Groovy reserved keywords and unsupported functions

This topic lists reserved keywords and those Groovy language features that are not supported in Studio.

Reserved Keywords

Reserved keywords are words that have special meanings in Groovy language and therefore cannot be used as variable or function names in Groovy scripts. The following table lists Groovy's reserved keywords:

abstract as assert
boolean break byte
case catch char
class const continue
def default do
double else enum
extends false final
finally float for
goto if implements
import in instanceof
int interface long
native new null
package private protected
public return short
static strictfp super
switch synchronized this
threadsafe throw throws
transient true try
void volatile while
Additionally, the following keywords are reserved by the transform functions used in Studio:

Attributes with reserved keywords for names can only be referenced through the row map format; referencing them directly will produce an error. For more information on the row map format, see Formats for variables.

Unsupported functions

For security reasons, Transform does not support all of Groovy's original classes. For example, methods are not supported. Transformation scripts that contain methods of unsupported classes produce errors (such as Security Exception error messages) and cannot be saved to the script in Studio.

You can use any of the functions listed in the Transformation Editor's Functions list, as well as functions from the following classes (other original Groovy functions are not supported).

Note: If a function you need to use is unsupported, contact Oracle Customer Support.

This table lists the supported Groovy classes:

Math Integer Float
Double Long BigDecimal
Date Geocode Object
Closure String Set
Array InvokerHelper Exception