3. Managing Investor Accounts

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Customer Information

This section contains the following topics:

3.1.1 Maintaining Customer Information

Each individual or company that transacts with your bank becomes your customer. In the Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing (FCIS) system, a customer information file (or CIF) is maintained for each customer.

A customer may desire to invest in the funds of the AMC, and have an investment account. In such a case, an investment account known as a unit holder account is maintained for such customers. A customer can have more than one investment account.

A customer account or a CIF account is created in the FC-IS system in either of the following ways:

  1. At installations where the Oracle FLEXCUBE Corporate (FCC) and Oracle FLEXCUBE Retail (FCR) applications are also present, an interface is defined between either (or both) of these applications and FC-IS. The CIF account for the customer is created in either of these applications. Whenever a CIF account is authorized with investment details in either FCC or FCR systems, the interface propagates the details of the CIF account to the FC-IS system, where an initial, single unit holder account is created for the CIF account. The unit holder ID created in FC-IS will be identical to the account number in FCC. Subsequently, any number of unit holder accounts may be created in FC-IS for the CIF account. If a CPNJ number is linked to a CIF in FCC, then a unitholder of the type ‘Corporate’ will be created in FCIS for that customer. Similarly, if a CPF number is linked to a CIF in FCC, then a unitholder of the type ‘Individual’ will be created in FCIS for that customer. Any modification to the customer account details in FCC will be propagated to FCIS.
  2. At installations where FCC and FCR are both not present, a CIF account for a customer can be created in FC-IS through the Customer Maintenance menu in the Browser. An initial, single unit holder account is created for the CIF account. Again, subsequently, any number of unit holder accounts may be created in FC-IS for the CIF account. Edition and Amendment (through Information Change) of the unit holder accounts can only be performed through the FC-IS system.

For a fuller discussion of how CIF accounts are created in FC-IS system, refer the chapter “Maintaining Customer Information”

After a CIF account is created along with a single, initial unit holder account, in either of the ways described above, you can create any number of unit holder accounts for the CIF account in the FC-IS system.

3.1.2 Maintaining Investor Accounts

Any individual or company that invests capital in any investment avenue with a view to receive greater returns and appreciation of invested capital is known as an investor.

When an investor invests in a mutual fund or any of the funds floated by an AMC, the fund gives the investor a certain number of investment units that are indicative of the investor’s stake in the fund money pool. The investor is known as a unit holder and is said to have holdings in the fund.

In Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing, all details regarding each unit holder that invests in the AMC are maintained in the system database, in the account created for the unit holder. This account is known as the unit holder account, and it is the single repository in the system database from where any information regarding the unit holder can be queried for, retrieved as well as updated.

Though a single account can be typically created for each unit holder, multiple accounts can also be maintained for Customer Information File (CIF) customers of your bank or AMC.

This chapter deals with all aspects of the creation and maintenance of unit holder and CIF unit holder accounts in the FC-IS system.

After you open a unit holder account for a new investor, you can perform any of the following maintenance operations:

Whenever an investor requests for a transaction, the system uses the unit holder account as the identification for the investor, while putting the transaction through. The effect of the transaction on the balance holdings of the investor in a fund is also reflected in the account.

3.1.3 Identifying Unit Holder Account in System

The unit holder account that is maintained for an investor in the system database can be uniquely identified in the system by the following two identifiers:

The Reference Number

The reference number is a unique alphanumeric identifier for the account. It could be the serial number that is given on the application form through which the investor has invested in the AMC. It could also be any alphanumeric value given by the AMC or the investor, to identify the account.

The reference number can be used to query the database for information regarding the account.

The Unit Holder ID (or Number)

Like the reference number, the unit holder ID is also a unique alphanumeric identifier for the account. Either you can specify the unit holder ID or it can be generated by the system when you create the account and enter all the necessary details into the system. The unit holder ID has a generation logic that can be defined by the AMC for each of its branches. Thus, the unit holder ID is the most important identifier for the account in the system.

Like the reference number, the unit holder ID can also be used to query the database regarding the account.

Before you begin to set up any new unit holder accounts for investors that are desirous of investing in the funds of the AMC, you must ensure that the following static information sets have already been set up and entered into the system database and the required authorizations done:

For a detailed account of this information, refer to the Fund Manager.

3.1.4 Specifying Mandatory Information for New Account

In the UH New Account Detail screen, you must specify the following details about the investor as mandatory information when you are creating a new unit holder account:


If you wish to copy the unit holder details from that of an existing unit holder account, use the Copy UH link alongside the CIF Number field.

3.1.5 Defaulting of Information for CIF Unit Holder Accounts

As mentioned earlier, when a CIF account is authorized in either FCC or FCR at an installation, a single, initial unit holder account is created in FC-IS for the CIF account. The following information is defaulted for the unit holder account in FC-IS:

These default specifications cannot be changed when the first, initial unit holder account is created for the CIF account in the FC-IS system. To change any of these details, an information change must be done. However, you cannot change the defaulted identification number.

Subsequently, after the creation of the first, initial unit holder, whenever you create another unit holder account for the CIF in FC-IS in the UH New Account screen, the specifications that were used as defaults for the creation of the first account, as shown above, are defaulted again. However, these can be changed at the time of creation of a new unit holder. Depending on the specifications at the FCC installation, you can add the FCC account details as unit holder account bank details in FC-IS or create another unit holder account for the CIF in FC-IS.

Whenever an FCC account undergoes number modification, FC-IS will perform an information change to the unit holder account record. On FCC account closure, the status of the unit holder account will be changed to ‘Pending for Closure’ and no outflows will be allowed from the account.

3.1.6 Specifying Additional Information for New Account

After you have specified all the mandatory information, you are ready to save your specifications so that the account can be entered into the database.

You can, additionally, specify any of the following information as applicable before you actually save the record:

To make these specifications, click the Member Details link in the screen, and enter the details in the corresponding fields.

3.1.7 Choosing Template for Automatic Replication

Modifications made to a unit holder account under a CIF, through an Information Change operation, might require to be replicated to all unit holder accounts under the CIF. Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing provides the facility of configuring the system so that automatic replication could be achieved, through automatic replication templates.

When an information change to a unit holder account under a CIF is authorized, a template for automatic replication could be chosen. Any changes that have been made through Information Change, to any of the fields defined in the template, are replicated to all unit holder accounts belonging to the CIF, when the Information Change is authorized. The replication occurs at the level defined for the template – CIF level (changes made to CIF fields are replicated) or Identification Type level (changes made to Identification Type fields are replicated)

Template ID


Select the automatic replication template that is to be used for replication of changes made to the unit holder account through Information Change, to all unit holder accounts belonging to the CIF.

Any changes that have been made through Information Change, to any of the fields defined in the template, are replicated to all unit holder accounts belonging to the CIF, when the Information Change is authorized. The replication occurs at the level defined for the template – CIF level (changes made to CIF fields are replicated) or Identification Type level (changes made to Identification Type fields are replicated)

3.1.8 Maintaining Stop Status on Unit Holder Account

A stop could be placed on a unit holder account for a number of reasons. Such a stop typically results in restrictions being placed on the account, in terms of inflows and outflows, with regard to the following events:

A unit holder account can be rendered as restricted in an operation through a stop, due to any of the following:

Specifying a Stop Instruction

You can place a stop on an account in the system by performing an information change and specifying the following information in the Client Preferences field:

For details, refer the sections Maintaining IRS Notifications and Escheatment Tracking, found later in this chapter.

When you specify this information, the system marks the account with a ‘stop’ status. The Stop Account box in the Client Preferences section is checked, and the stop account code is assigned by the system, using the information provided.

The Stop Account Code

When you specify a stop instruction through an information change, the system automatically assigns a 20-character code that indicates the stop instruction status of the account, known as the Stop Account Code. Any account that has a stop account code assigned to it due to a stop instruction, is restricted in operation.

To recall, an account can be rendered restricted in operation due to any of the following:

Both IRS notifications as well as Stop Codes can be assigned to an account through an information change.

The stop account code consists of 20 characters or ‘bits’. Each character denotes a restriction on any of the following operations:

Each character could have a value of 0,1 or 2. The values are interpreted as follows:

Stop account bit position


When bit value = 0

When bit value = 1

When bit value = 2


Allow all IPO Subscrip­tion Transactions

Stop all IPO Subscription Transactions



Allow all Redemption Transactions

Stop all Redemption Transactions



Unblock all transac­tions

Block all transactions



Pause all standing instructions


Deduct all dividend tax


Dividend reinvestment only


Allow all subscription transactions

Stop all subscription trans­actions



Allow all Switch Out transactions

Stop all Switch Out Trans­actions



Allow all Transfer Out transactions

Stop all Transfer Out transactions



Allow all Switch In transactions

Stop all Switch In transac­tions



Allow all Transfer In transactions

Stop all Transfer In trans­actions



Dividend payout only. The 6th bit will take precedence over the 12th bit if the value of both is specified as 1.

The remaining 8 characters in the stop account code are not currently used, and are reserved for future usage.

3.1.9 Maintaining IRS Notifications on Unit Holder Account

An IRS notification is typically issued on a unit holder account in the event of non-payment of tax or due to incorrect reporting of the Tax ID.

You can capture the IRS notification by performing an information change on the unit holder account. In the Client Preferences section, select the notification that is applicable, in the IRS Notification field.

If the notification pertains to an incorrect reporting of Tax ID, select it from the drop down list. If the notification pertains to non-payment of tax, select the option ‘Under Reporting’. When this notification is chosen, all outflows from the account are frozen, but inflows due to standing instructions are allowed. Also, dividend is compulsorily reinvested, and tax is compulsorily deducted, regardless of the TDS setup.

3.1.10 Saving New Account

After you have specified all the information that is mandatory for the account, (and any further information, if any, as applicable) click the Save link at the bottom of the Detail screen to save your specifications. The system validates all the information and saves the record into the database. The unit holder ID for the account is generated and displayed if you have not specified it. In case you have input the unit holder ID, the system validates it.

Along with the confirmation details, links to Subscription and IPO transaction screens are also displayed. If you invoke the transaction screens directly from here, the new Unit holder ID will be defaulted in the transaction screens. Transactions thus saved will be unauthorized and have to be manually authorized. However, if the user has Auto -Authorization roles enabled when a new Unit holder is created and when a transaction is done, both, Unit holder record and transaction will be authorized automatically.

The unit holder account has now been created successfully in the system database. You can now perform any of the following operations:

3.2 Unit Holder Maintenance Details Screen

This section contains the following topics:

3.2.1 Invoking Unit Holder Maintenance Details Screen

To create a new unit holder account in the FC-IS system for an investor, use the ‘Unit Holder Maintenance Detail’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTDUH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


In the Unit Holder Maintenance Detail screen, you create the account by:


You can also copy the details of an existing unit holder, and then modify the copied details as required, by using the Copy UH link.

Select ‘New’ from the Actions menu in the Application toolbar or click new icon to enter the details of the Unit Holder Maintenance screen. The Unit Holder Maintenance Detail screen has the following fields for data entry:

CIF Number

Alphanumeric; 9 Characters; Optional

Specify the CIF number of the customer for whom you are creating a unit holder account.

You can also query for CIF number by clicking ‘Find UH’ button.

When you specify the CIF Number, the name of the corresponding CIF customer is retrieved from the database and displayed alongside the field. Also, the default information from the initial unit holder account created for the CIF account is displayed in the fields of this screen. You can override any of these if necessary, and make necessary specifications.

Reference Number

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the reference number.

Investor Type


Select the type of investor from the drop-down list. the list displays the following values:

Dealing Type

Alphanumeric, 1 Character; Mandatory

Indicate whether the investor wishes to deal with the AMC either directly (as self) or through a designated authorized representative, by choosing the appropriate option from the option list.

If you choose the authorized representative option here, then you must specify the ID of the designated authorized representative in the Auth Rep ID field as mandatory information for the account.

If you are maintaining a depositary as a unit holder in the system, you must select the dealing type as ‘Depositary’.

Dealing Type Desc


The system displays the description for the selected dealing type.

Unit Holder ID


The system displays the unique number assigned to each unit holder account.

In case you have input the unit holder ID, the system checks if:

If you input the last two characters as ‘04’, the system displays an error message and you are required to input a new value for the unit holder ID.

In the case of system-generated ID, the automatic generation of unit holder ID takes place after you have specified all mandatory details for a new account, and clicked the Save button at the bottom of the Client Information Section (or at the bottom of the Detail screen).

All your specifications are validated, and upon successful validation, the generated unit holder ID for the account is displayed.

