Default Individual Email Address (J17)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system defaults the individual email address to the Order email address field on an order. This system control value also controls whether you can prompt on the Order email address field to see a list of email addresses associated with the sold to customer on the order.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you wish to default the individual placer’s email address to the Order email address field on an order for an existing sold to customer.

In addition, you can prompt on the Order email address field to see a list of email addresses associated with the sold to customer on the order.

Leave this field unselected if you do not wish to default the individual placer’s email address to the Order email address field on an order. The system defaults the sold to customer’s primary email address to the Order email address if one is defined or you can manually enter an order email address; otherwise the Order email address field remains blank.

In addition, you cannot prompt on the Order email address field if an individual placer exists on the order.

Note: When a new sold to customer and associated individuals are created, the system will not default the individual placer’s email address to the Order email address field, regardless of the setting of this system control value.

How the order-level email address defaults: The system uses the following hierarchy to default the order-level Email address in order entry:

• If there is an individual placer on the order with an email address, and the Default Individual Email Address (J17) system control value is selected, use that email address; otherwise,

• If the customer sold-to has a primary email address, use that email address; otherwise,

• No order-level email address defaults in order entry.

You can accept the default, enter a different email address, or clear the email address.

Remote orders: Orders received from the generic order interface (order API) also look at this system control value to determine if the system should default the individual placer’s email address to the Order email address field on the order.

For more information: See Working with an Order-Level Email Address.

IN03_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015