FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days added to the expected arrival date for items with no open purchase orders.

Number field: Enter the number of days for the system to add to the expected arrival date for an item that is not in stock and for which there are no open (unreceived) purchase orders. The system performs this calculation for FTC (Federal Trade Commission) notifications in which you notify the customer that an item is out of stock and specify the date when it will arrive. This allows the customer to cancel the order, if desired.

Note: Although you can enter any value in this field, the FTC rule for this situation is 30 days maximum.

E-Commerce item availability: If you use the E-Commerce Interface, you can send availability information to the web storefront when:

• you submit the ECAVAIL periodic function (program name ECR0144). This periodic function downloads the current available quantity for every item and SKU for which you have downloaded information to your web storefront.

• an item’s availability falls below a specified item availability web threshold, triggering an interactive download.

A flag in the item availability information indicates whether the date expected was based on an actual purchase order, or was defaulted based on the FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71) system control value:

0 = actual purchase order date from the PO Layering table (POLAYR)

1 = date was defaulted based on system control value


Item AB100 has available quantity of 100 and an open purchase order that is due on May 15, 2006.


Quantity available = 100

Date expected = 05152006

Default delivery date = 0


Item CB200 has no available quantity, and there are no open purchase orders. The current date is May 1, 2006, and the FTC - # Of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date system control value is set to 30 days.


Quantity available = 0

Date expected = 05312006

Default delivery date = 1

For more information:

• how purchase order layering works, and how to generate backorder cards: Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications

• an overview of downloads to the web storefront through the e-commerce interface: E-Commerce Download Overview

• set items: Entering Set Information (WSET)

IN03_08 Serenade 5.0 March 2015