The logic governing the generation of unit holder ID’s would have been defined for the agency branch where you have created the account, in the agency branch maintenance record.

This field is not visible when you are creating a new account in the Detail screen. If you are viewing, editing, deleting or amending a previously created unit holder record, then the ID of the account is displayed here, and is non-editable.

If the unit holder account is being created for a CIF account in FCC, then the unit holder number will be identical to the FCC account number.


You should define the following System Parameters to enable the generation and valida­tion of unit holder ID:

A/C Opening Date

Date Format, Mandatory

Specify the date on which you are creating the account.

The application date is displayed here by default, and will be reckoned as the opening date for the account if you do not specify any other date in this field. You can specify an earlier date, if necessary.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Select the code of the AMC/ Distributor in whose funds the investor wishes to invest, from the list provided. You capture this information for the purpose of identifying the AMC/ Distributor to which the unit holder belongs, and in whose database the unit holder account will reside.

AMC Description


The system displays the description for the selected AMC ID.

UH Category

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the unit holder category.

Category Description


The system displays the description for the selected UH category.

First / Company Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Enter the First or Company name.

Protected Investor Level


Select protected investor level from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Other Details

Fee Category

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

From the list provided, select the fee category to be deemed applicable for the investor whose account you are creating.

Fee Category Desc


The system displays the description for the selected fee category.


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify any narrative, or descriptive text, if any, concerning the account.

Template ID

Alphanumeric; 6 Characters; Optional

Specify the template ID. Alternatively, you can select template ID from the option list. The list displays all valid template ID maintained in the system.

On modify operation, if the template ID is given a overrride message as ‘Auto-information change will happen for underlined unitholders for CIF/ Identification based on the template ID’ will be shown and on authorization informations will be replicated. On New operation, if the template ID is given, the system display an error message as 'Template ID should be entered only during modification'.

In this field, indicate the reasons for which the account is being created, if necessary.

Fee Sub Category

Alphanumeric, 6 Characters; Optional

From the list provided, select the fee subcategory to be deemed applicable for the investor whose account you are creating.

Fee Sub Category Desc


The system displays the description for the selected fee category.

Auth Rep ID

Alphanumeric; 12 characters; Mandatory only for unit holders dealing through authorized representative

For investors dealing through authorized representative, select the ID of the preferred representative using the list button alongside.

Auth Rep ID Desc


The system displays the description for the selected fee category.

Click ‘Find CIF’ button to search for CIF number.

Click ‘Subscription’ button to input ‘Subscription Transaction’ details.

Click ‘IPO Subscription’ button to input ‘IPO Subscription’ details.

The Copy CIF Button

If you wish to copy the unit holder details from that of an existing unit holder account, click the Copy CIF button alongside the CIF Number field. The Unit Holder Find screen is opened, and you can select the unit holder whose details you wish to copy. When you have selected the required unit holder, the details of the selected account are written into the respective fields in the UH New Account Detail screen. You can make changes to the copied details, if required, and save your changes to create the unit holder account. This feature can only be invoked in the New Mode.

While creating a unit holder account using the Copy UH link, the system will not copy the KYC details. You need to provide new KYC details as per category selected.

Copy UH Without KYC button

This button will be enabled upon query operation. If you click this the system will copy the previous unit holder along with KYC details. When the KYC details are copied from the parent UH the ‘All requested KYC documentation has been received’ field will be defaulted to “No”.

If you want to copy the UH but not KYC details of the previous UH then click ‘Copy UH without KYC’. The system will not copy the KYC from the parent UH.

3.2.2 Individual Dtls Tab

In this section, specify the personal details for individual investors. You can access it by clicking ‘Individual Dtls’ tab.



After you have specified the details in this section for an individual investor, all your spec­ifications will be lost if you change the investor type from “Individual’ to ‘Corporate’.

Click ‘Individual Dtls’ tab to enter the details.

Last Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the last name.

Middle Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the middle name of the individual investor.


Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional

Select the applicable title for the name of the individual investor from the list provided. If you do not find the option you are looking for in the list, maintain the same in the System Parameters Maintenance Screen.

For further information refer to the chapter “Maintaining System Parameters”.


Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

The system uses the first character in the First Name and Middle Name of the Unit Holder and displays it as Initials. You can however, change the initials if required.


Consider the investors with names ‘Lee-Ann Burrows’ and ‘Shawn David James Burrows’.

The table below illustrates how the system arrives at the Initials for the above two names:

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name







David James





Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that the investor is a minor. If so, you must specify the following as mandatory information for such an investor:

Guardian Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the designated guardian for the minor investor.


Alphanumeric; 70 Characters; Optional

Specify the relationship between the designated guardian and the minor investor.



The system displays the description for the selected relationship status.


Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Indicate the gender of the individual investor by choosing either the Male or Female option, as applicable.

The default option displayed in this field is Male, and will be considered to be the gender of the investor if you do not select an option.

Guardian PAN/GIR No.

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional

Enter PAN/ GIR number.

Guardian MFIN

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional

In case the unit holder is a minor and the client country parameter is set to “SHOWPANINFO” for your bank, specify the MFIN details of the unit holder’s guardian here.

Health Status

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Specify the health status. Alternatively, you can select health status from the option list. The list displays all valid health status maintained in the system.

Father/ Spouse Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the father or spouse of the individual investor.

Date of Birth

Date Format; Optional (Mandatory for minor investors)

Specify the date of birth of the investor. Although you need not specify this as mandatory information for non-minor investors, it is recommended that you do so.

You must specify the date of birth as mandatory information for investors that are minors.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the preferred beneficiary of the individual investor.

Marital Status

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Indicate the marital status of the individual investor by choosing either the Single or Married option, as applicable.

The default option displayed in this field is Single, and will be considered to be the marital status of the investor if you do not select an option.

Marital Status


The system displays the description for the selected marital status.


Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Indicate the occupation of the individual investor by selecting the applicable option from the list provided.



The system displays the occupation description for the selected occupation code.

A/c Operation Type

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Indicate the manner in which the investor wishes to operate the account, from the options in the list provided.

The investor may choose to operate the account in any of the following ways:

If you choose the Joint option, then you must specify the name of at least one of the preferred joint unit holders in the Joint CIF Details section in this screen, you are also allowed to specify the details of the joint account holders in the Joint UnitHolder Details screen which can be invoked by clicking the Joint UnitHolder Details hyperlink which appears once the Joint option is selected. You can modify the account operation type after authorization.

Account Operation Type


The system displays the type of account operation.

Guardian Form 60/61 Available?


If you want Guardian Form 60/61 to be available, select ‘Yes’. Else select ‘No’.

3.2.3 Corporate Dtls Tab

In this section, specify the company details for corporate investors. You can access it by clicking ‘Corporate Dtls’ tab..


Authorized Signatory 1, 2 and 3

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the names of any authorized signatories that must be deemed as valid for the company.

Minimum No of Signatories

Numeric; 22 Characters; Optional

Specify the minimum number of signatories.

Corporation Type

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the type of the corporation that the company is to be deemed, from the list provided.



The system displays the description for the selected corporation type.

Country of Incorporation

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the incorporation country from the adjoining option list.


After you have specified the details in this section for a corporate investor, all your speci­fications will be lost if you change the investor type from ‘Corporate’ to “Individual’.



The system displays the description for the selected country code.

3.2.4 Contact Dtls Tab

In this section, specify the means of communication with the investor for whom you are creating the account. You can access this section by clicking ‘Contact Dtls’ tab.

You can specify at least two addresses, and designate one as the default mailing address to be used for correspondence with the investor, and the other as the alternate address. Specify the default address under the Default Address head, and the alternate address under the Alternate Address head.

You can also maintain the SWIFT Address for the unit holder, in the SWIFT Address tab.


Correspondence Address Section

The following fields comprise the correspondence address information, in the Correspondence Address section:

Address Lines 1-2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the default postal address that is to be used for correspondence with the investor.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the city of residence of the investor. You can select the city from the drop down list provided. The available options depend on the values defined at the params maintenance. If the city is not available in the list, you can specify the city in the field provided alongside.

The list of cities available in the system will be a one time upload into the system.

Use State Maintenance


You can select one of the two values from the drop-down list:

If you select ‘Yes’, then only the system can accept US state code in ‘State’.

If you select ‘No’, then system can accept any value for ‘State’.

By default, the system displays ‘No’.


Alphanumeric; 80 Characters; Optional

Specify the state in which the city of residence of the investor is located. You can select the state of residence from the drop down list provided. The available options depend on the values defined at the params maintenance. If the state is not available in the list, you can specify the city in the field provided alongside.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the country in which the investor is domiciled, from the drop-down list.

When you specify the address of the investor, the country (if any) indicated in the address is displayed here by default

Int. Dialing Code +

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the international dialling code.

Telephone 1

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Enter the contact telephone numbers of the investor.

Zip Code

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the zip code of the specified city of residence of the investor.


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the Email address of the investor.

Contact Person

Alphanumeric; 160 Characters; Optional

For corporate investors, enter the name of the contact person at the unit holder office.

Int. Dialing Code +

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the international dialling code.

Telephone 2

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Enter the contact telephone numbers of the investor.

Int. Dialing Code +

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the international dialling code.

Cell Phone Number

Numeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the cell phone number of the investor.

Int. Dialing Code +

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the international dialling code.

Fax Number

Numeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the fax number of the investor.

Alternate Address Section

The Alternate Address section captures the same details as the Correspondence Address tab (as detailed above). However, you can specify a date range within which the alternate address would be in effect:

Address Line 1-2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the default postal address that is to be used for correspondence with the investor.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the city of residence of the investor. You can select the city from the drop down list provided. The available options depend on the values defined at the params maintenance. If the city is not available in the list, you can specify the city in the field provided alongside.

The list of cities available in the system will be a one time upload into the system.

Use State Maintenance


You can select one of the two values from the drop-down list:

If you select ‘Yes’, then only the system can accept US state code in ‘State’.

If you select, ’No’, then system can accept any value for ‘State’.

By default, the system displays ‘No’.


Alphanumeric; 80 Characters; Optional

Specify the state in which the city of residence of the investor is located. You can select the state of residence from the option list provided. The available options depend on the values defined at the params maintenance. If the state is not available in the list, you can specify the city in the field provided alongside.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the country in which the investor is domiciled, from the option list.

Zip Code

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the zip code of the specified city of residence of the investor.

Effective From Date

Date Format, Optional

Specify the date that marks the beginning of the period for which the specified alternate address is in effect.

Effective To Date

Date Format, Optional

Specify the date that marks the end of the period for which the specified alternate address is in effect.


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the E-mail address of the investor.

Int. Dialing Code +

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the international dialling code.

Telephone 1

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Enter the contact telephone numbers of the investor.

Int. Dialing Code +

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the international dialling code.

Telephone 2

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Enter the contact telephone numbers of the investor.

Int. Dialing Code +

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the international dialling code.

Fax Number

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Enter the fax number of the investor.

SWIFT Address Section

The following fields comprise the SWIFT address information, in the SWIFT Address section:

Address Lines 1-2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Enter the SWIFT address of the investor. You can enter up to 4 lines of address information.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the city of the SWIFT address for the investor.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the country of the SWIFT address for the investor.

Country Name


The system displays the name of the country for the selected country code.


Alphanumeric; 16 Characters; Optional

Specify the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) of the investor.

3.2.5 Client Preferences Tab

In this section, you specify any preferences indicated by the investor for the purpose of investment and transaction processing. You can access this section by clicking ‘Client Preference’ tab.


Mandatory Section

Preferred Currency

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

From the list, select the currency in which the investor prefers to transact with the AMC.

The preferred currency is the currency in which the investor or unit holder prefers to make any payments involving transactions or receive any dividend income payments. The currency you select here will be deemed as the default currency for all payments from or to the investor. If the ‘Payment Mode’ chosen is ‘Transfer’, the system allows you to successfully save the unit holder details only if you maintain a bank account for the preferred currency or multi-currency.

You can also choose ‘Fund Base Currency’ (FBC) as your preferred currency (for unit holders only). In this case, you will be allowed to proceed with saving unit holder details without maintaining an account for ‘FBC’.

You can save transactions for unit holders with ’FBC’ as preferred currency, but these transactions will be marked incomplete. You can complete such transactions by specifying unit holder Bank details for the unit holder and for the transactions (in the ‘Payments Details’ section).

The system processes payments on the basis of the currency for each fund for the ‘FBC’ option. In case an account exists for the FBC, the system picks it up for payments or else it picks up the default multi-currency account for the unit holder. If neither is available, the system displays an error message.

The investor can, if need be, choose to transact in a currency different from the one you specify here, for any transaction.


