Working with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT)

Purpose: Use the Work with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT) menu option to:

• Receive items on a store transfer defined in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

• Close the Store Transfer Receipt records for a specified transfer ID.

RF store transfer receipt: You can also receive and close store transfer receipts using an RF gun. See RF Store Transfer Receipt Transaction.

In this topic:

For more information:

Select Transfer ID for Store Receipts Screen

Work with Store Transfer Receipts Screen

Add Store Receipts Detail Screen

Select Transfer ID for Store Receipts Screen

Use this screen to select the store transfer ID whose items you wish to receive.

In order to receive an item on a store transfer, the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) must be in an Open (O) status.

How to display this screen: Enter WSRT in the Fast path field or select Work with Store Transfer Receipt from a menu.



Transfer ID

The store transfer ID defined for the items you wish to receive from an external system, such as a retail store.

Transfer IDs are defined in and validated against the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Select Transfer ID Window

You can prompt on the Transfer ID field to advance to the Select Transfer ID window, where you can search for a transfer ID by transfer ID number, from site, warehouse code, and/or status. Selecting a transfer ID from this window advances you automatically to the Work with Store Transfer Receipts Screen.

Numeric, 10 positions; required.

Screen Option


Select the transfer ID whose items you wish to receive

Enter a store transfer ID in the Transfer ID field and select OK to advance to the Work with Store Transfer Receipts Screen.

Work with Store Transfer Receipts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to receive the items on the store transfer ID you selected on the Select Transfer ID for Store Receipts Screen.

For each store transfer line, you can enter the quantity you wish to receive and the location where you wish to place the item.

In order to receive a full or partial store transfer line, the store transfer line must be in an Open (O) status in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR). In addition, the item location cannot be on physical freeze. Note: The system allows the item location to be on reservation freeze and the item warehouse to be on allocation freeze. In addition, the system allows the location to be frozen.

Store transfer lines display on this screen in ascending line number sequence.

How to display this screen: Enter a store transfer ID and select OK on the Select Transfer ID for Store Receipts Screen.



Transfer ID

The store transfer ID whose items you wish to receive. This is the store transfer ID you selected on the Select Transfer ID for Store Receipts Screen.

Numeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Total Qty

The total quantity to receive on the store transfer, across all store transfer lines.This is the sum of the Quantity due for the records in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) associated with the selected store transfer ID.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Total Qty Rcvd

The total quantity received against the store transfer, across all items. This is the sum of the Quantity received for the records in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) associated with the selected store transfer ID.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The status of the store transfer receipt. This is the status of the store transfer ID you selected on the Select Transfer ID for Store Receipts Screen.

O = Open. The store transfer has not been received.

X = Closed. The system updates this field to closed when you close a store transfer; see Closing Store Transfer Receipts.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

For each store transfer line:


A code for the CWSerenade warehouse to receive the item on the store transfer. This is the Warehouse defined for the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Enter a valid warehouse code and select OK to display store transfer lines that contain your entry.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

From Site

A code for the external site, or retail store, where the store transfer originated. This is the From Site defined for the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Enter a site number and select OK to display store transfer lines that contain your entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The line number for the store transfer detail. This is the Line Number defined for the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Enter a line number and select OK to display store transfer lines in ascending sequence, beginning with your entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


A code for an item on the store transfer. This is the ITM Number defined for the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Enter a full or partial item code and select OK to display store transfer lines that begin with your entry.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


A code for the SKU of the item on the store transfer. This is the SKU Code defined for the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Enter a full or partial SKU code and select OK to display store transfer lines that contain your entry.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Qty Due

The remaining quantity due for the store transfer line. The quantity due is a calculated number: Qty due in Store Transfer Receipt table - Qty received in Store Transfer Receipt table = Remaining Qty due for store transfer line.

Select Receive All to update the Qty Rec field with the remaining quantity due defined for each store transfer line.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Qty Rec

The number of units of the item you wish to receive.

When you process the receipt, the system increments the Qty received field in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) by this quantity.

Over Receiving the Store Transfer Line Quantity

The Over Receipt % (A61) system control value allows you to receive more than the quantity ordered on the store transfer line, up to the percentage limit defined in the system control value. This allows you to receive merchandise that the external system over-ships.

The Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature allows you to override the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value and receive any amount greater than the quantity ordered on the store transfer line.

Over Receipt Examples

In the examples below, the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value is set to 10%.

Example 1: Qty due = 100, Qty received = 100. Results: The system receives the 100 units into inventory since the quantity received matches the quantity due.

Example 2: Qty due = 100, Qty received = 110. Results: The system receives the 110 units into inventory since the quantity received falls within the Over Receipt % (A61).

Example 3: Qty due = 100, Qty received = 115. Results: Because the receipt quantity is greater than the Over Receipt % (A61), the system receives the 115 units only if the user performing the Store Transfer Receipt has authority to the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.If the user does not have authority to the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature, the system displays an error message: Receipt Qty Exceeds Order Qty.

Closed Store Transfer Lines

This field is display-only if the Process status of the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) is X Closed.

