10. Account Switching Service

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to switch from your old account to a new or a different account. You can either transfer the services fully or partially to your new current or savings account using this Account Switching Service. You can initiate the switch service once you have passed all the necessary ID checks with your new bank. The new bank will intimate whether the switch is in progress or if it is rejected.

The following are the two types of account switches:

Full Switch Service - This service also known as Current Account Switch Service (CASS) allows you to transfer all balances and payment arrangements to the new bank and closes the existing account. Any payments that should be made to, or collected from the old account will be redirected to the customer’s new account.

Partial Switch Service - This service allows you to switch selective payment arrangements from old bank. Partial switch service does not include closing of the existing account or transferring all payment arrangements to the new account.

This chapter contains the following sections:

10.1 Full Switch Service Process

The following are the steps to process Full Switch service:

10.2 Partial Switch Service Process

The following are the steps to process Partial Switch service:

10.3 Processing Account Switch Service

This section contains the following topics:

10.3.1 Maintaining Account Switching Service Parameters

You can maintain account switching parameters in Account Switching Service Parameter screen. To invoke this screen type ‘ STDASPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following in this screen:

Bank Code

The system displays the bank code

Service User Name

Specify the service user name. This is a 6 digit service user number allocated by Bacs member bank for current account switching.

Time Lines from the Request Date

Switch Days

Specify the number of branch working days within which the switch process should be completed for full switch service.The system calculates the switch date by adding the switch days to request booking date.

Information Response Days

Specify the number of branch working days within which the bank should respond to the information request. Information response days should be less than redirection request days

Redirection Request Days

Specify the number of branch working days on which the new bank should send redirection request to the Account Switching Service. Redirection request days should be less than balance transfer request days but greater than information response days.

Balance Transfer Request Days

Specify the number of branch working days on which the balance transfer request should be raised by the new bank. Balance transfer request days should be less than switch days but greater than redirection request days.

Auto Completion for Partial Switch

Specify the number of months on which the system will automatically process the action on partial switch request.

10.3.2 Viewing Account Switching Service Parameter Details

You can view the account switching parameter details maintained in the Account Switching Service Parameter screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSASPRM’ in the field in the top right hand corner of the application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any of the following parameters and fetch records-

Select any or all of the parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.


10.3.3 Maintaining Outgoing Information Request for Account Switching

You can capture the data required for sending the Information Request message in ‘Account Switching Service - Outgoing Information Request and Response’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘ STDASORQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following in this screen:

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code.

Account Number

Select the account number to which account switching from old account is required. Alternatively, you can select the account number from the option list. The list displays all valid account numbers maintained in the system.

Switch Type

Select the account switching service type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Click ‘Populate’ to display the following details: Info Request Tab

The system displays the following details based on the values maintained in Customer Maintenance (STDCIF) screen:

Account Party Details

If the account is a joint account then the details of all the account holders will be defaulted in the account party details.

Postal Address

Other Details


Specify the code. Alternatively, you can select the code from the option list. The list displays all valid options.


Specify the information. Alternatively, you can select the information from the option list. The list displays all valid options.


Organizational Details

Full Legal Name

The system defaults the full legal name based on Customer Maintenance screen.

Legal Status

Select the legal status from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Board Resolution Indicator

Select the board resolution indicator from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

The system displays the following details based on the Customer Maintenance screen:

Business Address/Operational Address

Legal Address

Old Account Details

Account Number

Specify the account number of the old bank that you want to switch.

Account Name

Specify the name as in the old account.

Financial Institution Member ID

Specify the member ID of the financial institution. Alternatively, you can select the member ID from the option list. The list displays all valid bank codes maintained in the Bank Directory Maintenance (PCDBNKMT) screen.

The system displays an error message if the ‘Account Switch Participant’ check box in Bank Directory Maintenance screen is not enabled for the selected financial institution member ID.



Funding Limit

Specify the amount that new bank covers for the negative balance of the old account.

Funding Limit Currency

The system displays the currency of the funding limit amount.

Balance Transfer Window

Specify the processing window in which the balance transfer will be processed on the switch date.

Message Details

The details about the message.

Technical Rejection Details

Response Code

The system displays the response code for technical rejection.

Additional Information

The system displays additional information, if any, on the response code. Info Response Tab

Information response message from the old bank is uploaded and displayed in the Info response tab of Account Switching Outgoing Information Request Input (STDASORQ) screen. Click ‘Info Response’ tab of Account Switching Outgoing Information Request screen to view the below screen.

