Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT)

Purpose: Use the E-Commerce Job Control menu option to work with the ASYNC jobs that process catalog request updates, inquiry, and other information for the e-commerce interface.

Creating orders: You use the Generic Order Interface (Order API) to create orders from the web storefront.

Default image paths: You can also use this menu option to set up default image paths and a default image type to indicate where to find item illustrations for display on the pages of the web storefront.

Process overview: As the customer enters information at the web storefront, the system sends messages to the e-commerce background jobs for processing. For example, when a customer on the web storefront enters a catalog request, a message is sent to the CATALOG REQUESTS process. If this process (background job) is active, it creates the catalog request immediately. If the process is not active when the message arrives, the catalog request will be created once you start the process. All messages are processed in the sequence in which they arrive at the message queue.

Which job queue? Most of the e-commerce background jobs run automatically in the QSYSNOMAX job queue in order to avoid slowing down any other jobs that might be running in other job queues on the system; the ECOMM_CANC job, however, runs in the ECOMMERCE job queue. You can review current status and queues for the jobs at the Job Management Screen; see Job Management (My Jobs) for an overview.

Note: The e-commerce processes are not restricted by company; when you work with or change a process, it affects all companies.

Generic web service: As an alternative to sending messages directly to the inbound queue specified for each e-commerce job, you can use the generic web service. In this situation, you send messages to the endpoint for the generic web service, which routes each message to the correct e-commerce job and then routes the generated response. See the Generic Web Services for more information.

Starting and stopping automatically: You can use periodic functions to start and stop the e-commerce background jobs automatically. See E-Commerce (EDC) Periodic Functions for function names, and see Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) for an overview.

For more information: See XML Messages for a master listing of CWSerenade XML messages.

In this topic:

Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen

E-Commerce Processes

Changing the Number of Sessions

Change E-Commerce Job Control Pop-up Window

Changing Process Status

Change Status Pop-up Window

Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen

Change Image Paths Screen (Working with Default Image Paths)

E-Commerce Order Cleanup Log

Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen

Purpose: Use the Work with E-commerce Job Control screen to work with the queues that process XML messages for the CWSerenade e-commerce interface.

How to display this screen: Enter EJCT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select E-Commerce Job Control from a menu.




The job that performs e-commerce interface updates between CWSerenade and the web storefront. See E-Commerce Processes for a description of each.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Current status

The status of the process. Possible statuses are:

• Active

• Inactive

• Starting

• Ending

See Changing Process Status.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.

# of sessions

The number of separate jobs to allocate to processing orders from the web storefront. Just as you can set up the billing async job to run multiple instances, you can also set the number of each individual e-commerce process you would like to run.

See Changing the Number of Sessions.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Change the number of sessions for a process

Select Change for a process to advance to the Change E-Commerce Job Control Pop-up Window.

Change the status of a process

Select Change Status to advance to the Change Status Pop-up Window.

Hide an unused process in order to simplify the information displayed at the screen

Select Hide Process; see Hiding an E-Commerce Process.

Start a process

Select Start for a process to start it.

End a process

Select End for a process to end it. See Changing Process Status.

Define the input queue manager (if using WebSphere MQ) or connection factory (if using HornetQ)

Select Work with Queues for a process to advance to the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen.

Start all processes

Select Start All.

End all processes

Select End All.

Work with default image paths

Select Img Paths to advance to the Change Image Paths Screen (Working with Default Image Paths).

Work with background jobs

Select Background Jobs to advance to the Work with Background Jobs Screen.

Work with Drop Ship background jobs

Select Drop Ship Jobs to advance to the Work with Drop Ship Background Jobs Screen.

Work with integration layer jobs

Select Integration Layer to advance to the Work with Integration Layer Process Screen.

E-Commerce Processes

Purpose: This table describes:

• the e-commerce processes

• their functions

• the jobs they initiate

• the messages they handle


Note: The default input queues (for processing messages from the web storefront to CWSerenade) and, in certain cases, remote queues (to enable sending information from CWSerenade to the web storefront) vary, depending on the configuration of your web storefront.



Submitted Job(s)


Catalog requests

Creates a catalog request when the customer enters a request on the web storefront.

See E-Commerce Catalog Requests for more information on processing.

See Catalog Request Interface Errors for a listing of possible errors.

Additionally, you can update or create a sold to customer and individual using this message; see Customer Creation/Update Logic in E-Commerce Catalog Requests.


E-Commerce Catalog Request Message (CWCatRequest) (To CWSerenade)


E-Commerce Catalog Request Response Message (CWCatreqResponse) (From CWSerenade)

Order cleanup

Note: Rejects any orders that have been “abandoned” on the web storefront if, for example, the customer closes the browser window. This process uses the Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (G43) system control value to determine the number of minutes to wait before rejecting an order. Only orders of the type specified in the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) system control value are eligible for cleanup, and the cleanup takes place only if the Get Orders from E-Commerce (G35) system control value is selected. The system generates the E-Commerce Order Cleanup Log each time it deletes a suspended order. Each time the job rejects an order, it writes a record in the Deleted Order Table.




Following an order status request and response (see EC_STS_INQ), this process handles cancellation requests from the web storefront. The cancellation request can specify the entire order ship-to, or specific items on the order. The response message merely indicates that the request was received; a subsequent email confirmation indicates whether the cancellation request was successful. See Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM) for an overview.


E-Commerce Cancel Request Message (CWCancel) (To CWSerenade)


Creates a return authorization for an item on an order, using the return reason code supplied by the customer on the storefront. Also, writes an order history message that the return authorization was created.

