Net A/R Credits in Each Age ’Bucket’ When Aging A/R Items (E14)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to age A/R credits by including them in the appropriate aging bucket based on when they were created.

Yes/no field: Select this field to include credit amounts in the appropriate aging buckets, where they are netted against debit amounts.

For example, the customer has an invoice open item for $200.00 that is 35 days past due, and a credit of $50.00 from that same period.

• if the system control value is selected: the total for the 31-60 aging bucket is $150.00 ($200.00 - $50.00).

• if the system control value is unselected: the $50.00 credit remains in the current aging bucket (that is, it does not age) and the total for the 31-60 aging bucket is $200.00.

Leave this field unselected to have A/R credits remain in the current aging bucket and not age.

For more information: A/R aging buckets are used in the reports produced through Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR). Before you produce these reports, you should age customer bill-to accounts. See About Aging for information on setting up aging buckets and how to age the accounts.

IN03_06 Serenade 5.0 March 2015