Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM)

Purpose: Use the Work with Quantity Price Matrix menu option to create and work with quantity price matrix price breaks.

You can use the quantity price matrix pricing method to:

• Offer a quantity price matrix discount to eligible order lines on an order.

• Apply quantity price matrix discounts to eligible order lines during repricing and end-of-order pricing.

Available order entry formats:

• Line level quantity price matrix pricing is available in interactive order entry and maintenance and through orders received through the generic order interface (Order API).

End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing is available in interactive order entry and through orders received through the generic order interface (Order API). End of order quantity price matrix pricing is not available in order maintenance.

The system does not apply quantity price matrix pricing to orders entered using business to business order entry.

In this topic:

Quantity Price Matrix Setup

Determining the Quantity Price Matrix to Use

Example: Determining the Quantity Price Matrix to Use

Determining the QPM Price to Use

Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy

Calculating the QPM Price

Example: Determining the QPM Price to Use

End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing

Example 1: End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing

Example 2: End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing

Quantity Price Matrix Pricing in Order Maintenance

Quantity Price Matrix Examples

Example: QPM Detail Pricing by Item Category

Example: QPM Detail Pricing by Item

Example: QPM Special Pricing by Customer

Example: QPM Special Pricing by Customer Price Group

Example: QPM Special Pricing by Source Code

Quantity Price Matrix Troubleshooting

Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen

Edit Quantity Price Matrix Window

Copy Quantity Price Matrix Window

Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen

Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen

Quantity Price Matrix Setup

Before you can use the quantity price matrix pricing method, you must complete the necessary setup.

Menu Options

System Control Values

Menu Options

Menu Option


Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR)

Create the price override reason code that you want the system to assign to an order line that is priced using a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special.

Working with Customer Price Groups (WCPG)

Create customer price groups to assign to sold to customers.

You can create a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special that uses a customer price group as one of the criteria required to qualify for the quantity price matrix special.

See Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy for a list of the criteria you can define for a quantity price matrix special.

Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM)

Create the quantity price matrix pricing structure.

• Use the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen to create the quantity break pricing structure for a specific:

• item category and quantity

• item and quantity

• item, SKU and quantity

• Use the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen to create a special quantity break pricing structure for a specific item category, item, or item and SKU and define the criteria that must be met to qualify for the special pricing structure. You can use the following criteria for a quantity price matrix special:

• sold to customer and quantity

• customer price group and quantity

• source code and quantity

• sold to customer, source code and quantity

• customer price group, source code and quantity

See Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy for the hierarchy the system uses to find quantity price matrix price to use.

Working with Source Codes (WSRC)

To do End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing during repricing, the Price method field for the source code on the order header must be set to Reg Plus Reprice.

System Control Values

Entity level override: You can set up pricing value overrides for any entity that should use different pricing logic from your company-wide standard. In order entry, the system checks the entity associated with the source code on the order header to determine if entity-level pricing overrides are in effect. See Working with Entities (WENT) for more information.

System Control Value


Quantity Price Matrix Hierarchy Sequence # (K40)

Defines the sequence in the pricing hierarchy in which the system uses the quantity price matrix line level pricing method. See Pricing Values (B31) for a list of the available pricing methods.

Quantity Price Matrix Pricing (K41)

Select this field to have the system reprice items in order entry based on the price breaks you define in the Working with Quantity Price Matrix (WQPM) menu option.

Note: If you select quantity price matrix pricing as your end-of-order pricing method, you cannot select any other end-of-order pricing method. If you are reviewing this system control value using the Pricing Values (B31) umbrella system control value, an error message displays No other end of order methods allowed with Qty Price Matrix.

Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42)

Enter the price override reason code that you want the system to assign to an order line that is priced using a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special.

The system assigns this price override reason code to eligible order lines during repricing. Any order lines that are assigned this price override reason code cannot be further discounted. However, you can still apply a source % discount to these order lines.

Also, the system prevents you from manually entering this price override reason code for an order line in order entry or order maintenance: Price override reason reserved and cannot be manually entered.

Leave this field blank if you want to allow the system to apply further discounting, such as promotions, to order lines that are priced using a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special.

Determining the Quantity Price Matrix to Use

The system uses the quantity price matrix with the most recent Effective date whose status is Active. If more than one active quantity price matrix exists with the same effective date, the system uses the first quantity price matrix in alphanumeric order. For example, the system would use quantity price matrix A before quantity price matrix B.

If the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected, the system uses the quantity price matrix with the most recent Effective date whose status is Active and whose currency matches the currency defined for the offer associated with the source code on the order header.

Example: Determining the Quantity Price Matrix to Use

The following quantity price matrixes exist in the QPM Header table.

Quantity Price Matrix

Effective Date



SM09 - Summer 2009




S409 - 4th of July Specials 2009




SC09 - Back to School 2009




2009 - 2009 Prices




HL09 - Holiday Specials 2009




The Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected.

• On 6/30/09, a customer places an order. The currency defined for the offer associated with the source code on the order header is USD. In this situation, the system uses quantity price matrix SM09 to price the items on the order.

• On 7/02/09, a customer places an order. The currency defined for the offer associated with the source code on the order header is USD. In this situation, the system uses quantity price matrix S409 to price the items on the order. Quantity price matrix SC09 has the same effective date, but the system uses S409 because it comes first alphabetically.

• On 7/02/09, a customer places an order. The currency defined for the offer associated with the source code on the order header is CAN. In this situation, the system does not find a quantity price matrix it can use and instead, refers to the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to find the price for each line on the order.

Determining the QPM Price to Use

The system looks at the quantity price matrix specials and quantity price matrix details to find the quantity price matrix price to apply to an order line.

• You can define quantity price matrix specials at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

• You can define quantity price matrix details at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen.

Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy

The system uses the following hierarchy to find the quantity price matrix price to apply to an item on an order line.


Use a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special.

Quantity price matrix customer specials are QPM discount prices that use customer or customer price group as a qualifier.

You define quantity price matrix customer specials at the defined at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

See Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special for a list of available QPM customer specials.


Use a Quantity Price Matrix Source Special.

Quantity price matrix source specials are QPM discount prices that use source code, and NOT customer or customer price group, as a qualifier.

You define quantity price matrix source code specials at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

See Quantity Price Matrix Source Special for a list of available QPM source specials.


Use a Quantity Price Matrix Detail:

Quantity price matrix details are QPM base prices for a specific item and SKU, item, or item category.

You define quantity price matrix details at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen.

See Quantity Price Matrix Detail for a list of available QPM details.

Only one quantity price matrix price can apply to an order line. For example, if an order line qualifies for a QPM customer special and a QPM source special, the system applies the QPM customer special and not the QPM source special to the order line, based on the QPM price hierarchy outlined below.

Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special

A quantity price matrix customer special is a QPM discount price defined at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen that uses customer or customer price group as a qualifier.

If an order line qualifies for a QPM special that uses customer or customer price group as a qualifier, the system applies the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order line during End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing. When this price override reason code is defined for an order line, the system cannot apply other discounts, such as promotions, to the order line; however, the system can still apply a source % discount to the order line.

The system uses the following hierarchy to find the quantity price matrix customer special to apply to an item on an order line.


