1. Redemption Transaction

The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) workflow layer of Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing (FCIS) allows you to define a workflow for handling the redemption transaction business.

The front-end user interface of this layer allows you to capture details required for the transactions and sends them to FCIS for processing.

This manual explains the BPEL workflow available in FCIS.  

The stages of the BPEL Workflow for the redemption transaction process are:

In FCIS, a separate menu is provided to enter redemption transactions and initiate the BPEL workflow. This manual explains the BPEL workflow for processing redemption transactions.

This chapter contains the following sections:

1.1 Stage 1 - Initiation Stage

This section contains the following topics:

1.1.1 Steps in Initiation Stage

In this stage, you can launch the screen to initiate the BPEL process. On launching the screen, the system assigns the BPEL process to your User ID.

You can perform the following activities in the Initiation stage:

If you ‘Reject’ the first stage and save, the system terminates the task.

1.1.2 Invoke Redemption Transaction Detail Screen

You can invoke ‘Redemption’ screen by typing ‘UTDREB01’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow.


You can specify the following details in this screen:

Workflow Ref No

The system displays the reference number of the workflow.

You can specify the following details in this screen:


Indicate your priority from the drop-down list.

Transaction Information Section

Transaction Number

This is a unique number automatically assigned to each transaction by the system. It is internally generated upon successful entry of the transaction and after all validations have been made. The transaction number generated by the system is in the format TT-YYYY-JJJ-NNNNNNN


TT - Transaction type (01 – Redemption Transaction, and so on)

YYYY - Year of processing

JJJ - Julian date

NNNNNNN- Running sequence number for the day

Reference Number

Specify a reference number for the account. This will be deemed as a unique alphanumeric identifier for the account. It could be the serial number that is given on the application form through which the investor has invested in the AMC. It could also be any alphanumeric value given by the investor, to identify the transaction.

Unitholder ID

Select the unit holder for whom the transaction request is being entered.

You must select a unit holder that is not restricted (or does not belong to a restricted category) for the fund into which the transaction is being entered. If not, the system does not allow the transaction to be saved.

Find UH Button

From the find UH button, specify the CIF Number and then choose the required unit holder in the Unit Holder field, or else specify the ID of the unit holder in the Unit Holder field. You must select a CIF or unit holder that is not restricted (or does not belong to a restricted category) for the fund into which the transaction is being entered. If not, the system does not allow the transaction to be saved.

When you specify the unit holder, the funds in which the specified unit holder can transact are displayed in the Fund list of values.

Fund ID

Specify the fund ID for which the requested transaction is to be put through. The funds displayed in the drop down list are authorized funds with a latest prevalent set of fund rules and rule effective date. They are also funds for which the type of transaction that you are entering is permissible, as defined in the Transaction Processing Rules records for the funds.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency in which the payments for the transaction will be made or accepted. The drop down list contains currencies that are valid as transaction currencies for the fund, from the Fund Transaction Currency list in the fund rules.

If the specified unit holder’s preferred currency is a valid transaction currency for the fund, it is displayed here by default. If not, the base currency for the selected fund is displayed here by default. In either case, you can change these default specifications and make your choice from the list.

Transaction Date

Specify the date on which the transaction request is being entered into the system. The application date is displayed here by default, and is deemed to be the transaction date.

You can enter an earlier date (for a backdated transaction) that falls within the backdating limit specified for the fund in which the transaction is being requested.

The date that you specify here must not be a designated holiday in the system. If you do specify a holiday, the system prompts you to specify a different date.

In case of future dated transactions, the transaction date cannot be greater than the future dating limit specified in the Transaction Processing Rules screen.

Transaction Mode

Select the mode in which the transaction is being requested. An investor can choose to transact using a specific amount, or a certain number of units held, or a percentage of the units held. Accordingly, select the appropriate option.

For check redemption transactions, which you enter for an investor with check writing facility in a fund for which check writing is allowed, the mode of the transaction is considered by default to be ‘amount’. It cannot be changed.

For redemption transactions involving scrip-based and Certificate option funds, you can choose to transact using a specific amount.

