Working with the Data Warehouse Integration in CWSerenade

Purpose: CWSerenade allows you to capture data to download to the CWData data warehouse. You can use the CWData data warehouse to analyze your data; see CWData Overview for a better understanding of how you can use CWData.

If you capture data warehouse transactions, CWSerenade:

• creates records in the DW Capture Transaction table to track each transaction that will be downloaded to the data warehouse. The DW Capture Transaction table acts as a “to do” list for the transactions that require download to the data warehouse. This process saves system resources that would be required to write each data warehouse transaction record at the same time as processing the transactions in CWSerenade. See DW Capture Transaction Table.

• creates records in DW Staging tables to capture non-transactional activity. For example, updates to your company, such as a change in address, are stored in the DW Company table for download. See DW Common Reference Table.

In this topic:

CWSerenade Setup

System Control Values

Secured Feature

Menu Option

Periodic Functions

Interfaces Properties File

Updating the relic.ini File

Extracting CWSerenade Data

Submitting an Initial Load

Which DW Staging Tables are Updated by Each Initial Load Stage?

Submitting an Incremental Load

DW Common Reference Table

What Data is Captured in the DW Common Reference Table?

DW Capture Transaction Table

CWSerenade Activities Captured in the DW Capture Transaction Table

What Key Data is Captured for each DW Capture Transaction Record?

Working with Data Warehouse Transactions (WDWT)

Data Warehouse Async

Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen

Process Initial Load Screen

Process Data Warehouse Changes Window

Reprocess Data Warehouse Changes Window

CWSerenade Setup

Before you can download CWSerenade data to the data warehouse staging tables, you must perform the necessary CWSerenade setup and processing.

Information requiring setup includes:

System Control Values

Secured Feature

Menu Option

Periodic Functions

Interfaces Properties File

Updating the relic.ini File

System Control Values

System Control Value


Use Data Warehouse (G94)

Select this field to capture information on activity in CWSerenade for transfer to the CWData data warehouse.

CWSerenade uses the DW Capture Transaction table to track each transaction that should be downloaded to the data warehouse. See DW Capture Transaction Table.

Data Warehouse Transaction Purge Days (H10)

Enter the number of days to retain records in the DW Capture Transaction table before purging them. The Process DW Changes job performs the purge, deleting any records if: Original process date is less than or equal to the current system date - the number of purge days.

Example: Today is 11/30, and you have set this value to 5. Any record whose Original process date is 11/25 or earlier is purged.

You can also set this job up as part of your periodic processing, or run it on demand.

Suppress Customer Credit Card Information in Data Warehouse (I49)

Select this field to prevent the system from downloading and storing customer credit card information in the CWData data warehouse.

When the system processes a data warehouse load and you suppress customer credit card information, the system does not populate the Last credit card and Last credit card expiration date fields in the DW Customer Sold To table. Because these fields are not populated, the last_credit_card and last_credit_card_expire fields in the Customer table in the data warehouse are not populated.

Encryption: If you use credit card encryption and you do not prevent the system from downloading and storing customer credit card information in the CWData data warehouse, the credit card number will not be encrypted, since the information is being sent to an external system. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for an overview.

Tokenization: If you use credit card tokenization and you do not prevent the system from downloading and storing customer credit card information in the CWData data warehouse, the number downloaded may be a token rather than the actual credit card number.

Subtract Hidden Tax from CWData Order Line Price (J15)

Select this field if you want the system to pass the hidden tax amount included in the order line price for orders subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) as a separate amount to CWData.

• The hidden tax amount defined for the order line is passed to CWData in the Tax field in the DW Order Detail table.

• The merchandise amount defined for the order line is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.

Leave this field unselected if you want the system to pass the hidden tax amount included in the order line price for orders subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) as part of the order line price to CWData.

• The hidden tax amount, along with the merchandise amount defined for the order line, is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.

• The Tax field in the DW Order Detail table remains blank.

Secured Feature

Secured Feature


Access Initial Data Warehouse Load (B04)

If you allow access to this feature, the user can process the initial load of the data warehouse for CWData.

