Check Interface Payment Type (G26)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the pay type code the system identifies as the check interface payment type.

Number field: Enter a valid pay type code in this field to identify the pay type code the system identifies as the check interface payment type.

You can download any orders that contain the check interface payment method to the Western Union Download file by running the PFR0043 periodic function. This periodic function downloads any orders that contain the check interface payment method and have a blank check interface download date. The Western Union Download file allows you to send check information to an outside service for verification.

When you add the check interface payment method to an order, the system:

• requires entry of the Check number, Checking account number, and Routing number fields on the Enter Payment Method screen or the Enter Cash Control pop-up window in order entry and order maintenance.

• does not allow you to define a dollar amount for the payment method. If you try to enter a dollar amount, the system displays an error message similar to the following:

A check amount cannot be entered prior to check interface download processing.

• does not allow you to enter a credit card, A/R, or C.O.D. payment method to the order since you cannot define two payment methods on an order that have a blank dollar amount. If you try to add a credit card or A/R payment method to the order the system displays an error message such as:

Only one catch-all pay type may be entered.

• places the order on CI (check interface) hold.

• adds an additional charge to the order if an additional charge code has been defined in the Check Interface Additional Charge Code (G27) system control value.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to identify a pay type code as the check interface payment type.

For more information: See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

IN03_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015