Customer, Source Code, Item, SKU, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose sold to customer and source code match the sold to customer and source code on the order header and whose item and SKU match the item and SKU on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer, Source Code, Item, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose sold to customer and source code match the sold to customer and source code on the order header and whose item matches the item on the order line.

If the item has SKUs, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer, Source Code, Item Category, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose sold to customer and source code match the sold to customer and source code on the order header and whose item category matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the SKU ITC Category field in the SKU table to find the item category defined for the item on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer Price Group, Source Code, Item, SKU, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose customer price group and source code match the sold to customer and source code on the order header and whose item and SKU match the item and SKU on the order line.

The system looks at the Price Group field in the Customer Sold To table to find the customer price group defined for the sold to customer on the order header.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer Price Group, Source Code, Item, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose customer price group and source code match the sold to customer and source code on the order header and whose item matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the Price Group field in the Customer Sold To table to find the customer price group defined for the sold to customer on the order header.

If the item has SKUs, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer Price Group, Source Code, Item Category, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose customer price group and source code match the sold to customer and source code on the order header and whose item category matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the Price Group field in the Customer Sold To table to find the customer price group defined for the sold to customer on the order header.

The system looks at the SKU ITC Category field in the SKU table to find the item category defined for the item on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer, Item, SKU, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose sold to customer matches the sold to customer on the order header and whose item and SKU match the item and SKU on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer, Item, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose sold to customer matches the sold to customer on the order header and whose item matches the item on the order line.

If the item has SKUs, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer, Item Category, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose sold to customer matches the sold to customer on the order header and whose item category matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the SKU ITC Category field in the SKU table to find the item category defined for the item on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer Price Group, Item, SKU, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose customer price group matches the sold to customer on the order header and whose item and SKU match the item and SKU on the order line.

The system looks at the Price Group field in the Customer Sold To table to find the customer price group defined for the sold to customer on the order header.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer Price Group, Item, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose customer price group matches the sold to customer on the order header and whose item matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the Price Group field in the Customer Sold To table to find the customer price group defined for the sold to customer on the order header.

If the item has SKUs, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Customer Price Group, Item Category, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose customer price group matches the sold to customer on the order header and whose item category matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the Price Group field in the Customer Sold To table to find the customer price group defined for the sold to customer on the order header.

The system looks at the SKU ITC Category field in the SKU table to find the item category defined for the item on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.

Quantity Price Matrix Source Special

A quantity price matrix source special is a QPM discount price defined at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen that uses source code, and NOT customer or customer price group, as a qualifier. If an order line qualifies for both a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special and a Quantity Price Matrix Source Special, the system applies the customer special to the order line.

The system uses the following hierarchy to find the quantity price matrix source special to apply to an item on an order line.


Source Code, Item, SKU, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose source code matches the source code on the order header and whose item and SKU match the item and SKU on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Source Code, Item, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose source code matches the source code on the order header and whose item matches the item on the order line.

If the item has SKUs, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Source Code, Item Category, Quantity

Use the QPM special whose source code matches the source code on the order header and whose item category matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the SKU ITC Category field in the SKU table to find the item category defined for the item on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM special, the system:

• uses the QPM special whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM special whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.

Quantity Price Matrix Detail

A quantity price matrix detail is a QPM base price defined at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen for a specific item and SKU, item, or item category. If an order line qualifies for a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special or Quantity Price Matrix Source Special, the system applies the customer special or source special to the order line instead of the QPM base price.

The system uses the following hierarchy to find the quantity price matrix detail to apply to an item on an order line.


Item, SKU, Quantity

Use the QPM detail whose item and SKU matches the item and SKU on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM detail, the system:

• uses the QPM detail whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM detail whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Item and Quantity

Use the QPM detail whose item matches the item on the order line.

If the item has SKUs, all SKUs for the item qualify for the price.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM detail, the system:

• uses the QPM detail whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM detail whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.


Item Category and Quantity

Use the QPM detail whose item category matches the item on the order line.

The system looks at the SKU ITC Category field in the SKU table to find the item category defined for the item on the order line.

If more than one quantity is defined for this QPM detail, the system:

• uses the QPM detail whose quantity matches the order line quantity.

• uses the QPM detail whose quantity is less than, but closest to, the order line quantity.

Order lines for a negative order quantity: You cannot create a quantity price matrix special or quantity price matrix detail for a negative quantity. If an order line is entered for a negative quantity, the system will not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line; the order line will use the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to find the price for the order line. Also, order lines for a negative quantity are not included in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing and end of order pricing; see End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing.

Order lines that have a manual price override: The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to an order line if a manual price override is defined; the order line will use the manual price override. Also, the system includes the quantity for order lines that have a manual price override in the end-of-order quantity price matrix calculation. See End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing.

Order lines that are soldout: The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to an order line that is soldout; the order line will use the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to find the price for the order line. Also, order lines that are assigned a soldout control code are not included in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing and end of order pricing; see End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing.

Calculating the QPM Price

Once the system finds the quantity price matrix special or quantity price matrix detail to apply to the order line, the system calculates the price for the order line.

When a QPM price is defined: If a price is defined for the quantity price matrix detail or quantity price matrix special, the system applies this price to the order line.

Example: If the QPM price is $8.00, the unit price of the item on the order line is $8.00. If the order quantity for the item on the order line is 2, the extended price of the item on the order line is $16.00.

When a QPM discount percentage is defined: If a discount percentage is defined for the quantity price matrix special, the system applies this discount percentage to the price defined for the associated quantity price matrix detail.

The system uses the item category, item, SKU, and quantity defined for the quantity price matrix special to find the associated quantity price matrix detail.

Example: If the quantity price matrix special is:





% Discount






The quantity price matrix detail associated with the special is:









And the price to apply to the order line when item AB10 RED for a quantity of 1 is ordered is 7.20 (8.00 QPM detail price - 10% QPM customer special discount = 7.20).

If a quantity price matrix detail does not exist for the same quantity as defined for the quantity price matrix special, the system uses the quantity price matrix detail for the next available lower quantity.

Example: If the quantity price matrix special is:





% Discount






The quantity price matrix details associated with the special are:

















The system uses the quantity price matrix detail for a quantity of 2 to apply to the order line when item AB10 RED for a quantity of 3 is ordered. The price to apply to the order line is 6.75 (7.50 QPM detail price - 10% QPM customer special discount = 6.75).

When a QPM price cannot be found: If the system cannot find a quantity price matrix price, the system uses the next pricing method in the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to find the price for the order line. If the system cannot find a price using any available pricing method, the system displays the standard error message: Price (0.00) cannot be zero for item.

Pricing method description: The pricing method description that displays on the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) shows the method used to calculate the price for the item.

Qty Price Matrix displays if the price is a result of a Quantity Price Matrix Detail or Quantity Price Matrix Source Special.

Qty Price Matrix Cust Ovr displays if the price is a result of a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special. Once the system reprices the order, the system updates the pricing method description to Qty Price Matrix.

