11. Reports

Several reports giving information on the financial details of the bank, like the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow, etc. can be generated in Oracle FLEXCUBE. Many of these reports are available in the standard format, and can be readily generated. Many more can be generated to suit your needs through Business Objects, the Report Generator for Oracle FLEXCUBE.

You can generate the following reports for the GL module:

This chapter contains the following sections:

11.1 Accounting Journal Report

This section contains the following topics

11.1.1 Generating Journal Entries

The Accounting Journal contains the accounting entries passed for transactions processed during the day. The journal contains all information related to transactions like account number, currency, transaction code, transaction description, etc.

The accounting journal can be generated at any time during the day. Ideally, after End of Transactions Input (EOTI), the user who made the inputs should take a print out of the transaction journal for the relevant transactions, put it along with the vouchers or tickets based on which the inputs were made, and hand them over to the authorizer. The authorizer can then check the entries passed for each transaction and then authorize the transaction. Oracle FLEXCUBE provides you with many options to enable you to generate the journal for specific entries.

This would be a convenient way of checking out details for the authorizer. However, details of the entries are available for the authorizer on-line during authorization also.

Mandatory generation of the report during End of Day

During end of day, after all the automatic processing for the day has been completed, you have to generate the transaction journal for all transactions during the day. This should be irrespective of whether the journal was generated during the day for specific transactions. This report can be spooled and stored in a file so that it can be retrieved later on. This information may come in handy at a later point in time, even though there are other ways of retrieving past data.

Besides, you cannot proceed with the end of day processing for the day without generating the transaction journal for all transactions processed during the day.

11.1.2 Selection Options

By default, the transaction journal will be generated for all transactions processed during the day. However, you can customize the report to contain details of transactions satisfying certain criteria:


You can generate the report for all modules or for a single module. To generate the report for a single module click on Single and from the option-list choose the module that you want to generate the report for.

If you want the report to be generated for all modules choose ‘All’.


For a particular module(s) you can generate a product wise report. To generate a product wise report for a specific module, click on Single and choose the product from the option list. If you want the generated report to contain details of all the products, click ‘All’.


You can generate the report for transactions entered by a particular user or for all users. To generate the report for entries made by a particular user, click on Single and choose a User ID from the option list. Click ‘All’ to generate a report containing entries made by all users.

For example, you want to generate a report for accounting entries passed by a person with the User ID GAIU000. At the User option if you specify the ID GAIU000 only those entries passed by the person with that User Id will be generated in the report.

Specifying the batch numbers

Teller and journal entries are passed into batches. You can generate the report for specific batch numbers only, a range of them, or all of them. If you need to generate the report for a range, enter the ‘From’ and ‘To’ teller or journal entry batch for which you want details.

Indicating transaction preferences


Print Copies

Once the details of a transaction have been printed in the journal, they will be marked off as printed. However, you have the option to print these details again.

However, at End of Day, it is recommended that you take the journal for all the transactions, irrespective of whether their details were printed during the day.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘ACRJRNAL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

11.1.3 Contents of the Report

The report options that you select while generating the report will be printed at the beginning of the report.

Body of the Report

The transactions processed during the day in each module will be reported in the alphabetic order of the module code. Totals will be provided in local currency for each module.

Field Name


Reference num­ber

This is the reference number of the contract involved in the transaction being reported.

Account number

This is the account number for which the accounting entry was passed.

Account branch

This is the branch to which the account belongs.

Account description

This is the description of the account.


This is the SWIFT code of the account currency.


This indicates whether the transaction was a debit or credit.

Transaction Code

Every accounting entry in Oracle FLEXCUBE involves a trans­action code. The transaction code describes the nature of the entry for which you are generating the report.

Transaction description

This is the description assigned to the transaction code.

Value date

The accounting entry was passed on this date.

FCY amount

If the transaction is in a foreign currency, the amount expressed in the foreign currency is displayed.

Exchange rate

If the transaction currency is different from the local currency, the exchange rate used is displayed.

LCY amount

This is the local currency equivalent of the amount involved in the transaction.