Amount Applied

Enter the amount if you have specified the transaction value as Amount. This value will be validated against the minimum, maximum and step values specified for redemption transactions in the Transaction Processing Rules for the fund. It is also validated against the amount / units limit values maintained for both the communication mode selected for the transaction, and the investor category of the selected unit holder. A warning, which can be overridden, is displayed if the value is not within the limits.

Units Applied

Enter the units if you have specified the transaction value as Units. This value will be validated against the minimum, maximum and step values specified for redemption transactions in the Transaction Processing Rules for the fund. It is also validated against the amount / units limit values maintained for both the communication mode selected for the transaction, and the investor category of the selected unit holder. A warning, which can be overridden, is displayed if the value is not within the limits.

Percent Applied

Enter the percent if you have specified the transaction value as Percent. This value will be validated against the minimum, maximum and step values specified for redemption transactions in the Transaction Processing Rules for the fund. It is also validated against the amount / units limit values maintained for both the communication mode selected for the transaction, and the investor category of the selected unit holder. A warning, which can be overridden, is displayed if the value is not within the limits.

Payment Mode

Select the mode in which the unit holder intends to pay the applicable charges levied for the transaction. The payment could be made through:

For check redemption transactions, the payment mode is not applicable.

Transaction Type

Select the transaction type for the unit holder.


Upon selection of the transaction type, the system will display the description of the selected transaction type.

At the time of saving the transaction, the system checks to see if the balance for the unit holder at a customer / investment type is zero, or if there is no underlying balance.

The types of transactions are:

Enrich Transaction Button

Once you have entered all the details of the transaction click on Enrich Transaction. The relevant details of the transaction are defaulted in the UH and Fund Section.

1.1.3 Unit Holder and Fund Tab

Click on the ‘UH & Fund’ tab.


In this screen, click ‘UH Deal’ button.


You can view the details of all the deals set up for the unit holder. Enter the relevant search criteria. The system will display the records that match the search criteria you have specified.

1.1.4 Transaction Tab

Click on the ‘Transaction’ tab.


Here you can enter the following details:

Gross or Net

Specify whether the value of the transaction is to be considered as a gross value from which the loads would be deducted or as a net figure apart from the loads.

The following example will illustrate how the transaction value is reckoned in either case:

Let us suppose that an investor, Mr. Bill Smith, invests 10000 USD in the Carey Bugle Memorial Growth Fund, on 2nd January 2002 and requests for a gross transaction value basis. Let us suppose that the transaction time sales charge is 5%, and is loaded to the price. On the date of the transaction, the prevalent price is 12 USD. The number of units that he would be allotted would be computed as follows:

Actual price with the sales charge component on 2-1-2002 = 12 + {5/100 * 12} = 12.6 USD

Number of units to be allocated in the case of gross transaction basis = 10000 / 12.6 = 793.65 units.

In this case, Mr. Smith would pay 10000 USD as a gross value and receive 793.65 units allotted into his account.

Now let us suppose that Mr. Bill Smith has requested for a net transaction value basis. Now, the number of units that are to be allotted would be computed as follows:

Number of units that would be allotted = 10000 / 12 = 833.3 units.

Actual price with the sales charge component on 2-1-2002 = 12 + {5/100 * 12} = 12.60 USD

Actual transaction value = 833.3 * 12.60 = 10499.58 USD.

In this case, Mr. Smith would pay 10499.58 USD as the actual transaction value, and receive 833.3 units allotted into his account.

For check redemption transactions, which you enter for an investor with check writing facility in a fund for which check writing is allowed, the value of the transaction is considered by default as a net figure, and it cannot be changed.

Communication Mode

Specify the mode through which the transaction request was communicated. This could either be Direct or Telephone.

For check redemption transactions, which you enter for an investor with check writing facility in a fund for which check writing is allowed, you must specify the communication mode as ‘Check Writing’.

Exchange Rate Source ID

Select the exchange rate source from which the exchange rates are to be derived for the transaction. The source specified in the transaction screen is displayed here. You can modify this, if required.