Discount calculation messages: If you have defined an offer price for your items and the Display Order Line Discount Messages (F01) system control value is selected, the system displays Discount Calculation Messages when you add an item to an order, indicating the order line number of the discounted item, the offer price, the actual price (the discounted price the customer is paying), the dollar amount of the discount, and the discount percentage. For example, if the item offer price is $10.00 and the Quantity Price Matrix Detail price is $5.00, the discount calculation message displays as: Line 1: Offer = 10.00 Actual = 5.00 Discount = 5.00: 50:00%.

Price override reason for customer specials: If an order line qualifies for a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special, the system applies the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order line during End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing. When this price override reason code is defined for an order line, the system cannot apply any other discounts, such as promotions, to the order line. However, the system can still apply a source % discount to the order line.

Also, the system prevents you from manually entering this price override reason code for an order line: Price override reason reserved and cannot be manually entered.

Order API: If the order uses quantity price matrix pricing and no actual_price is specified for the item in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN), then the order API uses the Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy to apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line. If the item on the order line qualifies for a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special, the system applies the QPM customer discount price to the order line and assigns the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order line.

Note: The system does not validate that the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value is not passed as the prc_ovr_reason for an order line received through the generic order interface. However, you should not use the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value as the override reason code for any manually entered price that you define in the actual_price.

Example: Determining the QPM Price to Use

The following quantity price matrix details exist.

Item Category




















The following quantity price matrix specials exist.



Item Category





% Disc

































Example 1: Customer 17 places an order for source code S7. The following lines are added to the order.



Item Category

Line Qty






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 17, item = STCK1, quantity = 1, % Disc = 15. In this situation, the price = 4.68 (5.50 QPM detail price - 15% customer special discount = 4.675).





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 17, item = STCK1, SKU = HART, quantity = 1, % Disc = 25. In this situation, the price = 3.75 (5.00 QPM detail price - 25% customer special discount = 3.75).





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 17, item category = PENC, quantity = 1, % Disc = 10. In this situation, the price = 7.65 (8.50 QPM detail price - 10% customer special discount = 7.65).

The system did not apply the Quantity Price Matrix Source Special to the order line because the Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special took precedence.

Example 2: Customer 25 places an order for source code S7. The following lines are added to the order.



Item Category

Line Qty






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = STCK1, quantity = 5, price = 5.50.

The system did not apply the Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line because the customer on the order did not qualify.





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = STCK1, SKU = HART, quantity = 5, price = 5.00.

The system did not apply the Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line because the customer on the order did not qualify.





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Source Special to the order line: source code = S7, item category = PENC, quantity = 1, price = 6.99.

The system did not apply the Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line because the customer on the order did not qualify.

End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing

If the Quantity Price Matrix Pricing (K41) system control value is selected, the system reevaluates the entire order during repricing to find the best quantity price matrix price to apply to each qualifying order line.

See When Repricing Occurs for more information on when repricing occurs during interactive order entry.

Source code setting: To do end of order quantity price matrix pricing, the Price method field for the source code on the order header must be set to Reg Plus Reprice.

The system does the following steps during end of order quantity price matrix pricing.


The system evaluates the order lines to find the price of each order line based on the Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy.

The system finds the quantity price matrix price to apply to an order line based on the total order quantity of an item across the lines on the order. For example, if item A01 is on order line 1 for a quantity of 1 and is also on order line 2 for a quantity of 2, the system uses the total order quantity of 3 to find the quantity price matrix price to apply to each order line.

Order lines priced using a quantity price matrix customer special:

• The system uses the quantity price matrix customer special as the price for the order line.

• The system includes the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

Order lines that have a manual price override:

• The system uses the manual price override as the price for the order line.

• The system includes the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

Order lines for a negative order quantity:

• The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line; the order line will use the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to find the price for the order line.

• The system does not include the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

Order lines that are assigned a soldout control code:

• The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line; the order line will use the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to find the price for the order line.

• The system does not include the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

Orders lines for a BOGO (Buy One/Get One) discount:

• The system uses the BOGO discount as the price for the order line.

• The system does not include the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

See BOGO (Buy One/Get One) Discount or Free Gift by Item Category or Item for more information.


If the order line is priced using a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special, the system defaults the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order line.

Also, the system updates the pricing method description that displays on the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) from Qty Price Matrix Cust Ovr to Qty Price Matrix.


The system evaluates the order and order lines for any discounts, premiums, and promotions.

The system decides whether an order qualifies for a discount, premium, or promotion based on the quantity price matrix price that is applied to each order line during repricing and not during initial order entry.

If an order line has the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42), the system does not apply any other discounts, such as promotions, to the order line. However, the system can still apply a source % discount to the order line.

Example: The following QPM prices are defined:

• for a quantity of 1, the price = 5.00

• for a quantity of 2, the price = 4.50

• for a quantity of 3, the price = 3.50

You enter an order for source code S7. A source dollar discount is defined for S7: receive $2.00 off a $10.00 or more order.

During initial order entry, you add the following order lines:

• order line 1 for a quantity of 1 and a price of 5.00.

• order line 2 for a quantity of 1 and a price of 5.00.

During repricing, the system evaluates the total order quantity of the items on the order and reprices each order line:

• order line 1 for a quantity of 1 and a price of 4.50.

• order line 2 for a quantity of 1 and a price of 4.50.

Because the order lines qualified for a different QPM price, the merchandise total is now 9.00 instead of 10.00 and the order no longer qualifies for the source dollar discount.

Order API: If the payment information is sent separately from the rest of the order in the generic order API, the Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT) might be generated twice: once when you receive the initial order message and once when you receive the payment information. In this situation, the system does end of order quantity price matrix pricing when it receives the initial order message without payment information. The system sends the final quantity price matrix price in the first pass and second pass of the Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT); see Discounted and Added Items in the CWOrderOut Response Message.

Example 1: End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing

The following price matrix details exist for quantity price matrix 2009.

Item Category












The following price matrix special exists for quantity price matrix 2009.


Item Category







Items STK1, STK2 and STK3 are all in item category STCK.

The price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value is Q.

Customer 132 places an order for source code SPR09.

Initial order entry: The following lines are added to the order:


Line Qty


Price Ovr






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = STK1, quantity = 1, price = 5.00.





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because a price and price override reason code were manually entered. The system uses the manual price override of 2.50 for the order line.





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because the order line quantity is a negative quantity. The system uses the item offer price of 6.00 for the order line.





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = STK1, quantity = 1, price = 5.00.

Repricing: During repricing, the system reevaluates the order lines on the order to find the final quantity price matrix price.


Line Qty


Price Ovr






Because order lines 1, 2, and 4 are eligible for end-of-order quantity price matrix pricing, the system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = STK1, quantity = 3, price = 3.50.

The order did not qualify for the Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special because only 3 units of the item in item category STCK were eligible for quantity price matrix pricing.





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because a price and price override reason code were manually entered. The price remains at 2.50. However, the system includes this order line in the total quantity for end-of-order quantity price matrix pricing.





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because the order line quantity is a negative quantity. The system uses the item offer price of 6.00 for the order line.





Because order lines 1, 2, and 3 are eligible for quantity price matrix pricing, the system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = STK1, quantity = 3, price = 3.50.

The order did not qualify for the Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special because only 3 units of the item in item category STCK were eligible for quantity price matrix pricing.