When you specify the country in which the investor is domiciled, in the Country of Domicile field, the currency associated with the specified country is retrieved from the Country Cur­rency Maintenance record in the system and displayed in this field by default. If you do not select any currency here, then the displayed default currency will be deemed as the pre­ferred currency for the investor.

Base Currency Desc


The system displays the description for the selected base currency.

A/C Statement Currency

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the currency for account statements for the investor, from the drop-down list.

If you do not make any selection, this will be deemed as the account statement currency for the unit holder.

Accnt Stmt Currency


The system displays the account statement currency for the selected account statement currency.

A/C Statement Frequency

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Mandatory

From the list, select the frequency at which the investor wishes to receive periodic statement of accounts from the AMC – this could be monthly, daily, yearly, half-yearly, biweekly, quarterly or weekly.

Account Statement Frequency


The system displays the account statement frequency.

A/C Type

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Optional

From the list, specify whether the account is to be a Voluntary account or a Retired account. Once authorized, this field cannot be modified.

Account Type


The system displays the type of account for the selected account type.

Preferred Mailing Mode

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

From the list, select the mailing mode in which the investor prefers to receive correspondence from the AMC.

If you wish to suppress the printing of contract notes in respect of the unit holder during execution of End of Day processes, you must select the ‘File’ option in this field.

Preferred Mailing Mode Description


The system displays the description for the selected preferred mailing mode.



Select if the investor is NRI or not from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

From the list, select the nationality of the investor for whom you are creating the account.

When you specify the country in which the investor is domiciled, in the Country of Domicile field, the nationality of the specified country is displayed in this field by default. If you do not make any selection in this field, then the displayed default nationality will be deemed as the nationality of the investor.



The system displays the nationality description.

Country of Domicile

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Mandatory

From the list provided, select the country where the investor is domiciled.

If you do not make a selection, then this default country of domicile is reckoned for the investor account in the database.

Country Of Domicile Description


The system displays the description for the selected country of domicile.

Preferred Language

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

From the list, select the language preferred by the investor for correspondence and communication.

Preferred Language Desc


The system displays the description for the selected preferred language.

Resident Status

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Mandatory

Indicate whether the investor resides in the selected country of domicile or not, by selecting either the Resident or the Non-Resident option.

Resident Status


The system displays the description for the selected resident status.

Redemption Payment

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Select the default mode of payment that is to be used for paying out the proceeds of any redemption transactions for the investor.

The two modes of payment supported in the system are Check and Transfer.

Redemption Pymt Default


The system displays the description for the selected redemption payment.

Dual Nationality

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the dual nationality from the adjoining option list.

Dual Nationality Description


The system displays the description for the selected dual nationality.

Substantial Stay in US


Indicate your substantial stay in US from the adjoining drop-down list. The options available are:

Investor Risk Level

Numeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the investor risk level from the option list. Alternatively, you can select Investor Risk Level from the option list. The system displays all valid investor risk status maintained in the system.

If investor with any risk level (including null) tries to invest in a fund with Restricted fund as ‘Yes’, then the system will display warning message as ‘Fund is restricted for investment from selected transaction type/ref type combination’. The error message will be displayed based on ‘Restriction applicable’ field, based on ref types mapped into ‘Fund Restriction’ screen.


You can configure Fund risk level and investor risk level at param maintenance for FUN­DRISKPROFILE and INVRISKPROFILE param codes respectively. The system will vali­date the fund risk for an investor in ‘Investor Fund Risk Rating Mapping’ screen.

This validation is also applied to electronic deals (bulk upload/SWIFT/gateway), light weight screens and bulk transaction screens.For light weight screen and bulk upload, the warning/ error messages will be logged and cannot be viewed on the screen.

The warning messages will be generated during the ‘Save’, ‘Edit’ and ‘Modify’ operations for the transactions captured manually.

If the SI ref type is mapped, the system will generate warning message on the RSP transaction while saving.

During authorization, the warning messages will appear for confirmation and the checker will have to accept the warnings to complete the transaction authorization.


The above validations are also applicable for transactions that are uploaded through FCIS Bulk Upload, SWIFT and gateway services.(Create/ Modify for IPO Subscription/ Sub­scription/ Switch/ Transfer).

Investor Risk Level Description


The system displays the description for the selected investor risk level.

Risk Expiry Date

Date Format; Optional

Select the expiry for the risk rating captured for the UH from the adjoining calendar.

When investor or guardian of minor account reaches 70 years old, the system will automatically update investor risk level to ‘10’ [‘conservative/ low’] and expiry date field will not be updated.

This check and risk profile updating will be handled by a BOD batch job. This job will be sequenced before SI generation job. Age at which the risk profile defaults to 10 is configurable in ‘Parameter Maintenance Screen’ with Param Code as ‘RISKPROFILEEXPIRYAGE’. This job for resetting risk profile can be scheduled as part of mini EOD for the required AMC's also.

When expiry date is crossed, the system will consider the investor risk level as ‘10’ [Low] irrespective of the investor risk level maintained. The system will not update the investor risk level field to ‘10’ [Low] in this case.

Latest Assessment Date

Date Format; Optional

Select the date on which investor risk profile was last assessed from the adjoining calendar.


Check Writing Facility


You can use this field to indicate that the investor is allowed to avail check writing facility on any funds of the AMC in which the investor holds unit balances.

Typically, in money market funds, investors could be issued deposit slips for subsequent purchases. They could also write checks to any external entity/ individual, which are reckoned as redemption from the investor account, when produced by the external entity individual, to the AMC.

Telephone Redemption


Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that telephonic requests from the investor for redemption transactions must be accepted.

Telephone Switch


Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that telephonic requests from the investor for switch transactions must be accepted.


If you select both Telephone Redemption and Telephone Switch fields as ‘Yes’, then the system will accept redemption and switch transaction requests with ‘telephone’ as the means of purchase.

Registration Type

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Optional

For investors requesting NSCC or Wire Order transactions, indicate whether the registration of certificates issued, if any, must be in the investor’s name (Individual Name) or registration name specified for the broker dealer (Street Name).

Registration Type Desc


The system displays the description for the selected registration type.

Place of Birth

Alphanumeric; 80 Characters; Optional

Enter the place of birth of the investor. This is mandatory if you have not specified the Tax ID.

Dispatch Date

Date Format; Optional

Enter the dispatch date.

Trail Commission Preference


Select the trail commission preference from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Preferred Fund ID

Alphanumeric; 6 Characters; Optional

The fund you select in this field will be the one from which management fee will be recovered and into which any incentives will be credited.

When an incentive is being credited, the system will first consider the fund you have selected here, in the field ‘Preferred Fund’. If you have selected a fund here, the incentive will be credited into this fund. If you have not selected a fund, the incentive will be credited into the fund for which a fund-load mapping has been done.

Consider the following cases during the redemption of a fee:

Case 1 – Periodic Fee maintained at the product level

If the periodic load is maintained at the product level, redemption will happen from the fund indicated here, only if the fund has sufficient balance. If the fund does not have sufficient balance, the system will consider the funds that you have selected through the Management Fee Applicability screen. For further information on the Management Fee Applicability screen, refer to the chapter Management Fee in the LEP User Manual.

Case 2 – Period Fee maintained at the fund level

If the periodic load is maintained at the fund level, the redemption will happen in the following manner:

The system will first consider the fund you have selected here, in the field ‘Preferred Fund’. If there is sufficient balance, the redemption will happen from this fund. If the balance is not sufficient, or you have not selected a fund (this field being optional), the system will consider the fund for which a fund-load mapping has been done. If there is sufficient balance in this fund, the redemption will be carried out from this fund. If, in this fund, the balance is not sufficient, the system will carry out the redemption from any other fund that the Unit Holder has invested into, in the appropriate ratio.

The funds, from which the fee amount is redeemed, may not be in the same currency. If the funds have different base currencies, the mid rate will be used as the exchange rate to arrive at the amount to be redeemed, in the fee currency.


If the fee needs to be accrued in a certain currency, the transaction will need to be gener­ated in the same currency. Hence, if the base currency of a certain fund is not that particu­lar currency and it does not allow any transaction in that currency, the fund will not be considered for redemption of the fee amount. This can be illustrated with the following ex­ample:


The base currency of the fund where the fee is accrued is RAND. After apportioning, the system will generate a redemption transaction in three funds with base currency and the restrictions as follows:

F1: Base Currency – RAND; Allowed Currencies: RAND, USD and GBP

F2: Base Currency – USD; Allowed Currencies: USD, INR and GBP

F3: Base Currency – GBP; Allowed Currencies: USD and GBP

In this case since the fee is accrued in RAND, the redemption transactions need to be generated in RAND. In the above case, F2 does not allow a RAND transaction. The system in such a case will raise an error.

Transaction Delivery Preferences

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Select the transaction delivery preferences from the option list.

Cert Delivery Preference


The system displays the certificate delivery details for the selected transaction delivery preferences.

Registration Name

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

For street name registrations, specify the registration name to be displayed on the certificates. Typically, this is the dealer name of the corresponding broker dealer.



Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that payment by FEDWIRE or ACH is to be accepted for the investor.

Apply Indexation on CGT?


You can use this field to indicate whether indexation is to be applied on capital gains tax computation, for the investor. Select this option to indicate application of indexation. Leave it unchecked to indicate that indexation is not applicable.

To indicate application of indexation, you must also specify it as applicable for the capital gains load, when you associate the load with a fund in the Fund Load Setup. Indexation is applied only if it is specified both in this Unit Holder New Account screen (for the investor’s profile) as well as in the Fund Load Setup, for the fund.

Country of Birth

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

From the list, select the country of birth of the investor. This is mandatory if you have not specified the Tax ID.

Country of Birth Description


The system displays the description for the selected country code.

Returned Date

Date Format; Optional

Enter the returned date.

All Signatories Sign Required

Mandatory if check writing is allowed

For joint accounts in which the unit holder is availing the check-writing facility, use this field to indicate whether the signatures of all joint unit holders must be required on issued checks.

ROA Investor


Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that the investor prefers to avail of the Rights of Accumulation facility.

Country Type

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Specify the country type. The adjoining option list displays all valid county codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Country Type Description


The system displays the description for the selected country type code.

Campaign Code

Alphanumeric; 6 Characters; Optional

You can link the campaign to the unit holder. Specify the campaign to be mapped. You can also select the campaign code from the option list. The campaign codes with the start and the end date in between the unit holder account opening date is displayed in the option list. You can modify the campaign even after the authorisation.

Stop Account

IRS Notification on A/C

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Mandatory

Specify IRS notification details on account. The adjoining option list displays all valid IRS Notification ID maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

IRS Notification


The system displays the description for the selected IRS Notification ID.

Stop Code

Alphanumeric; 25 Characters; Optional

Specify the stop code. The adjoining option list displays all valid stop code maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

If multiple Stop codes are mapped to the Unit Holder, the highest Stop Account Restriction will be consider for the Unit Holder Status and the system will display the warning message as ‘Unit Holder is mapped with the Stop Account code’ at transaction level.

Stop Code Description


The system displays the description for the selected stop code.

Stop Account Reason

Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the reason for stopping an account.

Stop Account Effective Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the effective date to stop an account.

The Stop Code effective date can be a future dated. However, the system will validate only those Stop codes which has the effective date less than or equal to the application date and lesser than release date for current transactions. The system will not validate the Stop codes which has effective date greater than the application date.

For backdated transactions,

The system will not allow you to add any Stop Code effective date for the backdated and display an error message as ‘Stop Code effective date cannot be a backdated’.

Stop Account Release Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the stop account release date.


Stop code will remain available in the system and will not be made to null

Stop Account


Select stop account status from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Stop Account Restrictions


The stop account restrictions box gets populated with according to the stop code mapped to UH.

Client Communication Restrictions

Contract Notes


Select if contract notes are applicable or not from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Account Statement


Select if account statement is applicable or not from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Communication Mode Restrictions

Communication Mode

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Optional

Specify the communication mode. The adjoining option list displays all valid communication mode maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

For Communication Mode, the system will restrict the Param value to the length of 2 characters.

The system will validate the applicable communication mode in UH screen against the communication mode in the transaction screen.

Communication Mode Description


The system displays the description for the selected communication mode.



Select if restriction is applicable or not from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Once the communication mode is restricted, the system will not allow you to enter the trades using the specific communication mode including Uploads and will display an error message as ‘The communication mode is restricted for the UH’.

If you try to map the restricted communication mode again to the UH then the system will display an error message as ‘Communication mode is already restricted for the UH’.