11.2 Trial Balance Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.2.1 Generating Trial Balance Report

The trial balance report gives details of all transactions involving a particular account. You can generate this report only after End of Financial Input is marked for the day.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘GLRPTBAL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

Since there are no selection options available for this report, click ‘OK’ button to generate the report. Click ‘Exit’ button if you do not want to generate the report.

11.2.2 Contents of the Report

Apart from the header the following information is provided for each account.

Body of the report

The report is sorted in the alphabetic order of the accounts and GLs involved in transactions during the day. This is in contrast with the transaction journal report that reports the transactions during the day, sorted on the module. The trial balance report gives the list of accounts or GLs involved in transactions, in any module.

The following details will be reported for each account:

Field Name


Account number

This is the account number involved in the transactions being reported.

Account currency

This is the currency of the account.

Opening Balance

This is the opening balance

Transaction Ref­erence

This is the reference number of the transaction being reported. It will be empty for a teller or voucher entry.

Additional text

This is the additional text

Fcy amount

If the account is in foreign currency, this is the transaction amount in the foreign currency.

Lcy amount

This is the equivalent of the transaction amount in local cur­rency. The conversion is done at the rate used for the trans­action.

Current Balance

The current balance in the specific account

11.3 Multi-Currency P and L Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.3.1 Generating a Consolidated Report

This is the multi-currency profit and loss report. It gives the latest balances in the income and expense GLs.

The way in which the balances in different currencies for a GL are reported can be explained by way of an example.

You can indicate that the report should be consolidated across the branches as per the reporting structure defined at your branch. If you choose to consolidate the balances (to recall, the GL structure will be the same in all the branches in a reporting structure), you should also indicate the date as of which the consolidation should be done.

This date assumes significance when the different branches in the reporting structure are on different dates. In such a case, the consolidation should ideally be made as of the earliest of the dates of the branches, or earlier. The report will be as of the date you enter here, for all branches across which the balances are being consolidated.

Generating the Balance Sheet or P n L Report for a Period in the Past

You can generate the report to retrieve the balance sheet or the P n L report for any date in the past. Such a history report can be generated either for a past financial period or a financial year.

11.3.2 Selection options

You can generate the report for the following options.


You can indicate whether you want a report consolidated across the branches in the reporting structure defined for your branch.

Past period and period code

Indicate that you want to generate the report for a period in the past, by highlighting this field.

Financial year

By choosing a past financial year, you can generate the report for that period.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘GLRPGLCY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

11.3.3 Contents of the Report

The report options that you select while generating the report will be printed at the beginning of the report. Apart from the header the following information is provided for each contract.

Body of the Report

Field Name


Currency/GL Code

This is the currency for which the balances are being reported. The GL Code is the GL for which the balances are being reported.

When the contributions from contracts in a foreign currency are reported, the local currency equivalent of the amounts is also shown. The conversion rate would be the one that was used for the transaction.


This is the description of the GL Code for which the balances are reported.

Debit balance

For an expense GL, the debit balance will be reported in foreign currency, followed by the local currency equivalent of the amount. The conversion rate would be the one used for the transaction.

Credit balance

For an income GL, the credit balance will be reported in foreign currency, followed by the local currency equivalent of the amount. The conversion rate would be the one used for the transaction.

Euro Eqv.

The equivalent of each of the above values in terms of Euro


Debit and credit totals will be provided for all categories of GL.

11.4 GL - MIS Daily Average Balance Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.4.1 Generating GL – MIS average balance report

In Oracle FLEXCUBE, the GL – MIS average balance report can be generated daily. It gives the latest value date average balances or the book date average balances based on the option you chose at the time of report generation. The report displays the average balance with branch code, GL code, currency code, MIS class and MIS code. The report can be generated for All Customers as well as Single Customer.

By defining GL reports with MIS linkages, you can generate a GL report in which the balances are reported against the entities defined in the linkage. These reports help you group information under different MIS entities. The following example illustrates this concept:

While generating the GL report, you can indicate that an MIS Linkage report should be generated instead of a normal report. The contents of the report will be the same as that of a normal GL report, except for the break-up provided for each MIS Class.

It also includes the effects of revaluation and financial closure entries on the average balance.