If you prohibit access to this feature, the user cannot advance to the Process Initial Load Screen in the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions menu option.

Menu Option

Menu Option


Working with Data Warehouse Transactions (WDWT)

Allows you to review and download CWSerenade data to the CWData data warehouse.

Periodic Functions

Periodic Function


Process Data Warehouse Changes (program name DWR0068)

Builds records in each related DW Staging table based on the key in the DW Capture Transaction table.

You can submit this process on demand at the Process Data Warehouse Changes Window in the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions menu option.

Interfaces Properties File

Use the following settings in the file to define whether the Relic job is installed on the CWSerenade application server and runs immediately after the system completes an initial or incremental load, or whether the Relic job is installed as a stand-alone application on the CWData server and at defined intervals monitors the DW Common Reference table for the end-of-file record to trigger the transfer of records.

To edit a properties file: You can use a text editor to edit the file, being careful to only change the settings that are configurable.

Note: If you change these settings, you must stop and restart the Serenade service (or the application server) before the changes take effect.

Location of properties file: Typically, the CWSerenade properties files are saved on the CWSerenade application server at the following location, where C: is the root drive of the CWSerenade application server.


Note: Define these settings on each of your CWSerenade application servers.

Property Setting



The location on the CWSerenade application server where Relic is installed.

The recommended directory is C:/Serenade/CWSerenade/CWData/relic/relic.ini, where C is the root drive where CWSerenade is installed.

Note: Populating this property setting indicates that the Relic job is installed on the CWSerenade application server and runs immediately after the system completes an initial or incremental load.

Important: Leave this setting blank to indicate that the Relic job is installed on the CWData server and at defined intervals monitors the DW Common Reference table for the end-of-file record to trigger the transfer of records. See Running Relic as a Stand-Alone Application in the CWData Reference Guide for more information.


The location on the CWSerenade application server where the Relic log files are stored.

The recommended directory is C:/Serenade/CWSerenade/CWData/relic/logs/, where C is the root drive where CWSerenade is installed.

Note: Enter a log directory only if you have installed Relic on the CWSerenade application server.

Updating the relic.ini File

Required information: The information you need to update in the relic.ini file includes the email information for error notifications, and the database login and password. The additional information in the file should not be changed.

Setup for email notifications: Complete the following entries in the relic.ini file to generate error notifications related to CWData processing:

smtp_server: The mail server to generate error notifications for CWData processing.

from_email: The “from” email address to use for error notifications.

to_email: The email address to receive error notifications.

Setup for the database login and password: Use the following steps to specify the database, user ID, and password for access to the CWData destination database:

1. On the CWSerenade application server, advance to the C:\Serenade\CWSerenade\CWData\dbconfig folder, where C: is the default drive of the application server.

2. Double-click the runthis.bat file. A window opens for you to enter the database name or IP address:

3. Enter the database name or IP address and click OK. A window opens for you to enter a valid database user ID:

4. Enter the user ID and click OK. A window opens for you to enter the password for the user ID:

5. Enter the password and click OK.

Your entries automatically update the following settings in the relic.ini file:

jdbc.dst.database: Set to jdbc:sqlserver://SERVERNAME:1433;DatabaseName=cwi_staging;selectMethod=direct, where SERVERNAME is the current server and cwi_staging is your entry in the first window in the steps above.

jdbc.dst.login: Set to your entry in the second window in the steps above.

jdbc.dst.password: Set to your entry in the third window in the steps above. Note that the password is encrypted.

Extracting CWSerenade Data

If the Use Data Warehouse (G94) system control value is selected, you can download CWSerenade data to the DW Staging tables.

1. Submit an initial load to extract and load CWSerenade data to the CWData data warehouse. See Submitting an Initial Load for instructions and processing details.

2. On a periodic basis, submit an incremental load to extract and load changes. See Submitting an Incremental Load for instructions and processing details.

Note: You can start capturing changes at the same time you perform the initial extract and load. If there is a period when transactions are captured by the initial load and the incremental load; the system captures the latest image during the incremental load and passes the most recent data to the data warehouse.

