6. Interface with Oracle FLEXCUBE Retail

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 Oracle FLEXCUBE Retail Interface for CIF Accounts

This section contains the following topics:

6.1.1 Interface Process

Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing (FC-IS) interfaces with the Oracle FLEXCUBE Retail (FCR) system at Oracle FLEXCUBE installation. The interface enables the propagation of CIF (Customer Information File) into the FC-IS database for customers that have CIF accounts in the FCR system database, as well as the creation of a single, initial unit holder account for the CIF account.

The interface between FC-IS and FCR is triggered as follows:

Refer the sections ‘The basic profile for the CIF customer’ and ‘The mutual fund (or FC-IS) profile for the CIF customer’ later on in this chapter for details propagated into the FC-IS database.

You can alter any details for the initial unit holder account as follows:

You can access both these screens through the respective menu items in the Browser.


When FCR is not available at the installation, CIF accounts are created in the FC-IS sys­tem through the ‘Customer Maintenance’ menu item in the Maintenance menu category of the Agency Branch. Upon authorization of the CIF account in FC-IS, a single, initial unit holder account is also created for the CIF account in FC-IS.

For a fuller understanding of how CIF accounts are created and managed in the FC-IS system, refer the chapters ‘Maintaining Customer Information and Managing Investor Accounts’

When both FC-IS and FCR systems co-exist at a FLEXCUBE installation, the ‘Customer Maintenance’ menu item in the ‘Maintenance’ menu category of the Agency Branch is not available. In such an event, the CIF account is created in the FCR system. When investment details are also captured for the CIF account in FCR and authorized, the interface process is triggered as described above. The CIF and investment details are propagated to FC-IS by the interface, and a single, initial unit holder ID is created in FC-IS for the CIF account.

6.1.2 Unitholder Accounts under CIF

After the single, initial unit holder account is created for a CIF account by the interface, you can create as many different unit holder accounts under the same CIF account in the FC-IS system, through the Unit Holder New Account menu item in the Maintenance menu category of the Agency Branch main menu.

When you create a new unit holder account for a CIF account, the details for the account are defaulted by the system from the CIF account profile. These details are the personal details, broker details, identification details, tax details and bank details.

You can edit or perform an information change on any unit holders in a CIF account using the ‘Unit Holder New Account Summary’ screen (for edit) and the ‘Unit Holder Information Change Detail’ screen (for information change). You can access both these screens from the corresponding menu items in the Maintenance menu category of the Agency Branch main menu.

6.1.3 Modifying CIF Account

Whenever a CIF account is amended (i.e., altered after authorization) in FCR, the changes could be made:

If the basic CIF account details are amended, the changes will be propagated to FC-IS by the interface process, upon authorization of the same in FCR.

If the mutual fund profile is amended, the changes are automatically authorized in FCR and the interface process is triggered, propagating the changes to FC-IS.

Applying a change to all unit holder accounts under a CIF account in FC-IS

A change made to a CIF account in FCR can be reflected in all unit holder accounts under the CIF in FC-IS, when it is propagated to the FC-IS system by the interface process. At the time when the system is installed, the implementers set up a list of information fields in the CIF profile and the investment details profile which, when changed in FCR, will be reflected in all unit holder accounts under the CIF in FC-IS, when the change is propagated by the interface process.

6.1.4 Closure of Customer CIF Account

A Customer Profile cannot be closed in FCR. However, the CIF account for the profile can be closed.

If more than one unit holder account is associated with the Customer CIF account in the FC-IS database, each of these accounts must be closed individually (or deleted, if unauthorized in FC-IS) before the Customer CIF account can be closed in the FCR system.

A user in FCR can close a bank account provided the account is not being used by one or more unit holder accounts in FC-IS. If the bank account is in use, a message is displayed indicating this. If the closure is confirmed, then the account is closed.

6.1.5 Details for CIF Account in FC-IS

The basic profile for the CIF customer

When the interface propagates CIF account information from FCR into FC-IS, the FC-IS system interprets and records the following basic profile details that were specified in FCR for the CIF account:

The interface process defaults some of the parameters for the creation of the single, initial unit holder account, as follows:

For a fuller discussion of each of the above details, refer the chapter ‘Managing Investor Accounts’..

The mutual fund (or FC-IS) profile for the CIF customer

When a mutual fund profile (or FC-IS profile) is created for a CIF customer in FCR, the following details must be captured as mandatory information:

The following information is not mandatory, but may also be specified if necessary:

For a fuller discussion of each of the above details, refer the chapter ‘Managing Investor Accounts’..

Defaulting information

If any details are not found in the CIF information that is propagated by the FC-IS FCR interface, they are reckoned by default from the Bulk Clients Defaults Maintenance record maintained in the FC-IS system for the FCR bulk client code.