Boot Parameters

Boot parameters specify the information that your device uses at boot time when it prepares to run applications.

This section explains how to view, edit, and implement device’s boot parameters, and boot flags. Boot parameters:

  • Allow you to set the IP address for the management interface (wancom0).
  • Allow you to set a system prompt. The target name parameter also specifies the title name displayed in your web browser and SNMP device name parameters.
  • Specify the software image to boot and from where the system boots that image.


You must configure all three components of an IPv6 address, including address, mask and gateway, in your system's boot parameters for wancom0 addressing. Configure the mask as a forslash (/) after the address followed by the mask in number of bits. The system requires all three components for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery to work properly.

Boot flags are arguments to a specific boot parameter, and allow functional settings, such as the use of DHCP for acquiring a management port address, as well as various diagnostic startup configurations.

Configuring boot parameters has repercussions on your system’s physical and network interface configurations. When you configure these interfaces, you can set values that might override the boot parameters.

The bootparam configuration list is shown below.

[Acme Boot]: p
Boot File        : /boot/bzImage
IP Address       :
VLAN             :
Netmask          :
Gateway          :
IPv6 Address     : 3fff:ac4:6001:0:208:25ff:fe05:f470/64
IPv6 Gateway     : 3fff:ac4:6001::ac4:6001
Host IP          :
FTP username     :
FTP password     :
Flags            : 0x00000040
Target Name      : ORACLE
Console Device   : COM1
Console Baudrate : 115200
Other            :

[Acme Boot]: ?
 ?                     - print this list
 @                     - boot (load and go)
 p                     - print boot params
 c                     - change boot params
 v                     - print boot logo with version
 r                     - reboot
 s                     - show license information

Boot Parameter Definitions

The system displays all boot parameters when you configure them after a boot interrupt. The system hides some boot parameters from the ACLI so that you do not attempt to configure them. If changed improperly, these parameters can cause the system to sop responding.

The following table defines each of the parameters that the system displays when you perform configuration after a boot interrupt.

Boot Parameter Description
Boot File The name and path of the software image you are booting. Include the absolute path for a local boot from the local /boot volume and for a net boot when a path on the FTP server is needed.
IP Address IP address of wancom0.
VLAN VLAN of management network over which this address is accessed.

Note: VLANs over management interfaces are not supported on the Acme Packet 4600, Acme Packet 3900, and Acme Packet 6xxx.

Netmask Netmask portion of the wancom0 IP Address.
Gateway Network gateway that this wancom0 interface uses.
IPv6 address Version 6 IP address/mask of wancom0. Configure the mask as a forslash (/) after the address followed by the mask in number of bits.
IPv6 Gateway Version 6 network gateway that this wancom0 interface uses.
Host IP IP Address of FTP server from which to download and execute a software image.
FTP Username FTP server username
FTP password FTP server password
Flags Codes that signal the system from where to boot. Also signals the system about which file to use in the booting process. This sequence always starts with 0x (these flags are hexadecimal).
Target Name Name of the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller as it appears in the system prompt. For example, ORACLE> or ORACLE#. You need to know the target name if you are setting up an HA node.

This name must be unique among Oracle Communications Session Border Controllers in your network. This name can be 63 characters or less.

Console Device Serial output device type, dependent on platform. COM1 applies to virtual serial consoles, VGA to virtual video console. VGA is the default on VMware and KVM. COM1 is the default on OVM .
Console Baud Rate The speed in bits per second which the console port operates at. It operates at 115200 BPS, 8 data bits, no stop bit, parity NONE.
Other Allows miscellaneous and deployment-specific boot settings.

Boot Flags

Boot flags enable system boot behavior(s). The user can set a single flag, or add hex digits to set multiple flags.

  • 0x00000008 Bootloader ~7 seconds countdown
  • 0x00000040 Autoconfigure wancom0 via DHCP enable - VM platforms only
  • 0x00000080 Use TFTP protocol (instead of FTP) enable - VM platforms only
  • 0x00000100 Bootloader ~1 seconds quick countdown - VM platforms only
The following boot flags should only be used as directed by Oracle support:
  • 0x00000001 acme.ko network module security override
  • 0x00000002 Kernel debug enable
  • 0x00000004 Crashdump disable
  • 0x00000010 Debug sshd enable
  • 0x00000020 Debug console enable getty
  • 0x00001000 Userspace debug enable
  • 0x00100000 Uniprocessor enable (SMP disable)
  • 0x20000000 Fail-safe boot enable
  • 0x40000000 Process startup disable (flatspin mode)

Never enter any other values without the direction of Oracle support. Some diagnostic flags are not intended for normal system operation.