Upon modifying the exchange rate source, if the payment currency differs from the fund base currency (FBC)/ transaction currency (TC) and if the payment amount is greater than or equal to zero, then system computes and displays the FBC Amount in the fund base currency/transaction base currency equivalent.

For redemption transactions, the payment charges is added to the payment amount and displayed as FBC/TC amount.

Exchange Rate Applied

When you select the exchange rate source, the system computes the actual exchange rate applied using the transaction currency, fund base currency and the value of the transaction, and displays the same here.

You can override this value when you enter the transaction. To do so, select the Override Exchange Rate box, and then specify the desired exchange rate value in this field.

When you override the computed exchange rate, the overridden value must fall within the fluctuation range allowed for the transaction currency - fund base currency pair, in the Currency Pair Setup records.

Amount Applied

After you specify the exchange rate source ID, click on the Calculate button. The system displays the amount depending on the exchange rate source.

Override Exchange Rate?

If you wish to override the applied exchange rate at this stage, select the ‘Yes’ option. Specify the overridden exchange rate in the Applied Exchange Rate field, and click the Calculate button again. If overridden, the overridden exchange rate should be within the permitted fluctuation limits defined in the Source Maintenance.

FX Deal Date

The system will display the ‘FX Deal Date’ during transaction enrichment for redemption transactions, which you can override if required. However, if the date you specify is lesser than the application date or greater than the FX Value Date, the system will display an error message. The date should also be a TBC working day.

The date defaulted by the system will include the allocation lag for the fund; if the date so derived (after allowing for the allocation lag) is a TBC holiday, the system will display the next TBC working day.


If the client country parameter ‘FORWARD_FX_RATE’ is set as false, the system will allow only the application date as the FX deal date.

FX Value Date

The system will display the settlement date in this field and will include the payment lag based on the payment lag calendar basis and after taking into account TBC holidays.

You can override this value, if required.



Click on the Details button in this screen, to invoke the Interest Calculation Screen.


You can specify the following interest details:

Calculation Type

Select the calculation type from option list. The options available are:


Specify the amount.

Deposit Date

Specify the deposit date.

Interest Calc Days

Specify the interest calculation days.

Transaction Currency

The system displays the transaction currency that is selected in the ‘Redemption’ screen.

Interest Amount

The system computes the interest amount based on the interest calculation days, and interest rate provided by you. You cannot change the amount displayed.

Click ‘Calculate’ button after providing the necessary information for the system to compute the interest amount. The interest amount will be calculated and displayed in the field ‘Interest Amount’.

Basis Days

Select the interest basis days, based on which the interest will be calculated. The options available are:

Click on the Calculate button, after providing the necessary information for the system to compute the interest amount. The interest amount will be calculated and displayed in the field ‘Interest Amount.

1.1.5 Other Tab

Click on the ‘Other’ tab.


Here you can capture the following details:

Settlement Date

The system computes the settlement date for the transaction according to the payment lag defined for the transaction type, in the Transaction Processing Rules for the fund. The settlement date is computed as (Transaction Date + Payment Lag), and displayed in this field. You can alter the computed date and specify the required date in this field.

Maturity Date

If the fund in which the transaction is being put through is a closed-end fund, then specify the maturity date for the transaction in this field.

Dealing Date

The dealing date as maintained for the fund in the Specific Fund Price Date Setup screen is defaulted to this field. The date displayed here can be altered, if required, and you can specify the desired dealing date.

In case dealing date is not maintained for the fund or the fund is not a specific price date fund, dealing date will be equal to the transaction date and cannot be changed.

Completion Date

The date of completion of the transaction is displayed here.

If your installation has not requested for KYC checks, then:

The Completion Date can only be viewed in modes other than the New Mode.

Completion Date is applicable only for subscription, redemption, switch and transfer transactions.

Price Date

The field From Price Date is enabled when you select the fund in which the requested transaction is to be put through. The fund should be one for which you have specified forward pricing is applicable. The price date is arrived at by taking into consideration several conditions. This is explained in the section ‘Defaulting of Price Dates in the Transaction’ Screens in this chapter. You can modify this field.