Example 2: End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing

The following price matrix details exist for quantity price matrix 2009.










The following price matrix special exists for quantity price matrix 2009.









The price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value is Q.

Customer 132 places an order. A 20% source discount exists for the source code on the order. A 5% order promotion discount exists for the order.

Initial order entry: The following lines are added to the order:


Line Qty


Price Ovr






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = ITM1, quantity = 1, price = 25.00. The order line qualifies for the 20% source discount, making the price 20.00 (25.00 order line price - 20% source discount = 20.00).





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 132, item = ITM2, quantity = 2, price = 10.00. The order line qualifies for the 20% source discount, making the price 8.00 (10.00 order line price - 20% source discount = 8.00).





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because the order line quantity is a negative quantity. The system uses the item offer price of 3.00 for the order line. The order line qualifies for the 20% source discount, making the price 2.40 (3.00 order line price - 20% source discount = 2.40).





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because a price and price override reason code were manually entered. The order line does not qualify for the 20% source discount.

Repricing: During repricing, the system reevaluates the order lines on the order to find the final quantity price matrix price.


Line Qty


Price Ovr






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = ITM1, quantity = 1, price = 25.00. The order line qualifies for the 20% source discount, making the price 20.00 (25.00 order line price - 20% source discount = 20.00).

During repricing, the order line qualifies for the 5% promotion discount, making the price 19.00 (20.00 order line price - 5% promotion discount = 19.00).





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 132, item = ITM2, quantity = 2, price = 10.00. The order line qualifies for the 20% source discount, making the price 8.00 (10.00 order line price - 20% source discount = 8.00).

During repricing, the system applies the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order. Because this price override reason is assigned to the order line, the order line does not qualify for the 5% promotion discount.





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because the order line quantity is a negative quantity. The system uses the item offer price of 3.00 for the order line. The order line qualifies for the 20% source discount, making the price 2.40 (3.00 order line price - 20% source discount = 2.40).

Because the order line is for a negative quantity, the order line does not qualify for the 5% promotion discount.





The system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line because a price and price override reason code were manually entered. The order line does not qualify for the 20% source discount.

During repricing, the order line qualifies for the 5% promotion discount, making the price 71.25 (75.00 order line price - 5% promotion discount = 71.25).

Quantity Price Matrix Pricing in Order Maintenance

During order maintenance, the system does line-level quantity price matrix pricing, but does not do end-of-order quantity price matrix pricing.

Order Maintenance Action


Adding a new line to the order

When you add an order line in order maintenance, the system finds the quantity price matrix price for each individual order line as in order entry; see Determining the QPM Price to Use and Calculating the QPM Price.

If you add more than one order line for the same item, the system will not reprice the order lines based on the total quantity of the item across order lines.

Example: The following QPM prices are defined:

• for a quantity of 1, the price = 5.00

• for a quantity of 2, the price = 4.50

• for a quantity of 3, the price = 3.50

You add order line 3 for a quantity of 1; the system assigns a price of 5.00.

You add order line 4 for a quantity of 1; the system assigns a price of 5.00.

The system does not assign a price of 4.50 to each order line, even though the total order quantity for the item across order lines is 2.

Changing an existing line on the order

If you change the quantity on an order line in order maintenance, the system will not change the price to show the new quantity price matrix price break that applies to the order line, based on the new order line quantity.

Example: The following QPM prices are defined:

• for a quantity of 1, the price = 5.00

• for a quantity of 2, the price = 4.50

• for a quantity of 3, the price = 3.50

The order quantity for an existing order line is 2 with a price of 4.50.

If you change the order line quantity from 2 to 1, the system does not update the price to 5.00 and instead keeps the price of 4.50.

Repricing an order

The Reprice option is not available in Order Maintenance. When this option is selected, the following error message displays: Selected function is not valid for current processing mode (Maintain).

If the total quantity ordered for an item or item category across order lines results in the order lines qualifying for a different quantity price matrix price, the system does not apply the new price to the order lines.

Example: The following QPM prices are defined:

• for a quantity of 1, the price = 5.00

• for a quantity of 2, the price = 4.50

• for a quantity of 3, the price = 3.50

Order line 1 has an order quantity of 1 and a price of 5.00.

If you add a new order line for an order quantity of 2, the system assigns a price of 4.50 to the order line. Even though the total order quantity across the order lines is 3, the system does not apply the price of 3.50 to the order lines.

Cancelling an existing line on the order

If you cancel an existing order line in order maintenance, the system will not reprice the other order lines on the order that are for the same item that was cancelled to find the new quantity price matrix price that applies to the order lines.

Example: The following QPM prices are defined:

• for a quantity of 1, the price = 5.00

• for a quantity of 2, the price = 4.50

• for a quantity of 3, the price = 3.50

Order line 1 has an order quantity of 1 and a price of 3.50 (based on the total order quantity of 3 across the order lines on the order).

Order line 2 has an order quantity of 2 and a price of 3.50 (based on the total order quantity of 3 across the order lines on the order).

If you cancel order line 2, the system cancels the order line but does not reprice order line 1 to a price of 5.00, even though the total order quantity across the order lines on the order is now 1.

Quantity Price Matrix Examples

The following quantity price matrix examples demonstrate how the system applies quantity price matrix pricing to an order.

Example: QPM Detail Pricing by Item Category

Example: QPM Detail Pricing by Item

Example: QPM Special Pricing by Customer

Example: QPM Special Pricing by Customer Price Group

Example: QPM Special Pricing by Source Code

Example: QPM Detail Pricing by Item Category

The following price matrix details exist for quantity price matrix 2009.

Item Category


















Customer 108 places an order for source code SPR09.

Initial order line entry: The following lines are added to the order:


Item Category

Line Qty





The system applies the following quantity price matrix detail to the order line: item category = PENC, quantity = 2, price = 12.79.




The system applies the following quantity price matrix detail to the order line: item category = PENC, quantity = 2, price = 12.79.




The system applies the following quantity price matrix detail to the order line: item category = PENC, quantity = 5, price = 12.49.




the system applies the following quantity price matrix detail to the order line: item category = STCK, quantity = 20, price = 4.99.




The system applies the following quantity price matrix detail to the order lie: item category = STCK, quantity = 50, price = 3.99.

Repricing: During repricing, the system reevaluates the order lines on the order to find the final quantity price matrix price.


Item Category

Line Qty





The total order quantity for items in item category PENC is 12. The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to each order line: item category = PENC, quantity = 10, price = 11.99.










The total order quantity for items in item category STCK is 75. The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to each order line: item category = STCK, quantity = 50, price = 3.99.




Example: QPM Detail Pricing by Item

The following price matrix details exist for quantity price matrix 2009.

Item Category




























Customer 108 places an order for source code SPR09.

Initial order line entry: The following lines are added to the order:



Item Category

Line Qty






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = CS33, quantity = 1, price = .89.





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = DN55, quantity = 1, price = 19.99.





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = MG18, quantity = 10, price = 46.99.





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = MG18, quantity = 10, price = 46.99.

Repricing: During repricing, the system reevaluates the order lines on the order to find the final quantity price matrix price.



