27. Support 24x7

Oracle FLEXCUBE is available on a 24x7 basis for two broad channels Web service & Web Branch. During EOD batch process, transactions are tanked and then get processed after the batch is completed.

This document details about the 24x7 support feature in FCUBS.

This chapter contains the following topics:

27.1 Gateway Messaging

Oracle FLEXCUBE processes the following channel transactions, 24x7:

All new requests for maintenance functions or online functions when the branch available status is ‘No’ are accepted at the Gateway messaging layer. The Gateway messaging layer does not route the transaction requests during the Date Change Window.

27.2 Web Branch

Oracle FLEXCUBE processes the following channel transactions, 24x7:

27.3 Batch Processing

Every day while processing a channel transaction, system checks for the branch availability status. The system displays the Branch Available status. If the status is ‘Yes’, it indicates that the branch can accept transactions for the day and if the status is ‘No’ , then it indicates that the transactions will be accepted but it will be in effect only from the next business day.

Accordingly accounting entries will be passed checking the following, for tanking branch transactions:

When the Branch Available status is ‘NO’ or if branch date is ahead of host date, then the transactions will be tanked. These transactions will be untanked by the BOD program which runs post date change i.e. POSTDTCH.

The branch available status can be changed from Yes to No in two ways.

IC EOD Process

The account resolution during IC EOD process excludes accounts that are with account creation status as Tanked.

Drop - End of Transaction Input (EOTI)

If the branch is not available during the Drop End Of Transaction Input, system automatically resets the Branch available status to ‘Yes’. Also all the tanked transactions and accounting entries are released.

All transactions that are tanked would be released with tanked status as No and advices and payment messages if suppressed would be generated.

For the process that started when the branch available status was Yes, then the Status change to ‘No’ cannot be changed till the completion of the process. This is applicable for DE Batch upload process.

27.4 Processing Different Categories During EOD

During EOD batch process, the categories like maintenance and financial transaction process are explained below. Processing Maintenance

The maintenance process includes:

Creating Customers

While creating customer if the branch available status is no, then the creation date gets set to next branch working date. The customer details report requests are accepted and the processing of the same starts only during the next branch available status. The report would include the customer creation date also.

Creating Customer Accounts

The customer account creation requests are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction and these accounts are not considered for Interest & Charges calculation process

After the branch is available after the date change process, tanked status gets changed to ‘No’ and initiation entries of term deposit that are tanked are released with transaction date moved to next working date.

Processing TD Account Creation

The Term Deposit creation requests are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction. If the customer account is displaying as tanked, it indicates that the customer account creation request was processed when the branch available status is No or when branch date was ahead of host date.

The process when the TD account creation is received when the branch is unavailable or when branch date is ahead of host date is as follows:

The Term Deposit accounts that are in tanked status will not be considered for Interest & Charges calculation process.

After the branch available status is changed to ‘Yes’ then:

Processing TD Account Redemption

The Term Deposit Redemption Transactions are processed partially if the branch is not available for transaction or when branch date is ahead of host date. Partial Redemption of the account is processed even after branch available status is ‘No’ or branch date is ahead of host date

After the branch available status is changed to ‘Yes’ then:

The tanked accounting entries if any would be un-tanked by the batch process.

Processing Account Closure

The Close out Withdrawal Transaction is not allowed if the branch is not available for transaction or when branch date is ahead of host date. Processing transactions:

The transaction process includes:

Processing Funds Transfer

The fund transfer requests are processed with tanked status if the branch is not available for the transactions assuming that the FT Product cut-off time is maintained such that the cut-off time is past for the FT transaction when the Branch available status is changed to No.

The process when the FT transaction is received when the branch is unavailable is as follows:

After the branch available status is changed to ‘Yes’ after the business date change then

The following FT operation requests when the branch available status is No would be accepted and the processing would be deferred till the branch available status is yes. The requests would be tanked at the FC UBS Gateway messaging layer.

Processing Payments and Collection

The PC requests are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction assuming that the PC Product cut-off time is maintained such that the cut-off time is past for the PC transaction when the Branch available status is changed to No.