If you try to capture the transaction for the UH where the defined communication mode is restricted, then the system will display an error message as ‘Communication mode is restricted for the UH’.

Beneficiary Payout

You can direct redemption and dividend proceeds to beneficiaries by specifying the following preferences:

Redemption Payout


Check this option to indicate that the proceeds of a redemption transaction should be transferred to the beneficiaries mentioned. If you select this option, you need to maintain a minimum of one beneficiary along with the percentage to be awarded for the beneficiary in the ‘Beneficiary Dtls’ screen. It is also essential that the beneficiary be an existing Unit Holder and not a third party beneficiary.

Dividend Payout


Check this option to indicate that dividends should be transferred to the beneficiaries specified. If you select this option, you need to maintain a minimum of one beneficiary along with the percentage to be awarded for the beneficiary in the ‘Beneficiary Dtls’ screen. It is also essential that the beneficiary be an existing Unit Holder and not a third party beneficiary.

When you have multiple beneficiaries for a payout (dividend or redemption), you can amend the percentage to be given to each, as and when required. If the total percentage awarded to the beneficiaries does not add up to 100%, the remaining payout will be done to the primary unit holder. The amount paid out to the beneficiary will be net of withholding tax, which will be derived on the basis of the tax for the Unitholder – Beneficiary Country combination.

3.2.6 ID Details Tab

In this section, you specify details of any identification provided by the investor. You also indicate the applicability of tax being deducted at source for the investor and the required tax details.

Click ‘ID Details’ tab to enter the details.


Identification Type

Alphanumeric; 20 Characters; Mandatory

From the list, select the type of identification that is being provided by the investor. The identification type is the mode in which the unit holder will furnish an identification document or proof, and could be a Personnel ID, License, Birth Certificate, etc. This is used for identifying the unit holder during all subsequent transactions.

You can capture ‘NRIC Number’ as the identification type for a unit holder account. If you have selected NRIC Number as the Identification Type for the account, you can specify the applicable NRIC Number as the Identification Number. Once authorized, this field cannot be modified.



The system displays the description for the selected identification type.

Identification Number

Alphanumeric; 50 Character; Mandatory

Specify the number or ID of the identification document or proof that is furnished by the unit holder. Once authorized, this field cannot be modified.

Date of Issue

Date Format, Optional

Specify the date of issue of the identification document or proof that is furnished by the unit holder.

The date of issue that you specify here must not be later than the date of opening the account.

Date of Expiry

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date of expiry of the identification document or proof. It must be later than the date of issue and the application date.

EUSD Option


Select the EUSD (European Union Savings Directive) option from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


If EUSD option is not applicable at the segment level, then you will not be allowed to spec­ify any option here.

Place of Issue

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Mandatory

From the option list, select the place of issue of the identification type. Once authorized, this field cannot be modified.

Place of Issue


The system displays the description for the selected place of issue.



The system displays the Bank Identification Code (BIC) of the unit holder, in case of financial institutional unit holders.

Recover CGT?


Select ‘Yes’ option, if the tax on capital gain has to be deducted from the transaction (Redemption, Transfer and Switch).

FATCA Classification


If the ID selected is an existing entity in the system then system displays FATCA Classification type.



The system displays the description of FATCA classification.

Tax ID

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional (Mandatory if tax is specified to be deducted at source)

Specify the tax identification number or tax ID for the investor.

You can use this field to capture the PAN Number of the unit holder. For any transactions entered into by the unit holder in any fund, which involve volumes that exceed the Minimum Amount for Tax ID specified in the fund rules, the system validates the availability of the PAN Number.

Tax Deducted at Source


Select ‘Yes’ to indicate that tax must be deducted at source for the investor.

If you select ‘Yes’ at source, then you must specify the following mandatory information:

Tax Certificate Effective Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date from when the tax certificate is effective.

Tax Certificate Expiry Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date on which the tax certificate expires. It is mandatory for you to specify the expiry date if you chosen ‘Tax Exemption Certificate’ as the EUSD option.

Form 60/ 61 Available?


If form 60/ 61 is available, select ‘Yes’. Else select ‘No’.

Tax Exempted


You can use this field to indicate that the investor is the recipient of a special exemption from tax. Check this box to indicate such an exemption. If you have maintained any tax details for such an investor, they will be disabled, and not used.

Tax Circle

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional (Mandatory if tax is specified to be deducted at source).

Specify the tax circle to which the unit holder belongs.


Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional

Specify the MFIN details of the unit holder, provided the client country parameter is set to “SHOWPANINFO” for your bank. You will however not be allowed to enter the MFIN details if the unit holder is a minor.

US Indicia Available


The system defaults US Indicia Available as Yes or No depending on the following:

FATCA Status


The system displays the FATCA Status based on the FATCA maintenance.

On authorization, the system will validate all FATCA related validations and update the FATCA status accordingly, provided, the FATCA client country is ‘Yes’.

FATCA DiMinimus Check


The system checks this field for investors having US Indicia but whose investments are below a certain maintainable threshold amount.

This field will b unchecked for investors having US Indicia but whose investments are above a certain maintainable threshold amount.

FATCA DiMinimus batch will check and uncheck this field.

Secondary Identification Type

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the secondary identification type. you can also select the valid secondary identification details from the adjoining option list.

Secondary Identification Description


The system displays the description for the selected secondary identification type.

Secondary Identification Number

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the secondary identification number.

Date of Issue

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date of issue of the second identification document or proof that is furnished by the unit holder.

The date of issue that you specify here must not be later than the date of opening the account.

Date of Expiry

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date of expiry of the second identification document or proof. It must be later than the date of issue and the application date.

Place of Issue

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the place of issue of the second identification type. You can also select the valid place of issue of the identification type from the adjoining option list, Once authorized, this field cannot be modified.

Place of Issue Description


The system displays the place of issue description for the selected place of issue.

MIFID Applicability


Select the MIFID applicability status from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

MIFID Classification

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Optional

Specify the MIFID classification details.

MIFID Classification Description


The system displays the description for the selected MIFID classification.

3.2.7 Bank Dtls Tab

In this section, you specify details of any bank accounts operated by the investor, which are preferred for transacting with the AMC. You can access this section through the Bank Dtls tab.

You can specify any number of preferred bank accounts for an investor, for each currency, but you must designate one of these to be used by the investor as the default bank account for making or receiving payments for a combination of payment mode, transaction type, fund Id and transaction currency.

You can also specify the bank details for a combination of payment mode, fund, transaction type and currency for each unit holder maintained in the system. In addition, you can also maintain the routing details for the combination.

During transaction entry, the payment bank details to be used for the unit holder will be picked up based on the combination of payment mode, fund, transaction type and transaction currency.

Click ‘Bank Dtls’ tab to enter the details.


For each bank account in each currency, specify the following details:

Fund ID

Alphanumeric; 6 Characters; Optional

Select the ID of the fund.

Transaction Type

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional (Mandatory if Fund ID is specified)

Specify the type of transaction. Alternatively, you can select the transaction type from the option list. The list displays all valid transaction type maintained in the system.


If no IDS is maintained for the Unit Holder then system will take the banking instructions for dividend payment maintained at Unit Holder screen (UTDUH).

If no Dividend Payment banking instructions is maintained for the Unit Holder in Unit Hold­er Maintenance Detail screen (UTDUH) then the system will take the banking instructions for ‘All’ transaction types/funds.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

From the list, select the name of the bank in which the account is held.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

From the list, select the name of the branch of the bank in which the account is held.



Use this check box to identify the bank account that is to be reckoned as the default bank account for the investor in the system. In the desired row, check this box.


For HSBC customers, accounts for a specific currency and payment type combination can be marked as default accounts only if they are maintained for ‘All’ funds and ‘All’ transac­tion types. Also, for a currency where the default has already been specified, other ac­counts maintained for specific funds and specific transaction types for the same currency cannot be designated as the default account for that currency.

In case the default account for a particular payment type and currency combination has not been maintained and you designate an account maintained for a specific fund and transaction type as the default account, the system displays the following message (at the time of saving unit holder details) “Default accounts can be maintained only for fund ‘All’ and transaction type ‘All’”.


Consider the following table which shows the default account maintenance for various currency and payment type combinations.

Payment Mode

Fund ID

Transaction Type


Default Account?











Payment Mode

Fund ID

Transaction Type


Default Account?


Fund 1









Here, for the currencies HKD and MCY and payment mode transfer, you can maintain different accounts as the default account (for the ‘All’ funds and ‘All’ transaction type combination).

You cannot, however, maintain the account specified for ‘Fund 1’ and Transaction type ‘02’ as the default account for the currencies MCY and HKD and Payment mode ‘Transfer’.

Direct Debit Applicable


Select ‘Yes’ to indicate if whether direct debits are allowed for the account.

Bank Details

Account Type

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Mandatory

From the list, select the nature of the account held by the investor. The list provides all account types that have been set up in the Account Type Maintenance records.

Account Type Description


The system displays the description for the selected account type.

Account Number

Alphanumeric; 20 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the number of the account held by the unit holder in the selected bank.

Payment Type


You can select the payment type whether it is ‘Self’ or ‘Third Party’ from the drop-down list.

Last Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

If you select the ‘Account Category’ field as ‘Self’ then the ‘Last Name’ and ‘Initials’ will be defaulted.

Identification Type

Alphanumeric; 20 Characters; Optional

Select the identification type from the option list.

Identification Number

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the identification number of the identification type


Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

The system displays the relationship status.



The system displays the description for the selected relationship status.


Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the account holder.


If you select the ‘Account Category’ field as 'Third Party’, the system will not verify the third party bank accounts using the details such as Initials, Identification Number and so forth.

Account Name

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the name in which the investor holds the specified bank account.

By default, the system reckons this to be the specified name of the unit holder, and the same is displayed here. It will be accepted into the database as the account holder’s name if you do not specify any other.

Account Currency

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Mandatory

Select the currency of the bank accounts that you are designating for the unit holder. You can maintain any number of accounts in each currency; however, you must designate one default bank account for each currency.

The system also allows you to maintain Multi-Currency (MCY) accounts for unit holders/ agents. The system uses this account if payment currency account is not available. As with accounts in other currencies, you can have multiple accounts for MCY. You should, however, specify one as the default one to be used for payments.

Account Currency Description


The system displays the description for the selected account currency.


Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the initials of the unit holder.


Alphanumeric; 24 Characters; Optional

Specify the UH BIC code.

Routing Details

FCIS provides the option to capture the bank routing details as well while maintaining the bank details. At the time of transaction input, the routing details specified here are picked up for the combination of fund, transaction type and transaction currency.

Swift Format


Select the format of the Swift message from the drop-down list. The options are:

Bank Charged


Indicate whether the bank charges must be levied upon the beneficiary, the remitter or must be shared between the two.

Beneficiary Account Category


Alphanumeric; 35 Characters; Optional

Specify the beneficiary details.

Beneficiary Address1-3

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Enter beneficiary address.

Beneficiary IBAN

Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the beneficiary IBAN details.

Beneficiary BIC Code

Alphanumeric; 24 Characters; Optional

Enter beneficiary BIC Code.

Beneficiary Account Number

Alphanumeric; 34 Characters; Optional

Enter beneficiary Account Number.

Beneficiary Code

Alphanumeric; 24 Characters; Optional

Enter beneficiary code.

Beneficiary Info

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Enter beneficiary information.

Intermediary Details


Alphanumeric; 35 Characters; Optional

Enter the intermediary details.

Intermediary Address 1-3

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Enter intermediary address.

Intermediary IBAN

Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Enter intermediary IBAN details.

Intermediary BIC Code

Alphanumeric; 24 Characters; Optional

Enter intermediary BIC Code.

Intermediary Account Number

Alphanumeric; 34 Characters; Optional

Enter intermediary Account Number.

Intermediary Code

Alphanumeric; 24 Characters; Optional

Enter intermediary code.

Intermediary Info

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Enter intermediary information.

Further Credit Details

Further Credit Name

Alphanumeric; 35 Characters; Optional

Enter further credit name.

Further Credit Account Number

Alphanumeric; 35 Characters; Optional

Enter further credit account number.

Reference Section

Reference 1-2

Alphanumeric; 35 Characters; Optional

Enter the reference details.

3.2.8 Intermediary Dtls Tab

At the time of saving the investor’s account, if the client country parameter ‘Verification of Bank Accounts’ is applicable, the system will save the account with the status “Un-Verified”. If the client country parameter is not applicable, the account will be saved as “Verified”.

If the client country parameter ‘Third Party Bank Details’ is applicable, the system will not allow you to capture random bank details.