Campaign Code

Specify the campaign code. The adjacent option list displays the valid codes of the campaign maintained in the system, you can choose the appropriate one.

Reversal Code

The system will display the related reversal code.

Fund Price Basis

The system populates the Fund Price Basis after you click the Enrich Transaction button.

Base Cost

The system displays the base cost after you click the Enrich Transaction button. You can modify the base cost for the redemption transaction.

Cancel Instruction

You can use this field to indicate whether standing instructions defined in respect of a unit holder, in the selected fund, are to be cancelled. If you select this option, all standing instructions for the transaction is cancelled, including those that are to be generated after an automatic redemption occurs. Select the ‘Standing Instruction’ option in this field to indicate cancellation of standing instructions.

If this option has been chosen in the General Operating Rules for the fund, the automatic redemption process generates redemption transactions for unit holders in the fund, with the ‘Cancel Instruction’ option automatically set.

If this option has been set for the transaction in this field, the End of Day process cancels all standing instructions (irrespective of the transaction type) for the unit holder in the fund after the outflow transactions (redemption, switch and transfer) involving the unit holder have been allocated for the day.

Reversal or amendment of an outflow transaction for which Cancel Instruction has been set to ‘Standing Instruction’, would re-instate the standing instructions.

Auto Clear Re-investments

You can use this field to indicate that 100% outflow transactions (redemption, switch and transfer) should include freeze held and reinvestment units.

The ‘Auto Clear Provisional Balance’ and ‘Auto Clear Reinvestments’ fields will be checked or unchecked based on the specification for the same in the Defaults Maintenance. However, you can change the defaulted value. These options will be enabled if the transaction mode is ‘Percent’ and the transaction value is ‘100’.

Auto Clear Provisional Balance

For redemption, switch or transfer transactions by 100%, you can use this field to indicate that the outflow transaction should include units in provisional balance.

If the unit holder account has any authorized/unauthorized/un allotted transaction for the same combination of fund and policy with ‘Auto Clear Provisional Balance’ checked, then you will not be allowed to check this box.

Payment Allowed

For redemptions using Cash Direct accounts, you can use this field to indicate whether relevant documents related to payment for the redemption transaction have been received at the time of transaction entry.

By default, this box is checked; if you wish to withhold payment due to not receiving payment-related documents, you can uncheck this box. Transactions, in respect of which this box is unchecked, can be allotted but not confirmed.

LOI Transaction

If the unit holder that is subscribing to the fund is designated as a Letter or Intent investor, then specify if the present transaction is to be deemed and processed as a Letter of Intent transaction.

This specification is only applicable for LOI unit holders that are transacting in a fund in a group for which LOI is deemed as allowed.

EUSD Option

The EUSD option specified for the unit holder is defaulted at the transaction level provided the fund is a ‘EUSD In Scope’ fund. However, you can modify this value. The options available are:

System calculates the EUSD tax based on the option specified here. However, EUSD tax is deducted from the settlement amount only if the EUSD option is With holding tax.

CPMF Bonus Percent

By default, the CPMF Bonus percentage is displayed here which is arrived at based on the fund CPMF preference. If CPMF Bonus Type is 'Fixed', Percentage cannot be modified during the transaction input i.e., Bonus is credited on the lag EOD activity. Details regarding CPMF Preference are explained in the section ‘Maintaining Fund CPMF Preferences’ in the Fund Manager module.

CPMF Credit Lag

Indicate the lag for the CPMF bonus to be credited.

1.1.6 Intermediary Tab

Click on the ‘Intermediary’ tab.


If a broker has been identified as an intermediary for the transaction, then you must identify the same in this section, along with the commission percentage split for the broker.

You can enter the following broker details:

Entity ID

Select the code of the broker that has been identified as the intermediary for the transaction. By default, the code of the unit holder’s default broker is displayed here. You can specify other brokers too by selecting them from the list. You can also search for the broker using broker legacy codes.

Entity Type

Specify the type of entity.

Entity Name

When you select the broker code, the name of the broker is displayed. You can also choose to select the name of the broker for the transaction.

