Liquidation Date

Display the Interest Liquidation Date

Re-allocated Interest Type

Display the Re-allocated Interest Type

Re-allocated Interest Amount

Display the Re-allocated Interest Amount

Interest Re-allocation date

Display the Interest Re-allocation date


13.2.7 Exception Report

This report provides details for Exception for specific to Customer and Structure ID. You can view it as Daily report and Range report. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as ‘Exception Report’.


Specify the following details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Structure ID

Specify the structure ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the structure ID from the option list. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.

Structure Type

Specify the Structure Type for selected Structure ID. Structure Type drop-down list will display ‘All / Sweep / Pool / Hybrid’.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report




Customer ID

Display the Customer ID

Structure ID

Display the Structure ID

Structure Type

Display the Structure Type

From Date

Display the From Date

To Date

Display the To Date

Report details


Transaction Date

Display the Transaction Date

Value Date Transaction

Display the Value Date Transaction

Ref No

Display the Ref No

User ID

Display the User ID

Structure ID

Display the Structure ID

Source Account

Display the Source Account

Source Account Branch

Display the Source Account Branch

Destination Account

Display the Destination Account

Destination Account Branch

Display the Destination Account Branch


Display the Exception

13.2.8 QC Interface Report

This report provides details for Quality Control Interface for specific to Customer ID. You can view it as Daily report and Range report. Invoke the Report screen and select the report name as ‘QC Interface Report’.


Specify the following details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Interface Type

Specify the Interface Type for which the report is to be generated. You can select the Interface Type from the option list. The list displays all the Interface Type maintained in the system.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report




Customer ID

Display the Customer ID

Interface Type

Display the Interface Type

From Date

Display the From Date

To Date

Display the To Date

Report details


Date & Time

Display the Date & Time


Display the Interface

Interface Action

Display the Interface Action


Display the Direction


Display the Status

Structure's Effected

Display the Structure's Effected


Display the Exception

Root Cause of Exception

Display the Root Cause of Exception

13.2.9 Structure Created Report

This report provides the details on the structures which were created during a particular period.


Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer

ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Liquidity Type

Select the Liquidity Type from drop-down list.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report.




Header Details


Customer Id

Displays the Customer Id

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type


Displays the New


Displays the Total

Participant Accounts

Displays the Participant Accounts



Structure Details


Structure ID

Displays the Structure ID

Structure Description

Displays the Structure Description

Structure Valid From Date

Displays the Structure Valid From Date

Structure Valid To Date

Displays the Structure Valid To Date

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type

Newly Created Structure - (During the period selected)

Displays the Newly Created Strucutre - (During the period selected)

Structure Domain

Displays the Structure Domain


Displays the MBCC

Cross Currency

Displays the Cross Currency

Structure Status

Displays the Structure Status

Participant Accounts in Number

Displays the Participant Accounts in Number

Header Account ID

Displays the Header Account ID

Header Account Description

Displays the Header Account Description

Header Account Currency

Displays the Header Account Currency



Account Details


Structure ID

Displays the Structure ID

Structure Description

Displays the Structure Description



Child Account Details


Account Number

Displays the Account Number

Account Description

Displays the Account Description

Branch Code

Displays the Branch Code

Branch Name

Displays the Branch Name

Account Currency

Displays the Account Currency



Parent Account Details


Account Number

Displays the Account Number

Account Description

Displays the Account Description

Branch Code

Displays the Branch Code

Branch Name

Displays the Branch Name

Account Currency

Displays the Account Currency



Other Parameters

Displays the Other Parameters

Reallocation Method

Displays the Reallocation Method


13.2.10 Structure Modified Report

This report provides the details on the structures which were modified during a particular period


Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer

ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Liquidity Type

Select the Liquidity Type from drop-downlist.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report.


Header Details


Customer Id

Displays the Customer Id

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type

Amended Structures in Num­bers (Amended during Select Period)

Displays the Amended Structures in Numbers (Amended Displays the during Select Period)

Structure Details


Structure ID

Displays the Structure ID

Structure Description

Displays the Structure Description

Structure Valid From Date

Displays the Structure Valid From Date

Structure Valid To Date

Displays the Structure Valid To Date

Structure Version Number

Displays the Structure Version Number

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type

Amended Structure - (During the period selected)

Displays the Amended Structure - (During the period selected)

Total No of Amendments on the Structure

Displays the Total No of Amendments on the Structure

Structure Status

Displays the Structure Status

Structure Domain

Displays the Structure Domain


Displays the MBCC

Cross Currency

Displays the Cross Currency

Header Account ID

Displays the Header Account ID

Header Account Description

Displays the Header Account Description

Header Account Currency

Displays the Header Account Currency


13.2.11 Structure Details Report

This report provides the list of all the structures in the system with structure details and also includes the details on new and modified structures as well.


Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer

ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Liquidity Type

Select the Liquidity Type from drop-downlist.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report.