The system displays the following details in Info Response tab:

Response Code Details

Credit Transaction Details

Frequency Details

Direct Debit Details Switch Complete Tab

The switch complete notification message will be displayed in the switch complete tab. Click ‘Switch Complete’ tab in the Account Switching Outgoing Information Request Input screen to view the following screen.

The system displays the following details in this screen:

Technical Rejection Details

The system uploads the technical rejection on outgoing information request based on the unique reference number with switch action as TRJT. Once the request is marked as TRJT, then further actions are not allowed in this request. You need to create a new request with new unique reference number. Outgoing Information Request Messaging

You can generate the outgoing information request message by configuring intra day or end of day batch. All the authorized outgoing information request records with ‘Switch Action’ as REQS will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser: Uploading Incoming Information Response Message

The incoming information message from the old bank is processed from Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser. This message is uploaded to Account Switching Service Incoming Information Request (STDASORQ) of the account branch.

During the upload if a response code W401 is generated and if switch date is modified, then system updates the switch date as in the message.

10.3.4 Account Switching Service Outgoing Message Browser

You can view the outgoing messages and its status in ‘Account Switching Service Outgoing Message Browser’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STSASIMS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following in this screen:

Unique Reference Number

Select the unique reference number of the account switch request.

Account Number

Select the account number for which account switching is initiated.

Generated Status

Select the status of the message.

Message Type

Select the message type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Select any of the above parameters. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

10.3.5 Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser

You can view and upload the incoming account switching service in the ‘Account Switch - Incoming Message Browser’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STSASIMS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:

Processing Date

The system displays the date on which the message is picked for processing.

The system displays the following details depending upon the file name and processing date:

10.3.6 Incoming Information Request and Response Operations

You can view and respond to the information request details received from the new bank through Account Switching Service - Incoming Information Request and Response screen. You can opt to accept or reject an incoming information request. To invoke this screen type ‘STDASIRQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code.

Account Number

The system displays the account number from which account switching is required.

Account Name

The system displays the account name.

Switch Type

The system displays the account switching service type.

Unique Reference Number

The system displays the unique reference number.

Routing Unique Ref No.

The system displays the routing unique reference number.

Switch Date

The system displays the date on which the switch process will be completed.

Booking Date

The system displays the booking date.

Original Switch Date

The system displays the original switch date.

Switch Action

The system displays the action code during the course of full switch workflow process.

Response by

The system displays the date on which the response to the information request is expected.

Received Date Time

The system displays the message received date and time.

Switch Service Status

The system displays the switch status. Info Request Tab

New Account Details

Account Number

Specify the account number of the old bank that has to be switched.

Account Name

Specify the account name as in the old bank.

Financial Institution Member ID

Specify the bank code of the old bank.


Funding Limit

Specify the amount that the new bank covers for the negative balance of the old account.

The system displays the following details in this tab:

Account Party Details

Postal Address

Other Details (2)

Organization Details

Business Address

Operational Address

Legal Address

Message Details Info Response Tab

You can Click ‘Info Response’ tab to view the following screen.

Response Code Details


Specify account switching service response code. Alternatively, you can select the response code from the option list. The list displays all valid response codes in the system.


The system displays the account switching service response code description.

Click ‘Fetch’ to fetch the credit transaction and direct debit details from the system for the account number.

Credit Transaction Details

You can view the following details in this section:


Check this box to transfer the credit payment arrangement.

Tax Rate Maker

Specify the tax rate marker.

Other Details Code

Specify the details of non-transferable credit payment arrangement.

Other Details Description

Specify the details of non-transferable credit payment arrangement

Frequency Details


Specify the sequence number.

Start Date

Specify the date of the first payment to be made for this payment schedule as defined by the Schedule Code (PSC070) and its associated parameters.

No of Payments

The system displays the number of patterns.

Last Payment Date

The system displays the last payment date.

Required Freq Pattern

Specify the required frequency pattern.


The system displays the payment amount.


The system displays the payment currency.

Direct Debit Details

Mandate ID

The system displays the mandate ID.

Automated DD Instruction

Indicate if the Direct Debit Instructions are automated or not. The options are ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.


Check this box to transfer the direct debit instruction.


Specify the counter party name from PC Debtor Direct Debit Details.

Organization ID

Specify the organization ID.

Message ID

The system displays the message ID.

Last Collection Date

The system displays the date of the most recent collection.

Last Collection Amount

The system displays the most recent collection amount.