By default, the code of the unit holder’s default broker is displayed here. You can specify other brokers too by selecting them from the list.

Parent Entity Name

When you select the broker code, the name of the parent broker for the selected broker is displayed.

Split Percentage

Specify the percentage of total commission that is to accrue to the selected broker. The sum of all the percentages specified for any brokers identified for the transaction must equal one hundred percent.

From Or to Leg

Mention the start and end point of the transaction date.

1.1.7 Load Override Tab

Click on the ‘Load Override’ tab.


In this section, you can override or alter the value of any load (including derived loads, if any) mapped to the selected fund and applicable for the transaction type, which is to be computed at the time of allocation. The frequency of computation for such loads would be ‘allocation’.

This section is only enabled for funds that have allocation time loads mapped to them as applicable for the transaction type.

When you select the fund in which the transaction is to be put through, any mapped allocation time loads are displayed as a list in this section.

Load ID

The ID of the allocation time load that has been mapped to the fund for the transaction type is displayed here. The load ID is displayed as a link. To view details of the load, click the ID link.


If the load is criteria based, the criteria will be displayed in the Load Details screen.

If a derived load has been mapped, it is also displayed here and can be overridden.


The type of the allocation time load that has been mapped to the fund for the transaction type is displayed here. The ‘type’ of the load refers to the base value upon which the load is applied. There are two possible types – amount-based loads, and percentage-based loads.

Change Type

When you override or alter an allocation time load at the time of entering a transaction, you can effect the change in any of the following ways:

To understand clearly how the override would be performed in any of these ways, let us consider an example.

Let us suppose that the following loads are mapped to the Carey Bugle Memorial Fund for all transaction types, with the processing frequency as ‘allocation’:

Load ALLOCL1, a percentage-based load with a return value of 5 % for slab 1 and 2, and 4% for slab 3.

Load ALLOCL2, a percentage-based load with a return value of 3.5% for all slabs.

Load ALLOCL3, an amount-based load with a return value of 10 USD for slabs 1 and 2, and 9 USD for slabs 3 and 4.

Let us suppose that you are accepting a subscription request into this fund, from the unit holder Mr. Bill Smith, and upon his directives, you have overridden these allocation time loads as follows:

Load ALLOCL1 is to be discounted. You choose the ‘Discount’ option in the Change Type field and specify the discount value in the Value field in the Load Override section as 1%, to be applicable to all slabs of ALLOCL1. The new percentages applicable for slabs 1 and 2 would be 4%, and for slab 3, the new percentage would be 3%.

Load ALLOCL2 is to be increased. You choose the ‘Increase’ option in the Change Type field, and specify the new return value as 1%, applicable to all slabs of ALLOCL2. The new percentage applicable for all slabs of ALLOCL2 is 4.5%.

For load ALLOCL3, you choose the ‘Return Value’ option and specify the new return value as 8 USD for all slabs of ALLOCL3. The new return value for all slabs, 1,2, 3 and 4 for the load ALLOCL3 would be reckoned as 8 USD.

Change Value

Specify the altered return value for the allocation time load that you are overriding.

Projected Return Value

Specify the estimated return value.

1.1.8 KYC Tab

Click on the ‘KYC’ tab.


You need to specify the list of required KYC documents for this transaction. System allows you to save the transaction even if the unit holder has not submitted all the required KYC documents. However, you will not be allowed to perform the completion operation on that transaction unless all the required documents have been received from the investor. This feature will be available only if your installation has requested for it.

In the Document Details section, you may need to capture the document ID of the unit holder. This section will be enabled only if your installation is integrated with DMS.

You can enter the following details:


Check those documents that have been requested from the investor.


Specify the list of KYC documents required for this transaction.

You may add additional documents to the existing KYC list until the transaction is completed. However, if you add additional documents once the ‘All the requested KYC documentation has been received’ check box has been checked, system will uncheck the option.


Check this option to indicate that the investor has submitted the required document.

Received Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Specify the date on which the document was received.