Item Category

Line Qty






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = CS33, quantity = 1, price = .89.





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to the order line: item = DN55, quantity = 1, price = 19.99.





The total order quantity for item MG18 is 25. The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Detail to each order line: item = MG18, quantity = 25, price = 34.99.





Example: QPM Special Pricing by Customer

The following price matrix details exist for quantity price matrix 2009.

Item Category















The following price matrix specials exist for quantity price matrix 2009.


Item Category



% Discount











The price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value is Q.

Customer 132 places an order for source code SPR09.

Initial order line entry: The following lines are added to the order:


Item Category

Line Qty





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 132, item category = STCK, quantity = 1, price = 3.00.







The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 132, item category = PENC, % discount = 50%. In this situation, the price = 2.00 (3.99 detail price - 50% discount = 1.995).




The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 132, item category = PENC, % discount = 50%. In this situation, the price = 1.75 (3.49 detail price - 50% discount = 1.745).

Repricing: During repricing, the system reevaluates the order lines on the order to find the final quantity price matrix price.


Item Category

Line Qty

Override Reason






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 132, item category = STCK, quantity = 1, price = 3.00.

Also, because the order line is priced using a quantity price matrix special that uses customer as a qualifier, the system applies the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value to each order line.

Because this price override reason code is assigned to the order line, the system cannot apply any further discounts or promotions to the order line.









The total order quantity for item category PENC is 150. The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer = 132, item category = PENC, % discount = 50%. In this situation, the price = 1.75 (3.49 detail price - 50% discount = 1.745).

Also, because the order line is priced using a quantity price matrix special that uses customer as a qualifier, the system applies the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value to each order line.

Because this price override reason code is assigned to the order line, the system cannot apply any further discounts or promotions to the order line.





Example: QPM Special Pricing by Customer Price Group

The following price matrix details exist for quantity price matrix 2009.

Item Category
























The following price matrix specials exist for quantity price matrix 2009.

Price Group

Item Category




% Discount












50 %







The price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value is Q.

Customer 133 places an order for source code SPR09. Customer 133 belongs to customer price group TCHR.

Initial order line entry: The following lines are added to the order:


Item Category

Line Qty





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer price group= TCHR, item category = STCK, quantity = 1, price = 3.99.







The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer price group = TCHR, item category = ERSR, quantity = 1, % discount = 50%. In this situation, the price = 2.00 (3.99 detail price - 50% discount = 2.00).




The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer price group = TCHR, item category = ERSR, quantity = 1, % discount = 50%. In this situation, the price = 1.75 (3.49 detail price - 50% discount = 1.745).




The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer price group = TCHR, item = HRT1, quantity = 1, price = 3.39.

Repricing: During repricing, the system reevaluates the order lines on the order to find the final quantity price matrix price.


Item Category

Line Qty

Override Reason






The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer price group = TCH, item category = STCK, quantity = 1, price = 3.99.

Also, because the order line is priced using a quantity price matrix special that uses customer price group as a qualifier, the system applies the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to each order line.

Because this price override reason code is assigned to the order line, the system cannot apply any further discounts or promotions to the order line.









The total order quantity for item category ERSR (including item HRT1) is 250. The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer price group = TCHR, item category = ERSR, % discount = 50%. In this situation, the price = 1.25 (2.49 detail price - 50% discount = 1.245).

Also, because the order line is priced using a quantity price matrix special that uses customer as a qualifier, the system applies the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to each order line.

Because this price override reason code is assigned to the order line, the system cannot apply any further discounts or promotions to the order line.









The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special to the order line: customer price group = TCHR, item = HRT1, quantity = 1, price = 3.39.

Note: The system includes the quantity for this order line in the total quantity for item category ERSR. Because a special price is defined for item HRT1, the system does not apply the special discount defined for the customer price group and item category.

Because the order line is priced using a quantity price matrix special that uses customer price group as a qualifier, the system applies the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order line.

Because this price override reason code is assigned to the order line, the system cannot apply any further discounts or promotions to the order line.

Example: QPM Special Pricing by Source Code

The following price matrix details exist for quantity price matrix 2009.

Item Category









The following price matrix special exists for quantity price matrix 2009.

Source Code



% Discount

Exp Date




75 %


On 07/12/09, customer 132 places an order for source code SUM09.

Initial order line entry: The following lines are added to the order:


Item Category

Line Qty





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Source Special to the order line: source code = SUM09, item = SKU1, quantity = 1, % discount = 75%. In this situation, the price = .87 (3.49 detail price - 75% discount = .8725).

Repricing: During repricing, the system reevaluates the order line on the order to find the final quantity price matrix price.


Item Category

Line Qty





The system applies the following Quantity Price Matrix Source Special to the order line: source code = SUM09, item = SKU1, quantity = 1, % discount = 75%. In this situation, the price = .87 (3.49 detail price - 75% discount = .8725).

The system does not assign the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) to the order line because the discount does not use customer or customer price discount are part of the criteria.

If the customer placed this order on 08/16/09, the system would not qualify for the special source discount because the discount expired on 08/15/09.

Quantity Price Matrix Troubleshooting

If the system is not applying the correct quantity price matrix price to an order line, check the following information.

Quantity price matrix set up correctly? Verify that quantity price matrix pricing is set up correctly. See Quantity Price Matrix Setup for the system control values and menu options that you should verify.

Correct quantity price matrix used? Verify that the price that you expected is defined in the quantity price matrix that is currently in use. See Determining the Quantity Price Matrix to Use for more information on how the system decides which quantity price matrix to use.

Matching currencies? If the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected, the currency defined for the offer associated with the source code on the order header must match the currency code defined for the quantity price matrix.

Does the source code allow repricing? To do End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing during repricing, the Price method field for the source code on the order header must be set to Reg Plus Reprice.

Does the order line qualify for the quantity price matrix? Verify that the order line qualifies for the quantity price matrix.

• If the order line has a manual price override, the system uses the manual price override as the price for the order line.

• If the order line is for a negative order quantity, the system does not apply a quantity price matrix price to the order line; the order line will use the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to find the price for the order line.

• If the order line is for a BOGO (Buy One, Get One) discount, the system uses the BOGO discount as the price for the order line.

• Look at the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) to review the pricing method used to price the order line. If the order line was not priced using a quantity price matrix price, take a look at the pricing hierarchy defined in the Pricing Values (B31) system control value to review the sequence in which the system applies line level pricing to an order line. Also, if the Best Way Pricing (A78) system control value is selected, the system applies the best price, and not necessarily the quantity price matrix price, to the order line.

• Review the Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy to determine if a different quantity price matrix price from the one you expected was applied to the order. The system applies quantity price matrix pricing in the following order: QPM customer specials, QPM source specials, QPM base details.

• Check the order line quantity against the quantity price matrix quantity. To qualify, the order line quantity must match or be greater than the quantity price matrix price. For example, if the order line quantity is 2, the quantity price matrix quantity must be 2 or 1 to apply it to the order line. If the quantity price matrix quantity is greater than the order line quantity, the order line does not qualify for the price.

