3. MIS Cascading

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 MIS Cascading

You can have a particular MIS group defaulted in the MIS Subsystem of the following screens at the time of creation of records:

Once these records are authorized, you can change the MIS Group values (i.e. MIS Codes linked to the MIS Class) in the MIS Group Maintenance screen. During EOD, the batch program ‘MIGCASCD’ maintained at the Post EOTI level will cascade the modified MIS Codes in the above screens. As a result, the system replaces the MIS Codes that are provided at the time of creation of the above records by the MIS Codes maintained in MIS Group.

3.2 Feature ID Maintenance

If you maintain feature ID for all branches, the system displays the MIS class values and MIS codes in the MIS subsystem of the following screens.