Replace Header Configuration

Replaces: header support is configured in the session-agent, realm, or sip-interface via the sip-profile configuration element. sip-profiles are defined once and attached to a chosen interface, realm or session-agent.

The replace-dialogs parameter is set to either enabled or disabled. In addition, you may set this parameter to inherit which uses the next lower order of precedence object. If there are no sip-profiles referenced in the higher ordered object, or if all the replace-dialogs parameters are set to inherit, then the feature is disabled.

To configure Replaces: header support:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-profile and press Enter. If you are adding this feature to an existing configuration, then remember you must select the configuration you want to edit.
    ORACLE (session-router)# sip-profile
  4. replace-dialogs—Set this parameter to enabled to enable Replaces: header support. A replaces parameter is also inservted in the Supported: header as sent into the realm where this sip profile is applied. You may also set this parameter to inherit for the element which this sip-profile is applied to, to inheret the value from the next-lower element.
  5. Type done to save your work and continue.