Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Item Warehouse

Purpose: Use this report to analyze the results of the physical inventory for the batch without updating the Item Location table with the new on-hand quantities. This report provides the total cost variances based on the total of all selected FIFO layers.

How to print: Select Physical Inventory Evaluation Variance Report at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen. The system generates this version of the report only if you use FIFO costing; see FIFO Costing.

RF physical inventory: This report does not include counts being entered in RF Physical Inventory (records in the Physical Inventory Upload New table). In order to include counts done in RF Physical Inventory, you must first accept the count to upload the records from the Physical Inventory Upload New table to the Physical Inventory table.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• physical inventory control number

• whether the report is for a complete physical or a partial physical

• warehouse code and description

• item


• the count quantity used to evaluate variance (Evaluation count) for all warehouse locations included in the physical inventory

• on-hand quantity on record before the physical inventory (On-hand quantity) for all warehouse locations included in the physical inventory

• unit variance, calculated by subtracting the Evaluation count from the on-hand quantity for the item location

• evaluation extended cost, calculated by adding the extended cost derived from all FIFO layers selected by the standard hierarchy

• on-hand extended cost, calculated by adding the extended cost from all FIFO layers for the SKU within the warehouse

• extended cost variance, calculated by comparing the evaluation extended cost with the on-hand extended cost

• cost percentage variance, calculated by dividing the variance extended cost by the on-hand extended cost

• unit percentage variance, calculated by dividing the Unit variance by the on-hand quantity

• batch control number

WH01_07r Serenade 5.0 March 2015