Important: Before loading data to the CWData data warehouse, it is imperative that you verify the integrity of your CWSerenade data. Make sure you do not have any invalid records or the data in the CWData database will be inaccurate.

Download to staging tables: This flowchart explains how CWSerenade data is downloaded to the CWSerenade DW Staging tables.

Submitting an Initial Load

You can submit an initial load at the Process Initial Load Screen in Working with Data Warehouse Transactions (WDWT). MICROS recommends you submit the initial load in stages since the load can be time-consuming.

Loading the data in stages: There are 3 categories of records to include in the initial extract and load. You should load each category separately, in the order presented below.

1. Supporting data: Reference information such as vendors, codes, financial, and business structures and the company itself.

2. Customers: You must load all customers before loading orders.

3. Orders: Based on selected date range. Note: The system does not download quotes until they are converted to orders; see Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview.

The submitted job runs in the QSYSNOMAX queue so as not to impair the performance of other submitted jobs.

System updates: When you perform an initial load, the system:


Creates records in the DW Staging tables, based on the category of records you selected to extract and load; see Which DW Staging Tables are Updated by Each Initial Load Stage?.


Generates the Data Warehouse Staging Errors Report if you selected to extract orders. This report displays order transactions that contain item or SKU errors. For example, you perform a merge/purge which updates an old order that contains an item or SKU that has since been deleted. Transactions that contain item/SKU errors remain in the DW Capture Transaction table until the errors are corrected. The system does not create any records in these DW Staging tables that are related to the order transaction in error:

• DW Order Header

• DW Order Detail

• DW Order Ship To

• DW Order Payment

• DW Order Payment Activity

• DW Order Additional Charges


Creates an end-of-file record in the DW Common Reference table.


Starts the Relic process to transfer the data to the cwi_staging database. See Relic Processing.

Which DW Staging Tables are Updated by Each Initial Load Stage?

This table indicates the DW Staging tables the system updates, based on the category of records you selected to extract and load.

Note: The system does not update the DW Price Change Hist Detl table or DW Price Change Hist Summ table when you perform an initial load, regardless of the selected data to extract.

DW staging table:

refers to CWSerenade table(s):

DW Staging tables updated during each selected extract and load:

DW A/R Type

A/R Type

DW Accounting Period

Accounting Period

DW Common Reference

The DW Common Reference table is updated by many CWSerenade tables; see What Data is Captured in the DW Common Reference Table? for a list of CWSerenade tables that update the DW Common Reference table.

DW Company


Company Address

DW Division


DW Entity


DW Geography

pulls address information from:

Customer Sold To

Customer Bill To

Customer Ship To

Company Address




DW Terms


DW Warehouse


DW Staging tables updated when you extract supporting data:

DW A/R Open Item

A/R Open Item

DW A/R Payment Detail

A/R Payment Detail

DW Correspondence History

Correspondence History

DW Customer Bill To

Customer Bill To

Customer Bill To Extended

Customer Bill To Phone Number

DW E-Comm Item Category

Ecommerce Item Categories

DW Item


DW Item Attribute Assign

Item Attribute Assignment

DW Item Trans Activity

Item Transaction History

DW Manifest Audit

Manifest Upload Audit

DW Offer




DW SKU Cross Reference

SKU Cross Reference

DW SKU Offer

SKU Offer


Note: The UPC code is numeric, 14 positions, right-justified and zero filled.

Item UPC

Note: The UPC code is alphanumeric, 14 positions.

DW Source


DW Vendor


Vendor Extended

DW Vendor History Detail

A/P Invoice Detail History

PO Detail

PO Detail Estimated Charge

PO Header

PO Receipt

Vendor Charge Back Detail

DW Staging tables updated when you extract customer tables:

