show ext-band-mgr

The show ext-band-mgr command has been augmented to include the Register and DeRegister counts. For example:

ORACLE# show ext-band-mgr
EBM Status                 -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Client Trans          0       0       0          7       4       1
Server Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
Sockets               1       1       0          1       1       1
Connections           0       0       0          1       1       1
                           ---- Lifetime ----
                    Recent      Total  PerMax
Reserve                  0          0       0
Modify                   0          0       0
Commit                   0          4       2
Remove                   0          2       1
Register                   1          1        1
DeRegister               1          1        1
EBM Requests             0          6       3
EBM Installs             0          6       3
EBM Req. Errors          0          0       0
EBM Rejects              0          0       0
EBM Expires              0          0       0
EBMD Errors              0          0       0