Customizing Your ACLI Settings

This section describes several ways you can customize the way you log into the ACLI and the way the ACLI displays information. Where applicable, these descriptions also contain instructions for configuration.

Disabling the Second Login Prompt

With this feature enabled, the OCSBC logs you in as a Superuser (i.e., in administrative mode) regardless of your configured privilege level for an SSH session. However, if you log via SSH, you still need to enter the password for local or RADIUS authentication.

Disabling the Second Login Prompt Configuration

You disable the second login prompt in the authentication configuration.

To disable the second login prompt:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type security and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# security
  3. Type authentication and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(security)# authentication
  4. login-as-admin—Set this parameter to enabled if you want users to be logged automatically in Superuser (administrative) mode. The default for this parameter is disabled.
  5. Save and activate your configuration.

Persistent ACLI more Parameter

To make using the ACLI easier, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller provides a paging feature controlled through the ACLI cli more command (which you can set to enabled or disabled). Disabled by default, this feature allows you to control how the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller displays information on your screen during a console or SSH session. This command sets the paging feature on a per session basis.

Customers who want to set the paging feature so that settings persist across sessions with the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller can set a configuration parameter that controls the paging feature. Enabling this parameter lets you set your preferences once rather than having to reset them each time you initiate a new session with the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

Persistent ACLI more Parameter Configuration

To set the persistent behavior of the ACLI more feature across sessions:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type system and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# system
  3. Type system-config and press Enter.
    ORACLE(system)# system-config

    If you are adding this feature to an existing configuration, you need to select the configuration (using the ACLI select command) before making your changes.

  4. cli-more—Set this parameter to enabled if you want the ACLI more paging feature to work persistently across console or SSH sessions with the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. If you want to continue to set this feature on a per session basis, leave this parameter set to disabled (default).
  5. Save and activate your configuration.

Customized Login Banner

A text file can be put on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller to be used as a banner to be printed before each login. The file must be called /code/banners/banner.txt. The contents of this file will be printed before each User Access Verification login sequence. The limits are that no more than 79 characters per line and no more than 20 lines from the banner.txt file will be printed.

The banner.txt file used for the ACLI customized login banner has to be saved in the /code/banners directory. If that directory does not already exist on your system, you do not have to create the directory prior to placing the banner file because the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will create it upon boot if it does not exist.