You must review the return authorization and complete it or delete it using the Work with Returns for Orders menu option. If your web storefront supports it, you can also enable the customer to print a return label using the return address for the entity associated with the source code on the order header, or the return address for the company. See Creating Return Authorizations from the Web Storefront for more processing information.

Note: If the SECRISK periodic function deactivated the payment method for an order, the return authorization returns a blank response. See the Credit Card Retention Days (K65) system control value for background.


E-Commerce Return Request Message (CWReturn) (To CWSerenade)


E-Commerce Return Response Message (CWReturnResponse) (From CWSerenade)

Order status/


Receives an order inquiry from the web storefront, based on company, sold-to customer, order number, and, optionally, individual and/or bill-to customer.

Returns the order summary information to the web storefront, indicating if the customer can perform maintenance against the order, such as returning an order line. See E-Commerce Order Status Processing for more processing information.

Note: You can also inquire about a customer’s order history or detailed information about a single order, using the Generic Customer History API.


E-Commerce Order Status Message (CWOrderStatus) (To CWSerenade)


E-Commerce Order Status Response Message (CWStatusResponse) (From CWSerenade)

Note: Prior to release 3.5, there was an order reject e-commerce process. The Order Reject Request Message (CWORDERREJECT) became available in release 3.5 to interactively reject abandoned orders without waiting for the EC_CLEANUP process. See Rejecting the Order (Order API) for background.

Changing the Number of Sessions

Purpose: Use this pop-up window to change the number of sessions, or queues, available to an e-commerce process. You might increase the number of sessions to improve response time on the web storefront.

Change E-Commerce Job Control Pop-up Window

How to display this window: Select Change for a process at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen.

Number of sessions: Enter the number of sessions you would like to run.

Note: You cannot change the number of sessions for the ORDER CLEAN UP process.

Changing Process Status

Overview: Use this window to start or stop a process individually. When you start one or more processes, their status changes from Inactive to Starting to Active. When you end one or more processes, their status changes from Active to Ending to Inactive.

The Start All option starts all processes. The End All option ends all processes.

To verify that a process is running successfully: Use the Display Active Batch Jobs Screen to verify that the e-commerce job is running successfully.See Verifying the Status of Active Batch Jobs.

Change Status Pop-up Window

Change status: You can change the status of a process if it does not start or stop normally in a reasonable amount of time. Select Change Status for a process to display the Change Status window. At this window, select the desired status, Inactive or Active.

Important: Only security administrators (the Security administrator flag for the user is selected in Work with Users) can change the status of an e-commerce process.

Hiding an E-Commerce Process

Purpose: You can hide an unused e-commerce process in order to simplify the information displayed at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen.

Which processes are eligible to be hidden? You can hide a process only if:

• its current status is Inactive

• it does not have any process queues set up through the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen

Before you hide a process: You should confirm that it is not a process that you are currently using or will need to use in the near future. For example, if you hide:

• Outbound processes: Messages will not generated.

• Inbound processes: Messages will not be received and processed.

Also, if you use the Start E-Commerce Async Jobs and Stop E-Commerce Async Jobs periodic functions, the function may start and stop the process, even though it is hidden.

How to hide a process: At the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen, select Hide Process.

How to show a hidden process: Once a process is hidden, you cannot show it again through an option at a screen in CWSerenade. Instead, you need to query the EC Job Control table and change the EJC Status field from H to I.

Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review or change the queue manager (if using WebSphere MQ) or connection factory (if using HornetQ) and queue for e-commerce messages.

Types of queues: The types of queues displayed at this screen varies depending on the requirements of the process. For example, a process that receives messages but never needs to send a response would not include fields related to response queues. See the E-Commerce Processes for more information on the types of messages received and generated by each process.

How to display this screen: Select Work with Queues for a process at the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen.



Enter queue definitions for

The name of the process whose queues you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Queue Manager

The queue manager (if using WebSphere MQ) or connection factory (if using HornetQ) on your local JMS server associated with both the input and remote queue, if the job uses both types of queues.

Note: The name can be upper and lower case.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Local Input Queue

The queue where this process receives messages originating from the web storefront. Enter the name of the correct queue to change it.

Note: Included only if the process receives inbound messages.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Output Queue

The queue that sends the responses to the remote system.

Note: Included only if the process sends outbound messages.

Change Image Paths Screen (Working with Default Image Paths)

Purpose: Use this screen to define:

• the default image type (that is, JPG or GIF) you use on your web storefront

• default paths for each of the image sizes you will use on the web storefront. You can define up to three: regular, thumbnail, and large.

This default setup will simplify data entry if you normally store each type of image file in the same folder and use the item name as the filename.

How to display this screen: Select Dflt Image Paths at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen.



Image type

The three-character filename extension that indicates the default image format for the web storefront. Typically, web images are either GIF or JPG.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Thumbnail path

The path where thumbnail item images are located. You would typically use a thumbnail, or smaller, image on a web page where the customer can browse multiple items.

If the path extends beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the four lines as one 240-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields; optional.

Regular path

The path where regular-sized item images are located. You would typically use a regular image on a web page where the customer can review detailed information on a particular item.

If the path extends beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the four lines as one 240-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields and one 15-position field; optional.

Large path

The path where large item images are located. You would typically use a large image on a web page if you want the customer to be able to view the item in greater detail.

If the path extends beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the four lines as one 240-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields and one 15-position field; optional.

EJCT Serenade 5.0 March 2015