Header Details


Customer Id

Displays the Customer Id

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type



Sub- Header Details


Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type

New (Created during Select Period)

Displays the New (Created during Select Period)

Total (Max No during period selected)

Displays the Total (Max No during period selected)

Participant Accounts in No (Max No of accounts During period selected)

Displays the Participant Accounts in No (Max No of accounts During period selected)

Amended (Amended during Select Period)

Displays the Amended (Amended during Select Period)



Structure Details


Structure ID

Displays the Structure ID

Structure Description

Displays the Structure Description

Structure Valid From Date

Displays the Structure Valid From Date

Structure Valid To Date

Displays the Structure Valid To Date

Structure Version Number

Displays the Structure Version Number

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type

Newly Created Structure - (During the period selected)

Displays the Newly Created Structure - (During the period selected)

Amended Structure - (During the period selected)

Displays the Amended Structure - (During the period selected)

Total No of Amendments on the Structure

Displays the Total No of Amendments on the Structure

Structure Domain

Displays the Structure Domain


Displays the MBCC

Cross Currency

Displays the Cross Currency

Structure Status

Displays the Structure Status

Participant Accounts in No

Displays the Participant Accounts in No

Header Account ID

Displays the Header Account ID

Header Account Description

Displays the Header Account Description

Header Account Currency

Displays the Header Account Currency



Account Details


Structure ID

Displays the Structure ID

Structure Description

Displays the Structure Description

Structure Version Number

Displays the Structure Version Number



Child Account Details


Account Number

Displays the Account Number

Account Description

Displays the Account Description

Branch Code

Displays the Branch Code

Branch Name

Displays the Branch Name

Account Currency

Displays the Account Currency



Parent Account Details


Account Number

Displays the Account Number

Account Description

Displays the Account Description

Branch Code

Displays the Branch Code

Branch Name

Displays the Branch Name

Account Currency

Displays the Account Currency



Other Parameters

Displays the Other Parameters

Reallocation Method

Displays the Reallocation Method


13.2.12 Structure Contribution Report

This report provides the Sweep\ Pool contribution along with the turnover details with in a structure.


Specify the following additional details:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer

ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.

Liquidity Type

Select the Liquidity Type from drop-downlist.

From Date

Specify the start date from which to generate the report.

To Date

Specify the end date till which to generate the report.




Header Details


Customer Id

Displays the Customer Id

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type



Sub-Header Details


Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type

Participant Accounts in No

Displays the Participant Accounts in No

No Of Sweeps or No of Pool Contributions

Displays the No Of Sweeps or No of Pool Contribu­tions

Structure Turnover in Strucu­tre Header CCY

Displays the Structure Turnover in Strucutre Header CCY



Structure Details


Structure ID

Displays the Structure ID

Structure Description

Displays the Structure Description

Structure Valid From Date

Displays the Structure Valid From Date

Structure Valid To Date

Displays the Structure Valid To Date

Structure Version Number

Displays the Structure Version Number

Liquidity Type

Displays the Liquidity Type

Structure Domain

Displays the Structure Domain


Displays the MBCC

Cross Currency

Displays the Cross Currency

Structure Status

Displays the Structure Status

Participant Accounts in No

Displays the Participant Accounts in No

No Of Sweeps / No of Pool Contributions

Displays the No Of Sweeps / No of Pool Contributions

Header Account ID

Displays the Header Account ID

Header Account Description

Displays the Header Account Description

Header Account Currency

Displays the Header Account Currency

Structure Turnover in Strucu­tre Header CCY (Pool Struc­tures)

Displays the Structure Turnover in Strucutre Header CCY (Pool Structures)



Account Details


System Log ID

Displays the System Log ID

Account Number

Displays the Account Number

Account Description

Displays the Account Description

Branch Code

Displays the Branch Code

Branch Name

Displays the Branch Name

Account Currency

Displays the Account Currency

Sweep or Pool Contribution

Displays the Sweep or Pool Contribution

Account Number

Displays the Account Number

Account Description

Displays the Account Description

Branch Code

Displays the Branch Code

Branch Name

Displays the Branch Name

Account Currency

Displays the Account Currency

Sweep or Pool Contribution

Displays the Sweep or Pool Contribution

Value Date of Contribution

Displays the Value Date of Contribution

FX Rate

Displays the FX Rate


13.2.13 Customer Report

Customer provided to allow relationship manager to export customer details. User can only view/export the list of customers linked to the respective relationship manager.


Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for which the report is to be generated. You can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system. If Generate button without selecting Customer ID, Customer Report will generate with all customers linked to the respective relationship manager.




User ID

Displays the User ID

Customer Id

Displays the Customer Id

Customer Description

Displays the Customer Description

Customer Name

Displays the Customer Name. If Display Personally Identifiable Information is unchecked in User Mainte­nance for Relationship Manager, Customer Name will be displayed with masking.


Displays the Address

External Reference

Displays the External Reference

Parent Customer

Displays the Parent Customer