Source Code Analysis Screen (RSCA)

Purpose: Use the Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA) to track the effectiveness, profitability, actual and break-even percent response of a source code. This report evaluates the profitability of each source code associated with an offer. The responses can be compared to the projected response.

This report uses the weekly response curves in a forecast to generate projected sales per book and projection percentages for each source code. These projected values can be compared against the actual sales, which are also presented on this report.

This menu option also generates the Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCA), which provides totals for each category and drop.

Related system control values:

Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) determines whether order maintenance transactions will affect the information displayed in the Source Code Analysis Report. If this system control value is set to Selected, changes performed in order maintenance affect the values on the report. Each time you add a line to an order, the system considers it an “order occurrence,” and the number of orders, as well as the dollar value of orders, increases for the offer and source code of the order line. However, when you cancel a line from an order, the dollar value of orders decreases if the cancel reason decreases demand, but the number of orders decreases only if the cancelled line was the last remaining open line on the order. See Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) in Setting Up Order Entry Values for additional information on the effects of this system control value on the Source table (MSSRC).

Override Offer on Order Detail Line (D49) determines whether the system will update the offer on the order detail line to the offer the system used to price the item, if the item is not included in the offer entered on the order header. In this case, the system will use the offer on the order detail line to update information in the Source Analysis Recap Report.

Default Offer Source Code to Order Detail Line (G28) determines whether the system will update the source associated with the offer you enter on a detail line if you override the order offer for a detail line, and the detail line’s offer is not associated with the source code of the order.

How to generate this report: Enter RSCA in the Fast path field or select Source Code Analysis Report from a menu.



Select offer

The system generates a source analysis report for each source code associated with this offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Select option

The report sort option you wish to use to sort the Source Analysis report.

Valid values are:

By Type Source = Sort by type, then source

By Category Source = Sort by category, then source

By Drop Category Source = Sort by drop, category, then source

By Descending Projected Sales/Book = Sort by descending projected sales per book

By Drop Category Descending Projected Sales/Book = Sort by drop, category, then projected sales per book

By Drop Descending Projected Sales Book = Sort by drop, then descending sales per book

By Drop Source = Sort by Drop, then source

Note: Any selection produces a report sorted by drop, category and source. None of the other sorts are currently implemented.


Reset weekly totals

Indicates whether you wish to reset the weekly totals for each source code associated with the offer defined in the Offer field.

Valid values are:

Selected = The system will reset the weekly totals after generating the Source Analysis report.

Unselected = The system will not reset the weekly totals after generating the Source Analysis report.



In the Select offer field, enter the code for the offer you are analyzing.


In the Select report sort field, select the report sort option you wish to use to sort the Source Analysis report.

Note: Any number you enter will produce a report sorted by drop, category and source. None of the other sorts are currently implemented.


If you would like to reset the weekly totals after running this report, select the Reset weekly totals field.


Select OK. The system submits the SRC_ANAL job, which generates the Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA) and the Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCA).

MK03_08 Serenade 5.0 March 2015