Numeric, 7 positions; required for receipt.


The code for the location where the item on the store transfer is to be received. Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table.

The location must be a valid location for the specified warehouse.

The item location cannot be on physical freeze. Note: The system allows the item location to be on reservation freeze and the item warehouse to be on allocation freeze. In addition, the system allows the location to be frozen.

Location Default

When you select Receive All:

1. If the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is selected, the system defaults the first primary location, in alphanumeric order, defined for the item in the warehouse specified on the store transfer line.

2. If the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is unselected and the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected, the system defaults the item’s primary primary location if the warehouse specified on the store transfer line is the item’s primary warehouse.

Updating Item Locations During Receiving

The Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value defines whether multiple primary locations are allowed for an item.

• If set to ALLOW, the system allows you to receive the item into a primary location other than the primary location already defined for the item.

• If set to NOT ALLOW or CONFIRM, the system prevents you from receiving the item into more than one primary location. If the receipt location is a primary location other than the primary location already defined for the item, the system displays an error message: No Mult Primary.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this system control value, the system allows you to receive the item into a non-primary location.

Regardless of the setting of the Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35) system control value, the system does not update the item’s primary primary location with the receipt primary location.

Closed Store Transfer Lines

This field is display-only if the Process status of the store transfer line in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) is X Closed.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required for receipt.

Screen Option


Accept the store transfer receipt

For each store transfer line you wish to receive:

1. Enter the quantity you wish to receive in the Qty Rec field.

2. Enter the location where you wish to place the merchandise in the Location field.

3. Select Accept to perform the receipt.

See Accepting Store Transfer Receipts for the updates that are performed.

Reject the store transfer receipt

Select Reject. The system does not perform any updates.

Add a store transfer line to the store transfer

Select Add Detail to advance to the Add Store Receipts Detail Screen.

Note: You can add a store transfer line only if the store transfer is in an open status (at least one of the lines for the store transfer is in an O status in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Receive all store transfer lines

Select Receive All. The system:

• Updates the Qty Rec field with the quantity defined in the Qty Due field for each store transfer line.

• Defaults a Location to each line:

• If Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) is selected, the system defaults the first primary location, in alphanumeric order, defined for the item in the warehouse specified on the store transfer line.

• If Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) is unselected and Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) is selected, the system defaults the item’s primary primary location if the warehouse specified on the store transfer line is the item’s primary warehouse.

Note: This option displays only if you have authority to the Receive All Permission (B21) secured feature. Also, this option does not display if all of the lines on the store transfer are closed (X) in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

Close the store transfer receipt

For each store transfer line you wish to receive:

1. Enter the quantity you wish to receive in the Qty Rec field.

2. Enter the location where you wish to place the merchandise in the Location field.

3. Select Close to advance to the Confirm Transfer ID window. Select OK to perform the receipt and close the store transfer; otherwise, select Exit to return to the Work with Store Transfer Receipts screen.

See Accepting Store Transfer Receipts and Closing Store Transfer Receipts for the updates that are performed.

Add Store Receipts Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add a new store transfer line to a store transfer in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR).

How to display this screen: Select Add Detail on the Work with Store Transfer Receipts Screen.



Transfer ID

The store transfer ID whose items you wish to receive.

This is the store transfer ID you selected on the Select Transfer ID for Store Receipts Screen.

Numeric, 10 positions; display-only.


A code for the CWSerenade warehouse to receive the item on the store transfer.

This is the warehouse on the first store transfer line defined for the store transfer.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

From site

A code for the external site, or retail store, where the store transfer originated.

This is the site ID on the first store transfer line defined for the store transfer.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


A code for an item and SKU you wish to add to the store transfer.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

SKU: Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item contains SKUs.

Qty Due

The quantity of the item to receive.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Qty Rec

The number of units of the item you wish to receive.

When you process the receipt, the system increments the Qty received field in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) by this quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; required for receipt.


The code for the location where the item on the store transfer is to be received. Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table.

The location must be a valid location for the specified warehouse.

The item location cannot be on physical freeze. Note: The system allows the item location to be on reservation freeze and the item warehouse to be on allocation freeze. In addition, the system allows the location to be frozen.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Add a new store transfer line to the store transfer

To Add a Line: Complete the Item/SKU and Qty Due fields and select OK. The system validates your entries and displays a message similar to the following: Store Receipt (0000076242-004) created. The system creates a new record in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) using the information provided and assigns the next sequential line number for the store transfer to the record. The new store transfer line displays on the Work with Store Transfer Receipts Screen. The line remains open until you close the store transfer.

To Add and Receive a Line: Complete the Item/SKU, Qty Due, and Qty Rec fields and select OK. The system validates your entries and displays a message similar to the following: Store Receipt (0000076242-005) created and received. The system creates a new record in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) using the information provided and assigns the next sequential line number for the store transfer to the record. The new store transfer line displays on the Work with Store Transfer Receipts Screen. The line remains open until you close the store transfer.

WH12_08 Serenade 5.0 March 2015