In this section, specify the intermediaries (with the respective hierarchies) that will represent the investor in transactions with the AMC. You can also specify applicable commission percentages that each is to receive.

Click ‘Intermediary Dtls’ tab to enter the details.


Broker Details Section

Broker ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Select the broker ID preferred by the investor, from the list. The corresponding information regarding the Broker Name and Parent Broker Name will automatically be populated in the adjoining fields on selection of the Intermediary.

Broker can be selected by specifying the broker code or the name (or part of the name) and click on the adjacent option list. System will search for Brokers with Broker code or name having the given search string. In addition system will have a search option based on the Legacy Code in the option list.

Broker Name


The system displays the broker name for the selected broker ID.

Parent Broker Name


The system displays the parent broker name for the selected broker ID.

Split Percentage

Numeric; 5 Characters; Mandatory if you select any broker in the Intermediary field.

Specify the percentage of the commission that the selected broker is entitled to receive on any transactions put through for the investor.

This percentage must not exceed one hundred percent.


If you specify more than one broker in this section, then the split percentages for all bro­kers, when summed up, must not exceed or fall below one hundred percent.



Select ‘Yes’ to identify the broker that is to be reckoned as the default broker for the investor in the system. In the desired row, check this box.

Advise Mode


Select the mode of advise from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Intermediary Details

If the client country parameter ‘TXNBROKERS’ is set to false for your installation, you can enter agent-agency branch as intermediary. You can select at least one set of Agent, Agency branch, Account Officer and IFA combination as part of unit holder.

The intermediaries maintained during unit holder creation get defaulted during Transaction, Bulk Transactions and Standing Instruction maintenance and can be overridden.

Entity Type

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Select the entity type that has been identified as the intermediary for the transaction.

Entity ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

For each entity type, specify the intermediary in this field. The name of the selected intermediary is displayed in the Entity Name field.

While entering a transaction, system will default the intermediary specified here. However, you can override the defaulted value.

Entity Name


The system displays the name of the entity for the selected entity ID.

Split Percentage

Numeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the percentage of the commission that the selected intermediary is entitled to receive on any transactions put through for the investor.



Select ‘Yes’ to identify the intermediary that is to be reckoned as the default intermediary for the investor in the system.

Advise Mode


Select the advise mode from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

3.2.9 KYC Details Tab

Depending on the type of country marked for the investor and the investor category, Unit Holder KYC list maintained for that type of country and investor category is displayed. If you have maintained a document list for a specific country, the system defaults the documents based on the country, country type and investor category combination. You can check the documents received from the investor and link the KYC list to the unit holder being created.


Click ‘Default KYC’ button to default the KYC details.

KYC Details

Chasing Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the chasing date.

Chasing date can be backdated.

Chased By

Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the user ID if chasing date is maintained.

Chased Method


Select the chased method from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Additional Comments

Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify additional comments, if any.

All the Requested KYC Documentation has been received


Select if all the requested KYC documentation has been received or not from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

KYC Purchase Limit

Numeric; 30 Characters; Optional

Specify the KYC purchase limits.

KYC Annual Debit Order Limit

Numeric; 30 Characters; Optional

Specify KYC annual debit order limit details.

Due Diligence Level


Select due diligence level from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Review By

Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the details of the reviewer.

Last Reviewed Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the last reviewed date.

Retain Trade Acknowledgements


Check this box to retain trade acknowledgements.

Retain Contract Notes


Check this box to retain contract notes.

Outstanding KYC requirements not to be reported on Trade Acknowledgements.


Check this box if outstanding KYC requirements are not to be reported on trade acknowledgements.

Names Check Search



Select one of the options available for checking the names from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify comments, if any.


Documents defaulted from KYC maintenance cannot be deleted. However, Additional documents added during UH creation can be deleted before checking the ‘All the request­ed KYC documents has been received’ option.

Clicking on ‘Chasing History’ button, the system will display KYC Chasing History details.



The following details will be displayed:

Application Form Details

You can differentiate between legal entities and share classes for the KYC documents. The system will track whether application form is received at fund family, legal entity or fund level at the maintenance level. The application form can be mapped to multiple funds, multiple fund families and multiple legal entities.

You can specify the following details:

Applicable Level


Select the applicable level from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Applicable Entity ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the applicable entity ID.

Copy Received


Check this box if copy of application form is received.

Original Received


Check this box if original details are received,

If ‘Original Received’ field is unchecked and the transaction is captured in the fund/fund family/ legal entity for which ‘Application Form’ mapping is done, then the system will display warning message as ‘Missing Application Form applicable for Fund/Fund Family/Legal Entity’. This warning message is raised for Subscription, Redemption, Transfers, IPO, Normal Switch, Pseudo Switch transactions, if the original Application Form is not received at any of the levels (Fund/Fund Family/Legal Entity) for which the Application Form mapping is done

The system will perform the following validations:

Application form validation will be applied to both ‘From Fund’ and ‘To Fund’ in case of Normal Switch and Pseudo Switch.

For bulk upload and gateway, the same validations will take place as mentioned above. Transaction will be created as Authorized/ Unauthorized depending on maintenance in the system and during the view of the transaction in the ‘Transaction Summary’ screen. The warning messages attached to the transaction can be viewed through override warning button available in the summary screen.

Upon save, the system will check the Fund structure applicable and Auto settle switch transaction fields are applicable only for Entity type AMC.This field will not be available for user input for other entity types.

3.2.10 Document Dtls Tab

Document Management System or DMS is used to scan and store documents like Account Opening form, Transaction form, Identity Proof etc. In this section, you can specify the document type for the unit holder. The document types can be maintained in the System Parameters Maintenance screen.

For further information on maintenance of system parameters, refer to the chapter Maintaining System Parameters

Click ‘Document Dtls’ tab to enter the details.


Document ID

Alphanumeric; 25 Characters; Mandatory

You can either enter the document id in this field or choose the document id from the option list.

Document Type

Alphanumeric; 4 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the document ID.

3.2.11 Add Info Tab

If the AMC has designated any additional information heads for investors, you can indicate the relevant information applicable to the investor under each head, in this section. Click ‘Add Info’ tab to enter the details.


Other Info Field


Display the other info field

Field Value

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Select the field value from the option list.

3.2.12 UH Signature Tab

You can upload the document containing unit holder’s signature’s signature using the UH Signature tab in the Unit Holder Maintenance screen.


Upon clicking the UH Signature tab, you will find the following two buttons:

Click on the Show image button to invoke the ‘Image Upload’ screen. Click ‘Upload’ button to invoke the image upload screen.


In the image upload screen you can browse for the required document or image and click upload button. After uploading the document, click OK to exit.

3.2.13 Related Parties Tab

You can link authorized ‘Related Parties’ entity with unit holder at the time of Unitholder creation. Click ‘Related Parties’ tab in the Unitholder Maintenance screen. You can link multiple ‘Related parties’ and add, modify or delete the linked related parties. These details are used to send unit holder reports to the linked entities. The report sent is based on the reporting level selected while creating unitholder.


Related Parties are captured for informational purpose only and no processing impact is associated.


The following details are entered for maintaining related parties:

Entity Type

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

Select the entity type. Alternatively, you can select entity type from the option list. The list displays all valid entity types maintained in the system.

Entity Type Description


The system displays the description for the selected entity type.

Entity ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Select the entity ID from the option list. These entities are based on the Entity Type chosen.

Entity Name


The entity name gets displayed on selection of entity ID.


Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the relationship status.

Reporting Level

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Mandatory

Select the reporting level from the list. The following are the reporting levels:

By default, the system defaults Reporting Level as ‘ALL’.

Preferred Mailing Mode

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Mandatory

Select the preferred mailing mode from the option list. The following are the preferred mailing modes:

Link Notes

Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

The link notes stores free format text which is used to explain the reason for linking the entity with the unit holder.


Related Parties are captured for informational purpose only and no processing impact is associated.

Related Party Level


Select the related party level from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Related Party Value

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the related party value. The adjoining option list displays all valid related party values maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

If you select ‘All’ in ‘Related Party Level’ field, then you need to select ‘All’ from the adjoinin option list in ‘Related Party Value’ field as well. The system will not allow any more records to be added if ALL has been selected in the ‘Related Party Level’ field for a particular entity ID and entity type combination.

The system will consider the correspondence address for all the entities for report generation.

3.2.14 FATCA Audit Log Tab

You can view various FATCA related updated for a unit holder during FATCA Classification maintenance, during batch run and Unit holder authorization. Click ‘FATCA Audit Log’ tab in the ‘Unitholder Maintenance’ screen.


The system will display the data in the descending order of date logged latest one first.

Log Date


The system displays the date on which the customer record was logged for further checking.

Logging Reason


The system displays the reason for logging the record.

Criteria Matched


The system displays the US Indicia satisfying matching criteria for the customer. From the list of several criteria defined for identifying the US indicia of a customer, the system will record one of the matching criteria which establishes the presence of US Indicia for the customer

US Indicia Updated


The system displays the US Indicia updated status.

FATCA status


The system displays the FATCA status

3.2.15 UH KIID Compliance Tab

You can specify UCITS fund mapping details by clicking on ‘UH KIID Compliance’ tab in the ‘Unitholder Maintenance’ screen.


UCITS Fund Mapping Details

Fund ID

Alphanumeric; 6 Characters; Optional

Specify the fund ID. This adjoining option list displays all function ID maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Fund Name


The system displays the fund name for the selected fund ID.

Effective Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the effective date.

Effective date can be less than or equal to system date.

3.2.16 Delivery Dtls Button

You can capture the delivery details by clicking ‘Delivery Dtls’ button in the Unit Holder - Maintenance screen.


The following are the fields under Delivery section:

Account Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the account name.

Account Number

Alphanumeric; 20 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the account number.

UH A/C Type

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Mandatory

Specify the unit holder account type.



Select the default option from the drop-down list.

Custodian/Clearing Agent

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the custodian or clearing agent details.

3.2.17 Beneficiary Dtls Button

You can capture the details of one or more beneficiaries, if any, for the unit holder. A beneficiary could be an existing Unit Holder in the system or could be an external entity. You can access it by clicking ‘Beneficiary Dtls’ button..


Existing UH/ CIF


Select if the unit holder or CIF is existing or not from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Beneficiary Type


Specify whether the beneficiary is a primary or secondary holder.

Beneficiary ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

If the beneficiary is an existing unit holder, you can invoke the ‘Find Options’ screen to specify the desired unit holder, by using the search criteria. Else, specify the same.

Beneficiary Name


The system displays the name of the beneficiary.

Date of Birth

Date format, Optional

Enter the beneficiary’s date of birth.

Country of Birth


The system displays the country of birth of beneficiary.



Select the gender of the beneficiary from the drop-down list. The list displays the followjng values:

ID Type

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the identification type of the beneficiary from the drop-down list. If the beneficiary is a valid Unit Holder, the identification type will be displayed.

ID Number

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the identification number of the identification type of the beneficiary. If the beneficiary is a valid Unit Holder, the identification number will be displayed.


Alphanumeric; 70 Characters; Optional

Specify the relationship of the beneficiary with the unit holder. If the beneficiary is a valid Unit Holder, the relationship will be displayed.

Award %

Alphanumeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the percentage of the unit holder’s holdings that belongs to the beneficiary. The award should sum up to 100.

Country Of Domicile

Alphanumeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the country of domicile details.

Address Line 1 - 2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the contact address of the beneficiary.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the city name of the beneficiary.


Alphanumeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the state name of the beneficiary.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the country name of the beneficiary.

Zip Code

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the zip code.


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the e-mail details of the beneficiary.

Contact Person

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the contact person details.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the bank code of the beneficiary’s bank. You can select the same from the option list, if the bank code is a valid code in the system.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the branch of the bank that you have selected. You can select the same from the option list, if the branch is a valid one in the system.

Account Type

Alphanumeric, 1 Character; Optional

From the list, select the nature of the account held by the beneficiary.

Account Currency

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the currency of the bank accounts that you are designating for the beneficiary.

Account Number

Alphanumeric; 20 Characters; Optional

Specify the number of the account held by the beneficiary in the selected bank.

Account Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name in which the beneficiary holds the specified bank account.


Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the account holder.

US Indicia


The system defaults US Indicia Available as Yes if any of the below mentioned values are true:

If the primary UH has linked entities like Joint holder/joint holders, Auth rep, related party (Auth Rep, Nominee and Joint Holder), beneficiary and for any one of them US Indicia Available is ‘YES’, and if the primary UH US Indicia Available is ‘No’ then the system will display the following message:

US Indicia Available is ‘No’ for Unit Holder but US Indicia Available is ‘Yes’ at Joint Holder/Auth Rep/Beneficiary/Related Party(Auth Rep, Nominee and Joint Holder) (any one)”.