DW Catalog Request

Catalog Request

DW Customer Affinity

Customer Affinity

DW Customer Individual

Customer Individual

DW Customer Membership

Customer Membership

DW Customer Profile

Customer Profile

DW Customer Ship To

Customer Ship To

Customer Ship To Extended

Customer Ship To Order History

Customer Ship To Phone Number

DW Customer Ship To Ent

Customer Ship To Entity

DW Customer Sold To

Customer Sold To

Customer Sold To Extended

Customer Sold To Order History

Customer Sold To Phone Number

DW Customer Sold To Email

Customer Sold To Email

DW Customer Sold To Ent

Customer Sold To Entity

DW Customer Warranty

Customer Warranty Track

DW Customer Ownership

Customer Ownership

DW Staging tables updated when you extract order tables:

DW Order Additional Chg

Order Additional Charge

DW Order Detail

Order Detail

DW Order Detail Activity

Order Line History

Note: The system includes only System Delivered Order Line Activity Codes in the data warehouse extract.

DW Order Header

Order Header

Order Header Extended

DW Order Payment

Order Payment Method

DW Order Payment Activity

Invoice Payment Method

DW Order Ship To

Order Ship To

Submitting an Incremental Load

If the Use Data Warehouse (G94) system control value is selected, the system creates records in the DW Capture Transaction table, based on CWSerenade activity. The DW Capture Transaction table acts as a “to do” list for the transactions that require download to the data warehouse.

You can submit an incremental load:

• at the Process Data Warehouse Changes Window.

• by submitting the Process Data Warehouse Changes periodic function (program name DWR0068).

When you perform an incremental load, the system:


Builds the supporting DW Staging tables for non-transactional activity. The supporting tables include information such as codes and categories used to group and classify data. See DW Common Reference Table.


Creates records in the DW Staging tables, based on the records in the DW Capture Transaction table. Using the File code and the Key information for each DW Capture Transaction record, the job builds records in the related DW Staging table for each transaction. See DW Capture Transaction Table.


Purges DW transaction records, based on the Data Warehouse Transaction Purge Days (H10) system control value. The system checks each record in the DW Transaction table and deletes any record whose Original process date is equal to the current system date minus the number of purge days specified. For example, if you processed a record a week ago, and the number of purge days is 7, the record is now eligible to be purged.


Generates the Data Warehouse Staging Errors Report. This report displays order transactions that contain item or SKU errors. For example, you perform a merge/purge which updates an old order that contains an item or SKU that has since been deleted. Transactions that contain item/SKU errors remain in the DW Capture Transaction table until the errors are corrected. The system does not create any records in these DW Staging tables that are related to the order transaction in error:

• DW Order Header

• DW Order Detail

• DW Order Ship To

• DW Order Payment

• DW Order Payment Activity

• DW Order Additional Charges


Creates an end-of-file record in the DW Common Reference table.


Starts the Relic process to transfer the data to the cwi_staging database. See Relic Processing.

DW Common Reference Table

The system repopulates the DW Common Reference table each time you process changes to the data warehouse. See What Data is Captured in the DW Common Reference Table? to view the non-transactional data captured in the DW Common Reference table.




The company where you submitted the data warehouse load.


A code used to identify the CWSerenade table containing data to download to the data warehouse.

See What Data is Captured in the DW Common Reference Table? for an understanding of the data downloaded to the data warehouse from the DW Common Reference table.


A code used to identify the CWSerenade company and data to download to the data warehouse.

The File field identifies the CWSerenade table where the data is located. The Key field is then used to identify the record in the table to download.

Example: If the File is EXR (exchange reason), the File key identifies the CWSerenade company and exchange reason record to download.

See What Data is Captured in the DW Common Reference Table? for an understanding of the file code assigned to each DW capture transaction record, based on the CWSerenade activity.


A description of the data captured, based on the File and Key.

Example: If the File is EXR (exchange reason) and the File key is 001 (exchange reason code), the Description is the description of the exchange reason code.

What Data is Captured in the DW Common Reference Table?

This table indicates:

• which CWSerenade table is referenced, based on the File code assigned to the DW common reference record.

• what File key is defined, based on the File code assigned to the DW common reference record.

• what Description is defined, based on the File code assigned to the DW common reference record.

