2. Oracle FLEXCUBE – FC SSI MH Interface

Oracle FLEXCUBE communicates with the SWIFT Correspondent via FC SSI MH for transfer of files. It uses the SWIFT Net protocol ‘Fileact’ for this dispatch. The mode of communication is folder based with XML Data Layer. The Oracle FLEXCUBE MH adapter will handle the transfer of files from Oracle FLEXCUBE to FC SSI MH and vice versa.

To facilitate the dispatch of files, you have to maintain the following:

For more details on dispatch file parameters, refer the section ‘Maintaining Dispatch File Parameters’ in the ‘Maintaining Information specific to the Payments and Collections Module’ chapter of the PC User Manual.

For more details on dispatch file generation, refer the section ‘Generating Dispatch File’ in the ‘Processing a Payment or Collection Transaction’ chapter of the PC User Manual.

This interface is capacitated to handle to both inbound and outbound services. Each of these services and the corresponding message formats are discussed in the following sections of this User Manual.

This chapter contains the following section:

2.1 Inbound and Outbound Services

This section contains the following topics:

2.1.1 Handling Inbound Services

Oracle FLEXCUBE will receive the files from the SWIFT Correspondent (SC) through the FC SSIMH using the folder based communication mode of the Messaging Hub.

The sequence of the message exchanges between Oracle FLEXCUBE SSI MH for file transfers that are initiated from SC to Oracle FLEXCUBE is provided in the table below:

SWIFTNet Request Origin Request/Response Message Destination Remarks
FileAct PUT from SC to Ora­cle FLEX­CUBE FC SSI AcceptExchangeFileRequest Oracle FLEXCUBE This request will not be processed in Oracle FLEXCUBE and will be configured for Auto Accept in SSI MH
  Oracle FLEX­CUBE AcceptExchangeFileRe­sponse FC SSI This response will not be Generated in Oracle FLEXCUBE and will be configured as Auto Accept in SSI
  FC SSI IsExchangeFileRequest Oracle FLEXCUBE This mes­sage will be processed and the cor­responding payload will be pro­cessed.
  FC SSI ErrorInfo Oracle FLEXCUBE This mes­sage will not be pro­cessed.

You have to maintain the following folder structures in FC SSI MH for Oracle FLEXCUBE as a Business Application for file transfers initiated from SC:

Folder Name Explanation
<FCC_LINE-ID>/CLIENT/REQ SSI MH Adapter will receive the following in this folder:IsEx­changeFileRequest, ACKFile and ErrorInfo. The first two will contain FileAct envelope.
<FCC_LINE_ID>/CLIENT/FILEACT/PAYLOAD/PUT SSI MH Adapter will receive payload for FileAct PUT request initiated by SC in this folder.

The sequence of events is listed below:

  1. The Oracle FLEXCUBE MH adapter will poll on the envelope messages ‘IsExchangeFileRequest’ in the ‘Client/Request’ folder of SSI MH.
  2. On receiving the envelope ‘IsExchangeFileRequest’, the corresponding payload file in the ‘Payload’ folder is transferred in to Oracle FLEXCUBE Application Server. The system picks up the appropriate payload file based on the logical file name in the envelope message.
  3. The payload file from the Oracle FLEXCUBE Application Server will then be moved to the Oracle FLEXCUBE Database Server.
  4. The adapter will make a request message ‘SEPA-Exchange-File-Req-MSG’ with service name ‘SEPAFileServices’ and operation as ‘FileUpload’ and place the same on the Oracle FLEXCUBE Gateway MDB queue.
  5. The request message ‘SEPA-Exchange-File-Req-MSG’ will now have the path of the payload file moved to the Database Server.


The inbound services of the SSI MH Adapter will also process the error file messages and ACK file for the File transfer request initiated by Oracle FLEXCUBE.

For details, refer the section titled ‘Handling Outbound Services’ later in this chapter.

2.1.2 Handling Outbound Services

The outbound services of adapter will transfer files from the Oracle FLEXCUBE Database Server to FC SSI MH. The file to be transmitted will be created in the Oracle FLEXCUBE Database Server and the process will generate a notification alert to indicate the creation of the file.

The process will then follow the following sequence:

  1. On receiving the notification alert from Oracle FLEXCUBE, the File handoff process in SSI MH Adaptor layer will start. The notification alert will have the reference to the file in the database server which needs to be moved to the FC SSI folder.
  2. The Handoff file will move from the Database Server to the Application Server from where it will be transferred to the ‘Payload’ folder in FC SSI MH.
  3. After completing the file transfer, the SSI MH adapter will put the envelope XML ‘BaExchangeFileRequest message’ in the FC SSI MH envelope folder.

