Slotting Report

Purpose: Use this report to review slotting data based on the warehouse and selection criteria you entered on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen. You can use this information to determine the items/SKUs to transfer to a different pickable primary location.

This report includes only items/SKUs:

• That have a pickable primary location in the warehouse selected on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen. This includes items/SKUs:

• with an on-hand quantity in a pickable primary location.

• with no on-hand quantity in a pickable primary location, but an open PO quantity for the warehouse; in this situation, the system includes the item on the report with a blank location.

• Whose item status meets the requirements of the Item Status...Include/Exclude field on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

• If this field is set to Include, the system includes only items whose item status matches the specified item status. If an item status is not defined, the system does not limit the items/SKUs on the report based on item status.

• If this field is set to Exclude, the system includes only items whose item status does not match the specified item status.

The system uses the item status defined in the SKU table; if an item status is not defined at the SKU level, the system uses the item status defined in the Item table.

• Whose ABC/Velocity code matches the ABC/Velocity field on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

• Whose sales performance meets the requirements of the Limit Results...Quantity/Percentage fields on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

• If limit results is set to No Limit, the system includes all eligible items/SKUs on the report.

• If limit results is set to Top, the system includes only top performing items/SKUs based on unit sales, up to the value defined in the Quantity or Percentage field.

• If limit results is set to Bottom, the system includes only bottom performing items/SKUs based on unit sales, up to the value defined in the Quantity or Percentage field.

• Whose last slot date in the SKU table is less than or equal to the last slot date entered on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

How to print: Select Submit on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. The .csv format of this report includes an additional field: Last Slot Date. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.

Contents: The Sort By field on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen indicates how slotting data sorts on this report. The secondary sort is by item/SKU.

Report selections:

Warehouse: The code and description of the Warehouse selected on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen. This is the warehouse the system used to calculate the Unit and Percent sales, Number of orders, Open PO quantity, Replenishment quantity, Primary on hand quantity, Warehouse on hand quantity and Primary location for each item/SKU on the report.

Unit Sales: The Unit Sales date range defined on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

Last Slot Date: The Last Slot Date defined on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

Limit By: The Limit Results and Quantity/Percentagesettings on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

No Limit displays if the Limit Results setting is No Limit and a Quantity/Percentage is not defined.

Top 99999 displays if the Limit Results setting is Top, where 99999 is the Quantity or Percentage defined.

Bottom 99999 displays if the Limit Results setting is Bottom, where 99999 is the Quantity or Percentage defined.

Open POs: The Open POs date range defined on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen. ALL displays if you did not enter an open PO date range.

Sort By: The Sort By setting on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

Item/SKU displays if the Sort By setting is Item/SKU, indicating the report sorts the results in ascending item/SKU sequence.

Location displays if the Sort By setting is Location, indicating the report sorts the results in ascending location sequence, then by ascending item/SKU. This is the location where the item/SKU currently resides. Records with a blank location print at the top of the report.

Location Velocity Rank displays if the Sort By setting is Location Velocity Rank, indicating the report sorts the results in descending velocity rank sequence, then ascending location sequence. This is the velocity rank associated with the item/SKUs current primary location, with 1 representing the highest rank.

Unit Sales displays if the Sort By setting is Unit Sales, indicating the report sorts the results in unit sales sequence, then ascending item/SKU sequence, excluding non-inventoried transactions.

• If the Limit Results field is set to Top, the system sorts the results in descending unit sales sequence.

• If the Limit Results field is set to Bottom, the system sorts the results in ascending unit sales sequence.

For each item location included on the report:

Item: A code for an item eligible for location slotting. From ITM Number in the Item Location table.

SKU: A code for the SKU of the item eligible for location slotting. From SKU Code in the Item Location table.

Item Description: Unlabeled field below the Item and SKU. A description of the item. From Description in the Item Location table.

Item Warehouse Information:

Unit Sales: The total sales units for the item/SKU, based on the Unit Sales date range. The system sums the Qty for I type transactions in the Item Transaction History table for the selected warehouse and date range.