You can invoke the screen by typing the code ‘GLRISAVG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

11.4.2 Selection Options

You can generate the report for the following options:

Indicating the preference for GLs

You can generate the report for all GLs or for a GL. To generate the report for a single GL click on Single and from the option list choose the GL that you want to generate the report for.

If you want the report to be generated for all GLs choose ‘All’.

Indicating the Currencies preference

To generate the report for a single currency click on Single and from the option list choose the currency code that you want to generate the report for.

If you want the report to be generated for all currencies choose ‘All’.

Indicating the Customer criteria

To generate the report for a single customer click on Single and from the option list choose the customer number that you want to generate the report for.

If you want the report to be generated for all customers choose ‘All’.

Defining the MIS Class criteria

To generate the report for a single MIS class click on Single and from the option list choose the MIS class that you want to generate the report for.

If you want the report to be generated for all MIS class choose ‘All’.

Specifying the date preference for generation of the report

You have the option to specify the date option for generating the report.

You can generate the report to reflect the average balance report for any date in the past.


However this date has to be within the retention date you have mentioned in the GL Branch Parameters screen.

Select the value date button if you want to generate value date GL-MIS average balance report. To generate book date GL-MIS average balance report, select book date button.

11.4.3 Contents of the Report

You can generate the GL-MIS average balance report for a single customer or for all customers for a specific date till date. The system will generate the report based on the parameters specified by you.

The contents of the daily average balance report are given below:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


The report contains the average balance for financial year to date and period to date for the foreign currency and the local currency. The average balance includes the effect of account revaluation and financial closure entries for both book date and value date.

The value date average balance reflects adjustment due to back value entries in addition to normal value date balance.

The book date average balance is based on the booking date and hence there is no adjustment.

The financial year ‘To date’ and period ‘To date’ average balance values are with respect to the financial year and period code of the bank.

Each column in the report contains the following details:

Field Name



Indicates Branch.

GL Code

The code that identifies the general ledger


Indicates currency

Month to Date LCY

Month to date local currency balance

MIS Class

The class of MIS

MIS Code

The code that identifies the MIS

Month to Date ACY

Month to date account currency balance

Customer Number

The CIF of the customer whose details are being generated

Year To Date LCY

Year to date local currency balance

Year To Date ACY

Year to date account currency balance

11.5 General Ledger Periodical Average Balance

This section contains the following topics:

11.5.1 Generating GL Periodical Average Balance Report

You can generate the average balance report from General Ledger module of Oracle FLEXCUBE. This report gives you details of GL balance in both transaction currency and local currency. You can set preferences as to generation of the report using ‘Reports – GL Average Balance’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPAVG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

11.5.2 Selection Options

You can set the following preferences:

Financial Year

You can specify the following parameters.

From Year

Specify the financial year from when you need to generate the report from the adjoining option list.

To Year

Specify the financial year till when you need to generate the report from the adjoining option list.


You can specify the following parameters.

From Period

Specify the start date of the report period.

To Period

Specify the end date of the report period.

Include Zero Balances

Check this option to include zero balances in the report.

Once you have captured the details, click OK button. The system will display the print options screen. Set your preferences and click OK to print.

11.5.3 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description


Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Branch Date

Indicates Current Date of the Branch

User ID

Indicates User ID

Date & Time

Indicates the Date and Time when the report was generated


Indicates module for which report is generated.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


GL Code

The code that identifies the general ledger

GL Description

Indicates the description of general ledger

Financial Year

The financial year for which you require the general ledger average balance

Period Code

The code that identifies the period for which the details are required


The code of the transaction currency

Currency Bal

The GL balance amount in terms of transaction cur­rency


The GL balance amount in terms of local currency

11.6 General Ledger Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.6.1 Generating General Ledger Report

The general ledger report displays credit and debit balances in various accounts maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You can set preferences as to generation of the report using ‘General Ledger Report’ screen.

To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPBAL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

11.6.2 Selection Option

You can set the following preferences for the report:

Report Branch

The system defaults report branch.

Report Name

Specify the name of the report. The option list displays all valid report names maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

From General Ledger

You can generate the report with details of a particular general ledger alone. The option list displays all valid GL codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one. If you do not specify a GL code here, the system will generate the report for all general ledgers.

