5. Reports

5.1 Introduction

The report programs available under the Retail Teller (RT) module are explained in this chapter. All activities that are performed by the RT module are recorded. The inputs you have made at different stages are pieced together and can be extracted in the form of meaningful reports as and when you may require them. Every day teller doing the financial transactions, print hard copy of the reports.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.2 Batch Journal Report

In this BIP report you can verify the transactions done by tellers and also for tallying purpose. This report lists the transactions done by a user in a day and sums up the debits and credits for the user and for reconciliation with the vouchers and cheques for onward submission. This report is generated for the current branch.

You can invoke ‘Batch Journal Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRPBJRN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Product Type

Select product type for which you wish to generate the report from the options. The following values are available for selection:

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the Batch Journal report, click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

5.2.1 Contents of the Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch and date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the module of the report and product type.

Body of the report

The generated report will be ordered by the Teller ID.

Field Name

Field Description

Teller ID

This indicates the teller ID.


This indicates the currency.


This indicates the product.

Account Number with Customer Name

This indicates the account number with customer name.


This indicates the credited amount for the transac­tion.


This indicates the debited amount for the transaction.


This indicates the commission charged for the trans­action.

Transaction Date and Time

This indicates the transaction date and time.

Transaction Number

This indicates the transaction number.

Authorizer ID

This indicates the authorizer ID.

Sum of Credits, Debits and Commission

This indicates the sum of the credits, debits and com­mission amount of transactions, teller wise.

5.3 Cash Position Branch Wise Report

This BIP report lists the cash position for all tellers under each currency. You can invoke ‘Cash Position Branch Wise’ screen by typing ‘RTRPCCY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the Batch Journal report, click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

5.3.1 Contents of the Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch and date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated and the module of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will be ordered by the Currency, Teller ID.

Field Name



This indicates the currency.

Till ID

This indicates the till Id.

Teller ID

This indicates the teller Id.

Denomination Code

This indicates the denomination code

Till position for Teller, Cur­rency wise

This indicates the till position for teller, currency wise.

Sum of the Till Position for the Currency

This indicates the sum of the till position for the currency.

5.4 Teller Transaction Branch Wise Report

This BIP report lists the transactions entered by tellers as on a specific transaction date.

You can invoke ‘Teller Transaction Branch Wise’ screen by typing ‘RTRPTRN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the transaction date.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the Batch Journal report, click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

5.4.1 Contents of the Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch and date, transaction ID, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated and the module of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will be ordered by the Teller ID.

Field Name


Teller ID

This indicates the teller Id.


This indicates the currency.

Product with description

This indicates the product with the description.

Number of transactions by teller for the product

This indicates the number of transactions by teller for the product.

Total amount

This indicates the total amount.

Total Commission charged

This indicates the total commission charged.

5.5 Overage and Shortage Report

This report lists the overage/shortage cash transactions performed during the day for a branch.

You can invoke ‘Overage/Shortage Report’ screen by typing ‘TPROSREP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details here:

From Date

Specify the Overage/shortage transactions From Date here in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Alternatively, you can also select the date from the adjoining calendar button. By default the current application date is displayed here.

To Date

Specify the Overage/shortage transactions To Date here in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Alternatively, you can also select the date from the adjoining calendar button. By default the current application date is displayed here.

Branch Code

Select the branch code from the adjoining option-list. The list displays all valid branch codes. The list will not include any closed branches.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the report. Click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

5.5.1 Contents of the Report

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the Bank, Branch, Run date, User ID and the period for which the report is generated,

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Field Name


Posting Date

Overage/Shortage for that date

User ID

User who has done the overage/shortage transaction.


Currency of the transaction


Overage amount for the currency


Shortage amount for the currency

5.6 Instrument Details Report

When branches issue various instruments, they are subsequently paid and reconciled. You can generate ‘Instruments Details Report’ for a given day to list details of instruments based on the instrument status. The instrument details are grouped based on instrument and currency type. You can invoke ‘Instruments Details Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRINSDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining option list.


Specify a valid date for which you wish to generate instrument details report, from the adjoining calendar.


Specify instrument status based on which you wish to generate the report, from the adjoining option list.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

5.6.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Instruments Details Report is as follows:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch and date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the module of the report and product type.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Instrument Type

Indicates Instrument Type

Issuer Short Name

Indicates Issuer Short Name

Instrument No.

Indicates Instrument Number

Instrument Currency

Indicates Instrument Currency

Instrument Amount

Indicates Instrument Amount

Payable Branch

Indicates Payable Branch

Instrument Status

Indicates Instrument Status

User ID

Indicates User ID

5.7 Authentication Report

There is a variation in the access rights, privileges, and transaction limits for each of your staff. Few transactions have to be revalidated and authorized by the supervisor before committing to the record. Also, few transactions have to be authorized by a supervisor due to legal/regulatory repercussions.

You can generate ‘Authentication Report’ which lists the authorizations provided on transaction.

