Display Backordered Affinity Items (G59)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the Select Affinity Items pop-up window will display items that are on backorder, or are not available.

Yes/no field: Select this field to have the Select Affinity Items pop-up window display items that are backordered or unavailable as well as available customer affinity items when you accept an order from a customer who qualifies for affinity preferences.

Leave this field unselected if you want the Select Affinity Items pop-up window to display only customer affinity items which are available.

About customer affinity preferences: Affinity Add-on Sales is a function which identifies items that appeal to a customer’s preferences, and presents those items as potential add-on sales when the customer places an order. The Affinity function tracks each customer’s order history to determine the Customer Affinity Preferences for specific Attributes of the items you offer for sale, and specific Values of those attributes. For example, a customer might have a preference for the attribute Fabric type, and prefer linen or cotton. You can link these Item Attributes and Values to items or SKUs you offer for sale. When a customer places an order, the system suggests upsell items from your current offer which match the customer’s preferences.

For more information:

Affinity Add-on Sales

Working with Customer Affinity Preferences (WCST)

IN03_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015