Offer Projection Summary Report (OPSR)

How to print: Use the Print Offer Projection Summary (OPSR) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Offer code

• Offer description

• Start date: the first day of the forecasting week

• End date: the last day of the forecasting week

• Projected orders forecasting order category #1: the number of orders projected in the forecast for order category #1

• Projected dollars forecasting order category #1: the dollar amount projected in the forecast for order category #1

• Projected orders forecasting order category #2: the number of orders projected in the forecast for order category #2

• Projected dollars forecasting order category #2: the dollar amount projected in the forecast for order category #2

• Projected order totals forecasting order category #1 and #2: the number of orders for both order categories, as projected in the forecast

• Projected dollar totals forecasting order category #1 and #2: the dollars for both order categories, as projected in the forecast

• Actual orders forecasting order category #1: the actual number of orders received for this order category

• Actual dollars forecasting order category #1: the actual dollars received for this order category

• Actual orders forecasting order category #2: the actual number of orders received for this order category

• Actual dollars forecasting order category #2: the actual dollars received for this order category

• Actual order totals forecasting order category #1 and #2: the cumulative number of orders received for both order categories

• Actual dollar totals forecasting order category #1 and #2: the cumulative dollars actually received on orders for both order categories

• Curve percent $ projected: the projected percentage complete in dollars for this week of the forecast

• Curve percent dollars actual: the actual percentage complete in dollars for this week of the forecast, as calculated by the system

• Percent actual projected: the actual percent complete in dollars divided by the projected percent complete dollars

• Cumulative percentage actual vs. projected: the cumulative percent complete of the forecast

• Final totals

MK03_08r Serenade 5.0 March 2015