The sequence of the message exchanges between the Oracle FLEXCUBE SSI MH for outbound services is given in the table below:

SWIFTNet Request Origin Request/Response Message Destination Remarks
FileAct PUT from Oracle Oracle FLEX­CUBE to SC Business Applica­tion BaExchangeFileReq­uest FC SSI This mes­sage would be gener­ated by the MH adapter
  FC SSI ErrorInfo* Oracle FLEX­CUBE This mes­sage would be pro­cessed by MH adapter
  FC SSI AckFile Oracle FLEX­CUBE This mes­sage would be pro­cessed by MH adapter

You have to maintain the following folder structures in FC SSI MH for Oracle FLEXCUBE as a Business Application for file transfers initiated from Oracle FLEXCUBE:

Folder Name Explanation
<FCC_LINE_ID>/SERVER/REQ SSI MH Adapter will put the request file containing ‘BaExchangeFileReq­uest’ which will contain FileAct envelope
<FCC_LINE_ID>/SERVER/FILEACT/PAYLOAD/GET SSI MH Adapter will put payload for FileAct PUT request initiated by Ora­cle FLEXCUBE in this folder.
<FCC_LINE_ID>/SERVER/RESP SSI MH Adapter will receive response file containing following in this folder: AckFile and ErrorInfo

2.1.3 Processing the ACK/Error File

On receiving the ACK/Error file, the adapter will make ‘SEPA-ACK-File-Req-MSG’ with service name as ‘SEPAFILESERVICE’S and operation as ‘FILESTATUS UPDATE’ and place the same in the MDB queue of Oracle FLEXCUBE gateway.

This request will be further processed as follows:

2.1.4 Viewing Transfer File Status

You can view the status of the file that will is transmitted in the ‘Payment Gateway Browser’ screen.

The following details are available in this screen:

You have the option to resend the files with transfer status as ‘Failure’. Click ‘Resend’ button to initiate the transfer.

2.1.5 Message Formats

The message formats are given below:

Field Tag
Field Description Optional / Mandatory Restrictions
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Transac­tionRef Transaction refer­ence for a given transaction. Same reference is sent back in response Mandatory  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest:: Envelope::Logical­Name Logical file name Mandatory Maximum length= 254
BaExchangeFileReq­uest:: Enveope::Requestor Application entity. DN of the Requestor Optional Maximum length= 100
BaExchangeFileReq­uest:: Envelope:: Responder Responder Optional Maximum length= 100
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope:: Service SWIFT service name Optional Maximum length= 30
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::OpType FileAct operation type Optional Possible vales=[PUT, GET]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest:: Envelope:: Trans­ferDescription Free Text about file transfer Optional  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Transfer­Info Structured data that can be ana­lyzed by the server Optional  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::MsgId E2E application identifier of the message. Optional Maximum length= 40
BaExchangeFileReq­uest:: Envelope::Creation­Time Request creation time Optional Date Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::AckIndi­cator The client applica­tion indicates to FC SSI to send an acknowledgement of message sent to SWIFTnet. Optional The field will be con­figurable Possible val­ues=[TRUE,,FALSE]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest:: Envelope::Request­Crypto SWIFTNet Link will operate signa­ture and encryp­tion automatically on request if this is set to TRUE Optional Possible val­ues=[TRUE, FALSE] Note: In case value of ReqN­rIndicator is TRUE, value of RequestCrypto must be set to TRUE
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::ReqN­rIndicator TRUE Indicates that non-repudia­tion is requested for the Request. Optional Possible val­ues=[TRUE,,FALSE]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Delivery­Mode Indicates whether store-and-forward (SnF) is used. Optional Possible values=[ SnF,REALTIME]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Deliv­eryNotif Indicates whether a delivery notifica­tion is required Optional Possible val­ues=[TRUE, FALSE]. Note: In case value of ReqN­rIndicator is TRUE, value of DeliveryNotif must be set to TRUE
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Ack­Responder DN of the Responder that must be used in the header of the acknowledgement of reception of a file to address the server in charge of handling the acknowledgement Optional Maximum length = 100
BaExchangeFileReq­uest:: Envelope::Request­Type Request type Optional Maximum length = 30
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Priority The Priority of delivery Optional Possible val­ues=[Urgent,Nor­mal]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope:: Size Size of file if OpType is PUT Optional  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::FileInfo User information about the file. Optional  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::MaxSize Maximum accept­able Size if the OpType is GET Optional  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Reques­tRef Request reference Optional Maximum length = 30
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Orig­TransferRef Origin transfer ref­erence Optional  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::FileDe­scription Description of file Optional  
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::PdIndica­tion Indicator of possi­ble duplicate of emission Optional Possible val­ues=[TRUE,FALSE]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::PdEmis­sionTime Time of emission of a message Optional Multiple occur­rences possible
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Compres­sionReq Indicates whether Compression Required or Not Optional [TRUE, FALSE]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Compres­sionAlgo Indicates which Compression algo has to be used Optional [ZIP,GZIP,NONE]
BaExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope::Compres­sionAlgo Indicates which Compression algo has to be used Optional [ZIP,GZIP,NONE]