Tax Document

Use this check box to identify the submitted document as tax document. If the account is a joint account, then Form 60/61 should be provided for all the joint holders without PAN as well. System will not allow you to save the transaction if all the tax documents are not provided by the investor.

KYC Received

Check this option once all the requested documents have been received from the investor. You will not be allowed to check this option until all the requested documents have been marked as received.

You are not allowed to check this option until all the required KYC documents have been received both at the unit holder level and at the transaction level.

Chasing Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

In case the KYC list is incomplete for the transaction and the document has been requested, enter the date on which the document chasing action must be initiated.

Each time a document is requested from the investor, you must capture a chasing date for that document.

After you have entered the required document details, click the Close button to close the screen.

This feature is only available if your installation has requested for it.

Document ID

You can either enter the document ID in this field. In the Document Find screen, specify the first name and second name of the unit holder whose document you wish to retrieve. The various documents stored against the name of the unit holder that you have entered, will be displayed. Double click on the corresponding document, to choose the same. You can also click on the document id link to view the scanned document.

Document Type

When you enter or choose the document ID, this field will be updated.

Type Description

When you enter or choose the document ID, this field will be updated.

1.1.9 Additional Information Tab

Click on the ’Add Info’ tab to enter any additional information for the transaction.


You can only maintain additional information if any information heads have been maintained in the System Parameters, to be applicable for the segment.

If the AMC has designated any additional information heads for investors, you can indicate the relevant information applicable to the investor under each head, in this section.

Here you can specify the following details:

Other Info Field

Select this option to allow the system to display the additional fields maintained.

Field Value

Select the value for the additional field from the option list.

1.1.10 Fee Payment Tab

Click on the ‘Fee Payment’ tab.


You can capture the details of any payments made towards the transaction time fee, in this section. When you select the fund in which the transaction is to be put through, this section is enabled only if any transaction time fees are mapped to the fund as chargeable for the transaction type.

Click on the Enrich Transaction button to view the following fee payment details.

Fee in Fund Base Currency

The system displays the value for fee in fund base currency.

Transaction Fee

The system displays the fee amount of the transaction.

Fee Calculation Basis

Indicate one of the following values as the basis for fee calculation from the drop-down.

Click on the Fee Pay Details button to invoke the following screen:


Fee Payment Details for Mode of Payment as Check, Credit Card or Draft

Capture the following details if the mode of fee payment chosen is check, credit card or demand draft:

Drawee Bank

Specify the name of the bank where the fee payment instrument is drawn, if the mode of payment is Check, Credit Card or Draft.

Drawee Branch

Specify the branch of the selected bank where the fee payment is drawn, if the mode of payment is Check or Draft.

Check Number/ Card Number/Draft Number

Specify the number of the fee payment instrument, either the check, the credit card or the demand draft.

Check Date/Credit Card Date/Draft Date

Specify the date on which the check or demand draft is drawn, or the credit card payment is made.

Clearing Date

Specify the date on which the check / draft is expected to be cleared.

The clearing date should not be earlier than the check / draft date, and must not be a designated holiday in the system.

Card Reference Number

In the case of fee payment by credit card, specify the reference number of the credit card that is being used to make the fee payment.

Fee Payment Details for Transfer Mode of Payment

Capture the following details if the mode of fee payment chosen is transfer:

Maintained Bank Accounts

All the bank accounts that have been maintained for the selected unit holder are displayed in the drop down list in this field. You must choose the one that will be used to make the fee payment. When you do, all the details of the selected account are displayed in the corresponding fields in this section.


When you select the back account of the unit holder that is being used to make the fee payment, the name of the bank in which the account resides is displayed here.


When you select the back account of the unit holder that is being used to make the fee payment, the name of the branch of the bank in which the account resides is displayed here.

Account Number

When you select the back account of the unit holder that is being used to make the fee payment, the account number of the transfer account is displayed here.

Account Type

When you select the back account of the unit holder that is being used to make the fee payment, the type of the transfer account is displayed here.

Account Currency

When you select the back account of the unit holder that is being used to make the fee payment, the currency of the transfer account is displayed here.

This currency must be the same as the transaction currency. If this is not so, the unit holder must specify an account in which the account currency is the same as the transaction currency.