The system will change the US Indicia available as ‘Yes’ and save the record automatically.

FATCA Classification


If the beneficiary selected is an existing entity in the system, then system displays FATCA Classification type.

FATCA Status


If the beneficiary selected is an existing entity in the system, then the system displays FATCA Status based on FATCA maintenance.

3.2.18 Joint Holder Dtls Button

You can specify the names of any joint unit holders to be considered for joint unit holder accounts, or ‘Either’ or ‘Survivor’ accounts.

For accounts with the operation type as either Joint or Either or Survivor, you must specify the name of at least one joint unit holder for such an account, as mandatory information.

You can access this section by clicking ‘Joint Holder Dtls’ button in the Unit Holder - Maintenance screen.


Existing UH/ CIF


Select if the unit holder or CIF is existing or not from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Joint Holder Type


Select the Type of joint account from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Joint Holder ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Select the ID of the joint account holder from the list of IDs available.

Joint Holder Name


The system displays the name of the Joint Holder.

Date of Birth

Date format, Optional

Enter the joint account holder’s date of birth.

Country of Birth


The system displays the country of birth mapped for the UH.



Specify the gender of the joint account holders.

PAN/GIR Number

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional

Specify the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the joint account holders in the respective text boxes.

Form 60/61 Available?


Indicate whether Form 60/61 is available for the joint holders in case they don’t have a PAN.


Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional

Specify the MFIN of the joint account holder.

Recover CGT?


Select ‘Yes’ option, if the tax on capital gain has to be deducted from the transaction (Redemption, Transfer and Switch).

Country of Domicile

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the country of domicile from the option list provided; these details are maintained as part of Country Maintenance.

Address Line 1 and Address Line 2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Click on the ‘Address Details’ link to view the ‘Address’ text box. Here you can enter the address of the joint account holder.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the city name of the joint holder.


Alphanumeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the state name of the joint holder.

Zip Code

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the zip code.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the country name of the joint holder.


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the e-mail details of the joint holder.

Contact Person

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the contact person details.

Telephone 1 and 2

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the telephone number.

Cellphone Number

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the cellphone number.


Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the fax number.

US Indicia


The system defaults the US Indicia Available as Yes or No based on the existing UH/CIF maintained.

If the existing UH/CIF is Yes then the system defaults the US Indicia available.

If the existing UH/CIF is No then the system derives the US Indicia available based on the country, country of domicile and bank branch country.

FATCA Classification


If the joint selected is an existing entity in the system, then system displays FATCA Classification type.

FATCA Status


If the joint selected is an existing entity in the system, then system displays FATCA Status based on FATCA maintenance.


The fields ‘PAN/GIR Number’, ’MFIN’ and ‘Form 60/61’ will be displayed only if the client country option ‘SHOWPANINFO’ is set to ‘True’ for your bank.

3.2.19 Nominee Dtls Button

You can specify the details of one or more nominees, if any, for the unit holder. A nominee could be an existing Unit Holder in the system or could be an external entity.

You can capture the nominee details by clicking ‘Nominee Dtls’ button in the Unit Holder - Maintenance screen.


Existing UH/ CIF


Select if the unit holder or CIF is existing or not from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Nominee Type


Select the type of nominee from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Nominee ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the nominee ID

Nominee Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the nominee.

Date of Birth

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date of birth of the designated nominee.

Country of Birth


The system displays the country of birth mapped for the UH.



Select the gender of the nominee from the option-down list. The list displays the following values:

ID Type

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the identification type of the nominee. If the nominee is a valid Unit Holder, the identification type will be displayed.

ID Number

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the identification number of the identification type of the nominee. If the nominee is a valid Unit Holder, the identification ID will be displayed.

PAN/GIR Number

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Optional

Specify the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the nominees in the respective text boxes.

Form 60/61 Available?


Indicate whether Form 60/61 is available for the nominees in case they don’t have a PAN.


Alphanumeric; 70 Characters; Optional

Specify the relationship of the nominee with the unit holder. If the nominee is a valid Unit Holder, the relationship will be displayed.

Award %

Numeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the percentage of the investor’s holdings that belongs to the nominee. The award should sum up to 100.

Country Of Domicile

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the country of domicile.

Address Line 1 and 2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Enter the address of the nominee.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the city name of the joint holder.


Alphanumeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the state name of the joint holder.

Zip Code

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the zip code.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the country name of the joint holder.


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the e-mail details of the joint holder.

Contact Person

Alphanumeric; 160 Characters; Optional

Enter the contact person’s name.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the bank details.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the branch code.

Account Type

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Specify the type of account.

Account Currency

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the account currency code.

Account Number

Alphanumeric; 20 Characters; Optional

Specify the account number details.

Account Name

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the account holder.


Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the account holder.

US Indicia


The system defaults the US Indicia Available as Yes or No based on the existing UH/CIF maintained.

If the existing UH/CIF is Yes then the system defaults the US Indicia available.

If the existing UH/CIF is No then the system displays the US Indicia available based on the country, country of domicile and bank branch country.

FATCA Classification


The system displays the FATCA classification type.

FATCA Status


The system displays the FATCA Status based on the FATCA maintenance.

3.2.20 Member Dtls Button

If the account is of type ‘Retirement’, you need to capture additional investor details pertaining to retirement accounts in the Member Details screen:


Date Member became Contributory

Date Format; Optional

Enter the date on which the investment account was created, i.e., the date on which the investor made the first contribution towards the retirement plan.

Date Member details were transferred

Date Format; Optional

If the retirement account was transferred from a different AMC, then specify the date of account transfer.

Employee Retirement Age

Numeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the age that will be considered as retirement age for this unit holder.

Date of Retirement

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date of retirement of an investor.

Date of Death

Date Format; Optional

If the unit holder is deceased, enter the date on which the unit holder died.

Cause of Death

Alphanumeric; 250 Characters; Optional

If the investor is deceased, then specify the cause of death here.

Area Code

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

If the unit holder is deceased, select the area code of the unit holder’s residence from the available list of values. The list displays all the values maintained for the parameter AREACODE in the Parameters Maintenance.


You are allowed to invoke the Member Details screen only if the client country parameter ‘RETIREMENTCHK’ has been set to true for your bank.

3.2.21 Alternate Language Dtls Button

You can specify the customer details and customer contact details in the desired alternate language. You can capture the alternate language details by clicking ‘Alternate Language Dtls’ button in the Unit Holder - Maintenance screen.

In case of individual customers the following fields are displayed:


Alternate Language Dtls

First/ Company Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the first name of the individual investor or company name for the corporate account.

Middle Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the middle name of the individual investor in the desired alternate language.

Last Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the last name of the individual investor in the desired alternate language.

In case of a corporate customer, you need to enter the following information instead of the investor name:

Authorized Signatory 1, 2, 3

Alphanumeric; 70 Characters; Optional

Specify the names of any authorized signatories that must be deemed as valid for the company in the desired alternate language.

Correspondence Address

Address Lines 1-2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the default postal address that is to be used for correspondence with the investor in the desired alternate language.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the city of residence of the investor in the desired alternate language.


Alphanumeric; 80 Characters; Optional

Specify the state in which the city of residence of the investor is located in the desired alternate language.

Alternate Address

Contact Person

Alphanumeric; 160 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the contact person for the company in the desired alternate language.

Address Lines 1-2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the alternate postal address that is to be used for correspondence with the investor in the desired alternate language.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name of the city of residence of the investor in the desired alternate language.


Alphanumeric; 80 Characters; Optional

Specify the state in which the city of residence of the investor is located in the desired alternate language.

3.2.22 Director Details Tab

You can maintain the details of boards of directors for a corporate unit holder in this tab. You can capture the details by clicking ‘Director Details’ tab in the Unit Holder - Maintenance screen.


You can capture the following in this screen:

Existing UH/CIF


Indicate whether you are existing UH/CIF.

Director ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Select the director identification from the adjoining option list. This is applicable only if you are an existing UH/CIF.

Director Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

The system displays the name of the director for the selected director ID. However, you can amend this value.


Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the designation.

Date of Birth

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date of birth.

Country of Birth


The system displays the country of birth mapped for the UH.



Select the gender from the adjoining drop-down list.

ID Type

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the identification type of the director from the option list.

ID Number

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the identification number of the director.

Address Line 1

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the contact address of the director.

Address Line 2

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the contact address of the director.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the city details.


Alphanumeric; 80 Characters; Optional

Select the state from the adjoining option list.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the country from the adjoining option list.

Zip Code

Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Optional

Specify the zip code.


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify the e-mail ID.

Contact Person

Alphanumeric; 160 Characters; Optional

Specify the contact person.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Select the bank from the adjoining option list.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Select the branch from the adjoining option list.

Account Type

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Select the account type from the adjoining option list.

Account Currency

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the currency of the account from the adjoining option list.

Account Number

Alphanumeric; 20 Characters; Optional

Specify the account number.

Account Name

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify the name in the account.


Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the IBAN number.

Country of Domicile

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Select the country of domicile from the adjoining option list.

Percentage Holding

Numeric; 5 Characters; Optional

Specify the percentage of holding.

US Indicia


The system defaults the US Indicia Available as Yes or No based on the existing UH/CIF maintained.

If the existing UH/CIF is Yes then the system defaults the US Indicia available.

If the existing UH/CIF is No then the system displays the US Indicia available based on the country, country of domicile, bank branch country and the director percentage of holding.

The UH will be US Indicia as Yes, if the percentage of holdings is greater than maintained for the system parameter ‘FATCAMINPCNTHLDG’.


For Corporate UH, if address or the country code or telephone number of the Director is maintained as US and the director percentage of holding is greater than or equal to the percentage maintained at system parameter, then the Corporate UH is marked as US in­dicia ‘Yes’.

FATCA Classification


If the director selected is an existing entity in the system then system displays FATCA Classification type.

FATCA Status


If the director selected is an existing entity in the system then system displays FATCA Status based on the FATCA maintenance.

Controlling Person


Select if the director is an active entity or not from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

3.2.23 Tax Compliance Button

Once a new unit holder is created in the system, and on saving the unit holder; indicia checks are triggered. If Indicia are identified for the unit holder, the details are updated in ‘Tax Compliance’ screen. If indicia is not triggered for the unit holder created then this sub screen will be blank.

Click ‘Tax Compliance’ button to invoke ‘Tax Compliance’ screen.


You can view the following details:

Tax Compliance


The system displays the tax compliance for which the indicia is identified.



The system displays the description of the tax compliance.

Tax Jurisdiction


The system displays the country code for which indicia attributes are identified.



The system displays the country name.



The system displays the indicia value as Yes.

Compliance Status


The system displays the tax compliance status of the account for the TAX jurisdiction where indicia identified.


If indicia is found for a unit holder then the Tax jurisdiction for indicia is identified will be updated with indicia as Yes and ‘Compliance Status’ field value will be set to ‘Reportable’.

3.2.24 Multiple Tax Details Button

Click ‘Multiple Tax Details’ button to invoke ‘Multiple Tax Details’ screen.


You can specify the following details:

Issuing Jurisdiction Code

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the issuing jurisdiction code. Alternatively, you can select issuing jurisdiction code from the option list. The list displays all issuing jurisdiction code maintained in the system.



The system displays the description for the selected issuing jurisdiction code.

Tax Identification

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the tax identification code.

Issue Date

Date Format; Optional

Select the issue date from the adjoining calendar.

Expiry Date

Date Format; Optional

Select the expiry date from the adjoining calendar.

3.3 Unit Holder Maintenance Summary Screen

This section contains the following topics:

3.3.1 Retrieving Unitholder Account

Invoke the ‘Unit Holder Maintenance Summary’ screen by typing ‘UTSUH/ UTSFH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can retrieve a previously entered record in the Unitholder Summary screen, as follows:


You can also retrieve the individual record detail from the detail screen by doing query in the following manner:

You can perform Edit, Delete, Amend, Authorize, Reverse, Confirm operation by selecting from the Action list.

You can also search the record by using combination of % and alphanumeric value.


You can search the record for Unit Holder ID by using the combination of % and alphanumeric value as follows:

3.3.2 Editing New Accounts

You can modify the details of Unitholder parameters that you have already entered into the system, provided it has not been subsequently authorized. You can perform this operation as follows:

3.3.3 Modifying Account through Editing

When you retrieve a unit holder account for the purpose of editing, it is displayed in the Unit holder Maintenance Detail screen, in edit mode. All the non-editable field values are displayed as labels, while the editable fields are enabled for data entry changes.