Does repricing change the price of the order line? If the Quantity Price Matrix Pricing (K41) system control value is selected, the system performs End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing. The system checks the total order quantity for the item across the lines on the order. During repricing, the system applies the quantity price matrix price to the order line based on the total order quantity of the item across order lines. For example, if the order line quantity is 2, but the item also exists on another order line for a quantity of 1, the quantity price matrix quantity can be 3 or less to apply it to the order line.

• If the order line is priced using a quantity price matrix customer special, the system includes the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

• If the order line contain a manual price override, the system includes the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

• If the order line is for a negative order quantity, the system does not include the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

• If the order line is for a BOGO (Buy One/Get One) discount, the system does not include the order line in the total quantity used for quantity price matrix pricing calculated during repricing.

Quantity price matrix customer special applied? If a Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special is applied to the order line, the order line does not qualify for other discounts and promotions, expect for a source % discount. Order lines that are priced using a quantity price matrix customer special are assigned the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value. Note: If the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42) system control value is blank, the system does not assign a price override reason code to order lines that are priced using a quantity price matrix customer special. In this situation, these order lines qualify for other discounts and promotions.

Applied discount, premium, or promotion? The system decides whether an order qualifies for a discount, premium, or promotion based on the quantity price matrix price that is applied to each order line during repricing and not during initial order entry. See End of Order Quantity Price Matrix Pricing.

Was the order modified in order maintenance? During order maintenance, the system does line-level quantity price matrix pricing, but does not do end-of-order quantity price matrix pricing. Because of this, the system may price an order line using a quantity price matrix price, but does not evaluate the total order quantity for an item on the order across order lines. See Quantity Price Matrix Pricing in Order Maintenance.

Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create and work with quantity price matrix price breaks.

How to display this screen: Enter WQPM in the Fast path field or select Work with Quantity Price Matrix from a menu.

Column Sort: You can sort on any column on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Quantity price matrixes first display on this screen in alphanumeric matrix code sequence. To review the quantity price matrix with the most recent effective date, click on the Effective Date field until an arrow pointing down displays next to it to display quantity price matrixes in descending effective date sequence.

Add and Search mode: When you first advance to this screen, the screen displays in Add mode. You can use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode.

• Add mode allows you to create a new quantity price matrix record. You can use the enterable fields at the top of the screen to create a new record and select Add in the Action column to add the record to the bottom half of the screen.

• Search mode allows you to search for an existing quantity price matrix record. You can use the enterable fields at the top of the screen to enter search criteria and select Search in the Action column to position the records in the bottom half of the screen to your search criteria.

For more information: See Determining the Quantity Price Matrix to Use for more information on how the system decides which quantity price matrix to use on an order.




A unique code for a quantity price matrix.

Quantity price matrix codes are defined in and validated against the QPM Header table.

Search mode: Enter a full or partial matrix code to display quantity price matrixes in alphanumeric order, beginning with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.


A description of the quantity price matrix.

Search mode: Enter a full or partial description to display quantity price matrixes that include your entry.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.

Effective Date

The date when the quantity price matrix becomes effective.

Search mode: Enter a valid date to display quantity price matrixes that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, or MMDDYYYY format).

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.


Indicates if the quantity price matrix is active for use.

Active = The quantity price matrix is active and can be used for pricing.

Inactive = The quantity price matrix is inactive and cannot be used for pricing.

Search mode: Select a status to display quantity price matrixes that match your entry.

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.


A code for the currency associated with the quantity price matrix.

This field displays only if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected.

Currency codes are defined and validated against the Currency table. See Working with Currency (WCUR).

Search mode: Select a currency code to display quantity price matrixes that match your entry.

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.

Screen Option


Create a quantity price matrix

Verify that the Action button is Add. Use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode.

1. Enter a code in the Matrix field.

2. Enter a description of the quantity price matrix in the Description field.

3. Enter the date when the quantity price matrix becomes effective in the Effective Date field.

4. Indicate whether the quantity price matrix is active or inactive in the Active field.

5. Select Add. The system validates your entries and displays an error message if a value you entered in invalid. Correct any errors and select Add again to advance to the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen where you can define the details for the quantity price matrix. Once you define the details, the system returns you to the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen and displays the new quantity price matrix in the bottom half of the screen.

Note: You can also create a new quantity price matrix using the Copy option. This method allows you to copy the details of an existing quantity price matrix to the quantity price matrix you are creating. See Copy Quantity Price Matrix Window.

Change a quantity price matrix

In the Action field, select Change for a quantity price matrix to advance to the Edit Quantity Price Matrix Window.

Delete a quantity price matrix

In the Action field, select Delete for a quantity price matrix to advance to the Confirm Delete window. Select OK to confirm the delete; otherwise, select Cancel to cancel the delete.

When you delete a quantity price matrix, the system deletes all of the associated details and specials defined for the matrix.

Copy the details defined for one quantity price matrix to a new quantity price matrix

In the Action field, select Copy for a quantity price matrix to advance to the Copy Quantity Price Matrix Window.

Work with the details of a quantity price matrix

In the Action field, select Details for a quantity price matrix to advance to the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen.

Work with the specials defined for a quantity price matrix

In the Action field, select Specials for a quantity price matrix to advance to the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

Search for a quantity price matrix

Use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode. You can search for a specific quantity price matrix using the Matrix, Description, Effective Date, and Active fields. If you enter a value in more than one field, the quantity price matrix must meet all of the criteria you define. Enter your search criteria and select Search to do the search.

Clear the information defined in the enterable fields at the top of the screen

Select Reset. The system clears the information defined in the enterable fields at the top of the screen and displays all quantity price matrix records.

Hide the left-hand option bar

Select Hide to minimize the left-hand option bar.

Click the + sign to re-display the left-hand option bar.

Edit Quantity Price Matrix Window

Purpose: Use this screen to change a quantity price matrix.

How to display this screen: Select Change for a quantity price matrix at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen.




A description of the quantity price matrix.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Effective Date

The date when the quantity price matrix becomes effective.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, or MMDDYYYY format); required.


Indicates if the quantity price matrix is active for use.

Active = The quantity price matrix is active and can be used for pricing.

Inactive = The quantity price matrix is inactive and cannot be used for pricing.



A code for the currency associated with the quantity price matrix.

This field displays only if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected.

Currency codes are defined and validated against the Currency table. See Working with Currency (WCUR).


Copy Quantity Price Matrix Window

Purpose: Use this window to copy the details and specials of one quantity price matrix to a new quantity price matrix.

To copy:

1. Enter a code in the Matrix field. The system validates that the quantity price matrix code you define does not already exist in the QPM Header table.

2. Enter a description of the quantity price matrix in the Description field.

3. Enter the date when the quantity price matrix becomes effective in the Effective Date field.

4. Select OK. The system validates your entries and displays an error message if a value you entered in invalid. Correct any errors and select OK again.

5. The system returns you to the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen and displays the new quantity price matrix in the bottom half of the screen. All of the details and specials defined for the quantity price matrix that you copied have been applied to the new quantity price matrix. Also, the Status and Currency defined for the quantity price matrix that you copied are applied to the new quantity price matrix.

How to display this screen: Select Copy for a quantity price matrix at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen.




A unique code for a quantity price matrix. The system validates that the matrix code you enter does not already exist.

