14. Security Management

14.1 Introduction

Controlled access to the system is a basic parameter that determines the robustness of the security in banking software. In Oracle Banking Liquidity Management, we have employed a multi-pronged approach to ensure that this parameter is in place.

Only Authorized Users Access the System

First, only authorized users can access the system with the help of a unique User ID and a password. Secondly, a user should have access rights to execute a function.

User Profiles

The user profile of a user contains the User ID, the password and the functions to which the user has access.

Restricted Number of Unsuccessful Attempts

You can define the maximum number of unsuccessful attempts after which a User ID should be disabled. When a User ID has been disabled, the Administrator should enable it. The password of a user can be made applicable only for a fixed period.

Restricted Access to Branches

You can indicate the branches from where a user can operate in the Restricted Access screen.

All Activities Tracked

Extensive log is kept of all the activities on the system. You can generate reports on the usage of the system anytime. These reports give details of unsuccessful attempts at accessing the system along with the nature of these attempts. It could be an invalid password attempt, the last login time of a user etc.

Audit Trail

Whenever a record is saved in the module, the ID of the user who saved the record is displayed in the ‘Input By’ field at the bottom of the screen. The date and time at which the record is saved is displayed in the Date/Time field.

A record that you have entered should be authorized by a user, bearing a different login ID, before the EOD is run. Once the record is authorized, the ID of the user who authorized the record will be displayed in the ‘Authorized By’ field. The date and time at which the record was authorized is displayed in the ‘Date/Time’ field positioned next to the ‘Authorized By’ field.

The number of modifications that have happened to the record is stored in the field ‘Modification Number’. The Status of the record whether it is Open or Closed is also recorded in the ‘Open’ check box.

This chapter contains the following sections:

14.2 User Creation Setup

You can create a user with this option. To invoke the user creation setup page, click on SMS tab on the LM application and select User Creation link.

Click New button to create a new user. You can specify the following details here:

User Identification

Specify a unique User ID, which identifies the user.


Specify a description for the user.


Specify a unique password for the user. This password should adhere to the Password Policy Maintenance


Specify email address of the user

User Status

Indicate the user status. The options are:

Click Save to save the user and password in the database

14.3 Role Maintenance Setup

You can create roles using this option. To invoke the Role Maintenance setup page, click on SMS tab on the LM application and select Role Creation link.


Click New button to create a new role. You can specify the following details here:

Role ID

Specify a unique ID for the new role.

Role Description

Specify a description of the role.

14.3.1 Maintaining the Role Details

You can assign the rights to the new role using this option. Click ‘+ button to add row under Role Details section. Specify the following details here:

Function ID

Select the function for which the rights are to be set from the drop down menu.


Check this box to give rights to create a new entity.


Check this box to give rights to view the details of the selected feature of LM.


Check this box to give rights to delete an existing entity.


Check this box to give rights to modify or update an existing entity.

Click Save button to save the details in the system.


LMADMINROLE is a factory shipped role and is the master role having access to all the functionalities.

14.4 User Maintenance

You can map the roles to users using this option. To invoke the Role Maintenance setup page, click on SMS tab on the ORACLE BANKING LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT application and select User Maintenance link


Click New button to set the user for role mapping. You can specify the following details here:

User Identification

Specify the user ID for which the role mapping is to be done. You can select the user ID from the option list. The list displays all the user IDs maintained in the system


The system displays the name of the user selected.


The system displays the language of the selected user. You can modify this if required.

Amount Format

Select the amount format for the user from the drop down list. The options are:

Date Format

Select the date format for the user from the drop down list. The options are:

Start Date

Specify the start date from which the role mapping is active.

End Date

Specify the end date till which the role mapping is active.

Base Currency

Specify the base currency of the user.You can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the system.

All the dashboard values for the user will be displayed in the base currency selected.

Country Name

Specify the country of the user. You can select the country from the option list. The list displays all the countries maintained in the system

Display Personally Identifiable Information

Based on the selection of this flag at the user level Personally Identifiable Information of the customers is either displayed or hidden from the user


14.4.1 Maintaining Role Details

You can map the role to the selected user and select the branches for which this mapping is active using this option. You can indicate the branches from where the user can operate. You can specify the following details here:

Role ID

Specify the role ID to be mapped to the user. You can select the role ID from the option list. The list displays all the role IDs maintained in the system

Role Description

The system displays the description of the selected role.

Click ‘+ button to add row under Role Details section. Specify the following details here:

Branch ID

Specify the branch ID in which the role mapping will be enabled. You can select the branch ID from the option list. The list displays all the branch IDs maintained in the system

Branch Description

The system displays the description for the selected branch ID.

Click Save button to save the details in the system.

14.5 Password Policy Setup

You can set the password policy for your system using this option. To invoke the Password Policy setup page, click on SMS tab on the LM application and select Password Policy link.

Click Modify button to set the password policy for the system. You can specify the following details here:

Bank Level Parameters

Site Code

Specify the site code for which the password policy is to be set.


Password Repetitions

Specify the number of times after which a password can be repeated.

Dormancy Days

Specify the number of days the password can be dormant after which the password would be disabled.

Maximum Consecutive Repetitive Character

Specify the number of times a character can be repeated consecutively in a password.

Minimum Number of Numeric Character in Password

Specify the minimum number of numerics which should be included in the password.

Minimum Number of Special Character in Password

Specify the minimum number of special characters which should be included in the password.

Minimum Number of Lower Case Character in Password

Specify the minimum number of lower case characters which should be included in the password.

Minimum Number of Upper Case Character in Password

Specify the minimum number of upper case characters which should be included in the password.

Password Lenght


Specify the maximum length of the password allowed.


Specify the minimum lenght of the password allowed.

Invalid Logins


Specify the number of cumulative logins after which the user should be disabled.


Specify the number of successive invalid logins after which the user should be disabled.

Click Save button to save the details in the system.

14.6 Customer User Linkage

You can establish one-to-many relationship in this i.e. we can link single user to many customers and vice versa. To invoke the RM-Linkage page, click on SMS tab on the LM application and select Customer RM-Linkage link which is further have two tabs:-

This section contains the following topics:

14.6.1 User to Customer Linkage

To link one users to one or many customers.


Click New button to link users to customers. You can specify the following details here:

User ID

Specify a unique User ID, which identifies the user.

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID, which identifies the customer.

Customer Name

Specify a description for the customer.


It will authenticate the records once verified by the authorizer.

Check box

Link customers to users.

Click Save to save the user and customer linkage in the database.

14.6.2 Customer to User Linkage

To link one customers to one or many users.


Click New button to link customers to users. You can specify the following details here:

User ID

Specify a unique User ID, which identifies the user.

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID, which identifies the customer.

User Name

Specify a description for the user and customer.


It will authenticate the records once verified by the authorizer.

Check box

Link users to customers.

Click Save to save the user and customer linkage in the database.