If you change a previously designated individual investor to a corporate investor, all the details specific to individual investors that you had specified earlier will be lost, and cannot be retrieved, or vice versa.

When you save the changes you make, the system saves the changed record into the database, with the same unit holder ID. No new ID is generated.

You can edit a unit holder account as many times as necessary before you authorize it.

3.3.4 Viewing New Accounts

To view a record that you have previously entered, you must retrieve the same in the Unithoder Summary screen, as follows:

3.3.5 Deleting New Accounts

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

3.3.6 Authorizing New Account

An unauthorized unitholder record must be authorized in the system for it to be processed. To authorize a record:

When the checker authorizes a transaction, details of validations, if any, that were overridden by the maker of the transaction during the Save operation, are displayed. If any of these overrides results in an error, the checker must reject the transaction. You can authorize more than one account at a time. Information Change

The event of making changes to an authorized unit holder account is known as an information change in the system. A unit holder account that has undergone an information change in this manner is reverted back to the unauthorized status, with the changed information, in the database. You must authorize the information change by subsequently authorizing the changed account, for the changed information to be effectively reflected in the system database.

Consider the following example:

You have created an individual unit holder account in the system for Mr. Philip Green, identifying Messrs. ABF Finance as the designated intermediary. At the time of creation, the system saved the account with the unit holder ID generated as 700700000034.

Subsequently, this account number 700700000034 was authorized by the Supervisor user (or a user other than you, who has authorization rights in the user profile).

After this, Mr. Philip requested that the designated intermediary on his account be changed to Far Eastern Finance.

You will perform an information change to the account 700700000034, through the UNITHOLDER SUMMARY screen, and change the intermediary to Far Eastern Finance, and save your changes.

The system now maintains the status of the account number 700700000034, unit holder Mr. Philip Green, as an unauthorized account with the designated intermediary as Far Eastern Finance.

Now, the Supervisor user must authorize the information change that you made to account 700700000034 in the UH Info Change Summary field, for it to be reflected as an authorized record in the database.

3.3.7 Amending Authorized Account through Information Change

After a unitholder record is authorized, it can be modified using the Unlock operation from Action list. To make changes to a transaction after authorization:

When you retrieve a unit holder account for the purpose of making an information change, it is displayed in the Unit Holder Maintenance Detail screen, in Amend mode. All the non-editable field values are displayed as labels, while the editable fields are enabled for data entry changes.

3.3.8 Authorizing Amended Unitholder Accounts

An amended Unitholder record must be authorized for the amendment to be made effective in the system. The authorization of amended records can only be done from Fund Manager Module and Agency branch Module.

The process of authorization is subsequently the same as that for normal transactions.

During an information change, you can allow the check writing facility for an investor. If already allowed, you can disallow it through an information change. If the check writing facility is disallowed, any checks presented after the information change has been authorized will not be processed.

If you need to make changes to the signatories for check writing that have been specified for an investor, you can do so through an information change.

3.4 Unit Holder Find Options

This section contains the following topic:

3.4.1 Invoking Unit Holder Find Options Screen

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTCUHFND’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. The screen is displayed below:


You can specify the following details:

Quick Find Options

Unit Holder ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the unit holder ID.

Reference Number

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the reference number.

First Name

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the first name.

Last Name

Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the last name.

Middle Name

Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the middle name.

Auth Rep ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the auth rep ID.

CIF Number

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the CIF number.

Find Type


Select the find type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Investment Type

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Optional

Specify the investment type.

Auth Status


Select the authorization status. The list displays the following values:

Tax ID

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the tax ID.

Identification Number

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Specify the identification number.

Module ID

Alphanumeric; 30 Characters; Optional

Specify the module ID.

Country Of Domicile

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the country of domicile details.


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the broker code.

A/C Operation Type


Select the account operation type.

A/C Opening From Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the account opening from date.

A/C Opening To Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify the account opening to date.

Advanced Find Options


Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Optional

Specify the AMC ID.


Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Optional

Specify the category details.

Date Of Birth

Date Format; Optional

Specify the date of birth.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the occupation.

Joint UnitHolder Name

Alphanumeric; 60 Characters; Optional

Specify the joint unit holder name.

US Indicia Available


Select if US Indicia is available or not from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Stop Account


Select if account has to be stopped or not from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Investor Type


Select the investor type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Identification Type

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the identification type.

Corporation Type

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the corporation type.

Signatory Name

Alphanumeric; 70 Characters; Optional

Specify the signatory name.

Account Number

Alphanumeric; 16 Characters; Optional

Specify the account number.


Alphanumeric; 40 Characters; Optional

Specify the IBAN number.

After specifying the necessary details, click ‘Find’ button. The system displays the following values:

3.5 UH Category Parameter Screen

This section contains the following topic:

3.5.1 Invoking UH Category Parameter Screen

An investor account can be closed automatically if the accounts remain inactive without any transactions being processed for a defined period of time. The status of the investor accounts will be changed from Active to Inactive/close automatically after the defined period.

You can define the maximum number of calendar days a user can remain inactive in the system using the ‘UH Category Parameter’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTDUHPRD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. The screen is displayed below:


UH Category

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

Select the unit holder category from the adjoining option list. The option list displays all the valid UH categories maintained in the system.

Category Description


The system displays the description for the selected UH category code.


Numeric; 5 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the number of days an investor belongs to the specified UH category can remain inactive in the system.

Reminder Period

Numeric; 5 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the number of calendar days the system should log a warning message, before actually closing the account.

The warning message is logged into the system based on the following:

Units balance = zero

(Maximum Inactive period limit – Reminder Period) >= (App Date – Last transaction Date for the unit holder)

All the unit holder accounts that violating the criteria maintained in this screen will be closed automatically while executing the ‘Automatic Account Closure of Inactive Unit holders’ batch,

3.6 UH Category Parameter Summary Screen

This section contains the following topics:

3.6.1 Retrieving UH Category Parameter

After entering the details in the ‘UH Category Parameter’ screen, another user must authorize it so that it would be effective in the system.

You can edit the transaction any number of times before authorization. You can also delete the content maintained.

After authorization, you can only make changes to the transaction.

The ‘UH Category Parameter Summary’ screen can be used for the following operations:

You can invoke the ‘UH Category Parameter Summary’ screen by typing ‘UTSUHPRD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can retrieve/view the UH category parameter details as follows:

3.6.2 Editing UH Category Parameter Details

You can modify the details that you have already entered into the system, provided it has not been subsequently authorized. You can perform this operation as follows:

3.6.3 Deleting UH Category Parameter Details

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

3.6.4 Authorizing UH Category Parameter Details

Apart from the maker, someone else must authorize an unauthorized broker deal in the system for it to be processed. To authorize a record:

3.7 Account Type Maintenance Details Screen

This section contains the following topic:

3.7.1 Invoking Account Type Maintenance Details Screen

You can capture account type level rules/limits. You can maintain preferences for account type using ‘Account Type Maintenance Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTDACTYP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following details:

Account Type

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the account type. This adjoining option list displays all valid account type maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Account Description


The system displays the description for the selected account type.

Effective Date

Date Format; Mandatory

Specify the date from which the setup is applicable.

Min Age In Years

Numeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify minimum age validated during UH creation for individuals. This adjoining option list displays the minimum age in years options maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

The minimum age maintained will be validated during account creation.

Max Age In Years

Numeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify maximum age validated during inflow transaction for individuals. This adjoining option list displays the maximum age in years options maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Joined Holding Allowed


Select if the joined holding is allowed or not from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Non residents Allowed


Select if the non residents are allowed or not from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:

Investor Type


Select the investor type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


Investor Type


Select the investor type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

From Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify from date.

To Date

Date Format; Optional

Specify to date.

The investment amounts maintained here will be validated against the total investment made using this account type between From and To date.

Once this account is created, you will not be able to open another account with same account type under CIF within the From and To date range.

However, you can map to another joint account, either, secondary or third holder.

This field will be validated only for first holder.


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the currency details. This adjoining option list displays the valid currency code maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Min Inv Amt

Alphanumeric; 30 Characters; Optional

Specify minimum investment amount validated during inflow transactions applicable for date range between from and to date.

Max Inv Amt

Alphanumeric; 30 Characters; Optional

Specify maximum investment amount validated during inflow transactions applicable for date range between from and to date.

Min RSP Amount

Alphanumeric; 30 Characters; Optional

Specify minimum RSP amount validated during RSP transactions applicable for date range between from and to date.

No of Accounts Permitted

Numeric; 22 Characters; Optional

Specify the number of accounts that can be opened between from and to date range.

Select one of the following options to select if ref type should be included or not:

Applicable Inflow and Outflow Ref Types

Transaction Type

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the transaction type to be considered for limit check. This adjoining option list displays the valid transaction type maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Transaction Type Description


The system displays the description for the selected transaction type.

Ref Type

Alphanumeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the ref type to be considered for limit check. This adjoining option list displays the valid ref type maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Ref Type Description


The system displays the description for the selected ref type.

3.8 Account Type Maintenance Summary Screen

You can perform following operations in this screen:

3.8.1 Retrieving Account Type in Account Type Maintenance Summary Screen

You can retrieve a previously entered record in the Summary Screen, as follows:

Invoke the ‘Account Type Maintenance Summary’ screen by typing ‘UTSACTYP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


Specify any or all of the following details in the corresponding fields:

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All the records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.


You can also retrieve the individual record detail from the detail screen by querying in the following manner:

You can perform Edit, Delete, Amend, Authorize, Confirm operations by selecting the operation from the Action list. You can also search a record by using a combination of % and alphanumeric value.


You can search the record for Account Type by using the combination of % and alphanumeric value as follows:

3.8.2 Editing Account Type Record

You can modify the details of a account type that you have already entered into the system, provided it has not been subsequently authorized. You can perform this operation as follows:

3.8.3 Viewing Account Type Record

To view a record that you have previously input, you must retrieve the same in the ‘Account Type Maintenance Summary’ screen as follows:

3.8.4 Deleting Account Type Record

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

3.8.5 Authorizing Account Type Record

An unauthorized account type must be authorized in the system for it to be processed. To authorize a record:

When a checker authorizes a transaction, details of validation, if any, that were overridden by the maker of the transaction during the Save operation are displayed. If any of these overrides results in an error, the checker must reject the transaction.

3.8.6 Amending Account Type Record

After a Account Type is authorized, it can be modified using the Unlock operation from the Action List. To make changes to a record after authorization:

3.9 Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA)

This section contains the following topic:

3.9.1 Maintaining Financial Intelligence Centre Act

The Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) came into full operation on 30 June 2003. FICA enforces the fund houses to produce identity to their customers. The identity can be produced based on the information given by the customer such as some identification document, residential address via utility bills or any other legal rental/ lease agreements and so forth.

The non-FICA customers are constrained to only certain transactions. Following are the list of transactions that are restricted to non-FICA customers. Subscription Transaction Rule

As per Subscription Transaction rule, the following conditions are applied:

  1. Individual subscription/purchase transaction value should not exceed 50,000 ZAR.
  2. In case of recurring premiums/ debit order setups should not exceed 25,000 ZAR per year. Redemption Transaction Rule

As per Redemption Transaction rule, the following conditions are applied.

  1. If the first investment is done within a year from the redemption transaction date, then the redemption transaction will not be allowed for the non-FICA customers.
  2. If the purchase transaction exceeds FICA limit 50k ZAR or any debit order captured exceeds the limit of 25k ZAR p.a., then the redemption transaction will not be allowed for the non-FICA customers. Transfer Transaction Rule

There are two transactions in the Transfer Transaction rule, namely, Transfer Out and Transfer In. As per the Transfer Transaction rule, Transfer Out follows ‘Redemption Transaction Rule’ and Transfer In follows ‘Subscription Transaction Rule’.

During the Unit Holder Amendment, if you change the Correspondence address or the last name, the system would reset the KYC. You need to manually set it again. However, a warning message will be put up before resetting.

The following information needs to be entered in the ‘KYC Dtls’ in the UH Maintenance screen: System Validations

Type of Transaction

System Validation

Policy Capture

If Initial Investment is available within the KYC Redemption Period, then warning message will be displayed, else the condi­tions specified below should be checked:

If there are any top ups exceeding the KYC Purchase Limit, warning message will be displayed.

If there is any active Policy Premium whose annualized amount exceeds KYC Annual Debit Order Limit, then warning message will be displayed?

Policy Top Up

If the client is not KYC compliant and Product is KYC applicable, Top Up Investment ≤ KYC Purchase Limit.

Policy SI Gener­ation

No Validation and premium/ annuities would generate irrespec­tive of the KYC checks.


