Support for Debit with OPI

Starting with version 5.7.3, RES 3700 with OPI now features the ability for customers to pay using Debit.

In order for Debit transactions to be made, the OPI Debit Support Mode must be enabled.

When Debit Mode is enabled:
  • POS will initiate a “sale request” rather than an “authorization request”, at the time of authorization.

  • A sale request results in the POS applying a persistent tender/payment to the check. If paid in full, the check will be closed.

    • A sale response posts, listing approval details, optional tip amount, and cashback amount.

    • POS posts the cashback, tip, and tender to the guest check.

    • The tender will always be posted as a persistent tender. This means absolutely no edits are allowed to the tender. Corrections must be accomplished by creating a new guest check and taking corrective action on that check. This may be difficult or impossible if the account information is not available.

  • If posting the payment in POS fails because of an error or network communication issue, then the payment will be voided with Payment Processor.

When OPI is used, there are several credit card processing options that are not necessary, and are recommended to be disabled. These options include:
  • Auto Offline Authorization

  • CA Status Display

  • Print Voucher in Background

To disable Auto Offline Authorization and CA Status Display, select Revenue Center, RVC Credit Cards, General, and then disable Auto Offline Auth and CA Status Display.

To disable Print Voucher in Background, select Revenue Center, RVC Credit Cards, Printing, and then disable Print Voucher in Background.

Software Version Requirements:

  • Debit Mode without Cashback Support:

    • Credit card driver CaOPI - Version 5.2.3 and

    • Oracle Payment Interface - Release 6.2.2 and above

  • Debit Mode with Cashback Support:

    • Credit card driver CaOPI - Version 5.2.3

    • Oracle Payment Interface - Release 19.1 and above


If Debit Mode with Cashback Support is attempted with a version of CaOPI prior to 5.2.3, then an attempted sale with result in a "Debit Support Mode not supported by the current CA Driver" error.

Additional details:

  • Confirmation messages with the appropriate version compatibility information display when OPI Debit Support & Cashback Support options are enabled. These messages display upon saving the configuration changes. It is recommended that the Default OPI tender has matching option bits with the rest of the OPI tenders on the Tender page in POS Configurator.

  • A warning message displays when a tip is returned in the sale approval and there is no Charged Tip linked to the tender media.

  • Charged tips entered in POS before the sale request are sent as a tip to the payment processor with the sale request. The merchant must choose how tips are entered (in POS with the charged tip function) or on the Pin Entry Device (PED) by the customer. If charge tips are entered at POS, the PED cannot alter this amount.

  • If OPI is in use (either in Credit or Debit Mode), the operator is not allowed to add a Cashback Service Charge to a check in POS Operations. If OPI Debit Mode with Cashback is enabled, the Cashback amount must be entered at the PED and returned to POS Operations in the Sale response.

  • A configuration error during database download in POS occurs, if the system does not have Cashback Service Charge configured in OPI Debit Cashback Mode. The following will be logged in the 3700d.log: “CONFIGURATION SERIOUS ERROR - Cash back service charge is needed for OPI Debit Cashback Mode" The following error message will be displayed when Cashback Service Charge is not configured and a sale request is attempted: "Cash back service charge not configured".

  • The function keys Initial Auth and Initial Auth with Check Amount are disabled in OPI Debit Mode. The function key Credit Card Lookup (also called Auth and Pay) behaves similarly as Credit Authorize in OPI Debit Mode. The function key Credit Final has no use in OPI Debit Mode, and is therefore disabled in OPI Debit Mode.