Item Upload Error Report

Purpose: Use this report to review item upload records that did not process correctly because they contain errors. You can correct errors at the Change Item Upload Screens.

See Retail Item Upload Errors for a list of errors that can occur for an item upload record.

This report sorts in created date/created time/record type/request type/sequence number sequence.

How to print: Select Process File at the Work with Retail Item Upload Screen to process the RI Item Upload Table (RIIUPP).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Created date: The date the item upload record was created.

Created time: The time the item upload record was created.

Record type: The code and description of the type of information processed through the item upload.

01: Item/SKU

03: Item/Offer

04: SKU/Offer

05: Item Price

06: SKU Price

07: Vendor Item

08: Item UPC

09: Item Coordinate

Request type: A code indicating the type of information processed through the item upload.

A: Add

C: Change

D: Delete

Key type: A code that define how the system identifies the CWSerenade item or SKU associated with the item upload record.

IT: Item/SKU

LS: Long SKU values

RS: Retail style number

UP: Item UPC code

Item: A code for the item associated with the item upload record.

SKU: A code for the SKU associated with the item upload record.

Error Message: A description of the error associated with the item upload record; see Retail Item Upload Errors.

ME13_02r Serenade 5.0 March 2015