Account Holder Name

When you select the back account of the unit holder that is being used to make the fee payment, the name of the holder of the transfer account is displayed here.

1.1.11 Certificate Tab

Click on the ‘Certificate’ tab.


If you have selected a certificate option fund, then all certificate information fields are enabled. You can enter the following details:

Certificate Required?

Select the option Yes, to specify requirement of certificate.

Single Certificate?

Specify whether a single certificate or multiple certificates have been requested,

From Issued Balances

Indicate from the drop-down, if the certificate is issued from balances.

Minimum Certificate Denomination

This is the least number of units or the minimum lot that would comprise a single certificate. This value is maintained in the Shares Characteristics rule for the fund, and is displayed here. If user overrides are designated as allowed in the Shares Characteristics rule, you can override this value and specify the required minimum lot.

Maximum Certificate Denomination

This is the highest number of units or the maximum lot that would comprise a single certificate. This value is maintained in the Shares Characteristics rule for the fund, and is displayed here. If user overrides are designated as allowed in the Shares Characteristics rule, you can override this value and specify the required minimum lot.

Certificate Denominations

Certificate Lot Size

Specify the lot size of the certificate.

No of Certificates

Specify the number of certificates.

Certificate Details

Certification Number

Specify the certification number.


When you specify the certificate number, the number of units contained in it is displayed in this field.


Select this option to indicate that only a portion of the units contained in the certificate must be used for the transaction.

The following example will make this clear:

Let us suppose that a unit holder, Mrs. Wendy Brown, has been issued certificates with numbers C1, C2 and C3 for her subscription into the Elton Trueblood Memorial Growth Fund. The certificates are all denominated in lots of 100. Let us now suppose that on a certain date, Mrs. Brown approaches the branch and requests to redeem 250 units worth of her certificates, in the following manner:

Certificate C1 : 100 units to be redeemed

Certificate C2 : 50 units to be redeemed

Certificate C3 : 100 units to be redeemed

You would enter the certificate details for the redemption transaction in the Certificate Details section of the Redemption Transaction Detail screen as follows:

In the first row of the grid, you would enter C1 in the Certificate Number field. The system would display the number of units (100, in this case) in the Units field. Similarly, you would enter C2 and C3, and the system displays the number of units in each case, as 100, in the Units field.

Since Mrs. Brown wishes to redeem only 50 units from C3, you must select the check box named Partial, in the C3 row in the grid. The system reckons the redemption from C3 to be partial, to the tune of 50 units.

1.1.12 Limit Order Tab

Click on the ‘Limit Order’ tab.


You can enter the following limit order details:

Limit Order Type

Specify whether the limit order is price based or date based.

Limit Price

Specify the price for the price based limit order transaction. This represents the price equal to or below which the transaction must be put through (for buy orders), or the price equal to or above which the transaction must be put through (for sell orders).

Limit Start Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

For price based limit orders, specify the date that commences the period within which the limit order must be executed. On any date on and after this, the limit order could be executed when the limit price conditions are met.

The date you specify here must be a future date.

Limit End Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

For price based limit orders, specify the date that closes the period within which the limit order must be executed. Beyond this date, the limit order stands cancelled and will not be processed.

The date you specify here must be a future date, later than the Limit Start Date.

Limit Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

For date based limit orders, specify the future date on which the limit order must be executed. If this date is subsequently specified as a holiday, the limit order pricing rule (Prior or After) specified in the General Operating Rules is used to determine the date on which the order would be executed.

1.1.13 Documents Button

You can upload documents to the Oracle IPM (Oracle Imaging and Process Management). Click ‘Documents’ button to upload the documents.


Document Code

Specify the document to be uploaded. You can also select the document to be uploaded from the option list. The option list consists of the valid documents codes mapped to the process.

Document Description

The description of the selected document code is displayed,

Document Path

Specify the path of the document to be uploaded. You can browse the path by selecting the ‘Browse’ button.


Click ‘Upload’ button to upload the documents.


Click ‘View’ button to the view the documents uploaded.