General Ledger MIS Break

If you check this option, the report will represent GL balances break-up details with corresponding MIS codes. If you do not check this, the system will not generate the breakup in the report.

Only Leaf General Ledger

Leaf general ledgers are maintained under Nod general ledgers. If you check this option, the system will include only the Leaf general ledger details in the report. If you do not check this, the report will be generated for the Leaf general ledger as well as the corresponding Nod general ledgers.

Skip Zero Balances

Check this option to exclude details of zero balance general ledgers from the report. If you do not check this option, the system will include details of zero balance general ledgers in the report.


Specify the category to which the general ledger belongs. You can choose one of the following categories from the dropdown list:

Category Groups

Specify the category group. You can choose one of the following groups:


Chart of accounts have been grouped hierarchically under six levels. You can generate the report for accounts that fall under a certain level of this hierarchical structure. Specify the level of hierarchy.

Customer / Internal

Choose the general ledger types for which the report is being generated. You can choose one of the following options:

Past Period

Check this option to indicate that the report is being generated a period in the past.

Financial Year

Specify the financial year for which you are generating the report.

Period Code

Period codes are maintained for each financial year. If this report is being generated for a particular period within a financial year, specify the period code. The option list displays all valid period codes maintained under the financial year selected above.


Check this option to generate a report that is consolidated across the branches in the reporting structure defined for your branch.


Specify the date of the report.

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.6.3 Contents of the Report

The contents of General Ledger report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, financial year/period code, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name



The code that identifies the GL


The description of the account

Debit Bal­ance LCY

The debit balance in the selected account

Credit Bal­ance LCY

The credit balance in the selected account

Total Real Balance

The total real credit as well as debit balances and equivalent values in terms of Euro

Total Contin­gent Balance

The total contingent credit as well as debit balances and equivalent values in terms of Euro

Grand Total

The grand total credit as well as debit balances and equivalent val­ues in terms of Euro

11.7 Cash Flow Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.7.1 Generating Cash Flow Report

Cash flow report gives you details of inflow, outflow and the net inflow of cash for each product. You can set preferences as to generation of this report using ‘Cash Flow Report’ screen.

To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPCFLO’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

11.7.2 Selection Options

You can set the following record preferences:

From Product

Specify the product code. The system will generate the report of cash flow from this product to the product selected in ‘To Product’ field.

To Product

Specify the product code. The system will generate the report of cash flow to this product from the product selected in ‘From Product’ field.


Specify the name of the report. The option list displays all valid report names maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print options screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.7.3 Contents of the Report

The contents of cash flow report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name



The product of which the details are generated


The duration of time in (days) for which the currency record is fetched


The corresponding currency for each product

Amount In

Inflow of cash for each product and the corresponding currency

Amount Out

Outflow of cash for each product and the corresponding currency

Net Inflow

Net inflow for each product and the corresponding currency

Euro Eqv.

The equivalent of each of the above values in terms of Euro

Total for Product

This is the total inflow, outflow and total net inflow for the product

Total for Currency

This is the total inflow, outflow and total net inflow for the currency

11.8 Currency Cash Flow Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.8.1 Generating Currency Cash Flow Report

Currency-wise Cash flow report gives you details of inflow, outflow and the net inflow of cash for different currencies. You can set preferences as to generation of the report using ‘Currency-wise Cash Flow Report’ screen.

To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPNFLO’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

11.8.2 Selection Options

You can set the following record preference:


Specify the name of the report. The option list displays all valid report names maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.8.3 Contents of the Report

The contents of cash flow report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name



The currency for which the cash flow details are generated

Amount In

Inflow of cash for each currency

Amount Out

Outflow of cash for each currency


The duration of time in (days) for which the currency record is fetched

Net Inflow

Net inflow for each product and the corresponding currency

Total for Cur­rency

Total inflow and outflow of cash for the specific currency

11.9 Uncollected Funds Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.9.1 Generating Uncollected Funds

This report provides the details of uncollected funds related to the GL for a selected period. You can set preferences as to generation of this report using ‘Uncollected Funds Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPUNC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.9.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description


Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Branch Date

Indicates Current Date of the Branch

User ID

Indicates User ID

Date & Time

Indicates the Date and Time when the report was generated


Indicates module for which report is generated.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


GL / Cur­rency Code

The code of the GL whose details are displayed in the report


The description

Uncollected Amount

Uncollected amount from each GL

11.10 Currency Position Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.10.1 Generating Currency Position Report

You can set preferences as to generation of this report using ‘Currency Position Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPCCY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.10.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, consolidation status, financial year / period code, indication as to whether the period is closed, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


GL / Currency Code

The code of the GL whose details are displayed in the report


The description

Debit Balance

The debit balances in terms of local currency as well as Euro

Credit Balance

The credit balances in terms of local currency as well as Euro


The currency

Currency Description

Description of the currency

11.11 GL Summary Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.11.1 Generating GL Summary Report

This is a summary report of transactions posted to asset and liability, income or expense GLs defined at the product level. The transactions are grouped by GL types and the totals are provided. This report is generated at EOD.

11.11.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the Branch, Date, User ID and the Module for which the report is generated,

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Field Name


GL Account No

This indicates the GL Account Number

GL Name

This indicates the GL Name


This indicates the Currency

Debit Balance LCY

This indicates the Debit Balance in Local Currency

Credit Balance LCY

This indicates the Credit Balance in Local Currency

Debit Balance FCY

This indicates the Debit Balance in Foreign Currency

Credit Balance FCY

This indicates the Credit Balance in Foreign Cur­rency

11.12 Balance Sheet Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.12.1 Generating Balance Sheet

You can set preferences as to generation of this report using ‘Balance Sheet Report’ screen. This report summarizes the net balance of all general ledgers under assets, liabilities, income and expense. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPBASH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Period Code

Specify the period code.

Financial Cycle

Specify the financial cycle for which you want to generate the report from the adjoining option list


Specify the level.


Check category of the balance sheets for which you need to generate the report, from the following:

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.12.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


GL Code

The code of the GL whose details are displayed in the report


The description

Amount in LCY

The amount in Local Currency

Amount FCY

The amount in Foreign Currency


The total Amount

11.13 Profit and Loss Internal Transactions Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.13.1 Generating P and L Internal Transactions Report

You can set preferences as to generation of this report using ‘Profit and Loss Internal Transactions Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPLTXN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.13.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


Account Number

Indicates the account number

Account Name

Indicates the name of the account

Debit/Credit Indica­tor

Indicates whether the transaction is debit or credit


Indicates the currency of the account


Indicates the amount


Indicates the description

Value Date

Indicates value date

Input Branch

Indicates The input branch

Maker ID

Indicates the maker ID

Input Date

Indicates the input date

Reference Number

Indicates the reference number

11.14 Monthly Average Balance for Entire GL Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.14.1 Generating Monthly Average Balance for Entire GL Report

You can set preferences as to generation of this report using ‘Monthly Average Balance for Entire GL Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPMABR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Period Code

Specify the period code from the adjoining option list.

Financial Year

Specify the financial year for which you want to generate the report.

Once you have specified the details, click OK button. The system displays the print option screen. Set your preferences as to printing the report and click OK button.

11.14.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


GL Code

Indicates the code of the GL whose details are dis­played in the report

GL Description

Displays the description of the general ledger

GL Category

Indicates the general ledger category


Indicates the currency of the account

Monthly Average Balance (Account Currency)

Indicates the monthly average balance in account cur­rency

Monthly Average Balance (Local Cur­rency)

Indicates the monthly average balance in local cur­rency

11.15 Daily Expense Tracking Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.15.1 Generating Daily Expense Tracking Report

This report helps you track the daily expenses. You generate this report using ‘Daily Expense Tracking Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRDLEXP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

All Branches/Specific

You can generate this report for all the branches or a specific branch alone. If you choose ‘All Branches’, the system will generate the report for all the branch codes. If you choose ‘Specific’, you need to select the branch code for which you need to generate the report.

Once you have specified the details, click ‘OK’ button.

