Physical Inventory Ticket Listing

Purpose: Use this report to review information on each ticket for an item location or LPN, including the counts for each.

How to print: Select Physical Inventory Ticket Listing at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen if you use tickets for count entry. You can also print this report when entering ticket counts by selecting Print Ticket Reports at the Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts), then selecting this report at the Ticket Entry Report Prompt Screen (Printing Ticket Reports) (MPTE) the Physical Inventory Ticket Listing option.

Selecting a batch: You can select a batch for this report by entering a valid control and batch number in the appropriate fields. If you leave these fields blank, the report runs for all current batches. When you select this report at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen, the system submits the job PI_TLST, which produces the report.

RF physical inventory: Counts being entered in RF Physical Inventory (records in the Physical Inventory Upload New table) display on this report as uncounted. In order to include counts done in RF Physical Inventory, you must first accept the count to upload the records from the Physical Inventory Upload New table to the Physical Inventory table.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Control #: The physical inventory control number.

Warehouse: The warehouse code and description.

Ticket #: The ticket number for each count you have generated so far.

Item: A code for the item on the ticket.

SKU: The SKU code for the item on the ticket.

Location: The location code on the ticket.

LPN: The LPN number on the ticket. If the item location is not associated with an LPN, this number will be zero.

Count: The unit count for the ticket.

On Hand: The on-hand quantity for the item location or LPN.

Batch#: The batch number.

Status: The ticket status. Valid values are:

• blank: A count has been entered for the ticket and no additional count is required.

Uncounted ticket: A count has not been entered for the ticket.

Second count required: A first count has been entered but you require two counts.

Final count required: The first and second counts do not agree, and you have not yet entered a final count.

Discrepancy in counts: The first and second counts do not agree, and you have entered a final count.

WH01_07r Serenade 5.0 March 2015