1.1.14 Project Allocation Details Button

If you wish to see a projected picture of how the transaction would most possibly be allocated, then click the ‘Project Allocation Details’ tab.

You can view the projected allocation details only for funds in which the ageing policy is FIFO (first-in, first-out) or Transaction Receipts. If the prices are not available for redemption transactions on the transaction date, the latest available price is picked up for allocation.


1.1.15 Allocation Details Button

When you request the allocation process, the system temporarily saves the transaction into temporary stores in the database and gives it a unique key string.

The system then performs a ‘mock’ temporary allocation, and displays the details of the same in the Allocation Projection screen. Click on ‘Allocation Details’ tab to invoke the following screen:


The details of subsequent allocation of the transaction, if any, are displayed in this section. When you are entering a new transaction, this tab is not available.

The details you can view in this screen are:

Allocation Date

This is the date on which the Fund Manager allocated the units in respect of the transaction.

Alloted Units

This is the number of units that were allocated by the Fund Manager. in respect of the transaction.

Confirmed Units

This is the number of units that were confirmed after allocation by the Fund Manager in respect of the transaction.

Rejected Units

This is the number of units, if any, that were rejected in respect of the transaction by the Fund Manager.

Unit Price Applied

This is the price per unit that was prevalent for the fund and transaction type at the time of acceptance of the allotted transaction.

Provisional Shares

This is the number of provisional shares allocated in respect of the transaction by the Fund Manager. Provisional shares are allocated for transactions, the payment instrument in respect of which is pending clearance.

1.2 Submit Transaction to Processing Hub

This section contains the following topics:

1.2.1 Procedure to Submit Transaction to Processing Hub

After you enter the details, you can either put the process on hold or approve the details. To put the process on hold, select ‘Hold’ from the Actions menu. Click ‘OK” button to save. After the data is saved in the first stage, the task will appear in the ‘Pending’ items list. An authorized user can then acquire the task and then operate on it.

1.2.2 Acquire Task For Further Processing

You can query on tasks by clicking on ‘Task’ option in the Application Browser. The following screen will be displayed.


Based on the access control defined through the Security Management, the system builds the Summary dashboard for every user.  


In this dashboard, tasks are available for a User under the following categories.

In each of these lists, the system displays the number of transactions that are assigned a high priority.

Click on the 'Pending' tasks list to view all transactions which are pending.


You can acquire any transaction in your 'Pending' list by clicking ‘Acquire’ button against the transaction.

Once you acquire a transaction, you can view its details by double clicking on it.

You’ll be returned to the Summary Dashboard. The transaction that you acquired would now have moved to your ‘Assigned’ list. Click on the ‘Assigned’ list to view the details.

Click on the ‘Reference No’ of any transaction to view its details.

1.3 Stage 2 - Validation and Enrichment Stage

In this stage, you can view/edit/delete the details containing the data which was saved in the Initial stage. You can also upload the documents to Oracle IPM.

Follow the steps mentioned above to ‘acquire’ the task.

You can enter the details which you had not entered in the first stage. You can then put the process on Hold. To put the process on Hold, select the option ‘Hold’ under ‘Actions’ menu. Click ‘OK’ to save. Once you save the second stage, the system performs all mandatory validations and business checks on the details that you have entered. The system displays any error it encounters and allows you to correct the details. You will be able to proceed to the next stage only after all you resolve the errors.

If you ‘Reject’ the second stage and save the process, the system will terminate the task.

1.4 Stage 3- Verification Stage

On successful completion of the second stage, you can acquire the task from the ‘Pending’ list. Only an authorized user can acquire the task for further processing.

In this stage, you are required to verify the documents uploaded. Check the ‘Verify’ option in the ‘Doc Verification’ screen and click ‘Ok’ button to verify each documents to be uploaded.The documents will be uploaded to Oracle IPM.

Once you acquire the task, you can put the process on Hold or approve to save the process. On saving the third and final stage, the data is stored in FCIS and the transaction number is generated.


The documents uploaded are not saved in the FCIS system and can only be viewed till the final stage of the BPEL workflow.