H.323 Service Modes

When you set the H.323 service mode, you configure parameters that define what type of service an H.323 interface provides. These parameters govern how the interface functions when you want it to behave as a gatekeeper or as a gateway.

This is also where you set options that support particular H.323 features for a specific interface. These options are different from the ones you set in the global H.323 configuration because they apply only to the interface where you specify them.

H.232 Service Modes Configuration

These are the ACLI parameters that you set:

isgateway             Enable the stack to run as a gateway
registration-ttl      Number of seconds before the registration becomes invalid
terminal-alias        List of aliases for terminal
auto-gk-discovery     Enable automatic gatekeeper discovery
multicast             RAS multicast address
gatekeeper            Gatekeeper's address and port
gk-identifier         Gatekeeper's identifier
h245-tunneling        Enable H.245 Tunneling support
prefixes              List of supported prefixes
process-registration  Enable Registration Request processing
allow-anonymous       allowed requests from H.323 realm

To configure the service mode for the H.323 interface:

  1. allow-anonymous—Enter the admission control of anonymous connections from an H.323 realm accepted and processed by this H.323 stack. The default value is all. The valid values are:
    • all—Allow all anonymous connections

    • agents-only—Allow requests from session agents only

    • realm-prefix—Allow session agents and addresses matching the realm prefix

  2. is-gateway—To use this interface as an H.323 gateway, leave this parameter set to enabled, its default value. If you want to use this interface as an H.323 gatekeeper, set this parameter to disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  3. terminal-alias—Enter a list of one or more aliases that identify the H.323 interface. This value is either the gateway alias or the gatekeeper identifier, depending on the mode you configure for the interface. The aliases are set in the sourceInfo information element of outgoing ARQs.

Configuring Gateway Only Settings

If you are using the H.323 interface as a gateway, you might want to set registration time-out and address prefix parameters.

To configure gateway only settings:

  1. registration-ttl—Enter the number of seconds before a registration becomes invalid. This value is used during the initial registration process. However, when a registration is confirmed, the time-to-live (TTL) value set by the gatekeeper in the Registration Confirm (RCF) message overrides this value. The default value is 120. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—4294967295

  2. prefixes—Enter a list of prefixes for this H.323 interface. Possible prefix types include:
    • H.323 ID | E.164 | URL | IPv4 address

      These prefixes are sent from a gateway interface to a gatekeeper and indicate valid prefixes accepted by that interface for incoming calls. They are used if the interface is configured as a gateway (the is-gateway parameter is set to enabled).

      Your entries for this parameter must appear as they do in the following example:

      e164=17817566800 url=http://www.companyname.com
      h323-ID=xyz email=user@companyname.com

Gatekeeper Proxy Settings

If you are using the H.323 stack as a gatekeeper proxy, you might want to set:

  • Whether registration processing is enabled or disabled
  • Whether or not this H.323 interface is signaling-only
  • At what H.225 call stage the H.245 procedures should be initiated

    To configure gatekeeper proxy settings:

  1. process-registration—To have the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller drop all RRQs, meaning that it does not acknowledge any requests, leave this parameter set to disabled, its default. To have the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller process any RRQs that arrive on this H.323 interface, set this parameter to enabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

      When registration processing is enabled and the Oracle Communications Session Border Controllerreceives an RRQ on this H.323 interface, it will route the request to the appropriate gatekeeper. After the gatekeeper confirms that registration with an RCF, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller also confirms it with the endpoint that sent the RRQ. Then the registration becomes part of the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s registration cache. If this endpoint does not confirm the registration, then the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will reject the registration with an RRJ and will not cache it.

  2. proxy-mode—Set this field to the proxy mode that you want to use for the signaling only operation mode. Valid values are:
    • H.225 | H.245

      You can leave this field blank (default) if you are not using a proxy mode.

  3. h245-stage—Set this field to the stage at which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller transfers the H.245 address to the remote side of the call, or acts on the H.245 address sent by the remote side. The default value is connect. Valid values are:
    • Setup | Alerting | Connect | Proceeding | Early | Facility | noh245 | Dynamic