If the PC request is received past the cut-off time maintained at the product/customer level, the activation date would be moved to next working date with the other processing dates resolved based on the activation date keeping as same. For Debit Liquidation - DRLQ event and Credit Liquidation - CRLQ event dates derived is application date, then the accounting entries are posted with tanked status.

For a book transfer, if the dispatch date derived is the application date then the offset transaction is generated and processed. The offset transaction accounting entries as part of DRLQ event and CRLQ event are posted with tanked status if the accounting entry date derived is the application date. After the branch status is available, then the tanked accounting entries if any would be un-tanked by the existing batch process for releasing the tanked accounting entries.

The following PC operation requests when the branch available status is No would be accepted and the processing would be deferred till the branch available status is yes. The requests would be tanked at the FC UBS Gateway messaging layer.

Processing Retail Teller Transactions

The retail teller transactions are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction. During the RT transaction query, the transaction can be viewed as tanked, if the RT transaction is tanked and that the request was processed when the branch available status is No or when branch date was ahead of host date.

The process when the RT transaction is received when the branch is unavailable or when branch date is ahead of host date is as follows:

After the branch available status is changed to ‘Yes’ then

Processing Clearing Transactions

The clearing transactions are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction. During the clearing transaction query, the transaction can be viewed as tanked, if the CG transaction is tanked and that the request was processed when the branch available status is No or when branch date was ahead of host date.

The process when the clearing transaction is received when the branch is unavailable or when branch date is ahead of host date is as follows:

After the branch available status is changed to ‘Yes’ then:

Processing Instrument Transactions

The instrument transactions are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction. During the DD transaction query, the transaction can be viewed as tanked, if the DD transaction is tanked and that the request was processed when the branch available status is No or when branch date was ahead of host date.

The process when the instrument transaction is received when the branch is unavailable or when branch date is ahead of host date is as follows:

After the branch available status is changed to ‘Yes’ then:

Processing Standing Instructions

The standing instructions are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction. During the standing instruction query, the instruction can be viewed as tanked, if it is tanked and that the request processed when the branch available status is ‘No’ or when branch date was ahead of host date.

When the instruction is received while the branch is unavailable, then the process is as follows:

Once the branch status is ‘Available’, then the following process is applicable:

Processing Utility Payment Transactions

The utility payment transactions are processed with the tanked status as ‘Yes’ if the branch is not available for transaction. During the UP transaction Query, the transaction can be viewed as tanked, if the UP transaction is tanked and that the request was processed when the branch available status is No or when branch date was ahead of host date.

The process when the utility transaction is received when the branch is unavailable or when branch date is ahead of host date is as follows:

After the branch available status is changed to ‘Yes’ then:

The different categories which get processed during the End of the Day batch run are explained in the table below:


Branch Status – Not Available

Branch Status – Available (After date change)

Customer/Account Creation

The process is tanked till the branch available sta­tus is yes.

Initiation accounting entries will be posted as tanked entries.

TD account status is changed from tanked to un-tanked.

Initiation accounting entries are un-tanked and released with transaction date moved to next work­ing date.

TD Account Redemption

Processed partially

Transaction status is un-tanked and accounting entries if any would be un-tanked

Account Closure

Not Allowed

Processed normally

Funds Transfer

Transaction/Accounting entries would be posted with tanked status.

Transaction/Accounting entries are un-tanked and processed.

Payments and Col­lection

Transaction/Accounting entries would be posted with tanked status.

Transaction/Accounting entries are un-tanked and processed.

Retail Teller Trans­actions

Transaction/Accounting entries would be posted with tanked status.

Transaction/Accounting entries are un-tanked and processed.

Clearing Transac­tions

Transaction/Accounting entries would be posted with tanked status.

Transaction/Accounting entries are un-tanked and processed.

Instrument Trans­actions

Transaction/Accounting entries would be posted with tanked status.

Transaction/Accounting entries are un-tanked and processed.

Utility Payment Transactions

Transaction/Accounting entries would be posted with tanked status.

Transaction/Accounting entries are un-tanked and processed.