4. Oracle FCPB – FCDB Interface

Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking (FCPB) is integrated with Oracle FLEXCUBE DIRECT BANKING (FCDB). This integrated system will provide a single-sign-on to users for accessing Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Wealth Management screens. ’Wealth Management‘ tab would be provided on the FCDB Customer dashboard which will allow a wealth management customer to access the FCPB application.

The integrated system will also provide the aggregated holdings of the customer from the FCPB system, under each investment category.

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Rules for Single Sign-On from Oracle FCDB to FCPB

  1. Session Management will remain independent between FCPB and FCDB i.e. Once the user navigates to FCPB system from FCDB system, FCPB session will be created and managed by FCPB. There would be no inter-dependency of sessions on either of systems.
  2. The customers will not be able to access FCDB transactions when logged into FCPB.
  3. While enabling a customer for private wealth management in host (UBS), the relevant CIF details will be sent to the FCPB system as EOD file handoff as explained in FCPB_FCUBS interface details.
  4. If due to any reason, synchronization of customers (enabled for Wealth Management access) between FCPB & host system (FCUBS) is not available and business user tries to access the PWM menu via FCDB, the session will be forwarded to FCPB and FCPB will display the error messages.
  5. “You are not authorized to view the Wealth Management Portfolio. Please contact the Bank's Administrator for more details”.
  6. FCPB will have a one to one mapping between UBS customer-id and user id in FCPB application. FCPB System will authenticate and display relevant information for the CIF (Customer Id) that is passed from FCDB.

4.2 Investment Portfolio Details from FCPB to FCDB

The integrated system enables the user to view the Holdings/Investment-data available in FCPB if the logged in user is a Wealth Customer and has wealth portfolio in FCPB. The data is presented for all portfolio types i.e. Overall set of portfolios like RM Managed, Self Managed, Held Away and Discretionary.

The FCPB system displays the holding for a customer grouped by Instrument Type as shown in the below screenshot. This data will be passed on to FCDB via the interface. The integrated system excludes fetching the details for instrument Types like CASA and/or TD which are already present in the FCDB core banking system.

The investment portfolio of the customer is then displayed in the accounts summary section in the Integrated dashboard.