Message format for IsExchangeFileRequest

Field Tag Field Description Optional / Mandatory Restrictions
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: Transac­tionRef Transaction refer­ence for a given transaction. Same as in request Mandatory Maximum length = 30
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: Trans­ferRef The unique refer­ence of the file transfer Mandatory Maximum length = 30
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: Logical­Name Logical file name Mandatory Maximum length = 254
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: Physi­calName Physical file name Optional Maximum length = 254
IsExchangeFileReq­est::Envelope :: Crypto:: MemberRef Elements that were signed Optional Multiple occur­rences possible
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: Crypto:: EncryptDn The distinguished name of the decrypter. Optional Maximum length = 100
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: Crypto:: Cryptouserinfo Application-to-application infor­mation Optional  
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblSta­tus:: Severity Result of the swCall function call Optional Possible values = [Fatal, Transient, Logic, Success, Warning]
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblStaus:: Code Status Code. Optional  
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblStaus:: Parameter All error Parame­ters Optional Multiple occur­rences possible
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblStaus:: Text Textual description Optional  
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblStaus:: action Proposed correc­tive action Optional  
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblStaus:: Details:: Code Status Code Optional Multiple occur­rences possible
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblStaus:: Details:: Text Textual description Optional  
IsExchangeFileReq­uest::Envelope :: GblStaus:: Details:: Action Proposed correc­tive action Optional  

Message format for ACKFile

Field Tag Field Description Optional / Mandatory/ Required Restrictions
AckFile:: Envelope :: TransactionRef Transaction reference for a given transac­tion. Same reference is sent back in response Mandatory  
AckFile:: Envelope :: FcssiRef Transaction reference for a given transac­tion generated in FC SSI. Note: This tag is used in case of FileAct Put from Business appli­cation to SWIFTNet. Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::TransferRef The unique reference of the file transfer Mandatory Maximum length = 30
AckFile::Enve­lope::Status Indicates the success or failure of the opera­tion Mandatory Possible val­ues=[SUCCESS, FAILURE]
AckFile::Enve­lope::TransferAnswer Indicates if the file transfer was rejected or accepted by the server Optional Possible val­ues=[Accepted, Rejected]
AckFile::Enve­lope::MsgId E2E message identi­fier. Business applica­tion can relate the information to its transaction using this identifier as it is the same identifier sent by the business applica­tion. Optional Maximum length =40
AckFile::Enve­lope::CreationTime Original request crea­tion time Optional Date Format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
AckFile::Enve­lope::ackdescription The answer of the delivery notification. Free Text. Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::RejectDescrip­ion Indicates why the server application rejected the file trans­fer Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::RejectInfo Structured data about the file transfer rejec­tion Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::Size File Size Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::digeststatus Digest status com­puted by FC SSI Optional Possible values = [TRUE,FALSE]
AckFile::Enve­lope::GblSta­tus::Severity Result of the swCall function call Optional Possible values = [Fatal, Transient, Logic, Success, Warning]
AckFile::Enve­lope::GblStatus::Code Status Code. Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::GblStaus::Parameter All error Parameters Optional Multiple occur­rences possible
Ackle::Enveope::GblStatus::Text Textual description Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::GblStaus::action Proposed corrective action Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::GblSta­tus::Details::Code Status Code Optional Multiple occur­rences possible
AckFile::Enve­lope::GblStaus::Details::Text Text description Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::GblSta­tus::Details::Action Proposed corrective action Optional  
AckFile::Enve­lope::Responder Responder Optional Maximum length = 100
AckFile::Enve­lope::ResponseRef Response Ref Optional Maximum length = 30
AckFile::Enve­lope::PdIndication Indicator of possible duplicate of emission Optional Possible val­ues=[TRUE,FALSE]
AckFile::Enve­lope::PdEmissionTime Time of emission of a message Optional Multiple occur­rences possible


Message format for Error File

Field Tag Field Description Optional / Mandatory/ Required Restrictions
ErrorInfo:: TransactionRef Transaction refer­ence for a given transaction. Same reference is sent back in response Mandatory  
ErrorInfo:: FcssiRef Transaction refer­ence for a given transaction gener­ated by FC SSI. Optional Maxlength=30
ErrorInfo::IdMsg In case of MQ Interface, this should give the MQ Message ID of the associated message. For Folder Interface this field should contain the name of the associated message file. Optional  
ErrorInfo::Description Text description of the error to the possible detailed level Mandatory  
ErrorInfo::DuplicationError Flag indicating a duplication error Optional Possible val­ues=[true,false]