You can invoke ‘Authentication Report’ screen by typing ‘STRBRNAU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining option list.

Posting Date

Specify a valid Posting date of the transaction for which you wish to generate authentication details report, from the adjoining calendar.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

5.7.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Authentication Report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description


Indicates Bank code and Bank Name


Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Run Date

Indicates Date on which report is generated

User ID

Indicates User ID

For Period

Indicates Period for which report is generated.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Supervisor ID

Indicates Checker ID

User Id

Indicates Maker ID

Account Number

Indicates Account Number

Account Desc

Indicates Account Description

Transaction Description

Indicates Transaction Description


Indicates Transaction Currency

Transaction Amount

Indicates Transaction Amount


Indicates Authorization Date


Indicates the time

Authorization comments

Indicates Authorization comments

5.8 Cheques Deposited Today Report

During a day Bank receives various clearing cheques from customers, which have to be credited in to the respective accounts. To clear the settlement few details have to be furnished. You can generate ‘Cheques Deposited Today Report’, which lists cheques deposited to the accounts on the current day and their complete details.

You can invoke ‘Cheques Deposited Today Report’ screen by typing ‘STRCHDEP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining option list.


Specify the date for which you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

End Point

Specify cheque number which you wish to maintain as an end point to generate the report, from the adjoining option list.

Clearing Branch

Specify code of the branch clearing the cheques, for which the report is generated, from the adjoining option list.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

5.8.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Cheques Deposited Today Report is as follows:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch and date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the module of the report and product type.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Payee Brn

Indicates Payee Branch

Clearing Branch

Indicates the clearing Branch

Clearing branch name

Indicates the name of the clearing branch

Payee Account

Indicates Payee Account number

Customer short name

Indicates Customer short name

Customer value date

Indicates Value Date

Cheque amount

Indicates Cheque amount

Cheque number

Indicates the cheque number

Transaction currency

Indicates transaction Currency

Routing number

Indicates Routing number


If the cheques deposited are from a different bank, then the customer and remitter names are displayed in the report.

5.9 Cheque Purchased Report

A teller purchases both the local and outstation cheques deposited by the customers, to credit on the day of deposition of cheques into the accounts. The balance available in the customer’s CASA account is updated for successful transaction.

During EOD, you can generate ‘Cheque Purchased Report’ with Teller and Authorizer ID details for reconciliation. The details of the report are grouped based on the product and currency type. You can invoke ‘Cheques Purchased Report’ screen by typing ‘STRCHPUR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining option list.

Transaction Date

Specify transaction date for which the report needs to be generated. You can select the date using the adjoining calendar button.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

5.9.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Cheques Purchased Report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description


Indicates Bank code and Bank Name


Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Run Date

Indicates Date on which report is generated

User ID

Indicates User ID

For Period

Indicates Period for which report is generated.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Product Code

Indicates PDC Product

Currency Code

Indicates Currency of the Cheque

Account Number

Indicates Beneficiary Account

Account Title

Indicates Beneficiary Account Description

Cheque number

Indicates cheque number

Txn. reference no.

Indicates Transaction Reference Number

Amount Purchased

Indicates Amount Purchased/discount

Interest Amount

Indicates Sum of Interest Amount

SC Amount

Indicates Sum of Charge Amount

Maker ID

Indicates Maker ID of the Transaction

Checker ID

Indicates Checked ID of the transaction


If the purchase date and value date are same, then the Interest and SC amount are ‘0’.

5.10 Cheque Purchased Returned Today Report

If the instruments which were purchased by the branch to credit the customer accounts are returned by other banks due to valid reasons; then the customer accounts are reversed.

During EOD, you can generate ‘Cheque Purchased Returned Today Report’ which lists all the cheques which were purchased and returned on the specified day, for effective follow-up by the branches. You can invoke ‘Cheques Purchased Returned Today Report’ screen by typing ‘STRCHPRE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining option list.

Transaction Date

Specify transaction date of the cheques for which the report is generated from the adjoining calendar.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

5.10.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Cheques Purchased Returned Today Report is as follows:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch and date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the module of the report and product type.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Payee A/C No.

Indicates Beneficiary Account Number

Cheque No

Indicates Instrument Number


Indicates Local currency of the Branch

Amount Txn (LCY)

Indicates Cheque Amount in LCY

Routing No.

Indicates Routing No.


Indicates Currency Code of the transaction

Amount Txn (TCY)

Indicates Amount in Transaction Currency

Reject Reason

Indicates Remarks of the Cheque Transaction

5.11 Drawer-wise Returned Cheques Report

Cheques are credited and discounted to the customer accounts, based on the purchase limit, margin and so on. Subsequently these cheques realized or dishonored and the corresponding details are entered.

You can generate ‘Drawer-wise Returned Cheques Report’ which lists details of the cheques returned by the correspondent bank or branch on a specified day. The report also provides details about the income earned through interest. Details in the report are grouped based on the Drawer. You can invoke ‘Drawer-wise Returned Cheques Report’ screen by typing ‘STRDRRET’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining option list.