Last Collection Currency

The system displays the most recent collection currency.

Other Details Code

Specify the details of the non-transferable direct debit instruction.

Other Details Info

Specify the details of the non-transferable direct debit instruction.

Creation Date Time

The system displays the message creation date and time.

Technical Rejection Details

The system displays the following technical rejection details:

The system uploads the technical rejection based on the unique reference number with switch action as TRJT. The response action ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ is allowed again when the information response is marked as TRJT. Outgoing Information Response Message

You can generate the outgoing information response message by configuring intra day or end of day batch. All the authorized outgoing information response records with ‘Switch Action’ as ACCT or REJT will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser:

10.3.7 Incoming Request Workflow

You can query records, view the details of a record, accept, reject or acknowledge balance transfer actions through ‘Account Switching Incoming Request Workflow’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STSASIRW’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

The system displays the following details depending upon the selection criteria:

10.3.8 Outgoing Request Workflow

You can query and process or terminate an outgoing request through Account Switching Outgoing Request Workflow screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STSASORW’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records::

The system displays the following details depending upon the selection criteria:

10.3.9 Redirecting the Requests

You can redirect a request through Account Switching Redirection Request screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STDASRDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button. The request can be redirected from Outgoing Workflow screen. If the Switch Status of a record is ACCT or TRJT, then the next action is request redirection.

You can view the following details in this screen:

New Account Details

The system allows you to modify the defaulted account number.

Old Account Details

Account Branch BIC

Specify the BIC of the old account.

Message Details

Technical Rejection Details

The system uploads the technical rejection based in the unique reference number and switch action ‘TRJT’. The next action as Request Redirection will be allowed again when the previous redirection request is marked as TRJT. Request Redirection Message

You can generate the outgoing request redirection message by configuring it as intra day or end of day batch. All the authorized redirection request records with ‘Switch Action’ as REDT will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser:

10.3.10 Outgoing Balance Transfer Request and Response

You can initiate the balance transfer request to the old bank through ‘Account Switching Balance Transfer Request’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STDASOBQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in the Balance Transfer Request message: Request Tab

Original Funding Limit

The system displays the original funding limit based on Account Switching Outgoing Information Request and Response screen.

Original Funding Limit Currency

The system displays the original funding limit currency.

Funding Limit

The system displays the funding limit. You can modify this. Funding limit cannot be less than the original funding limit.

Balance Transfer Window

The system displays the balance transfer window.

Ultimate Creditor Details

Account Number

The system displays the account number. You can modify it.

The system displays the following details: Response Tab

The incoming acknowledge balance transfer message will be processed from the Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser. The message will be decomposed and uploaded into the Account Switching Outgoing Balance Transfer Request and Response of the account branch. You can view the message data in the response tab. Click ‘Response’ tab in the Account Switching Balance Transfer Request and Response screen.

You can view the following details:

Technical Rejection Details

The system uploads the technical rejection based on the unique reference number and switch action TRJT. The next action as Balance Transfer Request will be allowed again when the Balance Transfer Request is marked as TRJT. You can then resubmit the balance Transfer request. Outgoing Balance Transfer Message

You can generate the outgoing balance transfer request by configuring intra day or end of day batch. All the authorized balance transfer records with ‘Switch Action’ as BTRQ will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser:

10.3.11 Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response

You can initiate acknowledgement response for Balance Transfer Request through Account Switching Incoming Balance Transfer request and Response. To invoke this screen type ‘STDASIBQ’ in the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Acknowledge Balance Transfer is allowed for only FULL switch type and for previous switch actions like BTRQ and TRJT. The Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response screen will be opened in unlock mode with switch action as BTRS. The system performs the existing account closure checks for the account number.if acknowledge balance transfer is not as part of the switch action TRJT.

You can view the following incoming balance transfer request details in this screen: Request Tab

The incoming balance transfer request message is processed from the Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser. The message will be decomposed and uploaded into the Account Switching Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response of the account branch. You can view the following message data in the Request tab of Account Switching Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response screen.

Ultimate Creditor for Positive Balance Response Tab

Click ‘Response’ tab in the Account Switching Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response screen.