File code:

Refers to CWSerenade table:

Menu Option:

File key:



Additional Charge Code


additional charge code

additional charge description


Add Reason


add reason code

add reason description




bank number

bank description




buyer code

buyer name


Customer Class


customer class code

customer class description


Cancel Reason


cancel reason code

cancel reason description




country code

country code description


Dispute Reason


dispute reason code

dispute reason description


Ecommerce Category


ecommerce category code

ecommerce category code


Exchange Reason


exchange reason code

exchange reason description


Geographic Zone


geographic zone code

geographic zone description


Hazard Code


hazard code

hazard description


Item Attribute


item attribute code

item attribute description


Item Attribute Value


item attribute value type code + item attribute value code

item attribute value description


Item Cycle


item cycle code

item cycle description


Item Class


item class code

item class description


Item Status


item status code

item status description


Item Category


item category code

item category description


Location Class


location class code

location class description


Long SKU Division


long SKU division code

long SKU division description




language code

language description


Line of Business


line of business code

line of business description


Long SKU Class


long SKU class code

long SKU class description


Long SKU Department


long SKU department code

long SKU department description


List Source


list source code

list source description


Mail/Call Code


mail/call code

mail/call code description


Order Type


order type code

order type description


Pay Type


pay type code

pay type description


Profile Data


profile data code

profile data description


Price Override Reason Code


price override reason code

price override reason description




promotion code

promotion description


Prep Code


prep code

prep code description




recency code

recency description


Return Reason


return reason code

return reason description


Source Category


source category code

source category description




season code

season description


SKU Element 1


SKU element 1 code

SKU element 1 description


SKU Element 3


SKU element 3 code

SKU element 3 description


SKU Element 2


SKU element 2 code

SKU element 2 description


Soldout Control


soldout control code

soldout control description




salesman code

salesman description


Item Transaction Code


item transaction code

item transaction description


Item Transaction Reason Code


item transaction reason code

item transaction reason description


Ship Via


ship via code

ship via description

DW Capture Transaction Table

When you perform certain CWSerenade activities, the system creates a record in the DW Capture Transaction table to download to the data warehouse. Each record in the DW Capture Transaction table contains a File code, indicating the CWSerenade table(s) affected by the transaction, the key fields necessary to retrieve transaction details, and which DW Staging table to update. See CWSerenade Activities Captured in the DW Capture Transaction Table to view the types of activities that create a DW capture transaction record.

Note: Direct table updates are not captured in the DW Capture Transaction table.

You can view the records in the DW Capture Transaction table at the Work with Data Warehouse Transactions Screen. The system downloads the records in the DW Capture Transaction table to the DW Staging tables when you submit an initial or incremental load.




The company where the CWSerenade activity occurred.

Sequence #

A unique number assigned to each DW capture transaction record.

File name

A code identifying the CWSerenade table containing records you wish to download to the data warehouse. This code also indicates which DW Staging table to update when you process an initial or incremental load.

Example: If you create a catalog request, the system creates a DW capture transaction record with a File name of CRQ, indicating a change has been made to the Catalog Request table and this record should update the DW Catalog Request table. The File key field identifies the particular CWSerenade company and data, in this example, catalog request record, that has been updated.

See What Key Data is Captured for each DW Capture Transaction Record? for an understanding of the file code assigned to each DW capture transaction record, based on the CWSerenade activity.

File key

A code used to identify the CWSerenade company and data that has been updated.

The File name field identifies the CWSerenade table where the updated data is located and the DW Staging table to update when you process an initial or incremental load. The File key field is then used to identify the record in the table that has been updated.

Example: If the File name is CRQ (catalog request), the File key indicates the CWSerenade company and catalog request record that has been updated.

See What Key Data is Captured for each DW Capture Transaction Record? for an understanding of the file code assigned to each DW capture transaction record, based on the CWSerenade activity.

Capture date

The date the CWSerenade activity occurred which created the DW capture transaction record.

Capture time

The time the CWSerenade activity occurred which created the DW capture transaction record.

Capture type

A code that indicates whether the CWSerenade activity represents creation of a new record, a change to an existing record, or a delete of an existing record. Valid values are:

A: a new record was added.

C: an existing record was updated.