Quantity price matrix codes are defined in and validated against the QPM Header table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required.


A description of the quantity price matrix.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Effective Date

The date when the quantity price matrix becomes effective.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, or MMDDYYYY format); required.

Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with the base quantity price breaks defined for a quantity price matrix. You can also define special quantity price breaks for a customer, customer price group, or source code at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

Quantity price matrix details are QPM base prices defined for a specific item and SKU, item, or item category. See Quantity Price Matrix Detail for more information on the criteria you can define for an item to qualify for a quantity price matrix detail.

Note: You cannot create more than one quantity price matrix detail for the same item category and quantity, item and quantity, or item and SKU and quantity.

For more information: See Determining the QPM Price to Use for more information on how the system uses the Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy to find the quantity price matrix price to apply to an order line.

Uploading quantity price matrix pricing from an external system: You can also upload quantity price matrix details from an external system; see Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) for an overview.

How to display this screen:

• Select Add at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen to create a new quantity price matrix.

• Select Details for an existing quantity price matrix at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen.

• Select Details at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

Column sort: You can sort on any column on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Quantity price matrix details first display on this screen in descending alphanumeric order by item, SKU, and item category sequence, then by ascending quantity.

Add and Search mode: When you first advance to this screen, the screen displays in Add mode. You can use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode.

• Add mode allows you to create a new quantity price matrix detail record. You can use the enterable fields at the top of the screen to create a new record and select Add in the Action column to add the record to the bottom half of the screen.

• Search mode allows you to search for an existing quantity price matrix detail record. You can use the enterable fields at the top of the screen to enter search criteria and select Search in the Action column to position the records in the bottom half of the screen to your search criteria.




The code and description of the quantity price matrix whose details you are reviewing.

Code: Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A code for the item category associated with the quantity price matrix detail.

Place your cursor over the item category code to display the description defined for the item category.

Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Category table.

Add Mode: When creating a quantity price matrix detail, you must define an item category or item. You cannot define an item category and item for a quantity price matrix detail.

Search Mode: Enter a full or partial item category code and select Search to display quantity price matrix details in alphanumeric order, beginning with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Add mode: Required if the Item field is blank; not enterable if an item is defined.

Search mode: Optional.


A code for the item associated with the quantity price matrix detail.

Place your cursor over the item code to display the description defined for the item.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Add Mode: When creating a quantity price matrix detail, you must define an item category or item. You cannot define an item category and item for a quantity price matrix detail.

Search Mode: Enter a full or partial item code and select Search to display quantity price matrix details in alphanumeric order, beginning with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Add mode: Required if the Category field is blank; not enterable if an item category is defined.

Search mode: Optional.


A code for the SKU of the item associated with the quantity price matrix detail.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Add Mode: When creating a quantity price matrix detail:

• If you define a SKU for the item, only the SKU specified qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail.

• If you do not define a SKU for the item, all of the SKUs for the item qualify for the quantity price matrix detail.

Search Mode: Enter a full or partial SKU code and select Search to display quantity price matrix details in alphanumeric order, beginning with your entry.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields.

Add mode: Optional. Not enterable if an item category is defined.

Search mode: Optional.


The quantity of the item that must be ordered to qualify for the quantity price matrix detail. The item qualifies for the quantity price matrix detail if the order line quantity is less than or equal to the quantity price matrix detail. See Determining the QPM Price to Use.

Add mode: You cannot create more than one quantity price break for the same item category and quantity, item and quantity, or item and SKU and quantity.

Search Mode: Enter a quantity and select Search to display quantity price matrix details that match your entry.

Numeric, 5 positions.

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.


The price of the item when the quantity specified is ordered.

Search Mode: Enter a price and select Search to display quantity price matrix details that match your entry.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.

Tax Inclusive Price

The price of the item on orders subject to tax-inclusive pricing when the quantity specified is ordered.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Search Mode: Enter a price and select Search to display quantity price matrix details that match your entry.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; Optional.

Screen Option


Create a quantity price matrix detail

Verify that the Action button is Add. Use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode.

1. Enter the Category or Item that is required to qualify for the QPM detail.

2. Optionally, enter a SKU for the Item if you wish to limit the QPM detail to a particular SKU. Leave the SKU blank to have the QPM detail apply to all SKUs of the item.

3. Enter the order Qty required to receive the QPM detail. The order line qualifies for the QPM detail if its order quantity is less than or equal to the QPM detail quantity.

4. Enter the Price to receive when the order line qualifies for the QPM detail.

5. Select Add. The system validates your entries and displays an error message if a value you entered in invalid. Correct any errors and select Add again.

6. The system displays the new quantity price matrix detail in the bottom half of the screen. The item category, item, or item and SKU that you entered stays on the screen with the system positioned to the quantity price matrix detail record that you just created. To clear the field positioners and re-display all quantity price matrix detail records, select Reset.

Remove information from the enterable fields at the top of the screen

Select Reset. The system removes any information that is defined in the enterable fields at the top of the screen.

Change a quantity price matrix detail

You can change the Price and Tax Inclusive Price on this screen.

1. Double-click on the field you wish to change to make the field enterable.

2. Enter the new change and tab out of the field or place your cursor outside of the field to validate your entry.

3. The system displays an error message if the value you entered is invalid. Correct any errors and tab out of the field again.

4. The system displays the updated quantity price matrix detail on the screen.

Delete a quantity price matrix detail

In the Action field, select Delete for a quantity price matrix detail to advance to the Confirm Delete window. Select OK to confirm the delete; otherwise, select Cancel to cancel the delete.

Search for a quantity price matrix detail

Verify that the Action button is Search. Use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode.

You can search for a specific quantity price matrix detail using the Category, Item, SKU, Qty, and Price fields. If you enter a value in more than one field, the quantity price matrix detail must meet all of the criteria you define. Enter your search criteria and select Search to do the search.

Create and work with the specials defined for the quantity price matrix

Select Specials to advance to the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen.

Hide the left-hand option bar

Select Hide to minimize the left-hand option bar.

Click the + sign to re-display the left-hand option bar.

Work with Quantity Price Matrix Specials Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with the specials defined for a quantity price matrix. At this screen you can work with customer specials and source specials. You can use the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen to work with the base quantity price breaks defined for a quantity price matrix.

• Quantity price matrix customer specials are QPM discount prices that use customer or customer price group as a qualifier. See Quantity Price Matrix Customer Special for more information on the criteria you can define for an item to qualify for a quantity price matrix customer special.

• Quantity price matrix source specials are QPM discount prices that use source code, and NOT customer or customer price group, as a qualifier. See Quantity Price Matrix Source Special for more information on the criteria you can define for an item to qualify for a quantity price matrix source special.

For more information: See Determining the QPM Price to Use for more information on how the system uses the Quantity Price Matrix Price Hierarchy to find the quantity price matrix price to apply to an order line.

Uploading quantity price matrix specials from an external system: You can also upload quantity price matrix specials from an external system; see Work with Pricing Upload (WPUP) for an overview.

How to display this screen:

• Select Specials for a quantity price matrix at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Screen.

• Select Specials for a quantity price matrix at the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen.