% of Sales: The percentage of sales for the item/SKU, based on the Unit Sales date range. The system uses the following calculation to determine the percentage of sales: Qty for I type transactions in Item Transaction History table for item/SKU in specified warehouse location and date range / Qty for I type transactions in Item Transaction History table for specified warehouse and date range = % of sales. The system rounds the result to the nearest percentage; for example, if the result is 12.5, the system rounds this result to 13%.

# of Orders: The number of orders associated with this item/SKU, based on the Unit Sales date range. The system sums the ITH Order # for I type transactions in the Item Transaction History table for the selected warehouse, item/SKU, and date range. Note: Sales could be included for a location that is not on the report.

Open PO Qty: The quantity of the item/SKU on open purchase orders, based on the Open POs date range. The system uses the following calculation to determine the open PO quantity for each qualifying PO detail line: Order qty - Received qty = Open qty. The system then sums the calculated open quantity for all qualifying PO detail lines.

Whs O/H: The total on hand quantity for the item/SKU in the warehouse, across all location types. 0 displays if there is no on hand quantity for the item/SKU in the warehouse; this can occur if the item is new with an open PO quantity. From the On hand qty in the Item Warehouse table.

Item Location Information:

Primary Location: The primary location for the item/SKU in the warehouse. From the Location in the Item Warehouse table whose Location type is P. The system includes a separate line for each primary location defined for the item/SKU in the warehouse. This field remains blank if a primary location has not been defined for the item/SKU; this can occur if the item is new with an open PO quantity.

Primary O/H: The total on hand quantity for the item/SKU in the primary location. If the item/SKU has multiple primary locations, this is the on hand quantity for the primary location specified. 0 displays if there is no on hand quantity for the item/SKU in the primary location; this can occur if the item is new with an open PO quantity. From the On hand qty in the Item Location table.

Qty Repl: The total number of times the item location has been replenished within the Unit Sales date range. The system sums the number of T type transactions in the Item Transaction History table with a positive quantity for the selected warehouse, item location, and date range. Both the From and To location must be from the specified warehouse.

Units Picked: The total sales quantity for the item location, based on the Unit Sales date range. The system sums the Qty for I type transactions in the Item Transaction History table for the selected warehouse, location, item/SKU, and date range.

# of Picks: The total number of picks for the item location, based on the Unit Sales date range. The system sums I type transactions in the Item Transaction History table for the selected warehouse, location, item/SKU, and date range.

Item Information:

Item Class: A code for the item class assigned to the item. From the Item class in the Item table.

Item Categ: A code for the item category assigned to the item/SKU. From the SKU ITC Category in the SKU table.

Itm Sts: A code for the item status assigned to the item/SKU. From the SKU IST Item status in the SKU table; if an item status is not assigned at the SKU level, from the Item status in the Item table.

ABC Vel: A code for the ABC/Velocity assigned to the item/SKU. From ABC Code in the SKU table.

SO Cd: A code for the soldout control assigned to the item/SKU. From SLC Code in the SKU table.

Shp Wgt: The shipping weight of the item/SKU. From Weight override in the SKU table; if a shipping weight is not defined at the SKU level, from Ship weight in the Item table.

Location Information:

Loc Cls: A code for the location class assigned to the primary location. From Location class in the Location table.

Slot Group: A code for the slotting group assigned to the primary location. From Slotting group in the Location table.

Vel Rank: A code for the velocity rank assigned to the primary location. From Velocity rank in the Location table. 1 represents the highest rank.

Bin Type: A code for the bin type assigned to the primary location. From Bin type in the Location table.

Max SKUs: The maximum number of SKUs that should be placed in the primary location. From Max SKUs in the Location table.

Loc Min: The minimum quantity to include in the item location. From Min qty in the Item Location table.

Loc Max: The maximum quantity to include in the item location. From Max qty in the Item Location table.

Last Slot Date: The last date when the item/SKU was included in slotting, in MM/DD/YY format. From Last slot date in the SKU table. Note: This field is included only on the .csv format of this report.

Record total: The total number of item locations included on the report.

GSLTr Serenade 5.0 March 2015