Statement Print Program (B85)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the program that prints A/R statements.

Code field: Enter the name of the program that prints A/R Statements. This program controls the selection of statements (for example, date range) and the data that prints on the statement. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

MICROS provides the name of the system program that prints A/R statements. If you write your own program, or if MICROS modifies the program that prints A/R statements, you must enter the new program name in this field.

The standard graphical statement printing program is STMTG, and the standard non-graphical program is STMT. If you select the Print Company Address on Statements (D58) system control value, you should use one of these programs. See the A/R Statement for samples.

IN03_06 Serenade 5.0 March 2015