ACLI Instructions and Examples

ATCF functionality requires configuration in the sip-config and sip-interface configuration elements.

  1. Access the sip-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config
  2. atcf-stn-sr—Enter the value of the Session Transfer Interface, Single Radio (STN-SR). Your entry will resemble this example: tel:+1-237-555-9999. This value will be included in the g.3gpp.atcf media feature tag that the ATCF allocates in the REGISTER message.
  3. atcf-psi-dn—Enter the value to use for the Public Service Identity Domain Name (PSI-DN). Your entry will resemble this example: If configured, this value will be included in the g.3gpp.atcf media feature tag that the ATCF allocates in the REGISTER message. If you leave this parameter blank, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will set this value to the SIP interface accress.
  4. atcf-route-to-sccas—If you leave this parameter set to disabled (default), the handover update, an INVITE, is routed to the IMS Core. If you set this parameter to enabled, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will route the handover update directly to the Service Centralization and Continuity Application Server (SCC-AS).
  5. Type done to save your configuration.

Continue to and select the existing sip-interface configuration element targeted for this ATCF configuration:

ORACLE(sip-config)# exit
ORACLE(session-router)# sip-interface
ORACLE(sip-interface)# select
1: public

selection: 1
  1. sip-atcf-feature—Change this parameter from disabled (default) to enabled to turn on ATCF functionality for the ingress SIP interface.
  2. Type done to save your configuration.