D: an existing record was deleted. The system creates a delete DW capture transaction record only when you delete a sold to customer or a bill to customer.

When you send a delete transaction to the data warehouse, the system deletes the customer record and also deletes associated records that apply to the customer. If the deleted customer was merged into a target customer, the system updates the associated records that apply to the target customer with the information that was defined for the deleted customer.

Original process date

The date the DW capture transaction record was originally processed, creating the record in the related DW Staging table.

Original process time

The time the DW capture transaction record was originally processed, creating the record in the related DW Staging table.

Last process date

The date the DW capture transaction record was last downloaded to the DW Staging table.

Last process time

The time the DW capture transaction record was last downloaded to the DW Staging table.

Captured by

The CWSerenade program that created the DW capture transaction record.

CWSerenade Activities Captured in the DW Capture Transaction Table

This table indicates:

• which CWSerenade activities create a DW capture transaction record.

• which CWSerenade tables the DW capture transaction record references.

• what file code is assigned to the DW capture transaction record, based on the CWSerenade table(s) referenced.

See What Key Data is Captured for each DW Capture Transaction Record? to review a table displaying the key data captured for each DW capture transaction record and the DW Staging table updated, based on the file code assigned to the DW capture transaction record.

RDC activity:

Menu option:

creates a DW transaction record which refers to CWSerenade table:

File code:

create an A/R payment

post an A/R refund


A/R Payment Detail


create an A/R open item


A/R Open Item


enter orders

perform batch affinity update

perform merge/purge




Customer Affinity


update a sold to or bill to customer

delete a sold to or bill to customer




Customer Bill To

Customer Bill To Extended

Customer Bill To Phone Number


create or update a customer sold to email address




Customer Sold To Email


enter or bill orders if you track customer history by entity



Customer Ship To Entity


enter orders if you specify individuals

update individuals associated with sold to customers



Customer Individual


update customer profile data in Work with Customers or while entering orders



Customer Profile


enter or change catalog requests



Catalog Request


enter or bill orders if you track customer history by entity



Customer Sold To Entity


create or update ship to customers

enter or bill orders




Customer Ship To

Customer Ship To Extended

Customer Ship To Order History

Customer Ship To Phone Number


create or update a customer membership



Customer Membership


create, update, or delete sold to customers

enter or bill orders

perform merge/purge





Customer Sold To

Customer Sold To Extended

Customer Sold To Order History

Customer Sold To Phone Number


create or update customer warranty information

enter orders



Customer Warranty


create or update customer ownership information


Customer Ownership


assign an item to an ecommerce category


Ecommerce Item Categories


assign attributes and values to items


Item Attribute Assignment


perform any inventory transaction







Item Transaction History


create or update an item




confirm shipments using PC manifest or manually confirm by pick control number


Manifest Upload Audit


create or update offers

enter orders (for date of first offer)




enter or bill orders

add or update the order email address



Order Additional Charge


Order Payment Method

Order Detail

Order Line History

Order Header

Order Header Extended

Invoice Payment Method

Order Ship To

create or update item/offers or SKU/offers




SKU Offer


create or update SKU level information




create or update source codes

enter orders





create a SKU cross reference


SKU Cross Reference


assign UPC codes to items




create or update vendors



Vendor Extended


enter, update, or receive purchase orders

enter or process a vendor charge back




A/P Invoice Detail History

PO Detail

PO Detail Estimated Charge

PO Header

PO Receipt

Vendor Charge Back Detail

What Key Data is Captured for each DW Capture Transaction Record?

This table indicates:

• the key data that is captured in the File key field, based on the CWSerenade table(s) referenced in the File code field for the DW capture transaction record.

• the DW Staging table updated, based on the File code defined for the DW capture transaction record.