Transaction Date

Select the transaction date using the adjoining calendar button. In the report, the system will include the transactions for the selected date.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Report Output

Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

5.11.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Drawer-wise Returned Cheques Report is as follows:


The Header carries the Branch of the report, information on the branch and date, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the module of the report and product type.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Drawer ID

This indicates the identification of the drawer whose details are provided in the report

Cheque Return Count

This indicates the count of cheque returns

Account No

Indicates Beneficiary Account Number

Account Desc

Indicates the description of the account

Customer Name

Indicates Customer Name

Cheque Dt

Indicates Cheque Date

Cheque No

Indicates Cheque Number

Routing No

Indicates Routing Number

Purchase Dt

Indicates Purchase Date

Purchase Srl No

Indicates Purchase Serial Number

Inst CCY

Indicates Instrument Currency

Purchase Limit

Indicates Limit Linked Amount

Inst Amount

Indicates Cheque Amount

Interest Amount

Indicates Interest Amount

SC Amount

Indicates Service Charge Amount

5.12 Cheque Issued on Daily Basis Report

You can invoke ‘Cheque Issued on Daily Basis Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRPCHQD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:

From Date

Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date

Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

5.12.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the Report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description

Report Name

Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name

Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID

Indicates the Identification of the User


Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date

Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time

Indicates Current System Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description


Indicates the branch code

Branch name

Indicates the name of the branch

Date of issue

Indicates the date of issue

Account Number

Indicates the account number


Indicates the currency of transaction

Customer Name

Indicates the name of the customer

Maker ID

Indicates the maker ID of the record

Maker Date

Indicates the date and time when the record was created

Checker ID

Indicates the checker ID of the record

Checker Date

Indicates the date and time on which the record was authorized

5.13 Paid Out Cheque Report

You can invoke ‘Paid Out Cheque Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRPPCHQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:

Report Date

Specify date of the report from the adjoining calendar.

Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description

Report Name

Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name

Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID

Indicates the Identification of the User


Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date

Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time

Indicates Current System Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Transaction Reference

Indicates the transaction reference number

Dr Account Number

Indicates the debit account number

Dr Account Title

Indicates the debit account title


Indicates the amount


Indicates the currency of the transaction

Cheque Serial Number

Indicates the serial number of the cheque used

Date of the Cheque

Indicates the date in the cheque

Value Date

Indicates the value date

Beneficiary Title

Indicates the beneficiary title

5.14 Stationary Management Report

You can invoke ‘Stationary Management Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRPSMNG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:


Specify date of the report from the adjoining calendar.

Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description

Report Name

Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name

Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID

Indicates the Identification of the User


Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date

Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time

Indicates Current System Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Opening Balance

Indicates the opening balance

Cheque Number Used

Indicates the number of the cheque used

Cancelled Cheque Number

Indicates number of the cancelled cheque

Date of Booking

Indicates the date of booking


Indicates the amount

Closing Balance

Indicates the closing balance


Indicates the status

Maker ID

Indicates the identification of the maker of the record

Checker ID

Indicates the identification of the checker who authorized the record

5.15 Demand Draft/Purchase Order Stale Report

You can invoke ‘State Cheque Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRPSTAL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:


Specify date of the report from the adjoining calendar.

Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description

Report Name

Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name

Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID

Indicates the Identification of the User


Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date

Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time

Indicates Current System Time

Page No

The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

MC Number

Indicates the MC number

Debit Account Number

Indicates the debit account number


Indicates the title


Indicates the amount

Transaction Reference Number

Indicates the transaction reference number

Date of Transaction

Indicates the date of transaction

Beneficiary Title

Indicates the beneficiary title

5.16 Processed FCY Collection Transaction Report

You can invoke ‘Processed FCY Collection Transaction Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRPFCYC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code

You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:


Specify date of the report from the adjoining calendar.

Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:


The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name

Field Description

Report Name

Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name

Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID

Indicates the Identification of the User


Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date

Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time

Indicates Current System Time

Page No

The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name

Field Description

Transaction Code

Indicates the transaction code

Transaction Refer­ence

Indicates the reference number of the transaction

Dr Account Number

Indicates the debit account number

Dr Account Title

Indicates the title of the debit account

Cr Account Number

Indicates the credit account number

Cr Account Title

Indicates the title of the credit account

Amount of the Cheque

Indicates the amount of the cheque

Beneficiary Bank

Indicates the beneficiary bank code

Booking Date

Indicates the booking date of the transaction

Value Date

Indicates the value date of the transaction

Rate Applied

Indicates the rate applied


Indicates the branch code

Maker Id

Indicates the user ID of the user who created the transaction

Maker Date Stamp

Indicates the date on which the transaction was created

Checker Id

Indicates the user ID of the user who authorized the transaction

Checker Date Stamp

Indicates the date on which the transaction was authorized