Column sort: You can sort on any column on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Initial display: Quantity price matrix specials first display on this screen alphanumerically in the following hierarchy:

• specials that use customer and source code as the qualifiers

• specials that use customer as the qualifier

• specials that use customer price group and source code as the qualifiers

• specials that use customer price group as the qualifier

• specials that use source code as the qualifier

Within this hierarchy, quantity price matrix specials display alphanumerically by item category, item, SKU and ascending quantity sequence.

Add and Search mode: When you first advance to this screen, the screen displays in Add mode. You can use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode.

• Add mode allows you to create a new quantity price matrix detail record. You can use the enterable fields at the top of the screen to create a new record and select Add in the Action column to add the record to the bottom half of the screen.

• Search mode allows you to search for an existing quantity price matrix detail record. You can use the enterable fields at the top of the screen to enter search criteria and select Search in the Action column to position the records in the bottom half of the screen to your search criteria.




The code and description of the quantity price matrix whose specials you are reviewing.

Code: Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A code for the sold to customer associated with a quantity price matrix special.

Add mode: Sold to customers are defined in and validated against the Customer Sold To table. You can enter a sold to customer or customer price group for a quantity price matrix special, but not both.

Search mode: Enter a customer number and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials in numeric sold to customer number order.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Add mode: Required if the Price Group and Source fields are blank.

Search mode: Optional.

Price Group

The customer price group associated with a quantity price matrix special.

Add mode: Customer price groups are defined in and validated against the Customer Price Group table. You can enter a sold to customer or customer price group for a quantity price matrix special, but not both.

Search mode: Enter a customer price group and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials in alphanumeric customer price group order.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Add mode: Required if the Customer and Source fields are blank.

Search mode: Optional.


A code for the source code associated with a quantity price matrix special.

Add mode: Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source table.

Search mode: Enter a valid source code and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions.

Add mode: Required if the Customer and Price Group fields are blank.

Search mode: Optional.


A code for the item category associated with a quantity price matrix special.

Place your cursor over the item category code to display the description defined for the item category.

Add mode: Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Category table. You can enter an item category or item for a quantity price matrix special, but not both. If you enter an item category, you must also define a sold to customer, customer price group, or source code.

Search mode: Enter a valid item category code and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Add mode: Required if the Item field is blank.

Search mode: Optional.


A code for the item associated with a quantity price matrix special.

Place your cursor over the item code to display the description defined for the item code.

Add mode: Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table. You can enter an item category or item for a quantity price matrix special, but not both. If you enter an item, you must also define a sold to customer, customer price group, or source code.

Search mode: Enter a valid item code and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Add mode: Required if the Category field is blank.

Search mode: Optional.


A code for the SKU of the item associated with a quantity price matrix special.

Add mode: SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table. If you enter a SKU, you must also enter the item associated with the SKU in the Item field. If you do not define a SKU code for an item that has SKUs, all of the SKUs defined for the item are associated with the quantity price matrix special.

Search mode: Enter a valid SKU code and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields.

Add mode: Optional.

Search mode: Optional.


The quantity of the item that must be ordered to qualify for the quantity price matrix special. See Determining the QPM Price to Use.

Add mode: You cannot create more than one quantity price matrix special using the same criteria.

Search Mode: Enter a quantity and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Numeric, 5 positions.

Add mode: Required.

Search mode: Optional.


The price of the item when it qualifies for the quantity price matrix special.

Add mode: You can enter a price or % discount for a quantity price matrix special, but not both.

Search Mode: Enter a price and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Add mode: Required if the % Disc field is blank.

Search mode: Optional.

Tax Inclusive Price

The price of the item on orders subject to tax-inclusive pricing when it qualifies for the quantity price matrix special.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Search mode: Enter a price and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; Optional.

% Disc

The percentage off the quantity price matrix detail price when the item ordered is eligible for the quantity price matrix special. For example, 10 means the item qualifies for a 10% discount.

Example: The % discount is based on the following criteria:

• customer price group = QPM1

• item category = HG

• quantity = 2

• % discount = 10

The 10% discount is based on the quantity price matrix detail defined for item category HG and quantity 2:

• item category = HG

• quantity = 2

• price = 10.00

In this example, the 10% discount is a 1.00 discount (10.00 QPM detail - 10% QPM special = 9.00 discount price)

If a quantity price matrix detail is not defined for item category HG and quantity 2, the system uses the next lowest quantity for the item category (in this example, the system uses item category HG and quantity 1). See Calculating the QPM Price for more information on how the system finds the price for a quantity price matrix detail and quantity price matrix special.

Add mode: You can enter a price or % discount for a quantity price matrix special, but not both.

Search mode: Enter a percentage and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Numeric, 4 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Add mode: Required if the Price or Tax Inclusive Price fields are blank.

Search mode: Optional.

Exp Date

The date the quantity price matrix special expires.

The expiration date cannot be earlier than the Effective date defined for the quantity price matrix.

Search mode: Enter a date and select Search to display quantity price matrix specials that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, or MMDDYYYY format); Optional.

Screen Option


Create a quantity price matrix special

Verify that the Action button is Add. Use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode.

1. Use the Customer, Price Group, Source, Category, Item, and SKU fields to define the criteria that an item must meet to qualify for the quantity price matrix special.

2. Enter the order Qty required for the item to receive the quantity price matrix special.

3. Define the discount received when the item qualifies for the quantity price matrix special. You can define the discount as a Price, Tax Inclusive Price, or % Disc.

4. Enter when the quantity price matrix special expires in the Exp Date field.

5. Select Add. The system validates your entries and displays an error message if a value you entered in invalid. Correct any errors and select Add again.

6. The system displays the new quantity price matrix special in the bottom half of the screen. The customer, customer price group, or source code that you entered stays on the screen with the system positioned to the quantity price matrix special record that you just created. To clear the field positioners and re-display all quantity price matrix special records, select Reset.

Clear the information defined in the enterable fields at the top of the screen

Select Reset to clear the information defined in the enterable fields at the top of the screen and display all quantity price matrix specials.

Change a quantity price matrix special

You can change the Price, Tax Inclusive Price, % Disc, and Exp Date fields.

1. Double-click on the field you wish to change to make the field enterable.

2. Enter the new change and tab out of the field or place your cursor outside of the field to validate your entry.

3. The system displays an error message if the value you entered is invalid. Correct any errors and tab out of the field again.

4. The system displays the updated quantity price matrix special on the screen.

Delete a quantity price matrix special

In the Action field, select Delete for a quantity price matrix special to advance to the Confirm Delete window. Select OK to confirm the delete or select Cancel to cancel the delete.

Search for a quantity price matrix special

Verify that the Action button is Search. Use the Add/Search option in the left-hand option bar to switch between Add mode and Search mode. You can search for a specific quantity price matrix special using the Customer, Price Group, Source, Category, Item, SKU, Qty, Price, Tax Inclusive Price, % Disc, and Exp Date fields. If you enter a value in more than one field, the quantity price matrix special must meet all of the criteria you define. Enter your search criteria and select Search to do the search.

Review quantity price matrix details

Select Details to advance to the Work with Quantity Price Matrix Details Screen.

WQPM Serenade 5.0 March 2015