File code:

Refers to CWSerenade table(s):

File key:

DW Staging table updated:


A/R Payment Detail

111222222233333, where:

111 is the company code

2222222 is the A/R open item number

33333 is the A/R payment detail sequence number

DW A/R Payment Detail


A/R Open Item

1112222222, where:

111 is the company code

2222222 is the A/R open item number

DW A/R Open Item


Customer Affinity

1112222222223, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

3 is the affinity type

DW Customer Affinity


Customer Bill To

Customer Bill To Extended

Customer Bill To Phone Number

1112222222, where:

111 is the company code

2222222 is the customer bill to number

DW Customer Bill To


Customer Sold To Email

111222222222333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

333 is the customer email sequence number

DW Customer Sold To Email

DW Correspondence History


Customer Ship To Entity

111222222222333444, where

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

333 is the ship to number

444 is the entity number

DW Customer Ship To Ent


Customer Individual

111222222222333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

333 is the customer individual number

DW Customer Individual


Customer Profile

111222222222333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

333 is the profile code

DW Customer Profile


Catalog Request

1112222222223333333444444, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the customer number

3333333 is the request date

444444 is the request time

DW Catalog Request


Customer Sold To Entity

111222222222333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

333 is the entity number

DW Customer Sold To Ent


Customer Ship To

Customer Ship To Extended

Customer Ship To Order History

Customer Ship To Phone Number

Customer Shipment History

111222222222333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

333 is the ship to number

DW Customer Ship To


Customer Membership

1112222222223333333333444, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the customer number

333333333333 is the membership ID

444 is the membership sequence number

DW Customer Membership


Customer Ownership

1112222222223333333333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the customer number

3333333333 is the ownership ID

DW Customer Ownership


Customer Sold To

Customer Sold To Extended

Customer Sold To Order History

Customer Sold To Phone Number

Customer Shipment History

111222222222, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

DW Customer Sold To


Customer Warranty

111222222222333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222 is the sold to customer number

333 is the customer warranty sequence number

DW Customer Warranty


Ecommerce Item Categories

1112222222222223333, where:

111 is the company code

222222222222 is the item number

3333 is the ecommerce item category

DW Ecomm Item Category


Item Attribute Assignment

111222222333333444444444444, where:

111 is the company code

222222 is the attribute type

333333 is the attribute value

444444444444 is the item number

DW Item Attribute Assign


Item Transaction History

111222222222222333333333333334445555555666666777, where:

111 is the company code

222222222222 is the item number

33333333333333 is the SKU code

444 is the warehouse code

5555555 is the transaction date

666666 is the transaction time

777 is the transaction sequence number

DW Item Trans Activity



111222222222222, where:

111 is the company code

222222222222 is the item number

DW Item


Manifest Upload Audit

111222222233333334444445566666, where:

111 is the company code

2222222 is the pick control number

3333333 is the batch date

444444 is the batch time

55 is the label number

66666 is the manifest upload audit sequence number

DW Manifest Audit



111222, where:

111 is the company code

222 is the offer code

DW Offer


Order Additional Charge

11122222222, where:

111 is the company code

22222222 is the order number

DW Order Additional Chg

Order Payment Method

DW Order Payment

DW Order Payment Activity

Order Detail

Order Line History

DW Order Detail

DW Order Detail Activity

Order Header

Order Header Extended

DW Order Header

Invoice Payment Method

DW Order Payment Activity

Order Ship To

DW Order Ship To


SKU Offer

11122222222222233333333333333444, where:

111 is the company code

222222222222 is the item number

33333333333333 is the SKU code

444 is the offer code

DW SKU Offer



111222222222222, where:

111 is the company code

222222222222 is the item number




1112222, where:

111 is the company code

2222 is the source code

DW Source


SKU Cross Reference

1112222333333333333333333333333333333, where:

111 is the company code

2222 is the SKU cross reference type

333333333333333333333333333333 is the SKU cross reference number.

DW SKU Cross Reference


Item UPC

1112222222222223333333333333344455555555555555, where:

111 is the company code

222222222222 is the item number

33333333333333 is the SKU code

444 is the UPC type

55555555555555 is the UPC code




Vendor Extended

1112222222, where:

111 is the company code

2222222 is the vendor number

DW Vendor

A/P Invoice Detail History

PO Detail

PO Detail Estimated Charge

PO Header

PO Receipt

Vendor Charge Back Detail

DW Vendor History Detail

WDWT Serenade 5.0 March 2015