Configuring Transcoding

Codec Policy Configuration

Transcoding is configured by creating codec policies and referencing them from a realm configuration.

ACLI Configuration Instructions

The parameters that you can configure are name, allow-codecs, add-codecs-on-egress, order-codecs, and ptime. The following section provides brief explanations of how these parameters work, and how you configure each of them.


A single codec policy can be reused for any number of realms.

To access the configuration parameters for codec policies:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type media-manager and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
  3. Type codec-policy and press Enter.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# codec-policy

    From this point, you can start configuring your codec policy.

Naming Codec Policies

The codec policy’s name is important not only because it uniquely identifies the policy, but because it is the name you will enter into your realm configuration’s codec-policy parameter. It is important to apply the correct policy to the appropriate realm.

To set the codec policy’s name:

  1. name—Set the name for this codec policy, and note it for future reference when you apply codec policies to realms. This parameter is required, and has no default.
    ORACLE(codec-policy)# name private

Removing Allowing and Adding Codecs

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller removes and allows codecs using the allow-codecs parameter. Refer to the Codec Policy Definition section of this chapter for configuration information.

  • allow-codecs—The allow-codecs parameter takes a list of codecs that you want to pass through the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller and can explicitly allow them to remain in the SDP for the next step; codecs not matching the items on this list are removed. This parameter is required.
  • add-codecs-on-egress—The add-codecs-on-egress parameter sets the codecs that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller adds to an offer if that codec is not already there. This parameter applies only to the egress policy.

    For allow-codecs, order-codecs, and add codecs to codec policies:

You can configure and edit these two transcoding parameters as ACLI lists, meaning that there are add and delete commands associated with each. You type the name of the parameter, choose the operation you want to perform on the list (adding or deleting), and then specify the data that you want to add or remove.

The examples in the procedure that follows show you how to add to the lists you are configuring. To remove items from the allow-codecs list, simply replace the add command you see in these example with delete and the items you want to remove.

If you want to overwrite previous values, you can enter the command, a Space and the items in the list enclosed in quotes (“).

  1. allow-codecs—Enter a list of codecs that are allowed to pass through the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. Use the syntax in the Transcodable Codecs section of this chapter. To allow all codecs, enter an asterisk (*).
    ORACLE(codec-policy)# allow-codecs *

    When multiple items are added, enclose them in quotes. For example:

    ORACLE(codec-policy)# allow-codecs G729 G711 AMR
  2. add-codecs-on-egress—Enter the codecs that you want added to the SDP offer for the egress codec policy. If you leave this parameter blank, then the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller will not add codecs to the SDP answer. This parameter cannot be wildcarded; other possible value are listed in the Transcodable Codecs section of this chapter.
    ORACLE(codec-policy)# add-codecs-on-egress G729

    If you need to modify the list of configured codecs, you must enter the complete list at once.

Ordering Codecs

Codec policy can specify the order that codecs appear in the SDP offer or answer.

To configure an order which codecs appear in the offer:

  1. order-codecs—Enter the order in which you want codecs to appear in the SDP offer or answer. You can enter them in any of the ways described in the preceding explanation.
    ORACLE(codec-policy)# order-codecs G711 * G729

Transrating Configuration

The following procedure explains how to configure transrating for a codec policy. This codec policy must be applied as an egress codec policy.

To configure forced ptime for a codec policy:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type media-manager and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
  3. Type network-parameters and press Enter.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# codec-policy
  4. If you are adding support for this feature to a pre-existing configuration, then you must select the specific configuration instance, using the ACLI select command.
    ORACLE(codec-policy)# select 1

    You can now configure forced ptime.

  5. force-ptime—Set this parameter to enabled to enable forced ptime for this codec policy.
  6. packetization-time—Enter the ptime in ms to use in the realm where this codec policy is active. Valid values are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 ms. The default value is 20 ms.
  7. Save your work using the ACLI done command.

Applying a Codec Policy to a Realm

Once you have configured a codec policy, you apply it to a realm by configuration name.

To apply a codec policy to a realm:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type media-manager and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
  3. Type realm-config and press Enter.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# realm-config
  4. codec-policy—Enter the name of the codec policy that you want to apply to this realm. This value is the same as the one you entered in the name parameter for the codec policy you want to use for this realm. There is no default for this parameter.
    ORACLE(realm-config)# codec-policy private

Media Profile Configuration

Media profiles must be created and then defined when you want to override the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s default media profiles.

ACLI Configuration Instructions and Examples

The parameters that you can configure are name, allow-codecs, add-codecs-on-egress, order-codecs, and ptime. The following section provides brief explanations of how these parameters work, and how you configure each of them.

Creating User-Defined Ptime per Codec

To change the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s default ptime for a specific codec, you must create a media profile configuration element. In the parameter parameter, you set the ptime to the value of your choosing.


The frames-per-packet parameter in the media profile configuration element is NOT used for setting a user defined ptime for that codec.

To configure a new ptime value for a codec:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type media-profile and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# media-profile

    If you are adding ptime to a pre-existing media profile, then you must select (using the ACLI select command) the configuration that you want to edit. If you are adding ptime to an undefined media profile, you must create it first.

  4. name—Type the name of the codec for which you are creating a new default ptime.
    ORACLE(media-profile)# name pcmu
  5. payload-type—Enter the well-known payload type for this codec.
    ORACLE(media-profile)# payload-type 0
  6. parameter—Set the ptime by typing parameter, a Space, ptime=, the new ptime value. Then press Enter. For example:
    ORACLE(media-profile)# parameter ptime=40
  7. Save your work using the ACLI done command.