If client is not KYC compliant, Subscription Amount ≤ KYC Pur­chase Limit.


No Validation


This mode will follow Redemption validation for the ‘From Unit Holder’ and Subscription for the ‘To Unit Holder’.

Subscription Debit Order Generation

No Validation

Policy surrender

If Client is KYC compliant, no validation will take place

If Client is Not KYC Compliant and Product Level if KYC is appli­cable, validation is true.

If any initial investment is applicable within the KYC Redemption period, the transaction capture is not allowed; else the following conditions will be checked:

If the KYC Purchase Limit within KYC Redemption period exceeds the top ups, then transaction capture will not be allowed.

If the Start Date of the new Policy Premium is within the KYC Redemption Period, and the annual amount exceeds the KYC Annual Debit Order Limit, transaction capture is not allowed.

Pseudo switch in transactions will be ignored for validation.


Pseudo switch transactions to be ignored for validation

Flow of validations:

Clients is KYC compliant – No validation

Client is not KYC compliant

If any Initial Investment (Identified by Transaction Sub Type) is available within the KYC Redemption Period, then a warning message will be displayed, else the conditions specified below should be checked:

If there is any subscription that exceeds the KYC Purchase Limit, then a warning message will be displayed.

If there is any new debit order whose annualized amount exceeds KYC Annual Debit Order Limit, then a warning message will be displayed.


Let, KYC Purchase Limit = R 50000

KYC Annual Debit Order Limit = R 25000

KYC Redemption Period (In months) = 12

Assuming UH1 is not KYC Compliant and Product OMPR1 is KYC Applicable.

Case 1:

User tries to capture policy with initial investment of R 55000 for UH1 in OMPR1 – System would restrict this as it breaches the limit of R 50000

Case 2:

User tries to capture initial investment of R 45000 for UH1 in OMPR1 with premium amount as R 2500 per month – System would restrict this as the annualized premium amount i.e. R 2500 * 12 = R 30000 exceeds the KYC Annual Debit Order Limit.

Case 3:

UH1 is KYC compliant and below are the transaction details:


Transaction Type




Initial Investment




Top Up



On 1st Jun 2007 user changes clients name which makes the client KYC Non compliant.

User tries to capture surrender transaction on 1/Sep/2007 for UH1 in OMPR1 for R 40000. This operation would fail as there is a Top Up transaction within the KYC Redemption Period of 12 months that breaches the limit of R 50000.

Case 4:

UH1 is KYC compliant and below are the transaction details:


Transaction Type




Initial Investment



There is a monthly premium starting from 1st Feb 2007 and ending on 1st Feb 2009 for R 3000

On 1st Jun 2007 user changes clients name which makes the client KYC Non compliant.

User tries to capture surrender transaction on 1/Sep/2007 for UH1 in OMPR1 for R 40000. This operation would fail as there is a policy premium that is captured within the KYC Redemption Period for which annualized amount is R 36000 and this exceeds the KYC Annual Debit Order Limit.

Case 5:

UH1 is KYC compliant and below are the transaction details:


Transaction Type




Initial Investment



There is a monthly premium starting from 1st Feb 2006 and ending on 1st Feb 2009 for R 3000

On 1st Jun 2007 user changes clients name which makes the client KYC Non compliant.

User tries to capture surrender transaction on 1/Sep/2007 for UH1 in OMPR1 for R 40000. This operation would be allowed as there is no Top Up or Policy Premium captured within the KYC Redemption Period i.e. 1st Sep 2006 onwards.

Basis date for the validations would be transaction date.

3.10 Escheatment Tracking

This section contains the following topic:

3.10.1 Tracking Escheatment Process

Escheatment tracking is the process by which a unit holder who is inaccessible is located. In such a case, the contact information of the unit holder does not reflect the current location, which is not known. In such a case, an Stop Code must be assigned to the unit holder account, and certain stop instructions are also placed on the account.

To assign an Stop Code for escheatment tracking, you must perform an information change on the unit holder account. In the Client Preferences section, select the appropriate Stop Code, in the Stop Code field.

The implications of assigning either an IRS Notification or an Stop Code to the account are shown below:

Account Characteristics (in Client Preferences)




Standing Instructions status


Dividend payment

Stop code



Not allowed


Based on TDS

Based on Income Distri­bution Setup

Stop code


Not allowed

Not allowed


Tax deducted


IRS notification

Incorrect reporting of Tax ID


Not allowed


Tax deducted

Rein­vest­ment only

IRS Notification

Under Reporting


Not allowed


Tax deducted

Rein­vest­ment only

For an IRS Notification or an Stop Code, you must specify the date up to which the stop status on the account will prevail. The BOD process on the next business date after this date will unlock the account and revoke its frozen status.

In case of multiple stop codes mapped to the Unit Holder as per below scenario where both Forced Dividend Reinvestment and Forced Dividend Payout are ‘Applicable’ then Forced Dividend Reinvestment will have preference over Forced Dividend Payout:

Stop Code


Stop Code 1

Forced Dividend Reinvestment - Applicable

Stop Code 2

Forced Dividend Payment – Applicable

In case of multiple stop codes mapped to the Unit Holder as per below scenario where both Forced Dividend Reinvestment and Forced Dividend payout are ‘Not Applicable’ then system will consider the UH IDS and if no UH IDS available for the UH, then system will consider the Fund:.

Stop Code


Stop Code 1

Forced Dividend Reinvestment – Not Applicable

Stop Code 2

Forced Dividend Payment – Not Applicable

3.11 Export of Unit Holder Information

This section contains the following topics:

3.11.1 Exporting Unit Holder Account Information

Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing provides interfaces that would enable export of unit holder account master information in respect of all valid unit holders in the system as on a given date, to external agencies. The interfaces facilitate the export of the following information:

The implementers at your installation configure these interfaces according to your requirements. To execute these interfaces and perform the export, you can use the Online Execution of Interfaces menu item in the Batch menu.

3.12 KYC Chasing Details

This section contains the following topic:

3.12.1 Invoking KYC Chasing Details Screen

You can override the chasing details mentioned in ‘Unit Holder Maintenance – KYC Details’ screen (UTDUH) using ‘KYC Chasing Details’ screen even when Unit Holder is at unauthorized stage. For any modification of KYC details at ‘Unit Holder Maintenance’ screen, the system will create a new KYC chasing details in ‘KYC Chasing Detail’ screen.

If any un-authorized chasing information already exists in ‘KYC Chasing Detail’ screen, you cannot create a new chasing information. The system will display ‘Unauthorized chasing information record already exists’ error message.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTDKYCCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following details:

Unit Holder ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the unit holder ID.

Click ‘Find UH’ button to query unit holder ID.

Chasing Date

Date Format; Mandatory

Specify the chasing date. Chasing Date can be backdated.

Chased By

Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the user ID.

Chased Method


Select the chased method from the adjoining drop-down list. Following are the options available:


Alphanumeric; 255 Characters; Optional

Specify comments, if any.

3.13 KYC Chasing Summary

This section contains the following topic:

3.13.1 Retrieving KYC Chasing Record in KYC Chasing Summary Screen

You can retrieve a previously entered record in the Summary Screen, as follows:

Invoke the ‘KYC Chasing Summary’ screen by typing ‘UTSKYCCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button and specify any or all of the following details in the corresponding details.

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All the records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.


You can also retrieve the individual record detail from the detail screen by querying in the following manner:

You can perform Edit, Delete, Amend, Authorize, Reverse, Confirm operations by selecting the operation from the Action list. You can also search a record by using a combination of % and alphanumeric value.

For example:

You can search the record for Unit Holder ID by using the combination of % and alphanumeric value as follows:-


3.13.2 Editing KYC Chasing Record

You can modify the details of KYC Chasing record that you have already entered into the system, provided it has not subsequently authorized. You can perform this operation as follows:

Click Save to save your changes. The KYC Chasing Detail screen is closed and the changes made are reflected in the KYC Chasing Summary screen.

3.13.3 Viewing KYC Chasing Record

To view a record that you have previously input, you must retrieve the same in the KYC Chasing Summary screen as follows:

3.13.4 Deleting KYC Chasing Record

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

3.13.5 Authorizing KYC Chasing Record

When a checker authorizes a record, details of validation, if any, that were overridden by the maker of the record during the Save operation are displayed. If any of these overrides results in an error, the checker must reject the record.

3.13.6 Amending KYC Chasing Record

After a KYC Chasing record is authorized, it can be modified using the Unlock operation from the Action List. To make changes to a record after authorization:

3.13.7 Authorizing Amended KYC Chasing Record

An amended KYC Chasing record must be authorized for the amendment to be made effective in the system. The authorization of amended records can be done only from Fund Manager Module and Agency Branch module.

The subsequent process of authorization is the same as that for normal transaction

3.14 Unit Holder Currency of Expression

This section contains the following topics:

3.14.1 Invoking Unit Holder Currency of Expression Screen

You can specify the currency of expression for the unit holder fund combination by selecting the fund price currency/Fund base currency as UH Currency of Expression. Uh Currency of Expression will default on authorization of Transactions of COE funds.

This maintenance is a multi grid and you can maintain multiple funds and the corresponding fund price currency as currency of expression for a unit holder.

You can invoke ‘Unit Holder Currency of Expression’ screen by typing ‘UTDUHCOE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following details:

Unit Holder ID

Alphanumeric; 12 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the unit holder ID. Alternatively, you can select unit holder ID by clicking ‘Find UH’ button.

Unit Holder Name


The system displays the unit holder name.

Fund ID

Alphanumeric; 6 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the fund ID. Alternatively, you can select fund ID from the option list. The list displays all valid COE enabled fund ID maintained in the system.

Based on the Fund ID selected corresponding list of currencies will be displayed in the option list. (Fund Base Currency and Fund Price Currency for the fund selected).

Fund Name


The system displays the fund name for the selected fund ID.

Currency of Expression

Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the currency of expression ID. Alternatively, you can select currency of expression from the option list. The list displays all valid currency of expression ID maintained in the system.

You can maintain only one currency, i.e., either Fund Base currency or any of the fund price currencies for that fund as currency of expression for a UH- Fund combination. The record can be modified or deleted post maintenance

The system will validate this while saving and displays an error message as ‘Only Fund Base Currency or Fund Price Currency can be selected’.

Currency Name


The system displays the currency name for the selected currency of expression ID.

After maintaining the Unit holder currency of expression, if one of the FPC is removed and that currency is UHCOE for a UH, then defaulting at Transaction capture will happen but the price currency/COE logic will not happen for the fund, it will be a case where TBC≠FBC or FPC. At the UHCOE maintenance this can be operationally controlled.


If there is no UH Currency of Expression maintained, then the system will default a curren­cy for the UH and Fund combination.

3.15 Unit Holder Currency of Expression Summary

This section contains the following topics:

3.15.1 Retrieving Unit Holder Currency of Expression Details

You can view Unit Holder balances summary using ‘UH Currency of Expression’ Summary screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTSUHCOE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can retrieve a previously entered record in the ‘UH Currency of Expression Summary’ screen, as follows:

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.


You can also retrieve the individual record detail from the detail screen by doing query in the following manner:

You can perform Edit, Delete, Amend, Authorize operation by selecting from the Action list.

You can also search the record by using combination of % and alphanumeric value.


You can search the record for Unit Holder ID by using the combination of % and alphanumeric value as follows:

3.15.2 Editing Unit Holder Currency of Expression Details

You can modify the details of Unit Holder Currency of Expression parameters that you have already entered into the system, provided it has not been subsequently authorized. You can perform this operation as follows:

3.15.3 Viewing Unit Holder Currency of Expression Details

To view a record that you have previously entered, you must retrieve the same in the UH Currency of Expression Summary screen, as follows:

3.15.4 Deleting Unit Holder Currency of Expression Details

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

3.15.5 Authorizing Unit Holder Currency of Expression Details

An unauthorized Unit Holder Currency of Expression record must be authorized in the system for it to be processed. To authorize a record:

When the checker authorizes a transaction, details of validations, if any, that were overridden by the maker of the transaction during the Save operation, are displayed. If any of these overrides results in an error, the checker must reject the transaction.

3.15.6 Amending Unit Holder Currency of Expression Details

After a Unit Holder Currency of Expression Detail record is authorized, it can be modified using the Unlock operation from Action list. To make changes to a record after authorization:

3.15.7 Authorizing Amended Unit Holder Currency of Expression Details

An amended Unit Holder Currency of Expression Detail record must be authorized for the amendment to be made effective in the system. The authorization of amended records can only be done from Agency branch Module.

The process of authorization is subsequently the same as that for normal transactions.