LIR/LIA Transaction

The LIR includes the Public-User-Identity AVP containing the request URI from the SIP request. The HSS responds with the assigned S-CSCF server (a Oracle Communications Session Border Controlleri) for this PUID. The answer is the form of a Location Info Answer (LIA) and is in the Server Name AVP. If the S-CSCF specified in this AVP is not the current Oracle Communications Session Border Controlleri, then the INVITE is forwarded to the address specified in the LIR.

If the S-CSCF returned in the LIR is this Oracle Communications Session Border Controlleri, then the AoR from the request URI is found in the registration cache and the message is forwarded to that endpoint. When the registration cache entry does not exist or is invalid, local policy processing continues with the next policy-attribute following "stop-recurse" rules. If there are no other routes, then a 404 is sent to the UA who sent the INVITE.

The LIR LIA Transaction call flow is described above.