SKU Primary Location Mismatch Report

Purpose: Use this report to review primary pickable locations in the warehouse specified on the Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen that are defined as a primary primary location for one or more items/SKUs in the SKU table, but are not associated with any records in the Item Location table for the specified warehouse.

How to print: Complete the Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: Items display on this report in ascending item number, SKU code sequence.

Whs: The code and description for the warehouse you selected on the Print Primary Capacity Reports Screen. From Warehouse in the SKU table and Warehouse name in the Warehouse table.

Item: A code for the item that has the location defined as its primary primary location. From ITM Number in the SKU table.

SKU: The SKU code for the item that has the location defined as its primary primary location. From SKU Code in the SKU table.

Description: A description of the item. From Description in the Item table.

Primary Location: The location defined as the item’s primary primary location, but that is not associated with any records in the Item Location table for the specified warehouse.

PPCRr Serenade 5.0 March 2015