You can view the following details:

Ultimate Creditor for Debit Balance

Technical Rejection Details

The system uploads the technical rejection on acknowledge balance transfer message based on the unique reference number and switch action ‘TRJT’. To resubmit the acknowledge balance transfer, the response action Acknowledge Balance Transfer will be allowed again when the previous acknowledge response is marked as TRJT. Acknowledge Balance Transfer Message

You can generate the outgoing acknowledge balance transfer message by configuring intra day or end of day batch. All the authorized balance transfer response records with ‘Switch Action’ as BTRQ will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser:

10.3.12 Notify Switch Completion

You can complete the switch action from Account Switching Outgoing Request Workflow if the switch actions are ‘BTRS’ and ‘TRJT’.Switch complete action can be performed only after receiving the payment or initiating the payment. You have to update the switch action as ‘COMP’ in Account Switching Outgoing Information Request and Response (STDASORQ) screen to complete the switch action. Outgoing Switch Complete Message

You can generate the outgoing switch complete message by configuring it as intra day or end of day batch. All the authorized records with ‘Switch Action’ as COMP will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser: Technical rejection on Switch Complete Message

The system uploads technical rejection on Switch Complete message based on the unique reference number and switch action TRJT. To resubmit the switch complete message, the next action Switch Complete will be allowed again when the Switch Complete is marked as TRJT.

10.3.13 Switch Termination

You can terminate a switch anytime after the Information Request input. If switch termination action is done before generating the Information Request message, then the system populates the switch action as ‘CANC’ indicating that the Information Request is cancelled.

If the switch termination action is done after generation of Information Request, then the system populates the switch action as ‘TERM’ and will open the Account Switching Termination screen to capture the response code. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDASTRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:

Technical Rejection Details

The system uploads technical rejection on Switch Terminate message based on the unique reference number and switch action TRJT. To resubmit the switch terminate message, you can mark the info response as TRJT. Outgoing Switch Terminate Message

You can generate the outgoing switch terminate message by configuring it as intra day or end of day batch. All the authorized switch termination records with ‘Switch Action’ as TERM will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser: Uploading Incoming Switch Terminate Message

The incoming switch terminate message is processed from the Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser. This message is then decomposed and uploaded to Account Switching Terminate of the account branch.

10.3.14 Cancelling Payment Arrangements

You can cancel the payment arrangements of a partial switch service through ‘Account Switching Cancel Payments’ screen.To invoke the screen type ‘STDASCNP’ in the field at top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:

Credit Transaction Details

The system displays the following credit transaction details:

Other Details Code

Specify the other details code for outgoing request. For incoming request, the system displays the other details code from incoming payment cancel message.


Check this box if the payment should be cancelled by the old bank.

Direct Debit Details

The system displays the following direct debit details:


Check this box to cancel the direct debit by the old bank.

Message ID

The system displays the message ID.

Creation Date Time

The system displays the message creation date and time.

Technical Rejection Details

The system displays the following technical rejection details:

The system uploads technical rejection on Cancel Payment Arrangement message based on the unique reference number and switch action TRJT. To resubmit the cancel of payment arrangement message, you can mark the info response as TRJT. Outgoing Cancel Payment Arrangements Message

You can generate the outgoing cancel payment arrangement message by configuring intra day or end of day batch process. All the authorized cancelled payments, cancel parameter enabled records with ‘Switch Action’ as CNCP will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching Outgoing Message Browser: Uploading Incoming Cancel Payment Arrangements

The incoming cancel payment arrangements message is processed from the Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser. The message is decomposed and then uploaded to Account Switching Cancel Payments of the account branch.

10.3.15 Auto Completion for Partial Switch

The system processes the partial switch requests which are not marked for completion based on the auto completion months at the Account Switching Service bank parameters. The switch action of the request will be COMP. The switch complete message will not be generated for these requests because the Account Switching Service will automatically mark the request as completed, at the end of EOTI, on reaching the date.

10.3.16 Authorizing Account Switching Service

You can authorise account switching service through Account Switching - Authorization’ screen. You can invoke the screen by typing ‘STDASAUT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clinking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following in this screen:

Unique Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number.

Switch Action

The system displays the action of the selected unique reference number.

Switch Status

The system displays the status of the selected unique reference number.

Click ‘Authorize’ to authorize the switch service.

10.3.17 Completing Account Switching Service

You can query a unique reference number applicable for outgoing switch workflow and notify the account switch completion status through Account Switch Completion screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDASCMP’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following in this screen:

Unique Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number.

Switch Action

The system displays the action of the selected unique reference number.

Switch Status

The system displays the status of the selected unique reference number.

Click ‘Complete’ to mark the switch service as completed.

The switch action will be updated as ‘COMP’ and the switch complete message will be generated once ‘Complete’ button is clicked on the queried unique reference number.