2. Islamic Bills and Collections - An Overview

2.1 Introduction

A bill, as an instrument of international trade, is the most commonly used method for a seller to be paid through banking channels. Besides credit risk considerations, bills are the customary business practice for trade and a particularly important fee-earning service for any bank.

The Islamic Bills and Collections (IBC) module supports the processing of all types of Islamic bills, both domestic and international. It handles the necessary activities during the entire lifecycle of an Islamic bill once it is booked.

This section contains the following topics

2.2 Features

In an effort to empower your bank in handling a high volume of credit and to enable you to provide superior services to the customers of your bank, Oracle FLEXCUBE provides you with the following features:

These will be processed as part of the batch processes run at BOD or EOD. The system automatically calculates the date on which the events should take place, based on the frequency and the date specified for the bill.

2.3 Operations you can Perform on a Islamic Bill

The operations that you can perform on an Islamic bill depend on the trade finance product type you are processing. Further, the messages and advices that are generated for the bill are determined by the operation you perform on the bill. The profit, charges or fees can be different for each operation that you perform on the bill.

In Oracle FLEXCUBE, all types of bills are classified in to two categories. They are:

All types of incoming bills (international and domestic) financed by your bank are termed Import bills. Similarly, all outgoing bills (international and domestic) financed by your bank are termed Export bills.

The operations that you can perform on an Islamic bill have been diagrammatically represented below:

The system allows you to effect a change of operation for the following operation types:

For instance, while processing an acceptance bill, which needs to be discounted, you need not enter a new bill to discount the bill. You need to just amend the operation type from acceptance to discount.

The SWIFT Messages that can be Generated for an Import Bill

The messages that are generated for an Import bill depend on the operation you perform on the bill. The following are the SWIFT messages that are supported for an Import bill.




MT 410

Acceptance Advice

MT 412

Payment tracer


Acceptance tracer

MT 420

Advice of Payment for a Collection bill

MT 400

Advice of fate (principal and acceptance)

MT 422

Refusal Advice (payment and accept)

MT 734

Discharge Advice

MT 732

Tracers that are generated

MT 420

Authorization to pay, accept or negotiate

MT 752

Advice of Payment for import bills under LC

MT 756

The SWIFT Messages that can be Generated for an Export Bill

The messages that are generated for an Export bill depend on the operation you perform on the bill. The following are the SWIFT messages that are supported for an Export bill.

MT 400 – Advice of Payment for a Collection Bill


SWIFT code


MT 410

Acceptance Advice

MT 412

Payment tracer


Acceptance tracer

MT 420

Refusal Advice (payment and accept)

MT 734

Discharge Advice

MT 732

Amendment of instruction

MT 430

Reimbursement claim

MT 742

Discrepancy Requirement

MT 750

Tracers that are generated

MT 420

2.4 Profit and Charge Liquidation

The IBC module has a flexible mechanism for raising, tracking and controlling the profit that you collect and the charges that you levy. These may be on a cash or account receivable basis. They can be collected either in advance or in arrears and can be accrued or non- accrued.

Profit can be collected either as a rate or as a flat amount. Standard Profit rates can be defined for each bill type. Changes that you effect to fields like the base date, exchange rate or account numbers require reversal entries. The system generates reversal entries for the corrected amount, account, rate etc.