Store Restock Shipping Confirmation

How to print: Complete the Print Store Restock Shipping Confirmations Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Store (Shipping confirmations for each store will print on separate pages.)

• Order number

• Order date

• Quantity of each item shipped

• Quantity of each item back ordered, for partially back ordered items. The report does not include fully back-ordered items.

• Item/SKU

• Item description

• User field number from the fourth User field in the item/SKU table

• Minimum inventory quantity. This is the highest minimum specified in either the retail store's item warehouse table, or the item/promotion table, where minimum/maximum quantities are specified for store ranks.

• Maximum inventory quantity. This is the highest maximum specified in either the retail store's item warehouse table, or the item/promotion table, where minimum/maximum quantities are specified for store ranks. See Working with Store Ranks (WSTR).

• Order line message for store add-on request items. If the item is an add-on request, the first fifteen characters of the order line message from the store restock order print.

• Total items shipped for each order

• Total units shipped for each order

WH15_10r Serenade 5.0 March 2015