11.15.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name



The branch code

Account Number

The GL account number

Transaction number

The expense transaction number

Dr/Cr indicator

Indicates whether the transaction was a credit trans­action or debit transaction

Posting Date

The date on which the entry was posted

Expense for the day

The expense incurred on the current date

11.16 Back Dated Transaction Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.16.1 Generating Back Dated Transaction Report

This report helps you analyse all the backdated transactions entered in the system. You generate this report using ‘Back Dated transaction Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPBDTN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Specify the report options and click ‘OK’ button.

11.16.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


Account Number

The GL account number

Customer Name

The name of the customer

Dr/Cr indicator

The transaction was a credit transaction or debit transaction


The currency of the transaction


The transaction amount


The description of the transaction

Value Date

The value date of the transaction

Input Branch

The branch at which the transaction was recorded

Maker ID

The user ID of the maker of the transaction

Input Date

The date on which the transaction was recorded

Reference Number

The reference number of the transaction

11.17 Income Expense Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.17.1 Generating Income Expense Report

The income expense report provides details of the income and expenses by displaying the debit, credit and net balances for GL accounts. You generate this report using ‘Income Expense Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPINEX’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

All Branches/Specific

You can generate this report for all the branches or a specific branch alone. If you choose ‘All Branches’, the system will generate the report for all the branch codes. If you choose ‘Specific’, you need to select the branch code for which you need to generate the report.

Specify the report options and click ‘OK’ button.

11.17.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


Account Number

The GL account number

Account Name

The name of the account

Account Type

The type of account


The period of the report

Debit Balance

The debit balance

Credit Balance

The credit balance

Net Balance

The net balance

11.18 Profit and Loss Statement

This section contains the following topics:

11.18.1 Generating Profit and Loss Statement

This report provides the details of profit and loss for a selected period. You generate this report using ‘Profit and Loss Statement’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPPLST’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Financial year

Select the financial year for which you need to generate the report.

Period Code

Select the period code for which you need to generate the report.

Specify the report options and click ‘OK’ button.

11.18.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


GL/Currency Code

The general ledger code and the currency


The description of the general ledger

Movement of Period

The movement of period

YTD Movement

The YTD movement


The total balance

Movement of Period

The total movement of period

YTD Movement

The total YTD movement

Excess of Income over Expense

The amount in excess of income over expenses

11.19 Currency wise Profit and Loss Statement

This section contains the following topics:

11.19.1 Generating Currency wise Profit and Loss Report

This report provides information on the credit, debit and net balances currency-wise. You generate this report using ‘Currency wise Profit and Loss’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRPPNL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:


Check this box to consolidate the records maintained with all branches including the head office. If you check this box, you need to indicate the date until which the system should consider consolidation of records across branches.


Specify the date until which the system should consolidate the records.

Past Periods

Check this box to include past periods in the report.

Financial Year

Specify the financial year.

Period Code

Specify the period code.

Specify the report options and click ‘OK’ button.

11.19.2 Contents of the Report

The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name



The GL currency code

Currency Description

The description of the currency code displayed

GL/Currency Code

The general ledger code


The description of the GL

Debit Balance

The debit balance

Credit Balance

The credit balance

Debit Balance LCY

The debit balance in local currency

Credit Balance LCY

The credit balance in local currency

Euro Equivalent

The Euro equivalent amount

11.20 General Ledger Summary Report

This section contains the following topics:

11.20.1 Generating GL Summary Report

This report provides a summary of the general ledgers with details of debit and credit balances in local currency as well as foreign currency. You generate this report using ‘GL Summary Report’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘GLRSUREP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Branch Code

Specify the branch code of the branch for which you need to generate the report.

Specify the report options and click ‘OK’ button.

11.20.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. The contents of this report have been discussed under the following heads:


The ‘Header’ carries the title of the report, the branch code, branch date, user ID, module from which the report has been generated, date and time at which the report has been generated and the page number of the report.


You can find the following details in the body of the report:

Field Name


GL Account Number

The general ledger account number

GL Name

The name of the general ledger

Branch Code

The branch code of the selected branch for which the report is generated


The currency of the general ledger

Debit Balance in LCY

The debit balance in local currency

Credit Balance LCY

The credit balance in local currency

Debit Balance FCY

The debit balance in foreign currency

Credit Balance FCY

The credit balance in foreign currency