SIP Number Normalization

This section explains the SIP number normalization feature that applies to the SIP To URI. (Currently the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller supports number normalization on From and To addresses for both inbound and outbound call legs.) Number normalization includes add, delete, and replace string functions that result in consistent number formats.

Number normalization is supported for the following call types:

  • SIP to SIP
  • H.323 to SIP

Number normalization applies to the SIP To URI. It occurs on ingress traffic, prior to the generation of accounting records or local policy lookups. RADIUS CDR attributes are populated with the normalized numbers. Local policy matching is based on the normalized numbers.


The following lists explains the terminology used later.

  • X is any digit having the value 0 through 9
  • N is any digit having the value 2 through 9
  • 0/1 is a digit having the value of either 0 or 1
  • NXX is a form of Numbering Plan Area (NPA).
  • CC is a 1, 2, or 3 digit country code used in international dialing
  • NN is a national number that can be a four to fourteen digit national number used in international dialing, where the combination of CC+NN is a 7 to 15 digit number.
  • + symbol in E.164 indicates that an international prefix is required
  • E.164 numbers are globally unique, language independent identifiers for resources on Public Telecommunication Networks that can support many different services and protocols.
  • N11 number is any of the three-digit dialing codes in the form N11 used to connect users to special services, where N is a digit between 2 and 9

Calls from IP Endpoints

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses the following number normalization rules:

  • North American Numbering Plan (NANP) calls: where a number with the format 1NPANXXXXXX is received, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller adds a plus sign (+) as a prefix to the NANP number. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller also adds the string ;user=phone after the host IP address in the SIP URI. For example:
  • International NWZ1 calls: Oracle Communications Session Border Controller receives an international call with the format 011CCNN. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller deletes the 011 prefix and adds a plus sign (+) as a prefix to CC+NN; and also adds the string ;user=phone after the host IP address in the SIP URI. For example:
  • Private number calls: when a private number with the format nxxxx (where n=2 through 9) is received, no number normalization is applied by the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.
  • Calls to numbers such as N11, 0-, 0+, 00-, and 01+: the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller adds ;phone-context=+1 after the number and also adds the string ;user=phone after the host IP address in the SIP URI. For example:
  • Calls with numbers that are already normalized are not modified by the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

Calls from IP Peer Network

For calls received from external peer networks, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller uses the following number normalization rules:

  • Global numbers such as NANP and international E.164 numbers should have already been normalized. If not, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller applies the same number normalization rules listed in the prior section.
  • Calls to numbers such as N11, 0-, 0+, 00-, and 01+: the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller adds ;phone-context=+1 after the number and also adds the string ;user=phone (if absent) after the host IP address in the SIP URI.

SIP Number Normalization Configuration

You can configure SIP number normalization for the realm and session agent using the ACLI.


To configure SIP number normalization for a realm:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type media-manager and press Enter to access the media-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
  3. Type realm-config and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# realm-config
  4. You can either add SIP number normalization support to a new session agent configuration or to an existing session agent configuration:
    • For a new realm configuration, add the option by typing options, a Space, and then number-normalization.

      ORACLE(realm-config)# options number-normalization
    • For an existing realm configuration without any options already configured, select the realm, type options followed by a Space, and then number-normalization.

      ORACLE(realm-config)# select
      ORACLE(realm-config)# options number-normalization
    • For an existing realm configuration with other options, select the realm, type options followed by a Space, the plus sign (+), and the number-normalization option.

      ORACLE(realm-config)# select
      ORACLE(realm-config)# options +number-normalization
  5. Save your work using the ACLI save or done command.

Session Agent

To configure SIP number normalization for a session agent:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the media-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent
  4. You can either add SIP number normalization support to a new session agent configuration or to an existing session agent configuration:
    • For a new a session agent configuration, add the option by typing options, a Space, and then number-normalization.

      ORACLE(session-agent)# options number-normalization
    • For an existing session agent configuration without any options already configured, select the session agent, type options followed by a Space, and then number-normalization.

      ORACLE(session-agent)# select
      ORACLE(session-agent)# options number-normalization
    • For an existing session agent configuration with other options, select the session agent, type options followed by a Space, the plus sign (+), and the number-normalization option.

      ORACLE(session-agent)# select
      ORACLE(session-agent)# options +number-normalization
  5. Save your work using the ACLI save or done command.